The End.. Isn't it beautiful?

A/N Don't judge this chapter by the heading, you'll get it later.


"Let me go! I can still get to her!" Herobrine said fighting them.

"No you cant. She's gone. WE need to think of a plan first then act." Steve said as they pulled Herobrine into the room. Sky was talking to a guard at the door who quickly left once the others came in.

"The others are being rounded up right now" Sky said then sat down.

"What do you mean by others? The other leaders?" Jerome asked.

"No, the kids." Sky said moments later the doors burst back open and all the kids were dragged in kicking and screaming.

"Let us go!" Fluffy was the first one thrown in.

"Come on! We didn't mean to hurt all of you. Only mangle some and maybe mauling" Quartz was the next.

"Hey! Watch it!" There was Morgan. After her Frog was dragged in because he had been nocked out by one of the guards. Next Nova was brought in and Kye right behind. They had been gagged and ,somehow, tied up.

"Let them go" Sky said to the guard. He gave Sky a wary look before removing the gag on Nova

"LET US GO YOU B-" the guard put the gag back on and took off Kye's

"Please let us go" She asked trying to use a sweet voice but failing badly. Next dragged in was Jonas. He had an arrow sticking out of his arm and was deathly pale.

"What happened to him?" Sky asked

"He was teleporting all over the place and one of the others thought quickly and shot him" The guard said before walking out.

The last in was Budder. He was carried in by five guards and all of them were having problems caring him in.

"Let me go! You wont get away with this! I have to save her! LET ME GO!" he was thrashing around trying to break free. Once the guards were all the way in the room they dropped him and stepped back.

Budder took this chance to jump up and make a break for the still open door. He almost made it but Sky stepped in his path and stopped him.

"Hold on Budder" Sky said grabbing his arm. Budder pulled away and stepped back with a hurt look on his face.

"How could you?" Budder asked quietly as he backed up. The rest of the group were all on one side of the room, trying to put as much space between them and there parents as possible.

"What are you talking about?" Sky asked stepping towards Budder who backed away.

"Why would you ever try to kill us? Just.. Why?" Budder asked staring with hurt at Sky. His heart shattered and he pulled Budder into a hug.

"We were just trying to get you back. All of you. It was a stupid mistake but it succeeded" Sky said still hugging Budder who was too shocked to say anything. The others watched on with amazement.

"dad" was all Budder could say as he hugged back. Budder stepped back first

"So, what do we do now?" Asked Kye after some awkward silence.

"We find Crystal" Herobrine said trying to get up off the couch Steve and Notch put him on. They pushed him back down. he sighed and crossed his arms.

"We think of a plan first" Steve said looking at Herobrine who sank into the chair.

"Actually I want to know why you all wanted to break him out of prison" Seto said pointing at Herobrine.

"We did because.. Well, I don't really know why we did it. I guess because we wanted to help Crystal meet him after so long and I guess we wanted an adventure. Like the ones you would always tell us about that you went in together." Quartz said. She and Fluffy were sitting a couch on the opposite side of the room.

"You could have done something less dangerous, like went out to kill some squids" Sky said

"Why do you hate squids? Its like an obsession." Herobrine asked looking at Sky with a mix of curiosity and disgust. before Sky could answer there was a nock at the door.

"Sir, there's a group standing outside the walls demanding to be let in. Should we allow it?" The guard asked when Sky opened the door.

"Who's is it?" Sky asked. The guard hesitated before answering

"Dawn's" The guard said not looking at Sky "And one of the guards reported seeing Tobuscus with them"

The room was silent, waiting to hear what Sky would say next.

"I guess there's no way around it. Send them in" Sky said wit ha wave of his hand before going and sitting down, head in his hands.

"Well, this just got awkward" Phil said appearing in the corned next to Kye.

"Hey Phil" Kye said not looking up.

"Is that an Enderman? Who can talk?' Deadlox asked before falling over unconscious.

"Great, a fainter. Yes, I am an enderman and before you attack me just let me say I'm not going to hurt you. I actually- " Phil said looking around the room at he stunned faces. Well, the stunned faces of the grownups. The kids just looked at him then back at there parents. He stopped because he had spotted Jonas lying on the couch with purple blood pooling below.

"This is Phil, Phil our parents" Budder intoduced tryign to distract Phil who was staring at the unconcios body. He brushed past him and nelt by his side.

"Who is that again and what happend to him?" Sky asked a guard who brought Jonas up.

"We dont know but we had to stop him from teleporting all over the place. The only solution was to nock him out but we had to stop him first. That was the only way we could at the time" The guard replied.

