Meeting Place

A/N have any of you noticed that I haven't done any top-of-the-page authors notes in the past few chapters? No? Ok. Let get on with the story and I just want to say I do NOT hate any of the people I use in my stories but I think this would be dramatic so that is why I does these things. Sorry if you hate me but you don't have to read if you do hate this. Anyway lets get started shall we? The story....


"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Seto asked as Sky paced back and fourth in the meeting room.

"We have to, How else can we lure them out?" Sky said

"This will just make them hate us more! Cant we do anything else?" Jerome asked

"I agree with Sky. I hate this plan just as much as you Jerome but we have no other choice. WE wont actually do it but we have to make them think we will" Deadlox said calmly.

"How could you be so calm at a time like this?! Your own daughter is  in there and if this goes wrong you. Will. Lose. Her!" Jerome said. He stood up so fast his chair fell over.

"Jerome! Calm down! We wont actual kill them. We will just make the posters and put them around in the forest and other kingdoms to try and lure them out. They will be fine" Sky said

"What if they are hiding somewhere in your kingdom Sky? Wouldn't they get suspicious if they didn't see anything for it?" Kermit asked.

"Good point. WE should have the builders start making them so they would be ready for the next day. Then we could also have them come out to make it more realistic" Sky said.

"No, we cannot go through with this! Something could go really wrong! Then where would we be?" Jerome said.

Just then the doors burst open and Seto walked in.

"Sorry I'm late, I was held up with an apprentice" He said as he sat down. "What I miss?"

"Oh nothing. Just Sky and the others planning on hanging our kids!" Jerome said starting to pace back and forth.

"Why are you going to hang them? Doesn't seem like the smartest thing especially if the recruits find out you're hanging your kids." Seto said.

"We wont actually hang them, we're just using this as a way to lure out the ones who escaped" Deadlox said

"Who escaped again? I know Crystal did but who were the others?" Seto asked

"I think Budder did but I don't know. They were talking about one boy named Tomy earlier but we haven't been able to find out who he is" Kermit answered.

"No clue on the others?"

"No, no idea" Husky said. He had been sitting in the back just listening.

"Lets get started then. What time should the 'execution' be?" Sky asked

Connor and Kelly had just been walking past the meeting room and overheard the conversation inside.

"So, when should the execution be?" Sky said.

"Execution?" Connor said turning to Kelly "What execution? I didn't know they were having one"

"I wonder who its for" Kelly said. She walked up to the door and pressed her ear against it.

"I say we have it on Sunday. It's more historical and will add to it." Deadlox said

"How should we organize it? Like, girls on the left guys on the right?" Seto asked

"We cant see there faces so that would do not good. We could just let them stand by who they wanted to" Sky said

"I just hope Little Frog wont hate me after this" Kermit said with a sigh

"Same with Quartz. She will hate being put at the gallows. And that wont be good for her either" Deadlox said.

Kelly looked over at Connor with wide eyes.

Did you hear that? She mouthed. He nodded in response. There friends were in the castle and being put on trial. Kelly ran off with Connor following close behind.

"We have to warn them" Kelly said once they were out of earshot and sight of the meeting room.

"Your right but how?" Connor asked

"We haven't been exploring the secret passages for no reason. One must lead to the prison" Kelly said sneaking into the nearest passageway.

*back in the prison*

"I'm bored" Jonas said for the millionth time.

"We know! Will you just shut up if you have no suggestions" Morgan said.

"How about we play a game?" Jonas said

"Like what?" Fluffy asked

"Truth or Dare?" Jonas suggested

"NO!" Everyone shouted

"Fine, you wanted a suggestion so I gave one. Your turn" He replied then mumbled something under his breath.

Everyone sat in silence for a while.

"Lately I've been loving losing sleep, Dreaming about the things that we could be" Kye started

"But baby I've been loving praying hard, said no more counting dollars we'll be count stars" Morgan followed.

"yea, we'll be counting stars" Fluffy followed. 

"I see this life like swinging vine, swing my heart across the line" Quartz joined in

"And my face is flashing sings, seek it out and yee shall find" Frog said joining in. Soon everyone was in and singing.

