chapter 9.

It's been 10 months since the sludge Villain incident, and with izumi and izuma running into there past, and right now the sisters are walking to UA with there friends, excited for what's to come.

Izuma: I can't wait for the exam.

Izumi:*holding izuma's hand* me too I'm so excited, plus uncle nezu said that there's a surprise for me, during the physical portion of the exam, so I can't wait.

Denki: I fear whatever surprises the
rat-Satan has, in store.

Momo: I agree so izumi be careful, during your exam, ok.

Izumi: come on mi-chan, do you really think something is going to happen to me.

Mina: well as your girlfriend's and friends, we worry, so we want to know you'll be safe.

Kyoka: yeah plus your past is going to be here, so you all should be careful.

Ochaco:*kisses kyoka's cheek* don't worry we'll be fine.

Momo: you better be.

The group soon after talking, make it to UA and as there walking, izumi notices a girl about to fall, so she quickly grabs her, saving her from falling.

Izumi: are you ok.

Random girl: yeah I'm fine thanks for saving me, wait izumi.

Just then izumi looked at the girl, and realised who she was.

Izumi:*shocked* Melissa!.


Both girls immediately hug eachother and smile, izumi's friend's come over, shoka ochaco izuma and shinsa shocked and happy, to see Melissa, but izumi's friend's and other girlfriend's confused and mina momo and kyoka jealous of what they are seeing.

Momo:*cold* izumi who is this.

Izumi: huh? oh yeah, uh everyone this is Melissa she's my cousin, Melissa this are my friends, and my girlfriend's.

Mina: *surprised*wait cousin.

Melissa:*shocked* girlfriend's!.

Izuma: right well, I guess we never really mentioned Melissa to you guy's huh, Melissa is are cousin kinda.

Kyoka: what do you mean "kinda".

Ochaco: well she's not related to any of us, but we've known eachother for year's.

Eijiro: huh I get it,*turn's to Melissa* get there my name's Eijiro kirishima, and this here next to me is my boyfriend denki.

Denki: hello my name's denki kaminari, it's nice to meet you.

Melissa: uh hi, my name's Melissa shield, nice to meet you all.

Momo:*surprised* wait shield as in David shield.

Melissa: yeah he's my dad.

Momo: izumi how do you know Melissa shield.

Izumi: oh my sperm donor, and her dad used to be friends, before everything happened.

Momo: oh I see, well it's a pleasure to meet you, miss shield I'm momo, momo yaoyorozu.

Kyoka: and I'm kyoka jiro, nice meeting ya.

Mina: hey I'm Mina ashido, it's nice to meet you.

Melissa: uh hi so um, is anybody going to explain the whole girlfriend's thing to me.

Izuma: oh yeah but let's head inside first.

Melissa: ok then.

As they walked they explained everything to Melissa, who was shocked but accepting of there relationship with eachother.

Soon after everyone split up, izuma momo,
And shoka heading to the observation room, whilst everyone else made there way to the auditorium, to take their test.

Melissa:*confused* why are you three going somewhere else?.

Izuma: ah well uncle nezu, offered us all recommendations, but me momo and shoka, were the only ones to accept it.

Izumi: well I wanted to prove it to myself, that I can become a hero, despite everything that happened.

Melissa: oh I see, so the reason you three aren't going to the auditorium, is because the recommendation exem was yesterday.

Momo: that's right, so we'll be in the observation room.

Izuma: good luck to all of you.

Eijiro: thanks, we'll do our best.

Izumi: yeah so let's get going so we don't miss the exam.

After a few more goodbye's they split up,
Izuma shoka and momo making there way to the observation room, while izumi and everyone else made there way to the auditorium.

As they found there seat's, they waited for the exam to start, the first part was the writin exam which they passed perfectly, it took them ten minutes, even though it was a two hour test, this pissed off two sonic the hedgehog rip-off's, as they thought they cheated.

After that it was time for the physical portion of the exam, and as everyone was waiting, present mic came out and yelled.

