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ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺

ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺

[The Missing Piece]

Takemichi stood at the very top of the stairs, Chifuyu a few feet behind him as they stared down at the second generation of Toman's members. A frown was settled onto his face, his eyes darting between each member, recalling how he had been content with the way things were going, but he still couldn't help the small voice in the back of his head, whispering that there was still something missing.

And he knew what the missing piece was.

They all did.

"Second generation Tokyo Manji Gang kickoff meeting will now commence!" Chifuyu announced, gaining the attention of those few members who had begun their own side conversations, eyes immediately shifting towards their leader.

"First and foremost..." Takemichi let out a heavy sigh, "I'd like to apologize to all of you, I'm sorry for getting you all involved. I lost to Mikey in the battle of the three deities, it got me down... But I'm standing here now." He took a step forward, raising his head high as he spoke, "I might not have the caliber of a gang leader, and Toman's captain will always be Mikey, but during the battle of the three deities, I realized that Mikey is not the same anymore... And I want to bring the old Mikey back, but I want to win against Mikey!" Takemichi's voice raised, seeing smiles grow on the faces of his friends, "Our goal is to defeat Kantou Manji Gang! I will win, no matter what, even if I'm defeated, I won't stop!" Takemichi slowly began to descend the stairs, stopping just in front of the small group, "So all of you... Let's take back what we have given up! This isn't my fight alone, it's 'our' revenge."

"Well said, president." Chifuyu said, hand landing on Takemichi's shoulder, having followed down the stairs at some point during Takemichi's speech.

"Yeah... I just.." Takemichi trailed off, the small smile on his face disappearing as he took a step forward, feet slowly carrying him between his friends, walking towards the exits. "I need to do something before the fight..." Takemichi didn't say anything more, and he didn't have to, because they all knew what he needed to do.

The only question lingering in their heads being, will he succeed?


Once again, Takemichi found himself at the residence of the unkept house, only this time, it seemed to be a bit more lively.

And although it may have been late at night, the blonde male could see light poking through the curtains in the living room, a shadow quickly moving around on the inside. Takemichi walked up to the front door, knocking as he did last time, the door opening almost instantly, your face popping up into his view.

"Takemichi? What are you doing here?" You asked, waving a hand in front of the boy's face when he just stood there, staring off into what seemed like nothing.

But in reality, he was happy to no longer see the bags under your eyes, in different clothes than the ones you wore last time, you seemed to be doing better.

And all it took was time off from everything?

"You... You..." Takemichi stuttered out, losing his train of thought making you let out a small laugh, moving out of the doorway you allowed him to walk into the house. Taking a look around, seeing cleaning supplies on the table in the living room, the dust that would have been accumulated during your time down was now cleaned up. "I came here to... I-"

"You came here to ask me to join your gang again, right?" You cut him off, walking towards the couch with Takemichi following behind, the both of you sitting down, bodies facing each other to talk. He blinked slowly, trying to process what you had said before nodding his head. "I'm not interested, I already told you this." You reached across the table, fingers nudging past a few of the cleaning chemicals, wrapping around a pack of cigarettes and a lighter hidden in the middle of it all.

Takemichi watched with curious eyes as you pulled one out, placing it between your lips and lighting it up. You threw the pack back onto the table, index finger pulling the small ashtray closer towards you before turning your attention back to the blonde male.

"You smoke now?" He questioned, tilting his head away from you, trying to avoid the smoke you blew in his direction.

"I never really knew what Hanma was talking about, when he said that these helped with his stress..." You started, smiling at Takemichi before continuing, "And to be honest, I still don't understand, but... It takes my mind off things." You chuckled, leaning back onto the couch, head falling against the cushion as you let your eyes fall closed, for once, allowing those images to play out. "Hell, maybe these will allow me to die." You shrugged your shoulders, cracking an eye open just in time to see Takemichi frown at your response.

"Y/N... I don't want you to die... I- I can't do this without you, Y/N, I need your help to save them all."

"Yeah well you don't get to make that decision, Takemichi Hanagaki. You may be playing as a god right now, trying to save all your little friends' lives, but it's never going to happen." You sat up, setting the cigarette in the ashtray before turning your head to glare at the young boy, his eyes wide in surprise at your words. "Someone is always going to die in the end, whether it be Shinichiro, Baji, Emma, or fucking Draken! Someone is always going to die, because not everyone can be saved... You're not some kind of god, Takemichi. You're just someone that needs to go back to living their life, have a break, because you've worked too much. And... Not everyone can be saved, there's always one person who will never get to be saved, and who are you to decide they want to be saved, huh?." You pushed yourself up off the couch, grabbing your cigarette before walking over to the door, opening it and gesturing for Takemichi to leave. "Now if you could please just go, I don't want anything to do with your fight."

"But that's the thing!" Takemichi's voice raised, standing up and walking up to you, his hands landing on your shoulders, forcing you to look at him. "It's not just my fight, Y/N, it's ours. You have all this anger balled up inside of you, from everything you've been through, and you've taken it out by killing... Don't you... Don't you miss the days where you would fight just for the fun of it?"

"For the fun of it?" You scoffed, shaking his hands from your shoulder, turning your body to look out the door, the night sky hanging up above. "You didn't know me back then, Takemichi, so don't act like you do."