Old, but I'm not that old, Young but I'm not that bold
I don't think the world is sold, just doing what we're told
I feel something right doing the wrong thing
I feel something so wrong doing the right thing
I could lie, I could lie, I could lie,
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

Lately I've been loving losing sleep
Dreaming about all the things that we could be,
But baby I've been loving playing hard
No more counting dollars, we'll be counting stars
Yea, we'll be counting stars

I fell in love, And feel it burn
Down every river and every turn
Hope is a four letter word, Make that money
Watch it burn

Old, but I'm not that old, Young but I'm not that bold
And I don't think the world is sold just doing what we're told
I feel something so right doing the wrong thing
I feel something so wrong doing the right thing
I could lie, I could lie, I could lie
Everything that downs me makes me want to fly

Lately I've been loving losing sleep
Dreaming about all the things that we could be,
But baby I've been loving playing hard
No more counting dollars, we'll be counting stars
Yea, we'll be counting stars

Lately I've been loving losing sleep
Dreaming about all the things that we could be,
But baby I've been loving playing hard
No more counting dollars, we'll be counting stars
Yea, we'll be counting stars

Take that money watch it burn
Sink in the river the lessons I've learned

Lately I've been loving losing sleep
Dreaming about all the things that we could be,
But baby I've been loving playing hard
No more counting dollars, we'll be counting stars
Yea, we'll be counting stars

take that money watch it burn
Sink in the river all the lessons I've learned

Everything that kills me make feel alive.

."Well, that was fun" Jonas said after a while of silence. "What do we do now?"

"Another song?" Quartz asked.

"Na, we just did that. How about something else" Kye said

There was a sound of rock scraping rock and everyone looked around, trying to find the source of the noise. Kye looked up and saw one of the blocks of cobblestone being moved back. Once it was moved three heads poked down out of it and slowly one person dropped down.

"Hey guys" The girl said. Kye didn't know her but Quartz apparently did.

"Kelly! What are you doing here and who is that?" Quartz said taking her hood down.

"No! put your hood up! they have cameras watching us" Kye said quickly. Quartz put her hood up.

"To answer your question, I'm Einshine. These guys just broke me out of the diamond section and I agreed to help them" The guy said dropping from the ceiling. His eyes were glowing white, like Herobrine's.

"Do you know Herobrine?" Kye asked looking at him

"No, but I did bunk with a guy named Brian the last time I was in prison" Einshine said

"Same guy but I'm going to say no anyway." Kye said turning away.

"Why are your eyes glowing?" Fluffy asked

"I tried to get the same powers as Herobrine but the spell I used backfired. I only have the glowing eye" He said looking paranoid.

"Can you get us out?" Kye asked

"Sorry, we can't. We can only tell you that our parents have gone psycho.  They're planning-" Kelly only got that far before they heard the door at the end of the hall being unlocked and opened.

"Quick, back up" Connor said jumping back up then helping Kelly and Einshine back up before replacing the cobblestone block.

The door opened and a guard walked in. He had a list in his hands and a look of concern on his face.

"Where is the group of Herobrine worshipers and traitors?" The guard asked.

"Cant mean us" Fluffy said sarcastically

"Oh, so it's you lot" The guard said walking up to there cells "I have some news for you. Treason is against the law-"

"What?! I didn't know that! I demand the rule book!" Fluffy interrupted with fake surprise.

"Ha, your jokers eh? Well, here's a shock for you. Treason is punishable by death. Usually a public hanging. Want to joke about that?" The guard said. Fluffy was silent for once.

"Yea, that's what I thought" The guard said before looking back down at the paper.

"says here your execution date is in tw- wait, three days. Have fun till then" He said then walked out.

They were all silent, just staring at each other in shock. It was Frog who broke the silence.

"How could they do that!? We are there kids!" Frog said getting up and kicking the wall.

"Frog! Calm down, we have three days at least so no time to worry. We have to figure out what to do" Kye said

"Easy for you to say, none of the people prepared to kill us are your parents" Morgan responded looking at Kye.

"How would you know? You know nothing about me just as I know nothing about you" Kye said looking at her. Morgan didn't say anything else.

"How are we getting out? Kelly and Connor can't help, we have no way of contacting Herobrine or Phil, and we have no chance if we fight our parents. We have no choices left" Fluffy said pacing back and forth.