Mic: can I get a yeah!!!.

Izumi&her friends and Melissa: yeah!!.

Mic: oh yeah ten points to you lovely lot.

Random student 1: hey you can't do that.

Mic: as your instructor I can do as I like!.

This annoyed some students, but since they couldn't do anything, they kept their mouth shut as present mic spoke.

Mic: alright then so here's how the exam works, you'll all be split into six fake identical city's a b c d e and f, you will come across fake villain's that give you points there's a one pointer two pointer and three pointer, the more points you get the better your chances of getting into UA is, though there are rules such as no attacking other examine's that's a big
UA no no, and one more thin-.

Iida: excuse me sir but there seems to be a mistake, you have only mentioned three of the fake villains, but on this pamphlet it clearly states that there are four robots.

Mic: ah well you see I was jus-.

Mic is again interrupted by Iida, as he speaks over him which annoys mic.

Iida: if this is some sort of mistake made by
UA the best hero school in Japan, then it is laughable to think such a mistake could be made, as UA examine's we expect to have all the information not this, clearly you are unfit to be doing your job, they should have had someone else do this, and another thing you lot up there.

Iida points toward's izumi and her friends,
And they were annoyed by this.

Ochaco: yes Iida what is it.

Iida: ochaco? Hm I see so it looks like you've became a delinquent.

Ochaco:*annoyed* what do you mean.

Iida: what mean is, you all have disgraced this exam, first you cheated on the written exam, and now you don't pay attention when present mic is explaining the physical portion of the exam if you aren't taking this seriously then leave.

Izumi: excuse me, we did not cheat during the written exam, and also as for us not paying attention, that is because we already know everything present mic will say, because everything he's saying is in this pamphlet, In much more detail, including the part about the Fourth robot being a zero pointer, In other words it's an obstacle not an opponent.

Izumi: and another thing present mic didn't make a mistake, he was about to explain the zero pointer before you interrupted him, the fact you think it was ok to not only interrupt a hero but also a teacher who has the authority to kick you from the exam, is laughable also the fact you think you will get all the fact is also funny, because sometimes hero's won't get all the facts and will need to adapt to the situation when an unknown entity enters the situation, this exam is here to teach us this.

Izumi: and another thing, it's pretty funny how you say we aren't paying attention, when it's clearly you who isn't, you were more focused on rubbing your ego, by insulting a hero and teacher of UA, you also seemed to focus on us who are three rows behind you, which clearly means you yourself were not paying attention, now if you want to get kicked out of the exam then keep talking, but If you don't want that then apologies to present mic, then sit down and shut up and I clear.

The entire auditorium burst into laughter, as everyone laughed at Iida, whilst Iida just blushed, he turned and bowed to mic.

Iida: my deepest apologies sir, I shouldn't of interrupted you, please forgive me.

Mic: just sit down now, examine 3465.

Iida: yes sir.

As Iida sat down, he couldn't help but glare at izumi as he looked at her.

Iida: you bitch making fun of me, Infront of everyone I'll show you your place, as a woman you are only meant to serve men like myself, I'll make you realise this you whore.

Mic: alright then now let's continue, if everyone can look under there seat's, you'll find a peace of paper telling you what city you'll be going to.

Everyone did as told and looked under their seats, finding what city they'll be heading to.

Eijiro: well look like I'll be heading to city f.

Denki: me too.

Mina: I'm in city d.

Kyoka: same here.

Ochaco: I'm in city a.

Izumi: me too.

Melissa: I'm in city a also.

Shinsa: I'm in city b.

Izumi: so it looks like we'll be split up.

Shinsa: yeah and I'll be by myself.

Ochaco: come on shinsa, you'll be fine, we know you'll be awesome out there.

Izumi: yeah and after, we'll go out and celebrate.

Everyone: yeah.

After that everyone made it to their bus, that would take them to their training ground, izumi ochaco and Melissa sat next to eachother, during the bus ride.

End of chapter 9.
