chapter 6.

It's been a few weeks since izuku became izumi, and a lot has happened, firstly mitsuki divorced masaru, secondly izumi's school was shut down and the teachers were arrested, the parents were pissed about what there kid's did, and about the fact that the teacher's let it happen.

Some of the kid's who had mutation type Quirk's, or Quirk's that were considered villainous, their parents were especially pissed since their kid's also faced discrimination, that the school allowed, just not on the same level of discrimination as izuku, but still bad.

These kid's actually were the only nice ones to izuku, since they faced the same kind of mistreatment and discrimination as izuku, and izuku was the only person who treated them like people, and even helped a few with their Quirk's.

These students parents actually filed a lawsuit against the school, for there actions and nezu helped with the lawsuit by pulling a few string's.

He even gave the students, a scholarship for when they want to go to college, as a thank you for being nice to izuku now izumi.

As for izumi her past were being punished also, masaru lost his job, all-might and psychic X had their licences suspended for a year, for their actions the bakugo twins Iida twin's and shoto are all in therapy.

There also attending anger management, and have been ignored by their families, and their friends all abandoned them, after the school shut down.

Toshinori and inko also got a divorce, both blamed eachother for what happened, and neither of them could take responsibility.

But enough about them, as today was a special day, today is izumi and izuma's first day at their new school, and both were nervous.

today is izumi's first day of her new school, and she's worried it's going to be like before, her family are trying to help her with her feelings.

Izumi:*nervous* do I really need to go to school.

Aizawa:*sigh* yes izumi I no your nervous, but the school you're going to, is very open-minded they aren't quirkist, and they don't discriminate against anyone because of their quirk.

Emi: yeah izumi there isn't any reason to worry, besides shinsa will be there and izuma, so don't worry.

Shinsa: don't worry sis I've got your back, besides mom and mama are right, nobody will judge you because of you're Quirk I promise.

Izuma: there right onee-san, you'll be fine and if anyone causes you issues, I'll deal with them count on it.

Izuma smile's at izumi, as a way to help her, and it works as izumi takes a deep breath and smile's back.

Izumi:*still nervous* alright let's do this.

Izumi smile's at her family, letting them know that she's got this, with that the aizawa's leave heading to the school to drop of izumi izuma and shinsa.

*Later at the new school*

As the aizawa's walk up to the school gates, Izumi and izuma where nervous, izuma though saw the nervousness in izumi's eye's, and grabbed her hand.

Izumi saw this and looked at izuma in confusion, izuma though Looks at izumi and smile's while squeezing her hand, izumi realising what izuma is doing smile's back and squeezed izuma's hand.

As they stop at the gate, emi bent down to their level's and put her hand's on izuma and izumi's shoulder's.

Emi: now remember to stick together, and don't let anyone bully you got it.

Izuma&izumi: yes mama, we got it.

Emi:*tearing up* o-ok then b-be good.

Shoma sighed and grabbed emi, as she began crying on shoma's shoulder.

Aizawa: ignore her, she did the same thing on shinsa's first day, just head inside.

Trio: ok.

With that the group leave, heading into the school, as they we're walking someone stopped them, it was a teacher.

Teacher: ah you must be our new student, welcome I'm your homeroom teacher, my name's ms yamamari if you'll follow me please.

Izuma: nice to meet you ms, I'm izuma aizawa and this is my twin sister izumi aizawa.

Izumi: n-nice to m-meet you ms y-yamamari.

Ms yamamari: nice to meet you too, now follow me please.

With that the group follow ms yamamari, when they made it to their homeroom, they saw others waiting outside.

Izuma&izumi: shoka ochaco!!.

Shoka todoroki, and ochaco uraraka, where waiting outside the door, hearing their names they turn only to be surprised to see izuma and izumi.

Ms yamamari: oh do you need eachother.

Shinsa: yeah kinda.

Ms yamamari: I see well why don't I leave you to chat for a bit, come in when I call you ok.

Shinsa: ok.

As ms yamamari went inside, the group all looked at one another, they where nervous about being together like this, especially izumi, but after an awkward silence shoka finally break's the ice.