"Well, we have three days to figure this out so lets get started" Kye said

Herobrine was still looking through the library twelve hours later. He hadn't found anyone besides Tomy but he kept looking. By the time he finally gave up on looking it was well into the next day. He remembered his promise to Tomy and before going to his room, Herobrine walked to Tomy's new room ad carefully opened the door. Tomy was fast asleep on the bed and Magenta was in her nest keeping a watchful eye over him.

"Thanks Magenta, you may go now" Herobrine said walking into the room. Magenta stayed where she was and looked at him.

"eH detiaw lla thgin rof ouy" She said when he walked in.

"Really? When did he finally fall asleep?" Herobrine asked looking at the sleeping boy. He looked so peaceful, so innocent.

"ytrihT setinum oga" Magenta said glaring at him

"Wow, he really waited for me?" Herobrine asked sitting in a chair next to her. They sat there for a while just watching him.

"seY" she replied staring straight ahead.

"Wow" It left him speechless just knowing that this kid trusted him and looked up to him.

Just then Tomy rolled over in the bed towards them. He was still asleep but looked like he was having a bad dream. His face was contorted in panic and fear. He started whimpering and Herobrine walked over to him and put his hand on the boys forehead. Tomy's face went back to a peaceful look as Herobrine stood there stroking his hair.

"I have to find them" Herobrine said after a while. He dropped his hand by his side and walked towards the door.

"yehT t'nera ereh" Magenta told him. He turned to look at her

"I know, I just hope Phil was able to take them to the Overworld. That is where I will look next" Herobrine said

"uoY era gnivael eht yob?" Magenta asked bewildered

"Yes, it would be too dangerous for him" Herobrine replied

"oN, uoy tsum gnirb mih" She said it so forcefully Herobrine turned and stared at her

"eH sdeen uoy" She continued

"No, I cant put him in danger. I wouldn't be able to live with myself anymore" Herobrine said

"nehT nruter mih ot sih stnerap. yehT tsum eb citnarf, ekil ouy erew" Magenta's words hit him full force.

"Fine, I will take him with. but I am dropping him off with the first people who know him and can get him back to his parents" Herobrine walked out the door

"Did he really mean that" Tomy had woken up while they were talking and heard everything

"sey yteews, ruoy gniog kcab ot eht dlrowrevo ot dnif ruoy stnerap" Magenta said gliding over to him

"I haven't seen them in a while. I just hope Morgan is alright" Tomy said as Magenta hugged him.

Budder, Crystal, and Nova were walking back to there rooms after explaining the whole story three times to Dawn and Toby. For some reason they kept getting antsy when they tried to explain that Crystal was Herobrine's daughter. the conversation went something like this:

"So then we were all in the clearing and Herobrine came back dragging Crystal. He dragged her over to the cage Steve was in and said some things that we couldn't make out" budder said

"Wait, I thought you said Crystal was his daughter. Why would he be dragging her over to Steve?" Toby interrupted.

"None of us knew at the time except Steve who kidnapped me when I was two" Crystal explained

"Oh, ok. So what happened next?" Toby asked. Crystal looked uncomfortable and started fidgeting in her seat. Budder explained.

"He said something to Steve then stabbed her in the stomach" Budder said looking as uncomfortable as Crystal.

"That's new to me" Nova said when Dawn looked at him "I only met them after they broke him out and we found them in the house me and tree others were living in." He held up his hands in surrender.

"What happened after that and who had you been living with?" dawn asked.

"I was living with two other guys named Jonas and, sorry Toby, Tomy. There was also a girl named Morgan who had shown up with Tomy but I have no idea where they met up" Nova said

"I can answer that. I had adopted Morgan two year before Tomy came around" Toby answered "They went missing several weeks ago and I've been looking for them since"

"Anyway, once we broke Herobrine out he lead us through the forest to a cottage where we meet up with Nova and the others. We knew our parents would be hunting for us after the stunt we pulled. We spent the night there but left when Crystal woke from a bad dream and said something about some guy hunting her. Herobrine freaked out and ordered us to pack our bags or he would leave us. We did and for the past three or four days we had been in the nether until yesterday when dad and some of the others came through the nether portal Herobrine had in his castle. They had come to get us but we ran into the library and tried to barricade the doors. They ended up blowing the doors in with TNT which is how they captured Fluffy and Frog. They had already gotten Morgan by shooting her leg and same with Quartz. We ran through the library, which is more like a maze, and tried to hide but they found most of us and nocked the others out when they found them. I can only assume that they threw them in the dungeon or something like that." Budder said his voice breaking towards the end.

