
Momo yaoyorozu: age: 16.
Quirk: creation.
Description: she is able to create anything inorganic,as long as she knows the molecular structure of the item's.
Drawback: use's lipids.
Hero-name: creati.

Izuma aizawa: age: 16.
Quirk: telekinesis.
Description: she is able to move heavy objects with her mind.
Drawback: overusing the quirk will cause the user to have headache's and become disoriented. Hero-name: green psychic.

Shoka todoroki: age: 16.
Quirk: half hot half cold.
Description: the user is able to generate ice frost and cold, from the right side of their body, and fire, flames and heat, from their left side, drawback: overusing one side will cause the user to ether overheat or become increasingly cold. Hero-name: candy Cain.

Camie utsushimi: age: 16.
Quirk: glamour.
Description: allows her to emit a smoke like substance from her mouth which she can use to form visual and auditory illusion's the illusion's she creates can cover a large area.Drawback: the illusion's only last a short time. Hero-name: illus-o-camie.

Shinsa aizawa: age: 16.
Quirk: brainwash.
Description: the user is able to manipulate the minds of others and have them obey her. Drawback: the user needs the target to answer them to control them.
Hero-name: siren.

Melissa shield: age: 16.
Quirk: bow and arrow.
Description: the user can create a bow and arrow made of pure energy, once the user fire's the arrow,the arrow will move at great speeds till it reaches it's destination, until it does, the arrow will phase through anything and anyone in it's way.
Hero-name: bull's eye.

Toru hagakure: age: 16.
Quirk: invisibility.
Description: the user is invisible and cannot be seen by anyone.
Drawback: cannot be turned off.
Hero-name: invisi girl

Ochaco uraraka: age: 16.
Quirk: zero gravity.
Description: allows the user to remove the effects of gravity from solid things, upon touching them with the pads on her fingertips, drawback: overusing the quirk will cause the user to become nauseous and puke rainbows. Hero-name: uravity.

Tsuyu asui: age: 16.
Quirk: frog.
Description: the user has the traits and abilities of a frog.
Drawback: cold will cause the user to hibernate. Hero-name: froppy.

Fuyumi todoroki: age: 22.
manipulating and producing ice around their body.
Drawback: overusing the quirk will cause the user to become hypothermic.
Job: ua assistant teacher.

Nemuri kayama: age: 30.
Quirk: somnambulist.
Description: allows the user to put targets to sleep by exuding a sleep inducing aroma from her skin. Drawback: works faster on men then women. Hero-name: midnight.

Kyoka jiro: age: 16.
Quirk: earphone jack.
Description: earphone jack Grant's it's user's long controllable earlobes that work like headphone cables kyoka's earlobes are shaped like jack's at their ends allowing her to plug them into a variety of different objects those earlobes can further Chanel the vibrations of kyoka's own heartbeat's
Dealing internal damage to those objects.
Drawback: sensitive hearing.
Hero-name: melody.

Mei hatsume: age: 16.
Quirk: zoom.
Description: this quirk Grant's the user eyesight that zooms far away
Allowing them to see distant people and objects. Drawback: she can't hear anything with it only see.

Mina ashido: age: 16.
Quirk: acid.
Description: allows the user to create corrosive liquid's from her skin with the user being naturally resistant to the acid they produce. Drawback: going over a certain toxicity will cause the acid to actually hurt the user. Hero-name: pinky.

Nejire hado: age: 18.
Quirk: wave motion.
Description: Grant's the user to convert their vitality into energy that she can discharge as blast waves.
Drawback: consumes stamina.
Hero-name: nejire chan.

Ryuko tatsuma: age: 26.
Quirk: dragon.
Description: allows the user to transform into a dragon a powerful a powerful mythological creater this form Grant's the user abilities commonly associated with dragons including flight powerful jaws and claw's. Drawback: heat cycle.
Hero-name: Ryukyu.

Rumi usagiyams: age: 27.
Quirk: rabbit.
Description: the user's quirk rabbit gives the user the attributes of a rabbit including incredible leg strength and superhuman hearing. Drawback: heat cycle.
Hero-name: mirko.

Setsuna tokage: age: 16.
Quirk: lizard tail splitter.
Description: allows the user to split their body into several pieces and control them telepathically. Drawback: her separated body fragments lose their connection to her main self after an unknown amount of time has passed. Hero-name: lizardy.

Shino sosaki: age: 31.
Quirk: Telepathy,
Description: Grant's the user the ability to communicate with anyone through thought
They can instruct and send messages to multiple people at once.
Drawback: the people who the user talks to cannot reply back. Hero-name: Mandalay.

Ryuko tsuchikawa: age: 31.
Quirk: Earth flow.
Description: allows the user to manipulate the earth around them. Being able to mold it into anything they want.Drawback: needs to be around Earth for the quirk activation. Hero-name: pixie Bob.

Tomoko shiretoko: age: 31.
Quirk: search.
Description: allows the user to monitor and observe up to a hundred people at a time.
This includes knowing their location and weak points. The individuals being observed are visualized through the quirk as star like vestiges. And can allow the user to know their location up to even miles away. Drawback: sore eyes.
Hero-name: ragdoll.


Mitsuki bakugo: age: 38.
Quirk: glycerin.
Description: the quirk allows the user to produce a smooth liquid from their skin.
Drawback: none. Job: UA nurse.
