chapter 12.

A/N: hey everyone, just wanted to say that I have a Tumblr account, so if anyone wants to message me, or has any story ideas that they would like me to post them, message me there my name's the same there as it is on wattpad.

It's a new day and izumi was in class, with her friends and girlfriend's, her past has been looking at her since this morning and it annoyed her, her classmates already know about her former life.

As she thought they deserved to know, who their classmates are and this caused the bakugo twins, Iida twin's and shoto todoroki, to be isolated from the others.

Right now though izumi didn't focus on that, she focused today's class it was hero training 101 and she was excited, and so was everyone else.

Mina: I wonder who our teacher for today is going to be.

Momo: me as well, it could be anyone.

Izumi: I just hope whoever it is, is a good teacher.

Just then they heard loud footsteps, coming from outside everyone wondered who was making those sound's, but they didn't need to wonder for long, as the door opened and in came all-might and psychic X.

AM: i am here!!.

Inko: we no try being quiet next time.

Izumi and izuma both had looks of shock, as they stared at the two, shinsa shoka and ochaco looked at them with worry, but before anything else could be said In walked the aizawa couple, along with a girl with light purple hair and blueish lilac eyes.

Aizawa: alright class please welcome saiko intelli, she's your new classmate and is the one taking mineta's place.

Saiko: hello everyone it's a pleasure to meet you all, my name is saiko intelli and my quirk is IQ, it allows me to enhance my IQ just by drinking tea.

Emi: that was wonderful dear why don't you take your seat.

Kyoka: and don't worry we burned mineta's desk, so you have a completely new one.

Iida: you vandalized school property.

Tanya: you should all be expelled.

Aizawa: I gave them permission, now if everyone can shut it, these three will be your hero course teachers.

Shinsa: mom? There's two not three?.

Aizawa: wait what.

Aizawa looks and sees only all-might, and psychic X she was wondering, where her third teacher was but the door opened, and in walked the missing teacher.

1A: mirko!!.

Mirko: sup sorry I'm late got lost.

Aizawa:*sigh* ok then I'm taking a nap.

AM:*cough* well if we can begin, you all look like amazing young hero's, but what hero is complete without a costume.

Inko: so if everyone can take your costume',s there the one's which match your seat number.

Inko said this as she pressed a button, opening hidden suitcases in the wall, everyone went and grabbed there's izumi was the last, when she got it she was about to leave but inko and All-might spoke.

Inko: izuku is that you.

Izumi froze before she finally spoke.

Izumi: I'm sorry ms psychic X but my name's izumi, not izuku.

AM: izuku son you can stop lying your friends told us everything.

Inko: sweetheart what happened to you.

Izumi: I want to make two thing's clear, first those dog's that told you are not my friends, they are my abuser's and second,
Don't ever call me sweetheart I'm not your sweetheart, as for what happened I tried killing myself but survived and awakened my quirk, which just so happened to make me a girl, oh one more thing I am not your son so don't address me as such.

Inko was crying her izuku was alive, but hated her she couldn't stand it, and knowing that he tried killing himself broke her even more.

Inko:*crying* izuku I am so sorry, but now that you're alive we can be a family, you me and izuma just the three of us.

AM: izuku don't listen to her, we will be a family we just need to convince izuma, we can even figure out a cure for you.

Izumi:*pissed* my name is izumi, izuku died a long time ago, and I am not going to be a family with either of you, you made my life hell I hated everything about myself, because of you and as for a cure there is nothing wrong with me I don't need a cure because I am fine.

AM: izuku you are my son, I just want to help you be my son again, you didn't deserve to turn into a girl you didn't choose this, so I will help you go back to normal.

Izumi: I am fine, I may not of chosen to be a girl, but I sure as hell am happy the way I am, I am not your son I have never been you're son, and I don't need your help, I have a family who actually love me for me.

Inko: but izuku we only-.

Mirko: that's enough!!.

Inko is cut off, by mirko who walks in looking pissed, as she glared at them.

Izumi: ms mirko what are you doing here.

Mirko: well I noticed we were missing someone, so I came here and found you talking to them.

AM: mirko this doesn't concern you, leave now that's an order.

Inko: that's right this is a private conversation.

Mirko: all-might psychic X, neither of you have the authority to order me around, sure you both may outrank me as hero's, but that doesn't give either of you the authority to order me around, besides I am your boss at UA or did you forget you two are assistant teacher's.

AM: this still is non of your business, so leave while we have a discussion.

Mirko: actually it is my business, since you two are bothering my student, so this is my business also nezu filled me in on all the neglect and abuse your former son izuku, went through and also told me who izuku was now, so unless you want me to report the two of you to nezu, or worse send the recording of your conversation with izumi here, to the press I'd suggest that you two piss off now.

That scared both inko and All-might, as they both left not before giving mirko a glare, when they were gone mirko walked up to Izumi.