"We only escaped because we found Phil. e helped us get here but then disappeared right after" Crystal said "Speaking of which, we should have seen him since then"

"You have a point, he's usually not gone long. I wonder if he's trying to help the others" Nova said looking thoughtful

"Who's Phil?" Toby asked when they had stopped talking for a moment.

"I'm Phil" Phil appeared behind Toby after he heard his name. Toby turned around but quickly turned back,

"So, Phil's an enderman. That would have been useful information." Toby said looking straight ahead.

"Sorry, forgot to mention it" Nova said grinning

Phil sat down next to Toby and looked at him. Toby just stared straight ahead. Phil kept staring until Toby looked at him from the corner of his eyes. Phil looked away.

"Anything else you can tell us?" Dawn asked taking a quick look at Phil.

"No not really other than we have to try and help out our friends" Budder said. Just then the doors burst open and a solder came running in.

"Miss Dawn! A letter and package have been sent from the Budder kingdom for you" The guard said

"What?" dawn asked getting up. She ran over to the guard and took the letter. When she read it she went pale.

"Don't post those flyers. Get a squad together right now. I want the Alpha and Beta teams ready pronto!" She said once she was done.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Budder asked getting up.

"Your dad, that's what. He's being an idiot again" Dawn said rushing out of the room. She crumpled up the letter and threw it to the floor. Budder bent and picked it up. He read it and went pale.

"Budder what is it?" Crystal asked coming up by him.

"We have to pack our bags" was all he said before walking out. Nova got up and followed him and Crystal down the hall.

Now we are back to the present.

"Budder what did the letter say?" Nova asked running to catch up

"My dad is planning something completely insane." Budder said heading into his room and started throwing clothes into a bag

"What? What is he planning?" Crystal asked sitting on his bed

"He's planning an execution. For our friends" Budder replied tossing in a sword he had hidden under his bed.

"What?! How can he do that? Wouldn't the others object?" She asked looking stunned.

"There trying to lure us out" Nova said

"Well, its working because I wont let this happen" Budder said

"Would they actually go through with this? I mean, they would be hanging there own kids" Crystal asked

"They might but I'm not taking the chance. I'm going to turn myself in and try to save them" Budder said packing the last thing

"But its not you they want" Nova said

"What do you mean?" Budder asked

"They want Crystal. That's what this whole thing is about. Sure, they want us too but their main goal is to get Crystal" Nova explained

"But why me?" Crystal asked

"Because of who you are. Or, more specifically, who your dad is" Nova said

"But why? They've known for a while. Well, at least Steve and Notch have" Crystal said

"But to them since you know now it can be dangerous and they probably aren't willing to risk it even if they know you" Nova explained

"I didn't follow" Budder said

"They think of Crystal as a threat to Minecraft or them since she now knows her true heritage" Nova explained slowly.

"But, I've grown up with them. Surely they would know I wouldn't do anything" Crystal said

"They probably did. Before you broke Herobrine out of jail" Nova said

"But they had lied to me my whole life! What else was I supposed to do, leave him?" Crystal tried to defend herself but it dawned on her. Of course they wouldn't trust her anymore, she broke her father out of jail, followed him to the nether and got Steve shot. Why would they trust her?

"*sigh* You have a point, what do we do then? I'm not turning myself in so we have to find another way" Crystal said looking at them

"How about we sneak in and try to free them before hand." Nova said.

"That wont work" Budder said standing in the door way, pack over his back.

"Why?" Nova asked

"They have only three days left. Then its to the gallows" Budder said

"That would put a strain on that. How far are we from the Sky kingdom?" Nova asked looking at Budder.

"Depends, on foot and if we leave now about three days but if we take horses then only two and a half if we don't stop" Budder said "Why?"