Phil gently put a hand on the arrow still sticking out of Jonas' arm and gripped it tight. Jonas screamed as Phil pulled it out. It had sunk in pretty deep and more blood poured out once the arrow was out.

"Don't just stand there! Get some bandages and help me patch this up before he bleeds to death!" Phil yelled at the group. Seto got up and ran from the room. Moments later the doors burst back open but it was Dawn, not Seto. She walked right up to Sky

"Hey D-" he started until she slapped him.

"That, is for trying to kill the kids" She said then slapped him again.

"That is for being an idiot" she said then looked around at the group. Her eyes landed on Phil leaning over Jonas and she hurried over to try and help.

"What happened?" She asked as she tried to stop the blood flow.

"Shot in the arm. I pulled the arrow out and the sorcerer just went to get bandages" Phil said trying to help.

The group of parents was standing looking awestruck at the two. Dawn looked up and saw them staring.

"Stop staring and be useful" She said "Why don't you all make up or at least talk to each other"

She went back to work as the rest stared at each other until Deadlox finally woke up.

"I DIDNT DO IT!" He screamed before looking around "um, that didn't happen"

"I can live with that" Quartz said with a laugh. Deadlox looked at her and smiled.

"So, what's everyone doing now?" he asked taking a nervous look at Phil.

"They're trying to save Jonas, and dawn wants us to make up" Quartz said turning away.

"And are we?" Deadlox asked getting up. He walked over to her and gently turned her so she was facing him. She was still looking down when he turned her and she refused to look at him.

"I don't know" She said quietly still looking down. Her heart was beating like furious as he pulled her towards him.

"I'll take that as a yes" he said releasing her from the hug. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. She hugged back.

"I'm sorry" she said almost crying.

"Its ok" Deadlox replied

Everyone was staring at them, The kids on one side there parents on the other. Jerome walked over to Fluffy and sat next to him. Fluffy looked at him then away when Jerome looked over. It went like this until Nova, who was standing next to Fluffy, passed him a note.

Say something! Your going to lose this chance!

Fluffy quickly scribbled something back

Then you go say it to your! This is your chance also!

Nova read it and his smile fell. He glared at Fluffy and walked over to MU. Instead of talking Nova just stood next to him and stared at Fluffy. He gestured for them to talk and turned to look at his dad. Fluffy looked at Jerome catching him looking and made eye contact.

"I'm sorry we tried to kill you" Jerome said looking down. Fluffy started patting his back.

"It's ok, you didn't know any better. You wont make the same mistake again right?" Fluffy said with a smile. Jerome looked over and smiled himself.

"Your right dad, I wont do it again I'm sorry" Jerome said in a weird voice causing Fluffy to start laughing.

Soon the whole room came to life with the sound of laughter and talking. The only two not in on any thing, besides Phil and Dawn who were still tending to Jonas, were Kye and Morgan. They sat on one of the couches near the back. They didn't have anyone to talk to besides each other.

"Wish I knew if Tomy was alright" Morgan said looking at the groups converging. Everyone looked so happy.

"I know, I wonder where he is" Kye said watching her. Just then the door burst open and a familiar little figure came running in. Morgan saw him instantly and jumped off the couch.

"Tomy?" She called, the little boy turned towards the sound of her voice and his face lit up with a smile.

"Morgan!" Tomy yelled and ran at her. Once he was close enough he jumped into her arms almost nocking her over.

"Oh my Notch, Tomy! I thought I would never see you again!" Morgan said hugging him. She carefully sat back down on the couch and hugged him even tighter. She was almost crying.

"don't be sad, daddy brought me" Tomy said once he noticed that Morgan crying.

"D- dad's here?" She sputtered out.

"Wait, I thought your dad was Seto?" Kye said looking confused.

"He is but, I was adopted." Morgan said "My mom died when I was younger and I was put into an orphanage, they didn't believe me when I told them I was Seto's daughter and I was out up for adoption. I was lucky, I was adopted by a nice family and we lived happily for a while. Several years after I was adopted Tomy came along and we were even happier. A couple moths ago Tomy and I were coming home from the park and saw our house on fire. I did the only thing I though appropriate at the time, I grabbed Tomy and ran. We wandered around until we met Nova and Jonas and we lived with them." Morgan said starting to cry more "I thought dad was dead" she said turning to Tomy.

"If I were, how am I here?" A voice said in front of Morgan. She looked up and smiled through her tears.

"Dad?" she said getting up. she moved Tomy off her lap and looked at Toby and hugged him.

