how to steal a cow

A/N thank you for reading this story. Any suggestions put in the comments below.  now to the story

"oh thank notch your getting on with the story" said Phil

"um I thought you worked for Herobrine" (a_a)

"I do"

"Well why didn't you say 'thank Herobrine' instead?"

"Why would I thank him?"

any way on with the story!


Do any of you know haw hard it is to steal a cow?! Well I can tell you this it is depending who you take it from. I know what your thinking 'but Herobrine why didn't you just tame a cow? they're everywhere.' My answer is- that's no fun. second question where did I get the cow? guess


no, he's no fun


pointless he would just spawn more

A famous mine crafter and you tuber?


you guessed it!

now ho do you think it is? none other than the butter 'god' himself.


*At the butter mansion (sky's summer house)*

"Well that was a great day of mining" said Sky " Night guys" he said.

"Night" replied Huskymidkipper, Jerome, and Kermit.

"Sleep well" said Deadlox with a hint of mischief in his voice but Sky was too tired to notice. when he was out of earshot they all turned to each other.

"ready guys?" asked Deadlox.

"You still haven't told us what we're going to be doing" complained Jerome.

"We are going... to take all the butter cows and chickens and hide them! while we shear off all the wool on all the butter sheep. This will be the ultimate prank!" said Deadlox looking at everyone. there was a stunned silence and then everyone started to laugh.

"Dude, we can do way better than that!" said Husky.

"Yea, lets take all the butter and then the animals. That will make him flip!" said Kermit laughing.

"Oh that would be so cool!" said Jerome" while we're at it why don't we take the butter blocks in the castle too."

"That would take to long but we could dismantle his room though" commented Deadlox.

"yea lets do that. we all know how heavy of a sleeper he is" said Jerome.

"yes" they all agreed and got to work. Jerome and Kermit started to take the 'butter' while Deadlox and the Mudkip went out to start herding the  animals. they definitely weren't expecting to find who they did.

*out in the barn*

Herobrine seemed to be having a really hard time getting the cow to follow him.

"Why are these cows so stubborn!" he said trying to push one through the doors.

It was then that he heard people approaching. Quickly he turned himself invisible with his powers and watched the people come in.

"How'd this cow get out of its pen?" asked one. It was Deadlox.

"Must be a glitch" said the other. Ah Huskymudkip, one of the biggest nonbelievers out there.

Time to have some fun thought Herobrine. Quickly he let the chickens out of there pens and went outside. once there he spawned an army of creepers, zombies and skeletons.

When the two friends started to come out the creepers walked forward and hissed, followed by the zombies and the skeletons who started to shoot at the two.

"Where the hell did these things come from?!" screamed Deadlox dodging arrows and cutting down creepers.

"I have no idea?!" Husky screamed back slashing at the zombies and anything else.

Apparently the others had herd because they started to come running toward the barnyard area. They also started slashing and dodging, trying to work there way toward there friends. Herobrine, still invisible, was watching with extreme interest. and by interest I mean he was laughing so hard he could barley see. There were only a few Zombies left and several creepers were surrounding Kermit.

"Uh guys? Can I have some help please!" said Kermit slashing another creeper dead.

"Just a sec" said Jerome he was having his own problems with a zombie in full Iron armor. It also had a diamond sword.

" Hold on I'm coming my froggy friend" said a voice from behind them. Sky had been woken up by several creeper blasts closer to the castle and had looked out the window to see the epic battle going on and had the need to help. (no not really he just wanted in but we'll go with that). He joined the battle and ten minutes later all the mobs were dead.

With that done they all went inside and all ideas of pranking were forgotten. Now back to the cow. Herobrine had noticed that Deadlox and husky had used leads to get some of the animals out and they had gotten those leads from somewhere. Not from the barn so they must have gotten them in the house.

I'm going to have to go in the 'castle' and get a lead then thought Herobrine I'm still invisible so I guess I'll just walk in and get one.

He started toward the castle and when he got there he found one of the doors open. Thinking nothing of it he went in and started looking for chests. After walking down one of the corridors Herobrine came upon a door labeled 'storage'. Thinking that that's where he would find what he was looking for he went in only to find all the chests where filled with blocks of gold (or butter if you prefer that). He went looking again and came up to another door also labeled 'storage' and this time it had stuff other than butter in it.

Finally! thought Herobrine some useful Items. He set about grabbing what he would need and went to the barn. Once there he hooked up four cows to leads and found it was increadibly easyer than just pushing them out. He had taken off his invisibility spell because it was eayser to work with it off with it not sapping his streangth the whole time. As he walked out of the barn he heard a shout.