"I'll meet you downstairs with my bag packed" Nova said ignoring the question. He ran out the door leaving Budder and Crystal alone.

"I should better pack too then" Crystal said getting up and walking towards the door.

"You ok? It's not that you don't seem ok, you do its just. This can be a lot to take in and if you need any help I'll be there for you" Budder said quickly. Crystal smiled a weak smile and shook her head.

"No, I'm fine" Crystal said and ducked out of the room before Budder could say anything more.

She walked into her room and collapsed on her bed crying. She stayed like that for several minutes before she got back up and started packing a small bag for there trip. Once she was done, which didn't take long, she went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. She looked horrible. Red puffy eyes, her hair was a rats nest, and she had bags under her eyes. Quickly she dried her eyes and brushed her hair trying to look presentable but even with some make up she looked wore down. Giving up she put her hands on the counter and looked down at the floor.

"I cant keep doing this" She said still looking at the ground. She knew no one was around, or so she thought. She didn't see the figure standing outside her window who had heard everything, he took off before she could.

She took her bag and ran down the steps to find her friends. She was just rounding a corner when someone grabbed her from behind and put a hand over her mouth.

"Shh, There just passing" budder said in her ear. She pushed off him and turned.

"What the heck?! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" She asked looking at him. He, like Nova standing next to him, was dressed entirely in black and had his hood and mask pulled down.

"No, just trying not to be spotted" Nova said "You might want to put this on" He threw a black hoodie  at her and she quickly pulled it on.

"What's the plan?" She asked when they ducked behind a door when a patrol went by.

"We steal some horses and make our way to the Sky kingdom to save our friends" Nova said with an evil grin. They were almost to the stables

"Any other info we need? Like what we are going to do exactly to save our friends?" Budder asked as he opened one of the stable doors and lead out a roan, a stallion and a painted.

"Have that figured out. I will shoot the ropes before they pull the lever cutting them loose so when they do pull it they will just fall through the trap door they can just run away." Nova explained.  He mounted the roan and started riding off followed by budder on the stallion and Crystal on the paint.

"So, how do we get back?" Crystal asked when she caught up to Budder

"I think we go this way" He said pointing to the east.

"Lets go!" She said and kicked her horse making it run faster. None of them noticed the dark figure flying above them.

"Master, they have left the nether" The squid said bowing in front of the king

"What!? How could you have let them leave? Did I not tell you to make sure they stayed there?" The king got up and walked until the stood directly in front of the now shaking squid.

"I will give you one more chance but if you fail me again. Well, lets just say you would make a fine center piece" HE said.

"I wont sir. I will find her and this time she will not escape" The squid said

"Good, send the next in once you leave" The king said dismissing him with a wave of his hand.

"Yes sir" The squid said backing out of the throne room. Moments later something flew into it.

"Yes Sir" the figure said landing in front of the king with a mock bow.

"She has been moved out of the nether. I need you to find her and bring her to me asap" The king said

"I know" The figure said twirling his brown hair between his fingers.

"What do you mean 'I know'?" The king asked watching the figure carefully.

"I mean, I've found her already. It wasn't hard really" The figure said "All I had to do was infiltrate there leaders and listen in. They practically gave it away"

"Why haven't you brought her to me yet? Or have you forgotten our deal?" The king asked staring at the figure.

"You know I don't like it when you stare" The figure said looking at the king "And I haven't brought her in yet because I'm going for the big fish. The three will be there. When she and her friends arrive then I will make my move and then you can have her." The figure said

"Good, when will that be?" The king asked

"Three days until we get our prizes" The figure said giving a malicious smile "You haven't forgotten your end have you? I still get the girl once you're done and the other three"

"You will get them, don't worry. Just remember to bring her to me first" The king said scratching his right head.

"Yea, yea keep your kingly composure. You'll get her" The figure said and stretched his wings. He took off out the door before the king could say anything more.

 "I hope so, for your sake" The king said as he took off. "Otherwise we'll have a dead ally and a dead Dragon"


A/N Whoa, talk about plot twist right? Who is the king? Who is the figure following Crystal and what the heck are they thinking?! I do not hate guys! just saying because of what's been happening I really don't hate, I just like writing plot twists and stuff. So expect more!

See ya next chapter my foxes!
