22~No-Show to Crash-Show


I'm sorry for the on hold. I have been doing some crazy stuffs since then. And now is the time, that i UPLOAD. i love you and read on. ;)


"Are you sure?" 


We went towards the long line of students in the cafeteria to order our food. I gave her a tray and waited for the people before us trudge forward and get their food.

"Raven, calling Jake 15 times a day won't make him answer his phone that has long been thrown into the sea."

"What? Thrown into the sea? When? Why?" She asked shocked written all over her face. I snorted and slung an arm on her shoulder which made her blush.

"You still don't trust the Evans' security don't you? We were the first one to get Japan's latest model of high-resolution camera. It can see miles, Raven. That's when we saw how Jake's phone was thrown out into the sea, when he was in his chopper with his father. It was the day he left."

Raven scowled and we moved forward, " But why? He can buy another one. Heck, he can buy the phone company itself...but, why didn't he even bother to call me?"

I shrugged, looking away from her. 

"What do you want?" The lady in the counter said boredly. I grabbed a burger and coke and saw Raven scowling at my food.

"That is very unhealthy." She said as she scrunched her face. She turned to the lady and ordered a bowl of salad and a half-tumblr sized yogurt. She gave me a knowing smile after and together, we headed to a table next to an open window.

The window had a view of the ocean beneath the ragged cliffs that holds our school. The waves clashed among the rocks and the sun made the sand as white as possible. Raven hissed at the ocean.

I raised an eyebrow and she shrugged.

"I don't know. The "London-Incident" just keeps bugging my mind. I wanna kick those kidnapper's ass for almost throwing me into the ocean. Kinda bugs me every night."

"Is that so? You should've told me." 

"And what? You'll gonna sing me to sleep?" She smiled.

"With pleasure." I said with a smirk. Raven's eyes slightly went wide and her cheeks came red. I slumped back comfortably on my chair, enjoying her cute reactions.

 " ‘Sup man? Long time no see.” Someone said behind me.

I looked behind me and saw a guy with dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He was wearing a varsity jacket with a white shirt underneath with faded jeans and converse shoes. He was grinning widely at me with both of his arms flung at two different cheerleaders. One was blonde and one was a redhead. They gave us a warm, welcoming smile unlike the deadly glares that the other cheerleaders gave Raven a while ago.

“Hey man. You grew tall!” I said as I stood up and punched him in the arm.

“And you punch a lot stronger as ever.” He scowled. The two cheerleaders with him greeted me giddily as they checked me from head to toe. I had nothing to do but ran my fingers through my hair.

“Woah….who’s this fine lady you have here Dan? Is she your girlfriend?”

“No ---“

“I’m Jeremy, and you are?” He said as he offered his hands to Raven. She stared at it for a moment before shaking it hesitantly.

“Hello Jeremy. I’m Raven, Raven Evans.”

Jeremy’s eyes nearly popped out of its sockets. He stared at Raven for a moment, not minding to release Raven’s hands, which she was trying hard to retrieve, until I decided to pull him away.

“Man, it’s her. The hottest girl of the year.” He said while winking at Raven. Raven rolled her eyes and proceeded to eat her food. Jeremy grinned at me teasingly and now it’s my turn to roll eyes.

“Ok. I think it was embarrassing and rude to stare at this pretty lady over here, I might as well introduce myself again.” Jeremy cleared his throat.

“I’m Jeremy Hale, son of the President of the United States. Bringer of Hotness and the Epitome of drool-over ---“

“You’re Carry’s son?!” Raven gasped looking at Jeremy with shock.

Jeremy scowled and pretended to choke.

“Please, don’t even say that whore’s name. She’s not my mom. Rather, my step-mom.”


“But I won’t lie. You are a pretty mean girl babe.” Jeremy grinned while sitting beside her. I frowned at him and he just shrugged at me funnily. The two cheerleaders sat beside me while they observed Jeremy. They smiled at Raven and I can feel that they can be a “safe” choice of friends for Raven.

Raven smiled knowingly and brought her eyebrows up and down. She took a sip on my coke before she decided to talk.

