chapter 4.

Right now the Bakugo family, todoroki family, Iida family, uraraka parents, Yagi parents, are walking up to UA, since they were all called and told to come, at the entrance the families all meet.

Inko: what are you all doing here?.

Mitsuki: we got a call to come to UA.

Enji: same here.

Mr uraraka: I'm guessing we all got the same call.

REI: well then let's go inside and find out why we were called.

Everyone else: ok.

Katsuki: where is that dumb bitch I was going to heve sex with her finally and make her mine.

As the group made their way through,the now empty hall's, a few of them couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

As they made it to nezu's office, toshinori was about to knock, but was interrupted.

Nezu: come in.

Nezu's voice sent chills, down the spin's of everyone their, opening the door, the group walked in, only to be met with, nezu, izuma,shoka, ochaco,the aizawa couple,
mic,midnight,sir nighteye,RG,grantorino,
And not one of them looked happy.

Toshinori: what's going on Who died?.

The minute toshinori said that, Recovery girl, and grantorino jumped him and attacked him, beating him to a bloody pulp.

When they were done, grantorino spoke.

Grantorino: how could you you big idiot.

Toshinori shaking in fear: what did I do.

Nezu: Simple you mistreated a child.

Enji: what do you mean?, also shoka what are you doing here.

Nemuri: I think it's best if we explained things so everyone understands.

Aizawa: agreed.

Nezu: alright then.

Nezu Looks to the group and speaks.

Nezu: tell me something inko, toshinori does the name izuku mean anything to either of you.

Inko: should it?.

As inko asked this everyone, looked at her in shock.

Toshinori: who's izuku, is he a friend of someone?.

Rei: you can't be serious, how could you not know who izuku is.

Mitsuki: inko this is a joke right, you have to know who izuku is.

Inko: no sorry, is he famous or something?.

Aizawa mad: he's your son you fool's.

Toshinori: what are you talking about, we don't have a son.

Grantorino and recovery girl, wanted to attack toshinori at that moment, but held themselves back.

Emi: you do,you've just forgotten him.

As emi said this,both inko and toshinori tried to recall who izuku was, and like flash of lightning, it hit them who exactly Izuku was.

Both: are son!.

Hizashi: finally.

Inko: oh my god what have we done.

Inko cried out, as she tried to remember any memories with izuku, only to realise that any memories she had of him, ended when he turned four.

Toshinori coming to the same conclusion, cried tears of regret, realising that he had no memories of his son,past the age of four.

Toshinori: we neglected are own son.

Nezu: oh you did more than that, you see to neglect someone, you need to remember they exist, you completely forgot and abandoned izuku, leaving him to fend for himself.

Inko: where is he, we need to apologise.

Inko begged as she could feel her heart break, at the realisation that she was a bad mother.

Nezu: I didn't call you here to inform you of your mistakes, so you could apologise,I brought you here to punish you.

Rei: I can't believe you'd do such a thing inko, to neglect your own son.

Enji: agreed, but there's something I don't get, it's obvious why toshinori and inko are here, but what about the rest of us, and where exactly is izuku.

Aizawa: he's in the infirmary currently fighting for his life.

Mr uraraka: what do you mean?.

Aizawa looks down sad: he jumped of a building.

Those word's made everyone's blood run cold, especially izuku's tormentors.

Izuku's bullys: what!!!.

Fuyumi: what do you mean he jumped of a building!!!.

Nezu: he jumped, why well that's simple,
You see izuku while being neglected, by his so called parents, was also beaten and bullied by those he thought he could trust.

Tensei: what do you mean, by that, was his classmates bullying him or something,

Izuma: yeah they were, and the teachers allowed it.

Mr's uraraka: that's awful.

Ochaco: yeah it is mom, it's despicable.

Izuma: agreed, but that's not all.

Katsuki pissed: izuma shut your mouth.

Izuma looked up, and looked katsuki in the eye, before grinning.

Izuma: you know what katsuki, I think you should kiss the floor.

As izuma said this, she used her quirk on katsuki, lifting him up into the air and slamming him on the ground, breaking his nose in the process.

Katsuki: argh.

