What the Nether is going on?!

 A/N Hey So I didn't update over thanksgiving. Can you blame me? I was spending time with my family so sorry guys but here it is finally! I'm just going to use the name given to my by @123itsma_alyssa, awesome ideas. SO here you go people! The story awaits...


"He is your dad? And he is your son?" Herobrine said looking between Phil and his son, Jonas. They had moved to the study to speak in private.

"That would be implied" Phil said leaning back in his chair. Jonas looked nervous just sitting there but Herobrine couldn't blame him. He had, after all, tried to slice his throat.

"I just cant understand it. How do you have a son?" Herobrine said looking at Jonas which made him look even more uncomfortable.

"Same way that you have a daughter" Phil said.

"I know that its just.. How long have you had him?" Herobrine asked looking at Phil.

"Oh about a month now" Phil said. Jonas got up while Herobrine was distracted and quickly left the room. When he opened the door he was almost crushed by the people standing outside listening in.

"Sorry" Crystal said from the bottom of the pile. Everybody got up quickly and brushed themselves off. They headed down the hall to the living room followed by Jonas. No one noticed Jonas following until Kye saw him.

"So, what's it like being part enderman?" she asked when she saw him standing in the hallway.

"Well, I've only known about it for maybe a month" He said trying to shrink back into the shadows.

Kye patted the seat next to her motioning him to sit down. He carefully walked over and sat down.

"How did you find out?" She asked when he was sitting.

"Well, I used to live with my mom out in the forest. That is until the hoard of zombies came" he said taking a deep breath before he continued. "I have never really been around people before but I did know about some of my powers. The night the zombies came my mom knew we were toast so she told me to teleport away. I did and waited for her to come but she never did. Instead I waited tor three days before going back to my old home to see it destroyed. Burned to the ground by them. That's when I met my dad. A couple of days ago he took me to this house and told me I was half enderman and that I should live here. I did and it was all great until now. Now I have no idea what's going on and I just want everything t go back to normal" He finished. He let out a sigh after a couple seconds.

Looking up he saw everyone staring at him which made him feel even more uncomfortable than he already was.

"Sorry for your loss" Fluffy said making Jonas look up.

"Thanks but I don't need your sympathy" Jonas said getting up "The past is the past and cant be changed. No matter what we wish happened it cant and wont." He walked up the stairs.

Everyone sat in silence for a bit before Fluffy got up and walked over to the steps. Quartz got up to follow but was held back by Budder. Crystal got up and walked over to Fluffy when he hesitated.

"Let me" She said and started up the steps. She got to the top and saw five doors but zeroed in on one where a faint crying noise was coming form. She quietly walked towards it and opened the door. Jonas was sitting on a bed crying softly but looked up when he heard Crystal come in.

"What do you want?" he asked, anger and sadness in his voice.

"Nothing. I just came to tell you I know how you feel" Crystal said with a small shrug as she walked over to the bed and sat down next to Jonas.

"I highly doubt that" He said brushing away some tears. "No one knows how I feel"

"You want to bet?" Crystal said with a small smile. "How about this. I just found out my father was Herobrine and I was kidnapped by my uncle when I was two years old. Then I have these powers that my uncle had tried to hide from me and I have to keep them a secret or else people will hate me as much as they do my father. To top it off, he didn't recognize me and almost killed me getting revenge on my uncle for taking me."

"Talk about irony" Jonas said with a small laugh making Crystal laugh too. He looked over at Crystal with red rimmed eyes.

"How did you get through it?" He asked

"Well, I have awesome friends who helped me through it and I guess being a brine makes it harder to kill me" She said with a shrug "You just need the friends though because I'm pretty sure you didn't get stabbed in the stomach"

Jonas laughed at that "Yea, it would be great to have friends but I don't know how to get them" he said with a sigh

"Well, you have one already and you don't get them you make friends. By trusting others and having them trust you" Crystal said looking at him. She got up off the bed and walked over to the door. "Come on, I'll introduce you to everybody" And she walked out the door. Jonas followed after a bit and was just walking down the steps when he heard them talking below.