"Then what did you fight for? What motivated you to keep going?" Takemichi peered over your shoulder, glancing down the driveway to where he had parked his bike. "Why did you join a gang in the first place?"

"Why... Did I join?" You mumbled to yourself, their faces instantly appearing in your head. "I joined because of my friends... My old friends... They meant the world to me back then, Takemichi, they were really all I had."

"Then let's take down Kantou Manji Gang and bring the old Mikey back! I need you to come with me, Y/N... I truly can't do this without you." Your eyebrows furrowed at his words, head slowly turning towards the blonde male, one of your eyes twitching every couple seconds at the silence which fell upon you both.

"What... What do you mean the 'old' Mikey?" You asked, completely forgetting about the cigarette you had been holding for the past couple minutes, burning the tips of your fingers as it continued to burn all the way down to the end.

"Senju told me about what happened... With the toy airplane." Takemichi stated, watching how your expression changed drastically. The cigarette you had in between your fingers now resided in your fist, crushed to a tiny wadded up bit. Your eyebrows were drawn together as your lips tilted down, anger evident on your face. "If we can just... Bring the old Mikey back..."

"Why?" You asked, your hand throwing the cigarette out the door before closing it behind you, turning your full attention to Takemichi. "Why would I do that?"

"H-Huh?" He stuttered out, nervously taking small steps back when he noticed how you appeared to be getting closer to him.

"Tell me, why would I go back to the ones that threw me out like I was never their friend?" Your voice had raised slightly, but overall became more stern, more demanding, needing to know what Takemichi had to say to your question. "Sure, Mikey may have been under the influence of his dark impulse when kicked me out of the gang, but you still think I could forgive him and go back to the way shit was before, if you can even manage to bring him back? And what about the other's? What kind of excuse do they have for not helping me back then? You think I would just willingly work with them after all of that?" You ranted, raising a hand and pushing Takemichi back against the wall, hearing him let out a shaky breath, seeing the fear in his eyes put a smile on your face.


"Honestly, Takemichi... If you really think I would have just agreed to join based off the fact that you want to bring the 'old' Mikey back, then you can go fuck yourself. Now get the fuck out of my house." You pushed yourself away from him, leaving him against the wall as you walked down the hall towards your room.

Takemichi let out a deep exhale, eyes staring straight where you had been just a second ago, hearing the door to your bedroom slam shut, letting him know that there would be no more discussing this topic anymore.

He stood against the wall, silently staring at nothing for a good five minutes before he was able to collect his thoughts and process everything you had said. Taking one last look down the hall when you had gone, he thought about going after you again, but he could only fear what would happen if he were to.

So instead, he left.

Having been trying to get the missing piece he so desperately needed to defeat Mikey.

But in the end, he came out empty handed.


Once you had slammed the door behind you, you took a moment to lean back, allowing yourself to breathe through the anger coursing through you.

Your eyes snapped open, landing on the package you had found at the front door earlier in the day, the box was taped shut, not allowing you to see the inside contents. There was no name on it beside your own, letting you know that it was meant for you, but not telling who it came from.

Your feet carried you forward, stopping at the edge of the bed as you picked up the box, taking a seat where it had once been sitting. You sat the box on your lap, picking at the tape until it came loose, allowing you to tear it off of the box, the flaps flipping open, revealing what was inside.

Your eyes widened, lips parting in shock, you were unsure of what you had been expecting to see, but it definitely wasn't this. One of your hands lifted up, allowing it to feel the contents inside the box, fingers brushing against the soft fabric, a dry chuckle escaping past your lips.

"Really, Mitsuya?"

ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺

"Boss, the 'Second Generation Tokyo Manji Gang' has sent us a declaration of war." Kokonoi informed Mikey, the head members of Kantou Manji Gang sitting around, listening to the conversation as well.

"From the... Tokyo Manji?" Mikey mumbled, his head raising slightly to glance at Kokonoi.

"The president is Takemichi Hanagaki."

"I knew it... You came back." Mikey whispered to himself, the ones closest to him just barely being able to hear the faint sound of his voice, but paid no mind to it. "And? What about her?"

"I've had people look into it, they all reported back that Y/N L/N has denied Takemichi's request to join his gang." Kokonoi said, his gaze that had been focusing on Mikey shifting to Wakasa as the older male spoke up.

"It's true, before I left, she said she was done with anything gang related."

"Yeah," Mikey scoffed, lowering his head as he stared down at his hands, balling them up into fists, "She'll be there, she never backs down from a challenge."

Hanma's eyes shot towards Mikey, the mask he had covering his face did use in hiding his scowl, however his eyes still showed anger towards Mikey. Crossing one leg over the other, one of his hands moved to rest on his knee, squeezing it in excitement, thinking back to the plan he had been holding off, waiting for the right moment to proceed with.

And now that he was this close, a part of Mikey's gang.

Now he could fulfill his duty in bringing you back to him.

Because in Hanma's eyes, you needed him.

Only him.

ㄒ卄乇 ㄒㄖ爪卂几 ㄒ尺卂丨ㄒㄖ尺


I know I'm the one that wrote this... but how tf did Hanma end up yandere 
