chapter 5.

Izuku was floating through an endless void,
There was no sound light or any sign's of life.

Izuku: am I dead, huh so this is the afterlife, I guess it is an empty nothingness,Hm? What's that light.

Suddenly izuku's words are stopped,as a bright light suddenly appeared blinding him.

Izuku: AHH!.


Izuku:*confused* what where am i.

Izuku asked as he woke up, he appeared to be in some sort of hospital room, as he continues to look around two thing's, became abundantly clear.

One: he was still alive, which means he failed to kill himself.

And two: his voice sounded different.

As these thoughts entered izuku's mind, he heard the door off to the side open, as he turned his head, he saw his granny their staring at him with wide eye's.

Izuku: uh hi grandma, how have you been.

Izuku asked this with his weird voice, but choosed to ignore it for now.

RG:*in tears hit's him with her cane* how have I been are you joking, you tried to kill yourself and that's what you say,
Not sorry not explaining what the hell was wrong no, how have you been is what you say!!!.

Izuku:*in pain* sorry.

He said this as he looked down.

RG:*sigh* it's alright Sunny I'm just glad you're awake.*smiles*

Izuku:*smiles back* how long was I out for?.

RG: quite awhile a whole month.

Izuku:*shocked* a month.

RG: yes a month, you had everyone quite worried.

Izuku:*surprised* I did?.

RG: yes of course,what did you think that we wouldn't care.

Izuku: I guess I thought I'd stop being a burden to everyone.

RG: now you listen here izuku,you have never and will never be a burden, you are our family you are loved and will always care about you, is that clear.

Izuku: *smiles*yes ma'am.

RG: good now let's do a few checks to make sure your ok, before I let people know your
Awake, I've also got to inform you of some changes that happened while you were resting.

Izuku:*confused* what could happen in a month?.

RG: well for starters, toshinori and inko lost custody of you and izuma, aizawa and emi have custody over both of you, the bakugo twins and the Kids twin's along with shoto todoroki are being punished for what they did to you, your old school was shut down and demolished by nezu, and the staff were all arrested and sent to prison.

Izuku:*shocked* wait really.

RG: yes really.

Izuku: wait but what about izuma shoka and ochaco, aren't they getting punished to, I mean they did hurt me to?.

RG:*sigh* sunny they were victim's In this whole mess to, as it turns out katsuki and the others were blackmailing them into hurting you, by threatening to post naked photos of them on the internet, and Iida shoto and katsuki would force them to do other things also.

Izuku:*even more shocked* I had no idea.

RG: none of us did, not about them and not about you, sunny I'm really sorry.

Izuku:*surprised* why are you apologising for.

RG: I'm your grandma and I had no idea both my grandbabies were suffering, I should of paid more attention but I didn't and I'm sorry for that.

Izuku: granny it's not your fault I didn't want anyone to know, but still even if you didn't know you were still there, I still got presents from you and the others on my birthday and Christmas, and got to spend time with you too, so don't think you did nothing because you gave me a safe place, to escape my problems, and I'm so grateful for that.

RG:*teary eyed smile* what did I do to deserve an amazing grandbaby like you.

Izuku: by being a great grandma, by the way what's wrong with my voice.

When izuku asked this, recovery girl had a nervous look cross her face, but ultimately decided to tell izuku what happened.

RG: well sunny the thing is, you awakened a quirk, after your accident.

Izuku:*excited* wait really, I did what is it.

RG: well it's this.

When recovery said this, she turned a mirror towards izuku, showing him or rather her, what she looked like, as izuku didn't look like izuku, gone where his emerald green eyes, and forest green hair, and diamond freckles, instead izuku had brown shoulder length hair and purple eyes, and looked like a girl.

Izuku:*shocked*what happened to me!!!.

RG: well izuku it's your Quirk's drawback, you appear to have some kind of giant quirk, and the drawback is that your turned into a girl.

Izuku:*wide eyed* wait what!!!,so I'm a girl.

RG: I'm afraid so sweetheart.

Izuku began to cry after that, as Recovery girl did her best to comfort the newly made girl.

After izuku had calmed down, recovery girl did her check's and thankfully izuku seemed to be ok, after that recovery girl informed the aizawa's and nezu and the other's.

And it didn't take long for them to show either, as after an hour the todoroki's uraraka's aizawa's Iida's and mitsuki, showed up.

Thankfully the Iida twin's, bakugo twins and shoto weren't with them.