"You just have to trust him guys. He's had a rough life." He heard Crystal say from the living room

"Well that's kind of hard since we just met him" Quartz said

"Just give it a try. He's not all bad" Crystal said defending him

"Its on you if this backfires" Fluffy said.

Jonas walked down causing the conversation to stop. Crystal turned and

"This is Fluffy, Quartz, Budder, Little frog, and the Squid king" Crystal said pointing to each one in turn "I am Crystal and that over there is Kye. The person who tried to cut off your head then started talking to your dad was Herobrine, my father"

"I'm Jonas" He introduced himself. Just then Phil and Herobrine walked out of the Study and into the living room.

"Good, your all getting along" Herobrine said looking around "I see you've already introduced each other so we'll skip that. Now, to the important stuff. It's time we all go and get some sleep because we are leaving in the morning. They're probably out looking for us right now so we will have to get moving as soon as possible"

"Then why don't we just leave now?" Fluffy asked interrupting Herobrine who shot him a look that silenced him.

"Because, where we are going is a long way off and you all need your rest. Now upstairs there should be six rooms. One can be the girls room another the boys, mine and then Phil's. If you want to choose your rooms you should probably go now." Everyone got up to run up stair but were stopped by Jonas.

"Wait! This is my house. The rooms upstairs don't have enough beds and they have already been chosen by others." he said looking around. Everyone looked confused besides Herobrine who looked mad. No, scratch that. He looked furious.

"What do you mean they've already been chosen?" Herobrine asked staring at Jonas

"I mean there are others living here with me" Jonas said looking nervously out the window "They should be back soon since the sun is starting to set" Just then they heard the door open. Some one walked through the entry room and toward the living room.

"Hey Jonas? Where are you? We got a good load today" A guy said as he came into the living room. He stopped when he saw all the people in there. A girl and another boy almost ran into the first he stopped so suddenly. The first boy was wearing a black shirt with stars on it in and black jeans. He had a black ball cap with a nether star on it covering his dirty blond hair an barley showing his dark green eyes. The girl had on a purple hoodie and black jeans with a black cape flowing behind her. She had brown eyes and purple eyes almost as dark as her hoodie and her white hair was almost a shock in comparison. The final boy was wearing a plain white tee and had dark pants on that might have been gray once but now looked like a crusty dark brown. His eyes were a gentle blue and he had regular brown hair and he looked like he was no older than 7.

"Um, who are these people Jonas?" The first boy said looking around the room

"Hey Nova. They were already here when I came home" Jonas said "They seem cool though"

"Cool? They broke into our house?" the girl said gesturing to the group

"Morgan, they technically were here first since one of them had built this place." Jonas said to the girl

"Wait, who built it?" the last boy said looking at the group. Herobrine stepped forward and looked at the boy with his glowing eyes.

"I did" He said looking straight into the little boys eyes. He shrank back behind the girl a little but his curiosity got the better of him because he peaked out again and stared at Herobrine.

"Why are your eyes like that? They make you look like Herobrine" The little kid said. Herobrine was about to respond, probably to tell the kid that he was Herobrine, but Jonas spoke first.

"It's ok Tomy. Herobrine isn't here right now" Jonas said walking over to the kid and ruffling his hair a bit. Tomy looked relieved and smiled as Jonas walked past to stand by the girl. Herobrine on the other hand looked like he was going to explode with anger.

"Like I was saying, they need a place to stay for the night so we'll have to double up in the rooms." Jonas continued. "Nova and Tomy can sleep in my room for tonight. Morgan, would it be ok if Quartz, Kye and Crystal were in your room tonight? Then everyone else can spit up the extra rooms"

"Fine, I guess I could share my room for one night. But only that" Morgan said grudgingly and started up the steps to her room. She looked back down and saw them still standing in the living room.