Mirko: ya ok kid.

Izumi: do-do you actually no everything about my past.

Mirko: more or less, yeah nezu thought it important that I no just incase.

Izumi: I see, thanks by the way I really do appreciate it.

Mirko: no problem it's my job to protect you, both as a teacher and as a hero.

Izumi: yeah I guess it is, also are you really their boss.

Mirko: yup.

Izumi: how?.

Mirko: well apparently they wanted to work here, but nezu was against it, but knowing how it would look if the number 1 and number 4, hero's got rejected by UA he had little choice in the matter, but he wasn't stupid enough to make them teachers so he made them assistant teacher's, and hired me as a the actual teacher.

Izumi: wait can you even be a teacher, I mean do you have a teacher's license.

Mirko: yep I got it before I became a hero, I thought I'd become a teacher but well life has a funny way of changing your life, in unexpected ways.

Izumi: yeah I guess your right about that.

Mirko: c'mon let's head over to the others, I'm sure they've been waiting enough.

Izumi: sure just let me change first.

Mirko: ok then, I'll go first then.

Izumi: ok then.

Later with everyone else, they were at the training ground, with emi who was watching them, all-might and psychic X where there waiting for mirko and izumi, as they waited a voice was heard.

???: so your 1A huh, you don't look that impressive.

1A turn and saw Vlad king, leading a group of students, this new group surprised 1A, as they didn't no this was a joint training.

Katsuki: who the hell are you extras.

Monoma: we are the amazing 1b and we are clearly the superior class.

Emi: hello Vlad is this your entire class.

Vlad: yeah is this everyone from 1a.

Emi: not quite were missing one student and mirko.

Just then mirko walked up to the classes, making her presence known.

Mirko: I'm right here.

Vlad: ah mirko good to see you.

Mirko: yeah whatever.

Emi: mirko where's izumi.

Mirko gritted her teeth as she glared at all-might and psychic X, who looked away from her gaze this didn't go unnoticed by the others.

Mirko: hey emi I'll need to have a word with you later.

Emi:*worried*sure thing.

Just then another voice was heard, as they yelled out alerting everyone to their arrival.

Izumi: sorry I'm late.

Izumi ran wearing her hero costume, as she made it her friends came wanting to know if everything was ok.

Izuma: izumi are you ok what took you so long.

Izumi: sorry I'll explain later ok.

Mina: alright just know we are here for you ok.

Izumi: I know I'll keep that in mind, by the way your costume's look amazing.

Momo: well they wouldn't be this good, if not for you.

Kyoka: no kidding we really do owe you.

Shoka: no kidding you've always been good at costume designs.

Ochaco: tell me about it, my costume looks incredible compared to what I was thinking of, I still don't know what I was thinking with the heels.

Shinsa: yeah I don't think any of
us know either.

Kirishima: I can't say much about costume's, my ideas were awful.

Denki: well at least you're new costume looks way cooler.

Iida: hey can't you see all-might and psychic X, are trying to teach pay attention, especially you izuku.

Rumi: hey fucker I'm incharge here, this is my class they are just assistant teacher's, and if you call ms izumi, izuku I will kick your ass out of UA understood.

Iida: you filthy bunny clearly a brain-dead fool, who doesn't know her betters, you should be seen and not heard, so shut it because all-might is clearly the one teaching.

Emi: tenya Iida how dare you address a hero and a teacher of UA, in such a disgusting way you are hereby expelled.

Rumi: no don't bother, I've been through crap like this before, but if he acts out of line again then expell him.

Emi: are you sure mirko?.

Rumi: yeah I am besides, if he remains my student I can make his life here hell.

Emi:*grin* oh I see ok then.

Rumi:*turns to the classes* alright shit heads if it isn't obvious, this will be a joint training with 1a and 1b, you will all be randomly paired with others from the two groups, by sticking your hand in this box and pulling out a boll with a letter that will tell you which team you're on.

Tanya: but ma'am that is incredibly inefficient, if you would allow me to-.

Rumi: shut it! I'm incharge so do as I say.

Izumi: just listen to ms mirko, she's doing this for an obvious reason.

Katsuki: ha and what reason is that.

Izumi: hero's almost always gets paired randomly with other hero's, sometimes without knowing much about that hero, like what quirk they have or if they have the right kinda skills for the task, this exercise will teach us what to do when this inevitably happens that's why 1b is here, as a class we already know eachother's Quirk's since ms aizawa had us do that physal test, but we haven't got a clue as to 1b's Quirk's, and they don't know ours this is to teach us how to work together, since this will be a first for all of us, that's why it's random.

Rumi:*grin* well said ms izumi and yes you are correct, this joint training is too teach you how to work together with limited information on your team members Quirk's, now moving on this test will have groups of two consistng of four people, one group will play the role of villain whilst the others will be the hero's.

