5~~Jake proved something

I took a deep breath and went out of the shower room. I walked towards my locker, ignoring all the stares and whispers.

I saw some people having double takes on what I was wearing. I looked at my mirror and let out a sigh. Not bad, Raven. 

Someone grabbed my hair and I fell back. I heard giggles and I turned. I saw Jake and his gang looking down at me. 

"Woah" was all Jake said. He was looking at me as he assessed what I was wearing with furrowed brows. 

I crossed my arms and stuck my tongue out at him. "What? You didn't expect that I would look pretty in these clothes, did you?"

He just stared at me until Sam, his friend and my classmate, elbowed him in the ribs. 

"What the hell are you saying, screwface? You think you're pretty? In your dreams" 

I pouted. People started gathering as they tried to listen to what the commotion was. When they saw that it was me and Jake again, their monotonous whispers turned into excited gasps and they started talking animatedly with each other.

I gritted my teeth and said "Well, loser, I don't care about what you think or what you say. Just give me my clothes back. Or is your family getting poorer everyday that you need to steal my clothes?" 

There's a loud gasp from the crowd. There you go. 1 point for me. 

He glared at me and crossed his arms. "Oh yeah? So the rich girl in a maid outfit speaks. Now who's getting poor?" 

Another gasp from the crowd.

I can hear a lot of whispering now. Score 1 for Jake. No way. 

"Whatever, you idiot. Wait, is it just me or are you starting to act less manly because I can see that you're always with your boyfriends, and I think you told me that you just can't live without them. Oh my gosh. Sorry I said it earlier than you planned. My bad. " 

I grinned at him and everyone gasped again and whispers turned into shouts. I'm getting sick with all the gasping and whispering. One more of this sickening episode and I'm gonna blow up. They started talking aloud and I can't help but to hear some of what they're saying. 

"No way. Jake is so mine. Why does he have to be GAY?" 

"Idiot. Jake is mine. But he's gay? There is no way..." 

"That's why I've seen him yesterday with Ben Conner. They look totally happy like a couple." 

"Oh yeah. I saw Jake carrying a skirt a while ago. Maybe he's planning to wear that later to attract Ben and Sam. I have a picture." 

"I've seen-------" 

"SHUT UP!!!" everyone stood quiet as Jake punched my locker. His fist left a dent on it. He glared at the crowd around us and he threw me an angry glance. 

We've never seen Jake like this. Wow. But I'm so not scared. I won't go down without a fight. I stood up and raised my nose at him.

"Tell them you're joking."  He said with a quiet tone.

I raised my eyebrow and crossed my arms.  "Why will I tell them-------" 


I stood there, challenging him more. How I love these kinds of things. 

I know. I'm just 10 years old. But I sound like a teenager. haha. that's why everyone loves me.

He stood there waiting. Everyone was silent. 

"I want you to tell them, now." He repeated, his voice giving a hint of his annoyance.

"I DON'T WANNA!" I shouted/ 




"BLEH" I stuck my tongue out which irritated him a lot more.

"Tell him now Raven." Daniel said in a corner. He stood there leaning with his back in the wall. He had an amused smile on his face and I really think that he's cute. :) 

I sighed. No way. 

I looked at Jake and smiled "Whatever you do and whatever you say, you're still gay in my eyes, and now theirs." I yelled. 

He gritted his teeth.

"Why will I tell them that I am just playing around if you--------" 

I was interrupted when he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a kiss. I heard loud gasps and flashes of cameras entered my sight.

My eyes were wide open with shock. I saw him close his eyes and pull me closer. My body went limp and rigid. I dunno what to do. Will I kick him or will I just let this happen? Oh my freaking gosh. I am just 10 years old and this guy stole my first kiss! I had plans, amazing ones, on how or when to get my first kiss, and that plan doesn't include Jake!

He pulled away and we were both blushing hard. He looked confused like he didn't know what he did. I stood there rigid like a stone and I didnt know what to do.

The dismissal bell rang and he sighed a relief. 

"Sorry." Jake said and after a few seconds, he walked away with his messy brown hair catching the sunlight. I stared at him until he was gone. 

I stood there like forever. I gave out a startled jump when they ruffled my hair. I looked at him and I tried to ask him what just happened. He just smiled and started to drag me to the parking lot.


 My ride home was bad. I felt sick and stared into nothing. Daniel just laughed at my expression and said "I'll just tell your dad that you're not the girl in this picture."

He handed his phone and I saw the little episode before on a website. I groaned. 

"I wish"


HEY GUYS!! please leave a comment. I wanna know what you think.

This is my first time to write here on wattpad. And I would appreciate it best if you give me suggestions and if you give your reviews on this story. 

Please tell me what you think. :)

