chapter 8.

The aizawa sister's are home now, with their friends and emi and shoma who are looking at izumi, and izuma was looking away from them.

Aizawa: so you not only used your quirk, and fought a villain but also insulted the hero's that were there, because other than backdraft the other hero's did nothing and made excuses whilst you stepped in and stopped the villain.

Izumi:*nervous* yes ma'am.

Aizawa: I see, emi what do you want to do about this.

Emi:*proud* have a big dinner to celebrate.

Everyone: wait what.

Izuma:*shocked* wait so izumi isn't getting punished.

Emi: oh god no, why would I punish her for doing what's right, she saved a life punishing her because she did this without a hero's license is wrong.

Izumi: wow thanks mama.

Emi: no problem sweetheart, though promise me you'll be more careful next time.

Izumi: I promise.

Emi: good now, anything else happen.

Ochaco: well turns out that girl izumi saved was katsumi bakugo, not only that but the Iida twin's katsuki bakugo and shoto todoroki were there also.

Aizawa: really, I thought shoto was still in that boarding school.

Shoka: he apparently got out early, and is staying with my dad.

Emi: I feel sorry for him, to deal with that jackass, poor endeavor.

Shinsa: no kidding, oh yeah toshinori was there also.

Emi&aizawa: he was there.

Both shoma and emi, start to release blood lust, scaring everyone else in the room.

Izumi: mom mama, your kinda scaring everyone.

Shoma and emi, both snap out of their own blood lust, and saw the scared looks on their daughter's friends face's, and felt guilty.

Emi: sorry kiddo's we really just hate that man.

Aizawa: yeah we hate him so much, that if he was fighting a powerful villain, we'd cheer for the villain to win.

Denki: um yeah I get it, but I've confused why you hate izumi and izuma's birth parents so much, I mean flavouring one child over another is wrong and all but still.

Aizawa:*confused look* how much of izumi and izuma's past do you know.

Mina: um well we know izumi used to be izuku, and that she was born quirkless.

Momo: and that because of that, her birth parents favoured izuma more because she had a quirk.

Kyoka: oh and some of her former classmates, used to call her names including her former friends.

Aizawa and emi both looked at izumi and izuma, they weren't even surprised truthfully they expected this, neither of them said anything they just stared at izumi, izumi sighed she knew it was time she told the truth.

Izumi:*sighed* actually I left some stuff out.

Eijiro: so wait you weren't, called name's and you're birth parents didn't favour izuma.

Izumi: no that did happen, I just left everything else out, the truth is after I was diagnosed quirkless my birth parents didn't favour izuma, they forgot me I had know Christmas, no Halloween, no birthdays, no nothing, and as for my classmates.

Izumi: it started with name calling, like deku and freek, and then they stared using quirk, things were thrown at me, I was burned by fire and explosion's, frozen with Ice, thrown into thing's, and had things dropped on top of me, not only that but my desk a waste always vandalized with insult's and messages to go kill myself.

Izumi: spiderlily's were also left on my desk, the school did nothing letting the students do as they pleased, and if I tried fighting back, I'd be made the bad guy, if you saw my personal record before the truth came out and my uncle nezu cleaned it, it would say I've been in a lot of fights starting every single one, my grades were also tampered with putting me at a barely passable grade, the only times I got the grade I deserved, was when the teachers were in a bad mood and wanted to see the students beat me up, I was also nearly raped by three different teachers, but was able to get away before they could do anything.

Izumi's friend's stare at her in horror, they couldn't believe people could be so cruel, to do such awful things to a child.

Denki:*horrified* wh-why didn't you tell us, were your friend's, did you not trust us.

Izumi:*shocked* what no I do trust you, I just wasn't ok telling others, I-i'm sorry.

Kyoka: why are you apologising, there's no reason for you to apologise.

Izumi: but I lied to you, for year's.

Momo: yes that may be true, but nobody can blame you for that, everything that happened to you was awful, your entitled to keep awful stuff like that to yourself, we would need to wait for you to be ready to tell us, and we're grateful you told us, cause this means you trust us.

Denki: yeah, sorry if I sounded harsh, I was just shocked someone so kind could go through such hell.

Izumi: it-its ok, I'm grateful to finally tell you the truth.

Mina: of course we are happy you can trust us enough with this.

As they continued to talk, izuma ochaco and shoka, all look at one another and nod.

Ochaco: actually there's more.

Kyoka: there is?.

Shoka: yes you see your probably thinking, that in the past myself ochaco and izuma, protected izumi when she was izuku, and yes that was the case for awhile.

Izumi:*shocked* girls you don't have to do this.

Izuma: yes we do, the truth is that while we did protect izumi in the past, that wasn't the case always.

Momo: what do you mean?.

Ochaco:*sigh* you see when we were younger, katsuki bakugo didn't like the fact that we were helping izumi, so he had our former friends, katsumi and Tanya take photos of us naked.

Shoka: then they used those photos to threaten us, making us hurt izumi, and as much as we didn't want to we had no choice.

Izuma: if we didn't obey, they were going to post those pictures of us on the internet, and send them to every boy in our school.

Ochaco: we'd also be forced into letting them grope our bodies, see our panties, and kiss them if they ordered us to.

Shoka: only after katsuki said, that izumi should go kill herself, did we stop, we knew that we needed to apologise to Izumi, and stop her when she was a he, from doing anything reckless.

Izuma: but we were to late.

Eijiro:*horrified* w-what do you mean.

Izumi: they mean, that the day I got my quirk, is the same day I jumped of a building to kill myself.

Izumi's friend's stared even more horrified than before, they didn't know what to think, everything they heard was sickening.

Mina: how could people like that not be in jail.