Inko: now when I call your name please step forward and stick your hand in the box.

Everyone did as they were told, izumi was put on team A with izuma and two girls from 1b, one of them being the orange haired girl's from the entrance exam that she saved, and the other being a girl with dark green hair.

Setsuna: hey so my name's setsuna tokage, nice to meet the two of you.

Izuma: nice to meet you to, my name's izuma aizawa and this is my twin sister.

Izumi: I'm izumi aizawa nice to meet you.

Itsuka: hey my name's itsuka kendo, it's nice to meet you, before we do begin I wanted to thank you for saving me from that robot when I got injured.

Izumi: oh I knew I recognised you, it's no issue so there's no need to thank me, I was just doing what's right.

After they talked all of them explaining their Quirk's, it was time for the exam to begin as everyone waited, two team's where called.

All-might: team A, and team c.

Team A: izumi aizawa, izuma aizawa, setsuna tokage, itsuka kendo.

Team C: katsuki bakugo, tenya Iida, neito monoma, tetsutetsu tetsutetsu.

Katsuki: ha we are going to kick your ass.

Iida: bakugo please, we will win, and once that happens you two*point's at izumi and izuma* have to return to your true home with your actual parents, and leave the aizawa's.

Tanya: izuku also has to leave UA.

Izuma: do you really think we'd agree to that.

Izumi: ok fine, hell I'll even date katsumi and Tanya if I lose, and break up with those I'm with, I'll leave UA and obey every order given to me.

Izuma: Izumi what the hell.

Izumi: don't worry izuma everything's going to be fine.

Katsumi: we accept you'll learn to be obedient, once this is over, and we'll turn you back to normal.

Izumi: oh and what if that can't happen, what happens if I'm stuck as I am.

Tanya: that won't be an issue, there's a doctor in America that has a quirk that changes a person's gender permanently, so you will be brought back to normal.

Izumi: ok then, let's begin.

Everyone left going to the observation room, while team c web went inside the building to prepare, as for team A they were outside.

Izuma: izumi what were you thinking.

Izumi: I thought I'd give them false hope, and then crush it.

Izuma: you are a headache sometimes.

Itsuka: uh hey sorry so uh I'm confused, what were those guy's talking about.

Setsuna: yeah I'm confused to, like why do they keep calling you izuku, I thought you're name was izumi.

Izumi: kinda you see I know them from my childhood, we all actually used to be good friends, but when there Quirk's came in and mine didn't, everyone assumed I was quirkless and I was bullied by them, and even neglected by my birth parents, it got so bad that I tried to kill myself but I was able to survive, my quirk which was dormant awakened and well the drawback is that I'm permanently turned into a girl, and well my old name was izuku and they are calling me it because they can't except me as I am.

Itsuka: that's awful

Setsuna: how the hell are they even in UA.

Izumi: they took the entrance exam.

Itsuka: still though you'd think UA would no about this.

Izuma:*sigh* they do that's why if they get expelled then they would face hard punishment, from principal nezu.

Itsuka: I see well then let's prepare for the test.

Meanwhile inside the building, katsuki was grinning while Iida was thinking, as for monoma he was being a dick while tetsutetsu was just standing by waiting for the exam to begin.

Katsuki: ha that nerd the minute he walks in, I'll show him his place.

Iida: as much as I hate to agree with you, izuku has clearly let his new power get to his head, once we win though izuku will be turned into a guy and marry my sister.

Iida:*thinking* though before that I'll have some fun teaching that bitch not to look down on me, and have even more fun fucking her whore body.

Katsuki: deku's gonna learn his place.

Katsuki:*thinking* though I'm definitely fucking that tight pussy, I'll also be fucking izuma and maybe even shoka, and round cheeks.

Just then all-might was heard on the speakers.

All-might:*on speaker* begin you have ten minutes.

Katsuki runs of yelling deku the entire time, monoma follows yelling 1a trash while Iida and tetsutetsu stay behind.

As for team A they started walking in, all of them keeping their guards up.

Izumi: setsuna where are they.

Setsuna: on the third floor monoma and the guy with blonde hair, are making their way down.

Izuma: that's bakugo.

Itsuka: wow it was smart to have setsuna look through the windows by having her split her eye from her body.

Setsuna: tell me about it I never even thought of that.

Izumi: well I'm glad I could help you, learn something new about your quirk, by the way who gets to take who.

Izuma: I want katsuki.

Izuma: I'll get Iida then

Itsuka: um well I guess I'll take monoma.

Setsuna: talk about taking the one's who deserve an asswhooping, fine I'll tetsutetsu.

As they walked they heard katsuki and monoma, so they split up izumi and setsuna making their way to the third floor whilst Izuma stayed behind with itsuka.

As the duo walked looking for katsuki and monoma, they didn't need to walk for long as katsuki and monoma appeared in no time.

