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ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺

ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺

[Sorry Doesn't Fix Things]

"Get back here!" You shouted, running down the hall and down the stairs after Mikey, his laughter echoing throughout the house as he waved the toy you had been playing with around in the air.

He ran into the kitchen where Shinichiro was preparing lunch, Emma quietly sitting at the table, her eyes widening at the sight of Mikey charging in with you following after, attempting to grab hold of the blonde haired male.

"You'll never catch me, Y/N!" Mikey laughed, stopping behind Emma's chair, waving the toy in your face before dashing back out into the living room and out the door to outside.

"Hey! Why can't you two get along in the mornings?!" Shinichiro shouted, rolling his eyes at the two of you, having experienced this every single morning since you had been staying with them.

"It's all your brother's fault!" You huffed, glaring at the doorway where Mikey had escaped from, arms crossing over your chest as you sat in the seat next to Emma, quietly pouting to yourself.

"Go hit him or something... I'm sure that'll teach him not to take your toys." Shinichiro mumbled, attention fully focused onto the stove as he stirred the food in the pan.

"Yeah, okay... I guess I can try that!" You smiled up at the oldest Sano sibling before jumping out of the chair and after Mikey.

"U-um... Are you sure that's what she should do?" Emma nervously asked, small hands fidgeting in her lap as she looked up to her older brother.

"Who should do what?" Shinichiro asked, turning his head around, glancing down at Emma confused, setting the wooden spoon that was in his hand down as he took a seat on the other side of the young, blonde girl.

"Manjirooo!" You shouted as you ran through the door to outside, finding Mikey sitting in the grass, holding the toy with a proud smile on his face. "Give me my toy back or else I'll hit you!" You threatened, standing in front of the boy who's smile turned into a cocky smirk.

"You actually think you could hit me?" Mikey chuckled, pushing himself up off the ground, he shoved the toy you were desperately trying to get back into the pocket of his shorts. "I'd like to see you try!"

"If I win, I get the toy back." You declared, taking a step back and raising your hands, clenching them into tiny fists.

"And if I win, then I get to keep the toy and you have to spend the rest of the day with me and Baji!" He got into his own fighting position, Shinichiro and Emma stepping out onto the porch, eyes widening as they saw the both of you running towards each other with raised fists.

"You're on, Manjiro!"

"I won't lose, Y/N!"

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The fight had resumed just as quickly as it had been interrupted, Taiju driving through the crowd, looking for Takemichi, while you made a beeline straight for Mikey.

And as expected, people had gotten in your path, stopping you from getting to their leader, already knowing that your plan was to strike at him first. You glared at each of them as they formed a circle around you, this time there was no escape route for you to take, meaning you'd have to fight head on.

Right as you were about to charge towards one of the guys as fist came flying from behind, knocking him to the ground. You jumped back startled, the male's body falling forwards towards you, allowing you to see Mitsuya as the cause.

"Nice uniform." He spoke, nodding his head towards you as you turned around, Mitsuya putting his back against yours, ready to have your back if things go wrong.

"Thanks, some asshole left it at my door." You smirked, throwing your shoulder back to nudge the lilac haired male, a quiet chuckle escaping his lips at your response.

"I deserve that." His gaze hardened as he switched focus from you to the enemies in front of him. "Are you ready?"

"Hell yeah." The both of you charged towards your respected side of enemies, your fist landed against one's cheek while another attempted to punch you in the side of the face. Leaning your head back, his arm went flying right in front of your face, leaning forward you opened your mouth, teeth latching onto the male's arm, mouth instantly getting a taste of the fabric of his jacket.

"That hurts, you bitch!" The male yelled, attempting to swing his other fist in your direction, knuckles just barely touching the tip of your nose while trying to shake his other arm free. "Get off of me!" He yanked his arms back, tearing the sleeve of his jacket where your teeth had been attached to, revealing the skin underneath, showing the indents of your teeth in his skin, blood beading out of the small wound.

You spat the piece of fabric to the ground, glancing out of the corner of your eye to see Mitsuya struggling against one of his taller opponents. A sigh fell past your lips as your attention darted back to those in front of you, you began to run to the right, attempting to get past them, but at the last moment took a sharp left, now standing right behind them.

Your leg raised, kicking one in the back, sending him flying forwards into some other fight, getting hit on both sides of his face at the same time. The other one in front of you stood in shock for a moment too long, allowing you to knock him to the ground face first, getting a mouth full of dirt and tiny rocks. You kicked your leg forward into his face, blood spurting out of his nose from the impact.

With both of your opponents now down, you quickly made your way behind Mitsuya's, your hands grabbed hold of the male's shoulder, pulling him backwards until his legs gave out underneath him, allowing Mitsuya to finally get a good hit on the male.

"Thanks." Mitsuya said, raising his arm to wipe away the blood that had fallen from his lip. You nodded your head in his direction, eyes meeting with him briefly before moving further into the fight, quickly spotting Mikey standing at the very back. His eyes were locked onto you, watching your every movement as you tried to make your way closer towards him.

"Oi." You paused in your tracks, head slowly turning to the side, a tall figure approaching you. "I've been waiting for you."