"HEY YOU! What are you doing?!" heribrine spun around and saw Huskymudkip running toward him.

Herobrine was only a run away from the portal. He could have easly made it but to run from a nonbeliever would be to much of an insult so he put down a fence post and tied the cows to it. As Husky got closer Herobrine pulled out his enchanted diamond sword and turned toward Husky. When Husky saw Herobrine he froze.

"Your not real" said Husky backing away slowly

"But I am real, I am stand right here arent I?" asked Herobrine as he walked toward the terrifyed watertype pokeimon readying his sword for the strike.

"Run" said Herobrine

"What?" asked the mudkip startled

"I said run. I'll give you to the count of five" Replied herobrine playing with his sword looking even more evil. Right at the last word Husky went running.

"that takes carre of that" said Herobrine putting away his sword. Even though he would have loved to kill him but Herobrine had more important things to do. Like get these cows back to his castle.

*back at the butter castle*

Husky came running into the living room where everyone else was and looked like he was about to die. When he got to the middle of the room he colapsed on the floor which made everyone rush over.

"What happend?" asked sky when he was able to work his way to his friends side.

"Hero..horebrine" was all Husky could get out after resting for a moment.

"What do you mean? I didnt think you believed in him" said Kermit.

"I didn't until I caught him stealing four of the butter cows" said Husky. After a moment he finally caught his breath and began to tell them his story. As he told it the looks of amusment on his friends faces slowly went away and by the end of the story all there faces had looks of horror or bewilderment on them. Exept for sky's, he looked furiouse.

"How dare he steal my cows!" said Sky, even though he had tons he was still mad that he had been stolen from. " we'll have to get them back" He said and they started to think of a way for them to get back the stolen cows.

*At Herobrine's mansion in the nether*

"Finally! Your back!" said Phil with a look of relief in his green eyes.

"Yea, why? Was she that bad?" asked Herobrine getting worried.

"No just the opposite, the other mobs came in while you were gone and made a bee line toward her. I was barly able to get her out of there before they got to her." replied Phil

"Where is she now?" asked Herobrine looking the enderman staght in the eyes.

"I left her with a friend" was his reply. in less than it took him to say it herobrine had pulled out his sword and pinned the enderman to the wall.

He had his sword to Phils neck and asked with a scarily soft voice "What friend would that friend be exactly"

"Magenta" was Phils reply. Herobrine slowly removed his sword from its place against the endermans neck. Magenta was one of his oldest and most trustworthy friends. She could be trusted with his daughter.

"Take me to her" said Herobrine and he followed the enderman down one of the long hallways to a room with double doors. when they went in they were greeted by all the sounds of the nether. That was because one the walls was open near the top letting in the noise and heat of the nether. in the middle of the room, inbetween the floor and sealing, was a nest like thing made of soul sand and in that was a ghast. But this ghast was diffrent because instead of being the usual white and gray coloring she had pink instead of the gray and a light gray instead of the white. With her in the nest she was guarding the baaby girl.

"sti s'ruoy?" asked the ghast.

"Yes she is mine" said Herobrine walking to the nest.

"Tahw si reh eman?" the ghast asked.

"I have not thought of a name yet" said Herobrine

"Tahw tuoba latsyrc ro dnomaid?" asked tha ghast

"Not crystal because steve came up with the same name for her, I do like Diamond though." said Herobrine with a thoughtful look on his face " yes I think her name will be Diamond from now on." And with that He reached into the nest and carefully took the child out of the nest. Craddling her carefully he took out a bottle he had prepared and started to feed her. After she was done he placed he back in the nest and started to leave.

"Uoy ers a doog rehtaf" said the ghast staring at him

Herobrine paused for a moment "Thank you Magenta" he replied and left teh room.

"That was akward" said Phil. He had seen the whole thing and didn't know how to react. eventually he also left the room to leave the baby with its new care giver. In a way Phil was glad to not have to take care of it but he also felt sad about it also. It was a weird feeling for him to have because most endermen weren't able to feel sad.

Oh well he thought and just walked on. There were some seriouse preparations to be made for a baby.


A/N: hey guys sorry for not being able to update. I have been very busy with another book and I also have a lot of other stuff I have to do like sports and homework. But to make up for not updating I have made this chapter extra long and added awesome people to it. sorry for spelling errors also and I will see you all soon. SEE YA!!!