"Well? What are you waiting for an invitation?"  she asked and started up the steps again this time with Kye, Quartz and Crystal following right behind.

"I'm going up too" Nova said following them up.

"I guess I'll show you to your rooms then." Jonas said walking up the steps. He stopped next to the first door on the right.

"Budder, Frog and Fluffy can sleep in here" Jonas said then pointed to the door across the way "Everyone else can sleep in here. My room is just down the hall and the two at the end aren't finished yet so I suggest staying away from them." He then walked down the hall and opened the next door on the right and walked in leaving the others to figure out what to do next.

"Well, I'm going to bed" Fluffy said walking in there room.

"Me too" Budder said following him in.

"I second that" Frog said closing the door to there room behind him leaving Herobrine, Squid king and Phil (who was in human form) in the hallway.

"Let go in then" The squid king said opening the door.

In the room there was only one kind size bed and several book cases. There was a table next to the bed with a Redstone torch on it and a piece of glow stone on the ceiling with a lever on it. compared to the rest of the rooms it was the smallest and the tree of them felt squished in there.

"It is nice to be out of prison and nice to meet you all but I should really be getting back to my kingdom now" the squid king said and he started to walk down the steps.

"Wait, your leaving already?" Herobrine asked as he watched him go. the squid king stopped and looked back up.

"Yes. I haven't seen my family in ten years and the kid you call 'Budder' seem freaked out when I get near him." The squid king said heading down the stairs and walking out the door. Herobrine watched him go and went back to the room. When he got back he saw Phil already lying on the bed reading one of the books from the shelf.

"What are you doing?" Herobrine asked when he saw Phil.

"Just reading one of the books and getting ready for bed" Phil replied still reading "This must be the little kids room. What was his name, Tomy? Yes, This must be Tomy's room because of its size and this book is for a little kid." He held up the book which was full of pictures of cartoon characters.

"What I meant was, Why do you get the bed? I was here first" Herobrine said looking at Phil

"No you weren't I was here first and I chose the bed. Have fun  sleeping on the ground. Or would you rather share?" Phil said with a smile as he turned out he lights.

Herobrine shuddered "No I'm good" He grumbled as he set a blanket of the ground and curled up.

"Oh come on, I was just kidding. There's enough room here" Phil said scooting over.

"I'm fine really" Herobrine said moving and facing the corner to try and get as far away from Phil as possible.

"goodnight" Phil said close to Herobrine's ear

"GAH! What are you doing?!" Herobrine exclaimed jumping and turning towards Phil who was now right behind Herobrine looking at him with a creepy smile on his face.

"Just saying goodnight" Phil said the smile growing on his face.

"No get away from me" Herobrine said backing up to the wall trying to get away from Phil.

"Come on we're both friend here" Phil said coming closer

"Lets keep it that way" Herobrine said as he ran for the door

"Wait what?" Phil asked confused before it hit him "Wait, ewe, no I didn't mean it that way!" he called down the hall Herobrine dashed into one of the rooms at the end.

"I don't care! Just stay away from me!" He said poking his head from the room to call down the hall.

"Could you two keep it down? People are trying to sleep! And remember There is a 7 year old here!" Jonas yelled through the door.

"Come on Herobrine! I just want to say I'm sorry" Phil said ignoring him. He was now in front of the door Herobrine had gone into.

"NO!" Herobrine said through the door. Phil could here blocks being place inside. apparently Jonas could to because seconds later the door to his room flung open and he stormed into the hallway.

"What are you doing!?" Jonas said opening the door. Herobrine was placing cobblestone on the ceiling of the room making it two blocks high.

"Keeping the enderman out" Herobrine replied placing the last block. Now the room that had once been four blocks high at the top was now two blocks high all around.

"But why are you placing cobblestone?! Couldn't you place some other type of block? That's going to take forever to get rid of" Jonas said frustrated. Herobrine ignored him and placed two cobblestone in front of the door.