Your eyes landed on Hanma, instantly noticing the differences from the last time you saw him. His hair was now shorter, unlike the long shag he had last time, he had ditched those roughed up clothes for the Kantou Manji uniform, wide smirk as he pointing a finger at you, 'sin' staring your straight in the face.

"I am not here for you, Hanma." You said, going to walk past him, but the male had other ideas. Stepping foot in the face of your path, his smirk lowered into a scowl, eyebrows furrowed as he glared at you.

"You never seem to want anything to do with me, why is that?" He asked, his feet taking the lead as he took slow strides towards you, stopping when he stood right in front of you.

"Do I need to remind you of what you did?" Hanma deeply frowned at your answer, finding himself becoming confused by your actions.

"Then why are you always trying to get to Mikey?" He yelled, teeth clenching in anger as his body shook, "Why is it always Mikey, and never me!? Did I not hurt you enough to make you come after me like you do with Mikey!?" Your hands landed on your shoulders, pushing you to the ground with him falling on top, hands wrapped around your throat as he squeezed out his frustrations.

Your airway getting blocked off making you choke out desperately, hands trying to pry his own off of you before you could pass out.

"Why..." His voice lowered as his face neared yours, forcing you to look into his wide, bloodshot eyes, "Why don't you ever choose me?" After he had finished his question, you found enough energy to lift your knee, hitting Hanma in the groin making him topple over to the side, groaning out in pain.

"I did choose you, Hanma, until you decided to pick Kisaki over me." Your arm reeled back before striking Hanma across the face, his eyes slowly blinking as he tried to keep conscious. "Now stay out of my way."

You turned around, walking away from Hanma who could only hazily lift his head, eyes weakly following your form as you approached Mikey, glaring at the blonde haired male who you were so determined to fight.

He had felt a different kind of hurt in that moment, one that he couldn't put into words even if he tried.

He had finally realized that you would never go back to him.

You would never willingly choose him anymore.

Without any more disturbances, you were able to make it to Mikey, stopping just a few feet away from him. You could feel your blood pumping, heart racing, excitement taking over as you locked eyes with the male who had taken away a part of your life.

Mikey's face remained emotionless, the corner of his lips tilted down into a slight frown, dull eyes staring back into yours.

"Y/N." He spoke, voice softer than you had expected it to sound, "Why didn't you tell anyone about what happened?" He stayed in his current spot, not bothering to move except for the occasional glare over your shoulder, daring those trying to sneak up behind you to make a move.

"You know... Draken asked me the very same question." You dryly chuckled, thinking back to the night you had met up with Draken. "And you wanna know what I told him?" You paused, taking a moment to glance around, noticing how everyone was too caught up in their own fights to notice the both of you. "I wasn't ready, Mikey." You continued, "You really think I could just openly talk about what they did to me not even a full 24 hours after?"

Mikey kept silent, taking in your response with a blank face.

"Would you have listened to me if I told you I wasn't ready to talk about it? Because I don't think you would have, you would have still done what you did, and we would still be standing here today. You wanna know why I know all of this? It's because you can't fucking control yourself, Manjiro. The moment someone does something you don't like or doesn't listen to you, you decide that you're done with them and throw them out." You rolled your eyes, letting out a sigh as Mikey remained the exact same, only instead of firing back with another question, or response, he kept silent.

He studied your form, seeing how your shoulders were tense, standing on guard as if you were prepared for any sudden movement from him.

"I don't want to fight you anymore, Y/N." He said, breaking his silence, your eyes widened slightly at his words, taking a hesitant step back, startled by the honesty in his words.

"What the fuck do you mean you don't want to fight me?" You were offended by his statement, and it was clear in your expression. Lips were cast down into a scowl, glaring at the blonde haired male across from you, trying to take slow, deep breaths to calm yourself, but it didn't seem to work.

"I regret my actions from back then, but I cannot change history." Mikey said, that same emotionless look still playing across his face, one that you couldn't read to know if he was being honest or not, but that didn't matter.

"I... You think I'm going to forgive you because you said you're sorry?" Tears began to prick the corner of your eyes, your guard dropping, making some of the Kantou Manji members behind you smirk, nudging each other in satisfaction knowing that their leader would for sure win this fight. "You think saying sorry will erase all they did to me? All you did to me? All the hurt and anger that I've been holding up inside, you think saying sorry will erase all of that?"

Your gaze fell to the ground beneath your feet, tears clouding your vision as you angrily clenched your fists by your side. The sound of footsteps approaching you invaded your senses, soon finding another pair of boots directly in front of yours. Your head shot up to see Mikey, one of his arms lifting, hand landing on your shoulder, patting it softly as your face twisted into a look of confusion.

"You know... Takemichi asked me something." You started, staring into Mikey's dark eyes, finding the answer to your questions, "He asked me if I missed when I would fight just for the fun of it... But that's the thing, I never did. I alway fought for you, for the others, for the ones I thought were my friends. But I've... Had time to think, and I think I want to try fighting for fun, you know?" As soon as you finished your sentence you pulled your arm back, punching Mikey across the face, catching him off guard as he stumbled back, barely able to catch his balance before he could fall over.

"You're on, Y/N."

"I won't lose this time, Manjiro."

ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺


For those who wanted to see my rendition of Y/N, here it it... 👇👇👇

( This is just how I saw Y/N as, you are all free to see her however you want :) )