“Well, if I offended you because of what I did to your grandmo---oh, I mean, your stepmother, then please forgive my unpleasantness.”

“Tsss. Don’t worry about it Raven. In fact, you did me a favor, if not for you, my dad won’t realize that he married a witch. That girl has been torturing me for years.” Jeremy guffawed.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, narrowing my eyes at Jeremy’s flirting. This guy needs to stop sometimes.

There was once a time when he talked to a girl, then after a minute or two, you will find them smooching. Just the typical Jeremy.

“Well Raven, we haven’t introduced ourselves because this idiot was flirting with you. So hi, I’m Lara. And I’m the Redhead Queen of this school. I’m the daughter of Amie Williams and Justin Timberlake if you ever heard the issue.” She winked.

Raven smiled and said that she knew Amie. “She was one of my mom’s greatest clients and greatest friends.”

“Really? Oh yeah. I remember now. We ----“

“-----Shut up Lara, let me talk.” The blonde lightly slapped Lara on the face. Lara rolled her eyes and took a bite of my burger. Jeremy laughed and the blonde shushed him off.

“Hi I’m Lucy. And I’m the Queen Blonde of this school;” She smiled “I’m the daughter of Ciara Lincoln, the world’s most respected supermodel.”

“Oh yeah? Whatever.” Lara said.

“Can you shut up? I’m trying to talk.”


“Guys, hello? You were supposed to be fine ladies?” Jeremy reminded them.

“Oh. Oh my gosh. Oh men. Now Jeremy will get 300 dollars. You screwed it up Lucy.” Lara glared.

“No I didn’t! You were the one who started ‘Hi! I’m the Redhead Queen of this school’ And you ---“

“Shut up guys, just keep your money.” Jeremy sighed.

“Yay!” Lucy and Lara squealed.

“Wow. Are they this giddy?” Raven said while laughing.

“I guess Jeremy can’t usually do his flirting with him around.” I said.

“Shoot. How do you know?” Jeremy frowned.

“It’s because he sees we’re hot enough for you to look no more else than us.” Lara interjected.

“Don’t keep your hopes up redhead.”Jeremy scowled.

“Oh, And maybe he gets to be bullied a lot?” Raven asked.

“Well, bullied is rather an understatement. Harass can do.” Lucy smiled.

Raven and I gaped and the trio laughed at our reaction. Raven shook her head smiling while I narrowed my eyes at Jeremy.

I was about to say something when I was interrupted by a sound booming in the speakers. All heads turned to a large screen coming down a panel from the ceiling.

“Right. I love ‘holly-leaks’” Lara said with sarcasm.

“Holly-leaks? What the heck is that?” Raven asked.

“Well, it’s just a show that keeps us updated on what’s happening in Hollywood.” Jeremy explained.

“I love Holly-leaks. The controversies are fun.” Lucy said.

Lara frowned and said “Fun? You call gossiping on people fun? That’s heartless! That’s unrespectful! That’s---“

“I get it.” Lucy rolled her eyes.

“No you don’t”

“Shut up guys. It’s about to start.” Jeremy said.

The noise in the cafeteria died down and soon, everyone is waiting for the show. I slumped back on my seat narrowed my eyes at Raven. She shrugged and looked at the screen.

It started with the host Johnny Tolly who wears excessive pink make-up and a messed up black hair highlighted green.

“Well Hello there people! Yeah that’s right. Holly-leaks is now on sight!” Almost all of the people rolled their eyes and some laughed. Jeremy and I snorted at the same time remembering how we used to mess up with clowns when we were kids.

“I’m forever your Johnny baby and yeah, obviously, this is something big because I don’t usually pop this show up in midday.” He laughed.

Raven listened to every word that he said, aware that something was up.

I stared at her for a moment before my attention shifted to the screen. The settings changed and Johnny was not on sight.

The screen displayed a big hall filled with lots of reporters before a long table. A black limousine stopped along the red carpet and a brown-haired, green eyed boy stepped out into the light. Raven's eyes went wide and her mouth fell open. Lucy, Lara, Jeremy and all the other people in the cafeteria turned their eyes on her. I stayed silent and watched as Jake was greeted with a mass of reporters and paparazzis waiting to harass him with questions. His eyes were hard and he didn’t mind the screaming reporters. Then a blonde girl with sparkling gray eyes came out of the limousine and circled her arms on Jake’s. They walked together towards the table where they were greeted by a lot of questions.

