19~~Pain and Surprises

Vote Button. It's just a magical button that helps me up. Again. Sorry for the late update and GIVE ME SOME FEEDBACKS! AND VOTES! or the so called VOMMENT.lol. :)


Jake’s POV

“Hey! Stop!” I shouted as Raven threw me all the things that she could get.

I tried to block an alarm clock, camera, picture frame, a tripod and when she was about to hurl a circular center table at me, Daniel came in between us. He was trying hard not to laugh as he crossed his arms and tried to look serious.

“Get outta here, psycho.” Raven said as she glared at Daniel’s transfixed form. He stood there still rooted at his spot as Raven threateningly held the table at arm’s length.

 You see, when I woke up last night, Mrs. Evans told me that I was calling Raven’s name for the whole time. I learned that Raven was too disheveled to even face me. She was crying the whole night and I could’t help to feel bad.

My doctor told me that I really had a bad fracture on my head, but I could’t just go and lie here, to wait for my recovery. I need to help myself and the people around me. I know my head hurts, a lot, but I wanted a little surprise for Raven to get her spirits up. I wanted to test her.  

So that’s what happened. I told Zach, George and Daniel of my plan and they all agreed. Daniel told me that it would be nice if the whole plan was true. That it would be nice if I really was dead. But of course, I just saw it as a joke.

Zach concluded that our best bet to make Raven get all the drama was to get her mom in the picture. So we persuaded Mrs. Evans and she hesitantly agreed. She told us it was risky enough and that we don’t know what her daughter could do.

 And she was right. No one mentioned that Raven coud turn into a real monster when provoked.

I grinned as I held glance with Raven. I groaned and I massaged the upper part of my arms, where I’ve been hit for numerous times. My head still throbbed of pain but I managed to shove it away. I could feel something warm on my head and when I touched it, I saw blood in my hands.

I heard lots of gasps and Raven’s mom started to panic. She called the doctor immediately and in no time, I was being examined, questioned and machines beeped again.

Raven just stood there looking flabbergasted and scared at the same time. I tried to assure her that it's not her fault but my head throbbed again.

 “Mr. Avery, can you tell us what exactly…”

 “Jake, how are you feeling?”

 “Mr. Avery, did you drink your med last night?”

 “Mr. Jake---“

 “No. He’ll be talking to me. I’m his doctor.”

 “EXCUSE ME? I am his doctor. Now please move.”

 “I don’t even know you. And you’re telling me we graduated from the same university? Oh Please.”

 “Can you please, shut up? I am Jake’s legit doctor. So I will be the one examining him. Mr. Avery. Are you okay? No headaches? Blurry vision? Or ---“

 “If you mind. I am the most promising the doctor of this era. And I, yes I, have the right to examine Mr. Avery. So please get out of my way. I need to privately examine him.”

 “huh? I don’t even know you.”

 “Excuse Me?”

 “Just shut up.”

 “No. You guys shut up! I’m the best doctor here. So if you won’t get your asses off----“

 “Hey Mr.! Who are you to tell us to get rid of our asses? Are our butts that hideous to even---?“

 “I’m not telling you that your butt looks outrageous, Ms. ---“

 “So you were checking me out?!”

 “I am not!”

 “Everyone please get out of here!” Someone shouted.

I turned and saw Raven, glaring at our direction. Tears were streaming down her face as she placed the table back on the floor. She wiped her tears with the back of her hand and looked at us gloomily.

“So you’re saying you’re all professionals?” She said in a menacing tone. Her whole soft feature turned into a pugnacious one as she eyed one doctor on my left. She pulled the doctor’s coat hard and what we saw made her mom gasp.

“You…all of you…” Raven pointed to all of the “doctors” inside the room, “How dare you deceive our family and tell us you’re all professional doctors?!”

On the inside coat of the man, whom Raven just harassed, sorry for the word, but Raven did a great job on pulling him down the floor, was an ID of a reporter pinned loosely.

Some of the other reporters in a “doctor-camouflage” suddenly tensed. Some of them quickly got their cameras out to take some pictures of the PRICELESS event but Daniel and his legion of guards managed to shove them ouot of the room.

Mrs. Evans got back to the room with my real doctor and he quickly checked on me.

Raven slumped down on the floor and cried. I looked at her for a second or two before I forced myself to move.

“Raven…” I said with a groan, “…I’m sorry…”

She was covering her face with both of her hands as she wailed in grief. I felt bad. I felt really bad.

She uncovered her face and forced to smile. I looked at her with pain written all over my face as my head throbbed again.

“No Jake… S’okay. It’s my entire fault,” she looked at me with her beguiling blue eyes. Mrs. Evans decided that it’s time to leave us alone. She motioned for Zach and George and all the other security in the room to leave. My doctor scribbled something on his notebook then gave me a nod.

When the door closed, Raven cried again.

I tried my best to move out of my bed but I can’t control the pain anymore. Raven suddenly came quickly and helped me on my bed.

“You shouldn’t stress yourself out.” She cried.

When I was lying perfectly on bed, I held her hands and looked straight into her eyes. She suddenly stopped crying and narrowed her eyes.

“Don’t try to be a guy, Jake. Face it. You’re gay.”

“And don’t try to pretend you don’t love me Raven. Face it. You’re crazy about me.”

When she was about to say something someone slammed the door opened. I looked at him with surprise as he looked at me menacingly. All the pain in my head went away.

His eyes full of anger. His glare pulled so deep. I stared at my father with horror, as he pointed his gun at Raven.


Hello again guys! sorry for the lonnnggg time to update. I had a tough week. So here you go. A thrilling chapter where Jake's father started to upgrade the Evans-Avery rivalry to level 2, by using a gun as his stimulus. So maybe you're wondering why Mr. Evans was being the good guy in the rivalry thingy. Well. I now declare.lol. I will now officially make their rivalry more obvious and more fun. So please do vote and read!!!! 

Anyway...Im very sorry if there are typos and errors. I'm gonna fix them up if I have time. Please do vote!!! And give me your feedbacks! Thank you!

Oh! I forgot to tell you....Me and my friends are writing a story, and so far, the results are good. So please, please do tell us what you think. It's just the prologue and the 1st chapter so It's not that long. I'm writing the pov of artemis mcraile so don't forget to VOMMENT! thanks! here is the link: http://www.wattpad.com/1443290-a-little-thing-called-magic