"Well, that sucks" Phil said looking at the door but soon a smile started to creep up his face." I'll just wait for a bit" He said before walking back to his room and shutting the door.

"He's gone, you can come out now" Jonas said through the cobblestone. He heard a muffled answer from inside.

"I'll just stay in here for the night" he heard Herobrine say.

"What ever" Jonas said before walking back to his room and shutting the door.

"What was the guy in black saying about Herobrine" Tomy asked when Jonas came back in.

"He wasn't saying anything about Herobrine" Jonas said kneeling down until he was looking Tomy in the eyes "you don't have to worry about mean old Herobrine ok? You just go to sleep and everything will be better in the morning"

"Ok" Tomy said with no further questions and jumped on a bed. They had brought in an extra bed for Tomy but still were a bed short. Jonas had the great luck to get the floor. Nova had taken his bed and Tomy was still young and it seemed cruel to make him sleep on the floor. Plus no one would have gotten any sleep.

"Good night guys" Jonas said as he turned off the lights.

"Wait" Tomy said from the bed

"What now Tomy?" Nova asked looking over at the kid when Jonas turned the lights back on.

"You forgot he story" Tomy said curling up under the covers. Jonas sighed and sat on the edge of the bed.

"What do you want the story to be tonight? "He asked. There was no use arguing with the kid. He would just keep them up until he got one or the hole night, which ever came first.

"Herobrine!" Tomy said with a smile. For some reason he liked scary stories at night.

"No. How about a story about one of the great leaders or some one besides Herobrine?" Jonas asked. Tell him a scary story and he wouldn't sleep for a week.

"No. I want a story about Herobrine" Tomy said crossing his arms and putting on a pouty face.

"fine. Nova do you want to tell him the story?" Jonas asked looking at him.

"No, you are the better story teller" Nova said with a smile. "I'm better with star stories or ones about space"

"Yea, just because your dad is the 'Minecraft universe' and all that" Jonas muttered.

"I heard that" Nova said glaring at him.

"What type of Herobrine story do you want?" Jonas asked ignoring Nova

"hone about how he became Herobrine!" Tomy said jumping up and down

"Fine" Jonas said with a sigh and he started the story.

There was once a man named Brine who was the brother of Notch and Steve. One day while Steve was out hunting Notch took Brine to a cave and started mining. They both had four stacks of stone and several coal and Iron when suddenly Brian heard a sound behind them. He turned around and saw a zombie heading toward his brother. Quickly he ran and sliced off the zombies head before it could infect his brother. He turned to Notch to warn him to be more careful but saw notch had disappeared. He looked around the cave for him but instead found an abandoned mine shaft. He looked around in it for a while but when he tried to get back he found he was lost. He wandered for days trying to find a way out. He broke all his tools trying to dig his way back to the surface but eventually he passed out from lack of food. Three days later Notch and Steve found the same mine shaft as they were looking for Brine. They found him but he wasn't the same. His eyes that used to be a dark purple were now glowing white and he had blood on his hands. When he saw his two brothers he spoke to them.
"You left me to die down here, now I shall kill you" And he lunged towards Steve. Notch intercepted it with a ball of magic that caught Herobrine off guard. Finding out he had powers Notch tried and succeeded in summoning a nether portal and threw Herobrine into it. There have been sightings since then but Notch has never confirmed any nor does it seem likely he ever will.

Jonas finished and saw that everyone else was now in the room listening to the story. He blushed slightly and turned to Tomy who was looking at him for more. Jonas knew what was going to happen next.

"Another!" Tomy said with a smile on his face.

"No, I said just one remember?" Jonas said tucking him in. HE pretended not to notice everyone else.

"Come on, please? That was a really good story and I think we would all like to here another" Crystal said looking at him. Behind her he could see Herobrine peaking out of the room he had borded himself up in. Slowing he made his way down the hallway to them.

"You know, thats not what really happened" Herobrine said when he got to them. NO one had noticed him coming down so everyone jumped at the sound of his voice.