Shoka: izuma izuk- I mean izumi what are you doing here.

Izuma: we're new students, what about you.

Ochaco: same my parents sent me hear, after our old school closed.

Shoka: same.

Izuma: what about shoto?.

Shoka: my parents sent him to a boarding school for boy's, we won't be seeing him until UA cause my parents refuse to let him visit on holiday's.

Shinsa: to bad we can't do that with some other people.

Ochaco: if you mean Iida twin's and bakugo twins, their being punished just as bad.

Shoka: yeah, things aren't going well for them, anyway izumi how are you.

Ochaco: yeah we haven't seen you in week's, we wanted to but we get you need space and time.

Izumi: I'm good still learning to adjust, but things are going well, what about you.

Shoka: well we-.

Shoka is cut off as the teacher comes out of the classroom, and speaks.

Ms yamamari: alright please enter.

Izuma: we'll talk later.

Ochaco: ok.

And with that, the group walk inside, as shinsa walks to her desk, and the others stand Infront of the class,Many of the boys blushed seeing them.

Ms yamamari: alright why don't you introduce yourself to the class.

Ochaco: alright, my name is ochaco uraraka, my quirk is zero gravity, it allows me to temporarily remove the effects of gravity on anything I touch using the lipids on my fingers, the drawback is overusing my quirk will cause me to become nauseous and puke rainbows.

Shoka: my name is shoka todoroki, my Quirk is half hot half cold, I'm able to generate ice frost and cold, from the right side of my body, and fire, flames and heat, from my left side, drawback overusing one side will cause me to ether overheat or become increasingly cold.

Izuma: my name is izuma aizawa, my quirk is telekinesis it allows me to move heavy objects with my mind, Drawback overusing the quirk will cause me to have headache's and become disoriented.

It was izumi's turn now and she was nervous, what if they didn't like it, what if they thought she was a freak because of her drawback, what if they bullied her like before.

These thoughts ran through izumi's mins, but before she could breakdown she felt someone grab her hand, looking down she saw it was izuma.

Izuma squeezed her hand, and gave her a reassuring smile, smiling back izumi took a deep breath and spoke.

Izumi: my name is izumi aizawa, and my quirk is giantess it allows me to enhance my height, growing Into a giant, it also Grant's me a number of different abilities that I'm still learning.

Izumi: my drawback,*takes a deep breath*
My drawback is that I'm permanently turned into a girl, which means that I was once a boy.

This shocked everyone, as the class was quite, izumi closed her eyes to afraid to look, but opened them when a student spoke.

Female Student 1: that's so cool.

Izumi: huh what?.

Male student 4: yeah I mean you got a great quirk that gives you a bunch of abilities, I mean the drawback's a little surprising.

Female Student 3: yeah but who cares, so what she used to be a boy, she can't help her drawback no-one can.

Other students: yeah!!.

Izumi smiled at this, as it was the first time she was praised, but as she was enjoying the feeling one student spoke up.

Male student 6: you're all kidding right, if she used to be a guy, then being a girl just makes her a freak now.

Shinsa: shut it monoma your just jealous that she's got a better quirk, then your crappy copy quirk.

Monoma: funny how your defending it, I couldn't help but notice that the freak, and the girl with green hair share your last name, what did your freaky lesbian parents not want a villain as a daughter anymore, so they settled for a freak and one normal person.

When monoma said this, it did something to Izumi, as she walked towards monoma, she didn't realise her skin turned into metal, as she walked.

When she was Infront of monoma, she grabbed him by his shirt, and glared.


Monoma: *scared*yeah o-ok I'm sorry.

Monoma said this with fear, fear of izumi and what she'd do to him, as izumi continued to glare at monoma someone put their hand on her shoulder, turning izumi sawit was shinsa and she looked scared.

Shinsa: izumi that's enough.

Izumi looked at her, seeing the fear snapped izumi out of her blind anger

Izumi: sorry I lost my cool.

Shinsa: it's fine, he's a jerk anyways, let's just sit down ok.

Izumi: ok.

Ms yamamari: ok then, new students please take your seat's, Mr monoma I'll be seeing you after class.