Izuma cold: now let me speak.

Izuma said this with an icy cold tone, that sent a chill down everyone's spines, and held the promise of more pain, if anybody interrupted.

Izuma: sigh, as I was saying, that wasn't all, you see because even though izuku was being bullied, their was one group that tormented him to know end, and that was myself and ochaco, shoka and shoto, tenya and Tanya, and finally katsumi and katsuki.

Everyone shocked: what.

Touya shocked: shoto shoka is that true.

Shoto worried: no I was forced Into it, I didn't want to, but the others made me.

Shoka: that's a lie, the only one's forced Into anything was me izuma and ochaco, katsuki had katsumi and Tanya take photos of us when we were naked, and threatened to post them on the internet, if we didn't obey.

Ochaco: not only did he force us to hurt izuku, but he made us his slave's,
He made it so if he gave an order we'd have to obey him.

Izuma: he'd make us kiss him if he told us to.

Shoka: make us show are panties to him, shoto, and Iida.

Ochaco: and the three of them, would grope us anytime they wanted, anywhere they wanted.

When the three girl's where finished speaking, they had tears streaming down their face's, finally they said it, finally they let someone know, finally they were free.

As they cried, emi,Recovery girl,and nemuri, went over and held them as they cried.

Iida: that's a Li-ack.

Iida is cut off, by a punch from tensei.

Iida shocked: brother why.

Tensei: shut your mouth, your no longer my brother.

Tanya: but tensei, tenya is your brother, he's family.

Tensei: shut your mouth, he's not family, and neither are you.

Both Iida and Tanya's eye's widened at those words, as they admired their brother, and to hear him say they weren't family hurt.

Enji: how could you shoto, not only hurt izuku, who helped me become a better father, and helped touya with his quirk, but also hurt your sister, as her big brother it's your job to protect her, but instead you made her feel afraid, you are a disgrace.

Uraraka parents crying: ochaco were so sorry we didn't realize.

Ochaco: it's "sniff" ok m-"hic"-mom and dad, it's not your fault.

Mitsuki looking to her kid's horrified: how could you do such awful things to your friends.

Masaru worried about himself: t-thats right I am severely disappointed in both of you.

Masaru said,only to receive a punch from hizashi.

Hizashi: sorry I just couldn't stand by and let him say these things like he didn't already know.

Mitsuki confused: what do you mean.

Nezu: simple masaru here was the only adult to know what was going on the whole time, and do nothing.

Aizawa: because he's a coward.

Mr Iida: he new and said nothing,why.

Aizawa: like I said he's a coward.

Mitsuki: masaru is this true.

Masaru: mit-mitsuki please listen I only did what I thought was right for are kids, they needed to train their Quirk's especially other people, if they were going to be hero's.

Mitsuki heard enough,and slapped masaru across the face.

Mitsuki: I want a divorce, to think you'd actually believe this is what's actually best for are kid's, what kind of a fool, are you.

Nezu: "cough's" now if everyone is done let's get to punishment time,
Firstly toshinori and inko will lose all custody of izuku and izuma, secondly your pay will be cut by 80% and half of that will be donated to quirkless orphanage's and hospitals, the rest will be put into bank accounts for izuku and izuma for when they turn 16, so they have some spending money, thirdly you'll both be put through hero courses and parent courses to reteach you both the meaning of being a hero and a parent, as for izuku and izuma's custody moving forward, generally speaking I'd like to give it the todoroki family or maybe the uraraka family, however with izuku's past i think it's best we Avoid that as it could have issues.

Aizawa: I'll take custody of both of them.

Shoma said with absolute certainty, shocking everyone else in the room.

Emi: sho are you sure.

Aizawa: I am I know we could do it, if you'll do it with me.

Emi smiling: I'm in, I'll be the best mom I can be.

Inko: no I'm their mom, not you too.

Izuma: you were never a mom, you only cared about me because of my quirk, and you never even cared for izuku,so stop acting.

Toshinori yelling: izuma apologies now!!! That is your mother.

Izuma: all she is, is an egg donor nothing else.

Toshinori: that is enough.

As he yelled this, he walked over to izuma, but before he could do anything, grantorino and recovery girl quickly stepped in, and beat him up.