"What really happened then" Tomy asked hoping for another story.

"What really happened was all of us went into a cave and started mining down at an angle. We were pretty deep when suddenly there were four skeletons in the mine shaft we had made. I was shot in the arm blocking a blow that would have killed Steve and then I ran at it and killed it. I looked over and saw the my brothers fighting one of them each and had just enough time to watch as a skeleton I hadn't noticed before draw its bow and shoot an arrow at notch. I dove in front of him to block it and it ended up embedding it's self in my chest. Steve then darted over to the skeleton and killed it with one hit. After that they took one look at me and left me to die slowl and painfully" Herobrine finished looking around at the faces.

"Wow" Tomy said looking at Herobrine "that was even better than Jonas!"

"That's because it was all true" Herobrine said looking at Tomy with his glowing eyes. Tomy slid under the covers more.

"Dad! Stop that! Your scaring him" Crystal said hitting Herobrine's arm gently.

"I think we should all get to sleep. Goodnight" Jonas said pushing people out of the room. When everyone who wasn't supposed to be there was out he shut the door. He turned to Tomy who was still hiding under the covers.

"It's ok. you can come out now" He said sitting on the edge of the bed. Tomy slowly pulled the covers down until his face was showing.

"Was it true? Was he Herobrine?" Tomy asked looking at Jonas with his innocent eyes.

"Yes he is Herobrine" Jonas said with a sigh "But you don't have to worry because if anything happens I'll be right here on the floor protecting you from creepers, zombies and skeletons all night" He pretended to swing his sword cutting down invisible enemies. He then went over and turned off the lights.

*In the girls room*

"Was that really Herobrine?" Morgan asked when they got back to her room.

"Yep" Quartz said walking over and lying on her bed. The girls had found enough beds that they all got one.

"And you called him dad because?" Morgan asked looking at Crystal.

"Because he is my dad" Crystal said with a shrug "But I dont think it's genetical towant to kill people"

"That good" Morgan said sitting on her own bed. "Any one up for some truth or dare?"

"I'm in" Quartz said sitting up straight on her bed.

"I cant say no can I?" Crystal said getting a nod 'no' from Quarzt. she sighed "Fine, I'm in"

"I'll go first. Crystal Truth or dare?" Morgan asked with a grin

"Truth" Crystal replied asfter thinking for a moment.

"Do you have a crush on any of the boys who came here with you?" morgan asked with a sly grin.

"No- I mean yes um can I skip that?" Crystal said quickly, blushing

"NO! Who do you like?" Quartz asked.

"I'm pretty sure its my turn now" Crystal said "Quartz, truth or dare"

"dare" Quartz said without missing a beat.

"I dare you- to go into the boys room and kiss Fluffy full on the lips. No talking and you have to look angry when you go in" Crystal said with a grin on her face. Morgan was trying not to laugh and Quartz looked terrified.

"No I am not doing that" Quartz said

"You have to!" Crystal said "I had to, so do you!"

"Fine" Quartz said and she marched out of the room and to the bows door. Morgan and Crystal followed. They stopped outside the door and listened. The boys were still awake and it sounded like they were also playing truth or dare.

"Budder truth or dare?" they heard Fluffy ask

"Truth" Budder said quickly

"When are you going to ask Crystal out?" Fluffy asked

"I-I don't know, I'm not even sure if she likes me back" Budder said. Crystal was glad the hallway was dark because she was sure she was blushing furiously.

"Come on you'll never know if you dont ask" Frog said. Quartz finally managed to get up enough courage and burst through the door. THe boys jumped and Fluffy looked terrifyed when he saw Quartz face. She kept up her end and she walked over to him, paused then grabbed his collar pulling him into a long, deep kiss on the lips.

Budder and Frog looked at each other then at the couple with confusion and surprise. After about three minutes of kissing Quartz finally broke it off with a gasp. She let go of Fluffy's shirt and ran out of the room wit hhim staring after her with wonder in his eyes.