"I'm so glad I found you" He said hugging back "Don't ever run off again ok?"

Morgan nodded in response and hugged harder.

Just then Seto ran in with the bandages and a healing potion and over to Jonas.

"Here, I thought you might need this too." Seto said handing the supplies to Phil who quickly set to work. It took a while but they were able to patch Jonas up.He woke up five minutes later and saw everyone sitting peacefully together.

"Ok, what'd I miss?" He asked looking around causing everyone to laugh.

"Just you almost dying" Budder said

"And everyone making up" Quartz said

"That too" Jerome said.

"Where's Crystal?" Jonas asked looking around again. Everyone went silent. It was Steve who spoke next.

"Enderlox got her" He said looking at Jonas "He kidnapped her and we don't know where they went"

Phil snorted when he heard this. Everyone looked at him.

"Really? Enderlox took her? No, he's dead. He couldn't have possible taken her" Phil said

"Well, he said he was Enderlox and he looked like him too" Sky said

"Even the ender dragon cant come back to life once its dead" Phil said "It was probably the next dragon to come to the post. The ender dragons memories are transported to the next once the one before it dies" Phil explained when he saw everyone looking confused.

"Wait, there is more than one ender dragon?" Seto asked looking Phil in the eyes, big mistake. Phil started to shake and his eyes started to glow purple. Quickly he turned away from Seto before it worsened. He took several shaky breaths before speaking.

"Never. Never look me in the eyes. I am still ender" Phil said in a grave tone. The whole room was silent as Phil turned slowly back around.

"I-I'm sorry" Seto said quietly not looking at Phil.

"Don't worry, I can usually control myself but with all the blood in this room" Phil said looking at Jonas's blood on the floor.

"Where did Herobrine go?" Phil asked looking over at Steve and Notch.

"What?" Steve looked at the chair between them where Herobrine had been.

"OH COME ON!" He shouted throwing his hands up.

He stopped when they all heard a laugh coming from next to the fireplace.

"That was just too easy" Herobrine said as he turned visible again. "Honestly it was, You were too caught up to notice. And thanks for the help Brother" he said tossing a small white cube into the air " I'm sure it will come in quite handy"

Notch looked at him in horror and started patting his pockets as if looking for something. He looked back up at him even more shocked.

"You didn't" He started

"I did" Herobrine said smiling

"How?" Notch asked still shocked

"Interesting the things you learn when your banished, now I have to go find my daughter" Herobrine said before disappearing.

Crystal woke up on a pillar of obsidian. She instantly knew where she was even if she had only known it from stories. The end. It had to be. Where else would there be a pitch black sky, obsidian towers and a stone that looked like a mix of sponge, sand and something unknown.

"Beautiful isn't it?" A voice asked from behind her. She turned and took a step back, now at the edge of the tower. Enderlox came out from behind one of the crystals and looked at her like she was choice meat. To him, she probably was. Her eyes opened wide in terror.

"W-What do you want?" She asked taking a step back and almost fell off. He ran at her and grabbed her before she could fall.

"Tsk tsk tsk" He said pulling her back "You should watch your step. Don't want you to fall off" his tone suggested otherwise.

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked trying to sound braver than she felt. He must have sensed her fear because his smile grew bigger. She tried to break free of his grip but couldn't loosen it.

"Cant you guess?" He asked looking at her. She didn't answer and he sighed.

"Fine I'll tell you. I was hired to bring you to my employer. But I think I'll keep you for myself just a little longer"  He said smiling even more.

"Why bring me here?" Crystal asked as he pulled her closer.

"I just answered that! I needed a safe place to store you until he was ready" Enderlox said letting go of Crystal's arm. She fell back onto the obsidian and looked up at Enderlox.

"What do you want with me? Why bring me to a place where my dad will find me?" She asked looking up. Then it hit her. She looked up at him in horror at the realization.

"No" She said and started backing up away from him. The smile on his face grew as his body started to change shape. Before long he was a full grown ender dragon twenty times the size of her and Herobrine combined.  She stared up at him in terror as he bent his head down towards her. He was so big he was having trouble staying on the obsidian tower.

"Good, you figured it out. That just adds to the fun. Now, to make it more convincing" He picked her up in one of his claws and flew down to the ground.

He dropped her on the ground and landed next to her. Crystal got up and started to run away but was stopped by the dragon's tail cutting off her path. She ran the other way but was stopped by one of his claws this time. 