Eijiro: when I see them, I'm going to kill them.

Kyoka: you girls have gone to therapy, right.

Momo: I have an idea, I'll financially ruin them, also if want we could go to my families private island, for a little break.

Shoka: wait your not mad at us for what we did.

Denki: your kidding right, why would we be mad, you were forced into hurting izumi, your victims too.

Mina: yeah and we are still friends.

This made shoka izuma and ochaco smile, as the friend's all hug, later the group have a sleepover at the aizawa's, and all in the living room, they have sleeping bags and pyjamas provided by momo.

Eijiro has a pair of red shorts and a white t-shirt, denki has a yellow t-shirt and black shorts.

Momo has a pair of black crop top and black short shorts.

Kyoka has a black vest and shorts, and mina has on a pink onesie with alien's on it.

Shinsa has a white t-shirt with cat's on it, and purple shorts, ochaco has a pink t-shirt and white shorts.

Shoka has a half white half red t-shirt and shorts, and izuma has a black t-shirt and green shorts.

And izumi has a white t-shirt and orange short shorts.

Mina: thanks again yaomomo, for the sweet PJ's.

Momo: no worries, I was happy to help.

Denki: you know I'm surprised we're allowed her, I mean me and eijiro are guys, and you are all girl's, so it's surprising that we were allowed to be her.

Eijiro: yeah I was thinking the same thing.

Shinsa: you know everyone knows your gay right.

Denki&eijiro: they what!!.

Eijiro:*worried* w-w-what are you talking about, I'm not gay.

Izumi: bro it's fine, no one's going to judge, I mean I'm lesbian so it's fine.

Denki:*blushing* h-how'd you know.

Izuma: you two suck at hiding things.

Mina: yeah how'd you think we know you two are dating.

Eijiro: wait hold on, ok maybe we do suck at hiding things but how the hell did you know we were dating.

Kyoka:*surprised* we didn't Mina was messing with you.

Eijiro:*blink's* y-you were.

Mina:*surprised* yes, oh my god I can't believe your dating, gasp oh no were you two not ready to tell people you were an item, I'm so sorry.

Eijiro:*sigh* it's fine mina, I mean we had to tell you guys eventually, so it's fine, right denki.

Denki: yeah though now I think it's only fair, that you tell us who you have feelings for.

Eijiro:*grinning* yeah.

Girls: wait what.

Izumi:*stand's up* got to go to the restroom.

Girls: wait izumi don't leave.

But it was two late as izumi was gone, leaving the others by themselves.

Eijiro: so who do you have feelings for.

As the girl's looks at eachother, nervous unsure about how to answer, then mina blurt's out.

Mina: it's izumi.

Everyone: gasp.

Momo: wait you like her to.

Denki: like her to?.

Momo blushed when she realised her mistake, but now all eyes were on her.

Eijiro: ok let's be honest, who has feeling for izumi.

Slowly each girl raise there hands, surprising everyone that each have feelings for izumi.

Denki: wait shinsa izuma, aren't you related to Izumi.

Shinsa: actually I don't share any DNA, with izumi.

Izuma:*blushing* yeah and I've always had feelings for onee-san.

Eijiro: huh did you hear that izumi.

Girl's: what!!.

The girl's turn only to see a blushing izumi standing there, looking at them, none of the girls said anything, to embarrassed to say anything, izumi was the first to speak.

Izumi:*blushing* do*gulp* do you really have feelings for me.

Momo:*blushing* y-yes we all do.

Kyoka:*sigh* not really how I thought this would go but ok then, yes we have feelings for you we've had them for awhile.

Mina: yeah but we're to scared to say anything, incase you didn't feel the same.

Shinsa: yeah but, were sorry if this makes you uncomfortable.

Izumi: I see*turns t the others* even you izuma ochaco shoka, do you really have feelings for me.

Ochaco: y-yes we do,!.

Shoka: we always have, even when you were a boy.

Izuma: even whilst we were forced to hurt you, we never stopped loving you, even when you became a girl, we promised we'd earn your forgiveness and love.

Ochaco: it doesn't matter what gender you are, we will always love you.

Izumi:*blushing* I'm flattered but I can't exce-.

Shinsa: wait before you say anything, I figured that the others had feelings for you, I mean I knew izuma ochaco and shoka had feelings, but I wasn't sure about the others, but still I checked and if everyone is ok with it, I might know how we can be together only if your ok with it izumi.

Izumi: what is it?.

Shinsa: polygamy, we could all be in a polygamy relationship, with you.

Izuma: is that even legal.

Momo: actually it is, polygamy was made legal after Quirk's showed up, as a way to make stronger Quirk's.

Mina: if it's legal, then I'm fine with it.

Kyoka: yeah if it means being with izumi, then I'm ok with it to.

Shinsa: yeah plus it's better than ruining our friendship, over this.

Ochaco: yeah.

Shoka: I'm fine with this.

Izuma: me too*turns to Izumi* what about you onee-san.

Izumi: are you sure, I mean I can't promise it'll be easy, or that you'll have me to yourself, are you really ok with this.

The girl's looks at eachother and nod, turning back to Izumi they each say.

Girl's: were ok with it.

Izumi: *smiles* ok then I hope I can make you each happy.

Ochaco: does that mean.

Izumi:*smiles* yeah it does,i feel the same way you do.

The girl's all smiled, and each hugged and then mina kissed izumi.

Mina: that is something I have wanted to do for a while.

Girl's: mina!!.

Mina: sorry girl's first come first serve.

Girl's: alright then now it's my turn.

And with that, the girls each kiss izumi and eachother, whilst izumi just blushed.

Izumi:*blushing* this is so embarrassing.

End of chapter 8.
