13~~So Glad To Be Home <3


It was an awkward ride home. Daniel was sitting beside me with his arms crossed and a frown plastered on his face.

He grew a lot. His blonde hair was the same as ever. He grew taller and he became hotter than before. But no matter what day it was 10 years ago, there’s always that particular sadness that extolled his eyes.

I sighed as I lay back on my seat.  I think too much.

“So what’s up with you and Jake?  Rounded over your differences after 7 years?”

I frowned.

What's wrong with Daniel? I thought he’s excited to see me? But, what’s up with his attitude?

I shook my head in disbelief as he waited for my answer. I grabbed a soda from the car’s fridge and drank it till its half.

I turned to Daniel and smiled, “why, Daniel? We’re just friends okay? We’ve always been.”

“Yeah?  Then tell me how you can explain this to your father.”

He threw me a newspaper where a picture of Jake and I are posted on headline. Jake was holding me protectively against the rattling crowd and reporters when we got out of the plane, and those reporters made a story behind it.

“what the effing  ----“

“You see. That kid always puts you in trouble.”

“Oh please, Daniel. Shut It. He was helping me, okay? And why the heck are these reporters so fast? I mean. It was just a moment ago and --------“

“Welcome to the modern world.”

“Please. Won’t they even stop? They’re ruining our lives. First, they were the reason why my dad sent me to London, because of their senseless stories, and now they posted this crap? Wow,I just... I don’t know what’ll happen to me when we get home.”

“Actually. You’re mom is calling you for the nth time, if you haven’t noticed.”

I looked at my phone and there were about 23 missed calls from mom. I sighed and tossed my phone aside and emptied my soda.

“Won’t this day get any worse?”

“I guess not.”

“How old are you Daniel?”

He peered at me with narrowed eyes, before he answered, “19”


“As cool as you. You became more beautiful than before. And taller.”

“Haha. Good thing to say after 7 years.”

“Ah…Glad I remember it.  You're pretty famous in the web. ”

”With all the marvelous work those reporters did, who wouldn't be famous?"

“Well…for the past 7 years, you became more popular.”

I frowned, “How?”

“Your brothers posted every page of your diary on their site. Your diary 7 years ago.”


I slammed the car door shut and went straight inside the house.

It was the same. A big chandelier hung at our living room, where lots of Zach’s friends gathered. They beamed at me and most of them look kinda cute. I asked where my brothers were, and they told me they don’t had any idea. Wow.

I stormed pass the living room and into the kitchen, where a long stretch of table was set at the middle. The room was big, the kind of dining hall you see on some palaces. Everyone smiled and I grinned in return.

I grabbed a cupcake from a maid that passed by and ate it whole-heartedly. Daniel tossed me another soda as I walked out of the dining hall and into a long corridor. I remembered something that made me crack up.

Daniel looked at me curiously and I laughed more.

“Do…you remember? HAHAHAHA. Barney breath? The intruder of the house who got beaten up by a 10 year old girl who forced him to eat a dog cookie?”

We laughed together as we walked through the corridor and into the elevator. I pressed for the 3rd floor, which was where my room was located, and also, my brothers.

Katy Perry played in the elevator’s music and I can’t help but laugh even more.

“Don’t tell me….that…dad was still the one who picks the elevator songs…” I said while laughing hard. Daniel was laughing too and he helped me up when I staggered on my feet. I ended up on his arms and the next thing I know, the door opened and my brother Zach clicked on to his camera.

It took us time before Daniel and I came into our senses. Zach grinned down at me and Daniel released his arms around me. I blushed. What the heck did just happen?

“Welcome back, sis. “ And that’s when I screamed.


We sat at the dining table and I led the prayer. I thanked God for everything. I mean. It’s not every day that you find us all together. Still. My dad gave me that creepy look. But I was surprised when he messed my hair and gave me a “welcome back” smile.

My mom came to me and hugged me tenderly. She kissed both of my cheeks and complimented me in every way.

My brothers Zach and George welcomed me home in a different way. Zach told me that he was so proud of me. Especially how I wrote my diary in a creative way. That got me started.  I dared him that if he didn't remove that crap on his site, then I’ll be forced to make a move. He didn’t know how I get angry. On second thought, I think he knows.