"Why are you toying with me?" She screamed at him stopping. He bent his head down until she was right in front of his nose. She took a step back as he opened his cavernous mouth. Instead of saying something he just blew her over and brought his head back.

"What else am I supposed to do while I'm waiting? I cant kill you, yet. I still have to bring you to my boss. Then I get you though so you will eventually come back here" He said smiling.

"Why not let me go and try to hunt me down? That would be fun" She said looking up. The dragon smiled and looked down at her.

"I cant let you escape, that wouldn't go well" The dragon said then looked up abruptly "He will be here soon" he muttered and caught Crystal in his claws again. He took her over to one of the pillars and she saw there were chains wrapped around it. None to gently he pushed her against the pillar and wrapped the chains around her. As if for a final touch he enchanter the chains so that they were magic resistant.

"There" he said when he was done "That should hold you until he comes. Also, those chains will send a painful shock through you every few minutes and if you try something. Just to warn you" He smiled and took off.

Crystal started to struggle against the chains but they seemed to grow tighter with every turn. Suddenly a shock when through her so powerful she started thrashing. She heard a scream then realized it was her own. It seemed to take forever for the pain to subside but when it did she fell limp gasping for breath. All fight in her was gone and she dreaded the next wave. It didn't take long.

Herobrine teleported around.

Where would the ender dragon take her? He thought the face palmed.

"I'm an idiot" He said before teleporting to the end. Once he was fully there he heard the scream.

"Diamond?!" He called and ran in the direction he thought it came from. It didn't take long for him to find her chained ten blocks up an obsidian tower.

"Diamond!" He flew up and pulled at the chains. They didn't budge. She whimpered when he pulled again.

"Shh, it's ok. I'm here" He said resting a hand on her cheek. She whimpered again.

"No, y- you have to leave." she said quietly "I-Its a trap" she looked into his eyes. Her eyes were rimmed with tears as she looked into his.

"I'm not leaving you" He said and pulled harder at the chains.

"They wont budge. I've tried" She said "You need to go, He's coming back!" her voice grew higher in panic.

Herobrine looked behind him and saw the ender dragon flying right at him. He did the first thing he thought, he shrank Crystal until she fit snuggly in his palm and pulled her out of the chains. He flew away as fast as he could clutching the now unconscious body of Crystal to his chest and hoped he could escape but the ender dragon was faster. Coming up quickly from behind The dragon nocked him out of the air. He turned mid air so when he landed he was facing up at the black sky of the end. The wind had been nocked out of him and he struggled to get up. When he did he looked around and saw the ender dragon coming back. He tried to get up and run but wasn't fast enough. The dragon came up fast and soon he was engulfed by blackness the only light coming from a far away source in front of him as he tumbled back down the ender dragons throat. Thinking quick Herobrine pulled the cube he stole from Notch earlier and popped it into his mouth.

I hope this does what I think it does Herobrine though as he bit down. It felt like something was expanding in his mouth and in no time he was encased in a white cocoon with the only light coming from his eyes as he looked around. It was pretty small as he couldn't sit up but he could move his arms freely around. The surface on the inside was smooth and when he pulled it the lining flaked off easy. Pressing a finger into it a tiny dribble of water ran down his finger until he pulled his hand away. He looked down at his chest and uncapped his hands to see Crystal curled up unconscious but un hurt on his chest. He set his head back and closed his eyes.

We're going to be here a while was his last thought before he fell into a deep sleep.


A/N Long chapter I know but I had to stop it there. I was going to write more but I think I'll save that for next chapter. Sooo, how'd you like it? Leave a comment or vote below if you did ( Or both, that's cool too) I'm sad this is almost over but I can happily say the next book is being type right now. I already have the prologue done and have started the first chapter. I cant wait to be able to show it to you guys! Also, I have started a story that has never been done before, A Minecraft Percy Jackson Crossover! I have checked and am surprised to say no one has made one yet. So if you like PJ go check it out! (I already know you like Minecraft since you're reading this, a book about Minecraft) The story is called Friday 13th Flop because I had wanted to put it out on Friday the 13th,  wasn't able to get it done in time and posted it the next day, today. So that's all I have to say for today besides a shout out to @CakeEater4 for being a new follower. I have decided I will have a shout out to one random follower each book. If you want a shout out follow me and you might be picked.

Wait, one more thing. I am still in need of a name for my new story and possibly a cover. Not sure about that one. If you could help with that comment below and I will give a shout out to you if I pick your story name and you will defiantly get one for the book cover. PM me for the cover though, it will be much easier. Ok, now I'm done so,

SEE YA My Foxes and happy holidays! ^+^
