12~~Another Reporter Attack


I boarded the plane and was surprised to see a familiar strawberry-blonde girl standing with her eyes closed, before a boy who I've seen earlier at Ashword's painting seminar. 

I frowned as I made my way to them, only to see a grown-up Raven. 

I observed the boy as he made his move, but I know better. I grabbed Raven from behind and stood between them.

He glared at me and punched me in the shoulder. I looked at him completely bored and disappointed. This boy doesn't know how to fight. If it was me who got interrupted, I swear whoever dares to interfere will end up getting his ass kicked a million miles.

I turned to Raven and she almost staggered off her feet. She must be surprised to see me and I can say I feel the same.

We held gazes for a about a second until I finally looked away and walked towards my seat.  

"Flirt." I said as I walked past her.                                                        

I can feel her glare behind my shoulder and I even heard her call that guy a prince. 

Did I heard it right? A prince? More like a butler.

She stomped her feet as she walked towards her seat, which was unfortunately beside mine. 

We had a tough convo until a stewardess decided to tell us that we're completely being a nuisance and that we're disturbing other passengers. 

I checked my phone to see if there were any news from my dad about my mom. I was really worried.

I  looked at Raven and observed her for the first time in 7 years. She grew up to be a beautiful girl. Her strawberry-blonde hair matches her dark blue eyes perfectly, that was complimented by her nice physical features.

I frowned as I saw her grabbing her phone and staring at a picture while smiling. I leaned beside her only to see our picture when we were kids as her wallpaper. She texted Daniel and was utterly surprised to see me reading her message. 

She hit me in the head and I went back to my seat.

I closed my eyes. I was tired. Mr. Ashword was calling me nonstop last night to make sure I'll be dropping by his painting session.

I thought I heard Raven mutter something but my tiredness won over me and I completely dozed off.


Someone was slapping my face and the next thing I know, I was completely soaked in water.

"Wake UP loser! We're in New York."

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was Raven's face. We held gazes for who knows until when, until she looked away and rummaged through her bag.

She was blushing hard and I can hardly look away from her angelic face. The pilot's voice blared around the plane, annnouncing that we were about to land in NY, and that we should put our seatbelts on.

I saw Raven having a hard time pulling her seatbelt and I grabbed it from her hands and I helped do the job.

"Didn't know that you're stupid with these kind of stuff." I said teasingly.

She glared and crossed her arms as our plane began to lurch downward. She closed her eyes and held on to both sides of her seat, as our plane did a little wave.

"This sucks" She muttered. She was starting to get pale and I panicked.

"Raven. You alright?"

She nodded but still kept her eyes closed.

The plane landed swifly and all the passengers poured out except me and Raven. She was clinging hard to the sides of her seat and she still won't let go of it. She opened one eye and scanned the section. She laughed, unbuckeled and stuck her tongue out at me.

"That was well-sorted"

She grabbed her things and began to walk.She stopped, turned and waited for me. 

We went outside and flashes of cameras welcomed us. 

"AH!!!!!!! ITS JAKE AVERY!!!!!!!!!!!" someone screamed.

"AND ITS RAVEN EVANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"Ms. Evans. Can you tell us about your experience in London?"

"Mr. Avery. The people want to know. Why are you with Ms. Evans?"

"Yeah. and are you secretly dating in London?"

"Ms. Evans! Tell us about the kidnapper!"

"Mr.Avery! Some witnesses says that you gave a luxury car together with a million-dollars to a homeless guy you just saw in the streets. Was it true?"



"Man, look at Raven! She's so BEAUTIFUL!"

"Oh Man. I'll do everything to make Raven my bride."







I gritted my teeth and balled my fist. Won't they ever stop? They even followed me in London. And how did they know that we will be arriving today?

I grabbed Raven and pushed us out of the crowd. We bumped into someone and we saw that it was Daniel and some of Raven's other guards. 

He smiled at Raven but his smile vanished as he saw me.

He pulled Raven out of my grasp and gave me a dirty look. I frowned and crossed my arms as I heard the reporters behind us.

"What are you doing here?" Daniel asked.

Raven sensed his sarcasm and nudged him with her elbow.

"Uh...Daniel. He was just being helpful. Now come. I'm excited to see mom. And Jake. You can come tonight on her party...Don't worry. I think it’s okay with them."

I nodded and glared at Daniel.

“You’ve grown into a man Jake Avery.”

“And you’ve grown into a total psycho.”

“Watch your back” He said as he turned and pushed Raven out of the crowd.