Monoma:*pissed* yes ma'am.

Ms yamamari: good, now let's begin class.

With that being said, izumi izuma, and shoka and ochaco, took their seat's which happened to be near eachother.

They paid attention, for the entire class, soon though class was over, and izumi and the others we're outside class.

Shinsa: so I guess we're classmates now.

Ochaco: yeah, listen izumi I know what we did was awful, but know that we won't bother you if that's what you want.

Shoka: yeah we're just incredibly sorry for everything.

Izumi looked at them, and saw the sincerity in their eye's, seeing this helped her make her mind up, about them both.

Izumi: why would I want you to leave me alone, how are we meant to be friends if you avoid me.

Ochaco:*shocked* w-wait does that mean you want to be friends again.

Izumi: yup.

Shoka: even after everything we did to you, you want to give us a chance.

Izumi: everyone deserves a chance, besides it's not like you did what you did, because you wanted to, you had no choice, and if I we're to hold it against you, then I'd be pretty Hypocritical since I forgave izuma.

This made shoka and ochaco teary up, as both couldn't help but smile, izumi saw how happy they were and smiled back, she even hugged both of them, this was enough to make them cry, it was like a weight was lifted with izumi's word's.

*Later cafeteria*

Izumi was sitting with shinsa, izuma shoka, and ochaco, at a table they were talking about random stuff, when a group of girls and two boy's came over, and sat with them.

Everyone but shinsa was confused, shinsa seeing this decided to introduce everyone.

Shinsa: girls's these are my school friends,
Guys these are old friends and my two new sister's.

Momo: hello my name is momo yaoyorozu, it's nice to meet some of shinsa's friends.

Momo had, raven black hair and onyx eyes, and a charming smile.

Mina: hi ya I'm Mina ashido, great to meet ya.

Mina had pink skin and hair, her hair was curly and unruly, she also had horn's growing from her head, her eyes were black and her pupils were yellow.

Kyoka: hello my name's kyoka jiro, it's nice to meet you.

Kyoka has dark purple hair,and her eyes are dark purple with streaks of light purple, she also has earphone jack's for earlobes.

Eijiro: sup my name's Eijiro kirishima, super pumped to meet ya.

Eijiro has black hair, and Sharp shark like teeth.

Denki: hi my name's denki kaminari, nice meeting you.

Denki has blond hair with a black streak running through it, that resembles a lightning bolt, he's also got a Goofy grin.

Izuma: uh hi I'm-.

Momo: izuma aizawa, we no who you all are, we have the same homeroom.

Ochaco: huh really?.

Denki: yup.

Izumi:*embarrassed* so uh you saw, what happened with that monoma guy.

Mina: oh definitely, nice one btw finally someone put that jerk in his place.

Denki: yeah, he's a total jerk, by the way is it true you actually used to be a guy.

When denki said this, kyoka stabbed her earphone jack into his head.

Momo: so sorry for him, he doesn't realise that there are certain things you don't ask.

Izumi: no it's fine, and yeah it's true, I actually used to look like a male version of izuma, before my quirk came in.

Eijiro: must of been quite the shocker, though at least you only spent four years as a boy, that way you had a few year's to learn about you're quirk, and how to be a girl.

Izumi: um actually my quirk only came in a few weeks ago, I'm a late bloomer.

Kyoka:*surprised* so wait up until a few weeks ago you were a boy.

Izumi:*looks down* yeah.

Momo:*sympathetic* that must be really hard, to live a large portion of your life as a boy, only to be turned into a girl.

Mina: hey I've got an idea, what if we teach you how to be a girl.

Izumi:*surprised* wait really, you'd really do that.

Kyoka: I mean sure why not, you are shinsa's sister, so why wouldn't we help you.

Mina: plus you are our new friend.

Shinsa: don't try and fight it, when Mina declares someone her friend, there's no avoiding it.

Izumi: ok then, let's be friends.

The new group of friends, smile after that and begin talking about random things, mostly on how to teach izumi on how to be a girl.

End of chapter 6.

A/N: please leave a comment if you liked it.