Crystal and Morgan had gone back to the room already and were waiting for Quartz.

"Took you long enough" Moorgan sadi with a smile. "It's your turn"

"OK, Morgan truth or dare?" QUartz asked

"Truth" Morgan answered

"Who are your parents?" Quartz asked

"What kind of question is that?" Morgan asked. Quartz was just staring at her fort he answer. "Fine my mom was just a villager from a couple towns over and my dad was a sorcerer"

"Anyone we might know of?" Crystal asked

"Yea, Seto" Morgan said "Though I dont remember him a lot"

"Cool, before you ask me teh same question my dad is Deadlox" Quartz said looking at Morgan.

"Ok, Crystal truth or dare?" Morgan asked

"I'll take dare" Crystal said "It's probably a mistake but I just did a truth"

"I dare you to go and kiss Budder. ON the lips full action. You don't have to make a face though. I'm not that mean" Morgan said with a huge smile. Crystal looked horrified.

"N-no please anything but that" Crystal said.

"No, go do it!" Morgan said pulling Crystal to her feet and pushing er into the hall right in to Budder.

"H-hi" Crystal stuttered looking up at Budder who looked as if he were blushing.

"Hey" He said looking down at her. Both the boys and the girls were looking out from the door ways with interest at what was about to happen.

Budder carefully lifted Crystals head and kissed her on the lips. She in turn put her arms around his chest and pulled closer. They held the embrace for about five minutes only breaking when they felt like they would pass out. Eventually Crystal let go of Budder and ran back into the room.

"Wow" was all Quartz could say after watching them. "HOW CAN SOMEONE GO THAT LONG WITH OUT TAKING A  BREATH!?" she exclaimed looking at Crystal who was about as red as a tomato.

"Lets go to bed alright?" Crystal said climbing under the covers.

"Ok" Morgan said doing the same thing.

"aw but it's not even one in the morning!" Quartz said but still got under her covers. soon the lights wee out all over the house. Except for the boys room where they were still playing truth or dare.

"Dude! I cant believe you did that!" Frog said as Budder came back in the room. He was also blushing but was way more red.

"I cant believe you made me do that. What if she hates me now? It's all thanks to you!" Budder said picking up a pillow and trowing it at Frog. It hit him full in the face knocking him back on his bed.

"She doesn't hate you dude. If anything she likes you even more now!" Fluffy said with a smile

"Wait, even more? She liked me before and you didn't tell me?!" Budder said grabbing his other pillow also knocking him off his bed.

"You just made a mistake" Fluffy said grabbing the pillow

"And what would that be?" Budder asked watching Frog get up to and pretend to load his pillow.

"You have no weapon now" Fluffy said as he launched himself at Budder tackling him to the floor. Frog held Budder down as Fluffy started tickling him. Budder tried to hold it in but ended up laughing so hard his sided started to hurt and he started coughing. After about ten minutes of this torture Budder was save by a knock on the door.

"SHUT UP WE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!" Herobrine yelled from outside the door. Another door down the hall opened.

"Herobrine" they heard Phil say from down the hall.

"Crap" Herobrien said and ran back down the hall.

The boys waited for a second then let Budder up.

"Well goodnight guys" Fluffy said like nothing happened. HE climbed into the bed and instantly fell asleep.

"Night" Frog said same thing. Instantly asleep

"Good night" Budder said quietly as he turned the last light out.


A/N I'M SO SORRY!  Please don't hate me for not updating I've been really really really busy lately with the holidays and all. But yea this chapter was going to be cut in half but I decided to be nice and kept on. You can probably guess where it was. Also this chapter is going to be like ' the calm before the storm' aka stuff's about to go down in the next few chapters. I'm so sad too because I know this book is almost done. But You don't have to be because there will be a sequel! :D speaking of which.


I need  ideas for the title of the next book but I suggest you wait for a while to see where this book goes. And if someone could make a cover and PM it to me that would be great. Until next time