Katsuki: oh looks like we found you first, so where's the nerd.

Izuma: busy so you'll be dealing with me.

Katsuki: fine guess I can have some fun with you, and then go find the nerd and kick his ass.

Izuma: that's only if you can beat me.

Katsuki growled as he charged at izuma, with an outstretched arm izuma grabbed it and slammed katsuki into a wall with it.

Katsuki ground groaned as he glared at izuma, he immediately started attacking with his quirk as izuma dodged each attack.

While they did that itsuka fought monoma, who attacked with katsuki's explosion's quirk.

Itsuka: I see you copied that bakugo guys quirk.

Monoma: yeah they may be 1a trash, but they have decent enough Quirk's.

Itsuka: you do know that guy bullied his former friend, for being quirkless and now you're using it.

Monoma: like I care all I want is to beat you, and then go after that bitch izumi aizawa.

Itsuka: what why.

Monoma: non of your business, now lose.

The group continued to fight, meanwhile izumi was with setsuna they were outside the room with Iida and tetsutetsu, who were waiting for them.

Setsuna:*whispering* what's the plan.

Izumi:*whispering*well truthfully from what you told me about tetsutetsu, I'm not that confident in your ability to beat him, no offence.

Setsuna:*whispering*non taken I'm not sure if I could beat him either, so what do we do.

Izumi:*whispering* hmm well let's switch you take Iida and I'll take tetsutetsu.

Setsuna:*whispering* alright let's do this.

The duo run inside the room, gaining Iida and tetsutetsu's attention.

Izumi: hello boys.

Iida: so you made it past bakugo and monoma, but you won't succeed hero's for we shall defeat you and win

Tetsutetsu: oh thank god someone finally came, I have had to listen to him monologue for ages please fight me so this can end.

Izumi: ooh I am so sorry i will gladly fight you, to put you out of your misery.

Tetsutetsu: oh thank god.

Tetsutetsu actived his quirk turning his skin into metal, izumi saw this and was surprised but decided to do the same activating heavy metal.

Tetsutetsu: Woah we have the same quirk.

Izumi: not sure is turning your skin to metal.

Tetsutetsu: yeah.

Izumi: well then we don't have the same, this is just one of my abilities, now let's fight.

Tetsutetsu was surprised to hear that, but quickly focused on the fight, as he and izumi fought eachother Iida fought with setsuna.

Back with the others they had just finished, with katsuki and monoma and we're exhausted from their fight.

Izuma: oh beating him felt good.

Itsuka: hey uh do you why monoma seemed to have it out against your sister.

Izuma: hmm oh yeah I'll tell you about it later, but for now let's go find onee-san and tokage.

Itsuka: good call.

As they left mirko could be heard, through the speakers.

Rumi:*speaker* katsuki bakugo and neito monoma are captured.

Back with izumi and setsuna, izumi had just slammed tetsutetsu into a wall as his quirk deactivated, he held his hands up in surrender.

Tetsutetsu: I give up, I give up.

Izumi: you sure.

Tetsutetsu: yeah you've beaten me, I'm spent.

Izumi: well for what it's worth, you did amazingly well.

Tetsutetsu: Thanks.

Tetsutetsu said this as he held his hand out, izumi quickly putting the capture tape on his wrist.

Rumi:*speaker* tetsutetsu tetsutetsu is captured.

Izumi grinned and turned around, and saw
Iida pinned to the ground and setsuna quickly putting the capture tape on him.

Rumi:*speaker* tenya Iida is captured team A wins.

Setsuna walked up to Izumi, they both hugged and smiled as they celebrated their victory.

Setsuna: hell yeah we did it!!.

Izumi: nice work you did well.

Setsuna: you weren't half bad yourself.

Just then izuma and itsuka came in, and saw Izumi and setsuna celebrating.

Izuma: nice work you two.

Setsuna&izumi: thank's.

Itsuka: no hard feelings right tetsutetsu.

Tetsutetsu: non at all, I'm just glad I have I reason to train more so I can get stronger than aizawa.

Izumi: I'm guessing you mean me, so I'll tell you this the only person who's called aizawa, is Shoma aizawa who's my mom there's a lot of aizawa's so me and my sister's along with our mama go by are first names.

Tetsutetsu: right so it's cool if I call you izumi then.

Izumi: yep, by the way if you want to get stronger I'd be more than happy to train you.

Just as izumi said that, her friends yelled through the speakers.

Izumi's friend's:*speakers* no!! If you want to live then say no that girl is satan reborn!!.

Tetsutetsu:*scared* uh thanks but I think I'll pass.

Izumi: oh fine.

They soon left leaving those remaining of team c, to be taken to RG who healed them, the matches continued with izumi's girlfriend's and two friends doing amazing,
Soon the test was over and everyone returned to their classroom's.

The end of chapter 12.
