

I slammed the car door hard enough to tell my dad that he pisses me off. That was not supposed to happen. He shouldn’t act so rashly.

I followed everything he demanded. Everything he ordered. 

I ran to the porch as I heard my dad call after me. 

He only cared about his fortune. He only cared to place first in the wealthiest people in the world. He only cared to act good before different people while me and my mom desperately tried to live a normal life. 

My  dad followed me in quickly and he managed to grab my arm. 

"What? Are you trying to disobey me again? You don't have the right to turn your back on your father! "he said as he gripped my arm tighter. 

"But you are doing the wrong thing dad! You always want everything to come your way!"

"I only want what's best for you.'

"Enough, Charlie." I heard my mom say as she pulled me out of my dad's hard grasp. I glared at him while he tried to control his anger. My mom braced me in her arms.

"You don't need to hurt your son!"

"And what? Let him disrespect me? Let him do whatever he wants and waste everything I prepared -------"

"Shut up dad!" I shouted as I tried to control myself. 

My dad walked towards me and he slapped me hard. 

I gritted my teeth and glared at him, "You are the worst father anyone can ever have"

With that, I walked to my room while I heard my mom cry. I slammed the door hard and removed my tie.

I am just 10 years old. What more if I become older?


I woke up and scanned my room. It's just 5 am and I could hear our Italian chef shouting orders. I turned to my side and saw a dusty picture frame.

It's been years and I kept this whenever I feel sad.

I held the picture and blew the dust. And like every other time I'll look at this picture, I'll smile.

A girl with rosy cheeks and honey-blonde hair was sitting with a boy who looked uncomfortable. They were 5 years old. We were 5 years old.

Raven's eyes gleamed under the sun as she stuck her tongue out. I held my soccer ball on my left while my right hand was pointing like a gun on the camera. Our bikes were leaning at a big, oak tree while lots of roses bloomed behind us.

The meadow was our playground. Not until my father ruined it and built buildings and condominiums for his own pleasure, hoping to outstand Raven's dad, who was once his bestfriend.

Since then our families became enemies. My dad forbid me to meet Raven and her dad did the same thing.

5 years of jealousy, hatred and selfishness set Raven and I apart.  We’re just kids.

I sat up on my bed and looked at the clock.

It's not late.



Ashlynn woke me early than I ever imagined.

I lazily dragged my feet to the bathroom while Ash kept telling me to move a little faster.

I brushed my teeth slowly. Showered slowly. Combed my hair slowly. Picked my clothes slowly. Packed slowly. And even manicured my nails slowly to piss them all.

Ashlynn stomped inside my dressing room and she began to drag me out of my room. 

I was so tired of crying all night that's why I just allowed her to pull me. Ashlynn stopped in her tracks and smiled down at me.

"Come on, Raven. Don't act like that. "

I gave her a weak smile as I sat down on my dresser chair before a mirror.

She put her hands on my shoulder as she said, "Show them you're strong, Raven. Don't give up."

I nodded and looked at the picture frame hanging by my closet. I stared at it for a moment until Daniel got in and told me i'ts time. 


Zach and George hugged me as I walked in the kitchen. George cried and I joined in too. Zach just told me the typical things an older brother would say, to tell him if I have problem with boys.

I gave my mom a big hug while I glared at my dad.

"Now dad, are you happy?" I asked.

He looked up from his newspaper with worry in his eyes. He came to me and gave me an encouraging smile.

"Actually, I'm not. But time will come that you'll thank me for this."

I looked at him like it's the first time I've ever seen him. Wow. 

Without even thinking, I hugged my dad.

My family, Ash, Daniel, and all the people in our house led me to our private airport. 

"Be careful, Raven." My dad said as we reached the plane. 

I gave him a proud smile and held my head high, "Of course, Dad. I'm your daughter."

Everybody gave me another big hug. Including Daniel. He patted my head and grinned teasingly, "I'll marry you when you get back"

I thought I was going to die right there, until I saw a chopper slowly landing next to our plane. It had the initials J.A. and my eyes went wide with shock. Oh No.

Before the chopper even landed, I saw Jake jumping to the ground. He ran towards me and pulled me into a big hug.

"Thought I'll give you something before you leave." He said. I stared at him for who knows until when as he pulled something out of his pocket. It was a silver, star locket.

I blushed as he put it around my neck, while my family just stood a few feet behind us. I saw my mom smiling while my dad, brothers Zach and George and even Daniel,  were glaring at Jake.

"I knew it. Looks good on you." He said while staring at me. I looked away, blushing hard just as a tear snaked out of my eyes. I know. I'm just a kid. 

Jake wiped the tear away and I gave him an irritating frown.


"Why are you even here?"

"Why? Can't I even say goodbye to my bestfriend?"

"But I'm not your bestfriend."

"Okay. You were my bestfriend and ---"

"Just shut up" I said as I kissed him on the cheeks. He grinned as he blushed and I quickly put my hat back

"See you later, Jake" I said as I climbed up the plane with a big smile pasted on my face.
