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ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺

ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺


"What. The. Fuck." You stared at the large spider crawling up the wall behind the couch, its long legs moving it in quick speed, heading straight for the ceiling.

When you had received a text from Hanma during your encounter with the Black Dragons, saying it was an emergency, you had expected the apartment to be on fire. Or for him to have been badly injured, but no, it was all because of the spider trying to become your new roommate.

"I told you it was an emergency..." Hanma whispered, trying to hide behind your form, as if he was being targeted by the hairy spider. "It just showed up out of nowhere."

"And you decided I was the best option to deal with this thing?" You scoffed, turning your head to the side, your noses now touching, making you realize just how close the both of you actually were. His hands clutched onto your arm, body flush against yours, allowing you to feel the heat his body was producing. Recalling what had happened between the two of you not too long ago you could feel your heart quicken its pace for just a moment before going back to normal, ignoring that feeling you tried to find the words to say, but it seemed that your roommate had other thoughts at the moment.

"He's coming towards us! Kill him!!" Hanma yelled, pointing at the spider now crawling on the roof, right for you both.

"Uhhhh..... No, this is your problem to deal with." You said, trying to push him off, but he wouldn't budge.

"No! You can't leave me here alone with it!" Hanma cried out dramatically, throwing his body onto yours making the both of you topple over onto the floor. "It'll eat me alive!"

"Shut up, have fun with your new friend." You groaned, pushing his body off of yours, you stood up and walked out the front door. Leaving Hanma behind with his new friend, surely they'll get along after a while.

"Well, that was a waste. Hopefully Takemichi and Hina were able to get home safely." You began to walk down the hall, stopping when the elevator doors opened revealing Kisaki, his phone in hand, grumbling nonsense about Hanma. You didn't bother to move out of the way, watching him continue typing on his phone without paying attention to where he was walking, letting him bump into your shoulder, finally gaining his attention to look up.



You sent each other a fake smile, before they fell, glaring at one other in the middle of the hallways.

"Why did Hanma text me about an emergency if you were already here?" He asked, putting his phone away, not bothering to reply to any more of Hanma's texts.

"Because I didn't want to deal with his emergency." You said, stepping to the side to walk around him. You stopped, feeling his hand wrap around your upper arm, turning your head you could see the pure evil hiding deep behind his mask. "You know, Tetta, If I were you, I would try to hide the fact that I'm trying to tear Toman down. You really aren't the best at acting, seeing as I'm not the only one that figured it out."

"What do you mean?" Kisaki asked, tilting his head to the side in faux confusion. "Why would I try to take down the gang I'm in? Now that just doesn't sound like a very smart thing to do."

"And I thought you were supposed to be smart... What a shame. Anyways, I have places to be, someone in particular I need to see." You shook his hand off your arm, "Have fun with Shuji." You called, stepping into the elevator and pressing the button for the bottom floor, looking up with your eyes locked with Kisaki's who still stood in the same place.

Just a little longer.


Though you had been here many times, not once had you ever gone inside. Instead opting to stay on the outside, pretending like you had the guts to actually go in and talk to him.

But not today.

Today you walked right through the gates and told the guard who you wanted to see, and as he led you down the hall, to the room where you would see him once again. You wanted to turn back, to run away, but you knew you couldn't leave him behind anymore.

The guard opened the door for you, allowing you to walk in, already seeing the boy sitting in his chair waiting to see who was visiting him now.

"Thank you." You said to the guard, watching him close the door behind you before you walked over to the empty chair, opposite of him.

Staring up with wide, teary eyes, the boy quietly mumbled your name, not quite believing that you were actually standing in front of him.

"Kazutora..." You glanced down to your hands sitting in your lap, your fingers twiddling, trying to think of what you should say. Kazutora kept mumbling your name, letting the tears in his eyes cascade down his cheeks. "I wish I could hug you right now." You whispered, knowing he heard you from the sound of his mumbling turning into sniffles.

"What happened to you,Y/N? Where have you been? Why weren't you there when I got out... You promised you would be.." Kazutora fired question after question, wanting to know the reasons why you had stopped writing him letters alongside Baji, or why you had run away, what had happened between you and Toman.

While everyone else knew, Kazutora had been left in the dust, like usual, confused about everything that had happened while he had been locked up.

"I guess Baji never told you." You sighed, looking up to meet his confused eyes, "I should be in there with you, Tora... I'm... A monster." If you focused hard enough, you could see the reflection of someone you could no longer recognize on the glass, separating you from your once childhood friend. "I've done things that I can't reverse, and for that I should pay the consequences, right?" The look in your eyes made Kautora's body go cold. Your eyes held so much, but so little emotion at the same time, "How come I haven't been punished for my sins yet, Tora?" You could feel your cheeks dampen, tears falling from your eyes, though you didn't know why. "Why did they have to take Baji... Instead of me?"

You had been masking your emotions for so long, you didn't know what to feel anymore.

"I'm tired." You whispered, moving your focus from the reflection back to Kazutora, his own eyes widening, understanding what you truly meant by those words.

"I'm tired too." He said, placing his hand against the glass, really wishing that it wasn't separating the both of you right now. Wanting nothing more than to feel your comforting arms around him just like when you were children, and you would comfort him over his own home life.

"What are we supposed to do?" You asked, placing your own hand against his, the cold of the glass making you flinch. "We aren't supposed to be this tired, at our age..."

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