17~~Grief Stricken





"Oh please God, help him..." I cried. I stood outside the guest room of our house as lots of doctors examined Jake.

Well...it's his fault actually, if he wasn't looking at me that way then i couldn't have pushed him! I hate that guy! I mean, I love him...

I sobbed near the doorway as lots of people trudged in and out of the room. They wore worried faces and I can't help but cry more.

Because of the incident, my mom called her party off. I was completly devastated when I heard her muffled tone as she begged the reporters to leave us alone. 

I remember everything. I remember my clumsiness, my irresponsibility and my craziness. When Jake landed on top of me, we held gaze and I cant help to melt under his deep, blue, serene eyes. I didn't know what to do and I had no idea why I pushed him all of a sudden. He hit his head on the base of the grand stairwell and that's when we all saw lots of blood gushing throughout his head.

Everyone became frantic. The reporters seized the moment and happily took a shot of my poor Jake. 

My dad came in time to call the doctor and I just stood there frozen like a bird being shot by a hunter. I was completely shocked that I stood rooted on my spot, as I horrifyingly looked at Jake's dropping eyes.

Lots of people bumped into me, but I just stared at Jake. 

I didn't know what the heck was wrong with me, but I can't seem to move a muscle. Tears began to fall and that made me move my feet.

 I was crying non-stop and all the people who pass me just gave me a disappointed look. Even DANIEL.

I wiped my face with the back of my hand and slowly slid down the wall. I sat in the carpeted floor of the hallway as I tried to hear the murmurs inside the room.

"S'okay doc, we can pay whatever amount you say...just...make sure the boy will..." I heard a deep, muffled tone which I guess was my dad's.

They went out of the door and he stopped talking when they saw me slumping down on the floor.


"What?...Right... I..I.. know it really is my fault. But please just let me see him." I said as I looked at them wearily.

My mom averted her gaze while she held on my dad's arms. The doctors scurried off leaving me and my parents alone. My dad gave me a stone look. The look he rarely wears. 

I pursed my lips and my faced dropped. More tears flowed out and a sob escaped my lips. 

"Go to my office." My dad said as they walked out of the hallway.




I walked in my dad's office with a frown.

His office was the same as ever. 

The wooden floor was polished that it shines like a diamond. The walls were tinted brown where a painting of a big ship sailing accross currents was hanging. The back wall was actually a shelf which towers the room. It stretches up to the ceiling and onto the floor. Lots of hardbound books both dusty and new lined the shelves, and in the middle, was my dad's desk. Papers, folders, portfolios and pens were neatly arranged. The room smelled the same, brewed coffee. Sitting on the chair was my dad signing papers. He barely looked at me when I closed the door with a thud. 

I gulped and walked forward, towards a man who will later resemble an angry lion. But that seem to have changed. 

He looked at me warmly and pointed to the sofa before his table. I sat uncomfortably as I waited for him to utter a word.

My face was wet for my tears won't even stop flowing. My eyes hurt and my stomach rumbles. I hardly ate any food after what happened.

My dad sighed and gave me a warm smile --- a smile that I hardly ever see. 

I looked at him a bit shocked and nervous. Why was my father smiling at me when he's supposed to strangle me to death?

"Are you okay, Raven?" He asked me with his smile vanishing.

I quickly arranged my features and smiled at him. Well, it's better to see him smiling than see him pulling his brows into a frown and the next thing you know, you're grounded for no reason.

"Of course, dad" I faked a smile.

He stared at me for a second and I know that it's not working out.

"Okay. but...about Jake." I started crying again. I can't go out and smile at everyone when deep inside...I'm dying, and it's a whole lot of heck to go and cry in front of my dad. 

I quickly wiped the tears away and rolled my eyes.

"Oh gosh. That was so..haha."


"Forget it. Why am I here anyway?" I asked.

He sipped a bit of his coffee and shook his head.

"You know. I don't understand you and your mother. You're very much alike."

I stared at him flabbergasted. "What?"

"You act, dress and speak the same way." He said in a matter-of-fact tone.

I can't help but smile. Wow. So me and my mom were so much alike that my dad though that it's weird. Wow, didn't he know the term "genes?"

I rolled my eyes and said, "Really? That's cool!"

He shrugged and forced himself to block a smile but it gave away and soon, the guy was laughing.

"When we were the same age as you and Jake...the same thing happened. Your mom running...tripping in front of the papparazis...landing on top of each other...and of course, the great deal, she pushed me hard that I ended up in the hospital for a month."

"What?!" I said as I stood bolt upright.

My dad just shrugged and got back to sign his papers. 

I stood there for about a minute or so before I finally got what he's trying to say.

"Thank you dad!" I said as I gave him a quick hug.

I ran outside the room and went to the elevator.

Yeah. dad's right. He's alive, that's all that matters. So why will I worry my butt off if -------

When the elevator doors opened all I see was grief.

Daniel, together with my mom and my brothers Zach and George, was standing in front of the guest room. Their faces were dropped and my mom's eyes were in tears. 

George looked at me with a wan expression while Zach was comforting mom. I locked eyes with Daniel and his eyes spoke of melancholy as he slowly shook his head. 

I went out of the elevator and covered my mouth with my hands. 

Tears...yes...tears flowed again out of my tired eyes and my knees gave away. Daniel caught me while my mom approached me.

She hugged me tenderly until she examined me at arms length.

"We're sorry dear... But...sometimes...people need to go."