Grantorino: Your just like your father toshinori.

Hearing those words, made toshinori's eye's widen as he began to cry, memories of his past coming back to him, of his abusive and absentee father, making him remember his life before, one-for-all.

Toshinori: i-im nothing L-like him.

Recovery girl: really because if I remember correctly, he neglected and abused you for being quirkless, seems the same to mean.

Grantorino: no he's right, he was physically abused and neglected, izuku was just forgotten, so I guess he wasn't completely like his father.

Nezu: quite right, now if I can continue, as for those who forced izuma, ochaco, and shoka, into attacking izuku, and attacked him themselves will receive the following punishment, firstly their recommendation layer's will be revoked, secondly they will be required to were quirk suppressant bracelet's for the next four years, only allowed to take them off during scheduled training times for their Quirk's, secondly they will be required to undergo therapy and anger management, till their arrival at UA in which they will continue to receive anger management and therapy with hound dog.

Nezu: thirdly they will be allowed to tryout for UA by partaking in the entrance exam, as I know izuku would not want to be the reason other's never got to realise their dreams.

Nezu: Fourth they will be blacklisted from every other hero school in the world, so as to make UA their only option, if they by some miracle make it in, then they will be on thin ice any sign of bullying during their time leading to UA, to their time at UA will either result in them being blacklisted from UA or being expelled from UA.

Nezu: in which case they will then be arrested and sentenced to 10 years in Tartarus, if by some kind of miracle they manage to make it to UA and actually graduate, then they will be on probation for the next five years.

Nezu: any questions.

Katsuki: why the hell are we being punished for doing what's right, that dumb deku thought he could be a hero, we needed to teach him that he can't.

Enji: so is that what you think,then let me tell you something, a hero's job is not only to protect and save them from harm, but to also save their hearts, their smiles, and their hope, that is something I learned from izuku, he isn't even a hero yet, and even if he doesn't have a quirk, he still has the most potential I've ever seen.

Enji: also this is for shoka izuma and ochaco.

As enji finished speaking, he turned and punched katsuki hard, hard enough to send him into the wall, causing him to cough up some blood.

Nezu: Very well put enji, also nice punch.

Izuma: I have a question.

Nezu: what is it dear.

Izuma: will we be punished to for hurting izuku.

Nezu frowns at izuma's question, before he decided to speak.

Nezu: I think you three have been punished enough, right now all you need to worry about, is fixing your bond with izuku, and don't worry about those pictures, I already had ectoplasm, and thirteen find them, I'll make sure their destroyed, for good.

Hearing this the trio of girl's, all smiled, as tears fell from their faces.

All three: thank you.

Nezu: no problem, and if you want to hurt those who hurt you, go ahead no one will stop you.

Hearing that the three girl's, all looked at eachother and nodded.

Trio: thank you but no, if we hurt them, then we'd be no better than them.

Nezu chuckled a bit, as he spoke.

Nezu: I see if that's what you want then alright then, now then, are meeting is now finished, everyone may leave.

After saying that, everyone left, mitsuki packed a bag as soon as she got home, and left ignoring the cries and pleading of her kid's and her soon to be ex husband,
Katsuki blamed izuma, shoka and ochaco, for this alongside izuku, he swore he'd have his revenge

The todoroki's went back to their home, where shoto was punished, and shoka was pampered like a princess.

Tanya and Iida where both grounded for a year, and their brother tensei didn't even acknowledge them as his siblings, which really broke them, Iida blamed izuku for this, swearing revenge.

Ochaco was also pampered by her parents, as both felt bad for not realising their daughter was suffering, ochaco tried to make them stop before her family went bankrupt.

As for toshinori and inko, they both argued, both of them blaming the other, neither one taking responsibility.

And as for izuma, she went home with her new mom's, happy as can be, as she promised herself that she'd earn her brother's forgiveness, and make amends,
As she helped him achieve his dream of being a hero.

Shoka ochaco and izuma all thought one thing though: izuku I'll earn your forgiveness and your love, that I promise.

End of chapter 4.

A/N: Tell me how I did and if you liked this chapter.