Izuku looked up at them as they entered, he or rather she saw izuma ochaco and shoka their, and quickly looked back down.

Nobody moved, all of them just staring at izuku, before aizawa walked over, izuku fully expected to get hit, but instead she got hugged.

Izuku:*confused* aunty why aren't you hitting me.

As izuku said this, aizawa only tightened her hug, and izuku could her soft crying.

Aizawa:*crying* don't ever make me worry like that again izuku, is that clear and it's not aunty it's mom.

Izuku: y-yes aunt- I mean m-mom.

Aizawa:*smile's* good, now I believe there's some people who have something to say.

When aizawa said this, she let izuku go and stepped back, allowing shoka izuma and ochaco to step forward.

Shoka: izuku we are so sorry for what we did, I swear we never wanted to hurt you.

Ochaco: yeah we were forced to, by bakugo and the others, but that still isn't an excuse, and we promise no matter what we have to do to earn your forgiveness we'll do it.

Izuma: yes oni- I mean izuku, if you want to hurt us, or p-post those photos for revenge, then go ahead.

Shoka: it's the least we deserve.

The girl's where going to continue, but stopped as izuku stood up, they watched as izuku walked over to them, with a pissed looked on her face, izuku raised her hand and the trio of girls prepared for a punch.

Only to receive a hug instead, this surprised them as they couldn't understand why izuku would hug them.

Izuku: don't ever let me catch you saying those words again, I'm not going to hurt you, or post those awful photos, granny already told me why you did what you did, I no you were just as much as a victim of those idiots as I was, I can't promise I can forgive what you did, but maybe with time we can fix our relationship to what it used to be ok.

Trio: *teary eyed* ok.

Everyone else smiled at the warm scene in front of them, as it was truly heartwarming to see.

Izuku: oh also izuma.

Izuma: yeah?.

Izuku: *cold* I'm not your onii-chan.

Izuma:*sad* oh ok I understand, I guess I kinda deserve that.

Everyone was shocked at what izuku just said, and how he turned this heartwarming scene into a sad one, some members of the group where going to say something as they didn't think izuma who they have seen worry over izuku for the past month,
Deserved this but before they could izuku spoke again.

Izuku: yeah because onii-chan means big brother, and I don't know if you've noticed but, but I'm not a boy so I can't be your big brother, so how's about onee-san instead.

Izuma:*shocked* wait does that mean you still see me as your sister.

Izuku: *chuckled* yes I do.

Izuma started crying at this point, so izuku pulled her into a hug, this shocked everyone as know one saw that coming, and those who jumped to conclusions felt guilty.

Emi: see that is so sweet.

Aizawa: I agree.

Izuku turned to the aizawa's, before looking at shinsa.

Izuku: hay shinsa.

Shinsa: hay izuku, huh now that I think of it, now that you're a girl doesn't that mean you'll need a new name.

Izuku: I guess?.

Shinsa: got any ideas.

Izuku was thinking before looking at izuma, that's when he thought of a good name.

Izuku: why not izumi.

Izuma:*surprised* are you sure I mean it does sound kinda like mine, are you sure you'd want that.

Izuku: why not your my sister, why shouldn't we have similar name's, besides I like the izu in my name.

Izuma smiled at this, as she hugged izuku some more.

Nezu: great I'll get the paperwork started then.

Izuku: thank you uncle nezu.

Nezu: no problem izumi.

Izuku now izumi smiled wondering what her knew life would be like, after today.

The rest of the day was spent with everyone else apologising for everything that happened,to Izumi and izumi spending that time trying to convince everyone that everything is ok.

After that izumi, izuma and shinsa,where in the car with shoma and emi.

Shinsa: huh ya know something, I guess where sister's now.

Izuma:*smiling* yeah a new sister.

Izumi: yeah, you think you can teach me how to be a girl.

Shinsa: definitely.

Izuma: yeah I always wanted a little sister a could teach.

Izumi: but I'm older?.

Izuma: don't care I've been a girl longer, so I put rank you.

Shinsa: there are ranks.

Izuma: yep.

Izumi: this is bad.

Emi: you know we can all teach izumi how to be a girl.

Shinsa/izuma: yeah!!.

After that they soon made it back, and izumi said.

Izumi: I'm home.

Aizawa family: welcome home,izumi/onee-san/sweetie/problem daughter.

End of chapter 5.