Cameras flashed blinding both of them but the blonde girl managed to smile widely. In her eyes, it is clearly displayed that she’s contented of what she have.

I frowned and looked at Raven. She sat frozen on her seat. She brought her hands on her mouth and muttered something incomprehensible.

Jake and the blonde girl sat and everyone became quiet. A reporter stood up and spoke, “Mr. Jake Avery, how pleasant we are to see you after months of a no-show. We want you to introduce this lovely lady beside you.”

A lot of cameras flashed and Jake got the microphone. He was frowning which contradicts the gay expression of his companion.


“I’m Eyrra Marshall.” The girl said giddily.

A few more camera clicks and the reporters already liked her. Another reporter stood up and gave them a wide smile, “So, Jake, what is Eyrra to you?”

Jake faked a smile but his eyes stayed hard, “She’s ---“

“I’m his fiancé.” Eyrra interjected.

All the people gasped including those who were in here in the cafeteria. We all looked at Raven who was slightly frowning at the screen. I cocked my head to the side to see better of her expression. Her eyes speak of shock and confusion. I looked back at the screen to see another reporter on the go.

“Mr. Avery is that true?”

Jake didn’t say anything for a second before turning to them, “Yes…”

Another gasp erupted the cafeteria same as the state with the media. Raven looked away from the screen, gritting her teeth.

“But Jake, what happened to Rave---“

“---oh Jake was only messing around her. Right dear?” Eyrra said as she stroke his cheek with her fingers. Jake looked away and I saw Raven holding her breath. She was slightly shaking her head for numerous times until Jake decided to speak up.

“Yes it’s true…Raven and I were just having fun. We didn’t take it seriously. We never thought the world will look at it that way and we decided to play and go along.”

Another gasp and that made Jeremy shout, “Can you all please stop gasping? You sound irritating!”

Raven tried to smile but it was instantly blown away when Jake got up and walked away from the conference. Raven’s eyes started to water and she decided that a smile can wipe it off. But she was wrong.

However strong-willed she is, she can’t still hide the fact that she’s weak and she cries over things.

“D..don’t worry a..about it.” Raven said as she waved us off. She forced a smile but her tears started to fall. I stood up and pulled her into a hug. I can feel all eyes set on us. Some people whistled and some just gave Raven a pityingly look.

I stoke her hair as she tightened her arms around me, crying over someone who left her. Who hurt her.

It has always been like this for her. Since she met that dork, she always cries. But I know God gave her to me for a reason. And I’m not wasting this chance.

“Never lose faith.” Was all I dumbly said.


So you see, I have added a cast for this story. I think they're cute. What do you think?

Adair Tishler is Molly in the hit sci-fi series entitled Heroes. i love heroes.she's cute for the young Raven.

Arthur Bowen is Albus Severus Potter in the the deathly hallows part 2. He's so cute for a young boy! I think he's cool for Jake.

Meaghan Jette Martin is the lead actress in Mean Girls 2! She's pretty! And she'll do good with Raven.

Freddie Highmore is the well-known August Rush If you ever watched that movie. And acted on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  i think he's latest movie  is The Art of getting by. He is so hot there! Watch the trailer if you don't believe me.  He's my chosen Jake by the way. ;)

 Amanda Seyfried is my chosen Eyrra MARSHALL.If you don't know her, then maybe you have seen her in Mama Mia, Letters to Juliet, and the most famous Karen in the MEAN GIRLS 1. she's okay, i guess. 

and...last but not the least, here goes...

Max Thieriot!!!! he's so hot!!! ah!!! I am totally freaking out right now. I mean, he is so PERFECT for Daniel. I love him! lols. He is the famous Ned in the movie Nancy Drew. ;) Check him out, i guess.

So there you have it, the official cast for THE MILLIONAIRE'S DAUGHTER! what do you think? tell me.

comment and VOTE. ;)