I remember when I was 8 years old. We were all cruising together in the Caribbean. That was the time when my dad and Jake’s were still cool with each other. Jake and I just watched Titanic and we kinda memorized all the lines. We mimicked the famous scene of Titanic, and unfortunately, Zach took a few pictures and called everyone aboard.

Everyone saw it and the next we know, every page of the newspaper had a picture of me and jake. I was so mad that I threw all of Zach’s cameras and even his greatest photos in the sea. We didn’t speak with each other for a month but then Jake found a way to make us talk.

My brother, George, gave me welcome cards. At first, I was totally touched and overwhelmed. It was a completely surprising thing. So rare to happen. But not until I saw the back page that said “ WELCOME BACK, SCUMBAG!” I glared at him but I didn’t really care. It’s just so good to be back home.

After dinner, I went straight to my room. Well, everyone was busy downstairs for mom’s party. Lots of celebrities were coming and I'm pretty excited to meet som of theme. Like Robert pattinson, Liam Hemsworth, Taylor Swift and many other big names.

Since my mother's a famous designer, she had made a few clothes that these big stars had donned. Every year, my dad will throw an extravagant birthday party for her, which was his way to "make new connections, strengthen bonds, and develop the business." Of course we didn't dare say anything that it's supposed to be mom's birthday and not some event he could use for his own leverage.

Two hours before the party and I found myself peacefully settled in my room. I took in the familiar scent and softness of my bed, the cream-colored walls, and the classical music coming out of the stereo. After a few minutes of just laying there with my eyes closed, Iopened my pc and logged in on my chat account. I scanned through my contacts and frowned as I see an online buddy.

I rolled my eyes. So, jake is online.

A chat box appeared and I sneered.

J. Avery:  Watsup?

R. Evans: Get lost

J. Avery: In your FACE

R. Evans: Whatever….you coming later?

J. Avery: Sure.

R. Evans: Don’t you dare to be LATE.

J. Avery: Why? Am I your date or something?

I blew the stray hair on my face and clicked my tongue. Seriously? Is it wise to brign Jake as my date? It’s because when I told mom and dad a while that I invited Jake, they told me that I better dress my best later. So that means….well anyway I don’t care.

R. Evans: NO

J. Avery : ??????????

J. Avery: You sure? I mean, I know that you like me so much. Don't deny it.

R. Evans: Quite the opposite, Avery. I hate you to the moon and beyond.

J. Avery:  That's no fun. 

J. Avery: You love me. Don't lie.

I gasped. How could he be so blunt about it? This mother-fudging flirt! How could he say that to me? 

R. Evans: I do. So f**king much. *note extreme sarcasm*

J. Avery: You're killing me. 

R. Evans: Good.

J. Avery: So, can you be my date for the party?

I smiled. I didn't know why but my lips just curled on it own and the next thing I know, I had this huge smile on my face/

R. Evans: Only if you promise to not look as ugly as you are in your entire life. 

J. Avery: Did you forget that I'm named as one of the top elite bachelors of the world? Do you think I'll come to a party with that kind of look you're picturing in your head?

R. Evans: I don't know about that, but I'm also one of the world's most eligible bachelorettes. So, don't you dare look disgusting later.

J. Avery: Says the girl who drools.


J. Avery: My suit had drool spots on them, thanks to you sleeping on my shoulders in the plane.


R. Evans signed out.

J. Avery: I won't. Just don't embarrass me...and I know you’re still there…

R. Evans signed in.

J. Avery: Hey.

R.Evans: WHAT?

J. Avery: I would…love to come to your mom’s party later…as your date.

Okay…Oh my gosh...is this for real????? I screamed. Daniel poked his head on my door and I just shook my head to shoo him off. I got back to my pc and  tried hard not to hyperventilate. Thank you so much Lord!!!! :)

J. Avery: you still there?

R.Evans: Uh…yeah?

J. Avery: FLIRT

I frowned. What the heck?

R.Evans: Why did I even become a FLIRT?!

J. Avery: I’ll be there at 8.

R. Evans: 7!

J. AVERY: 8:30

R.Evans: FINE! 8. Be sure you’ll come or I swear I’ll kick your ass off.

J. Avery : If you can. :P
