Herobrine's flashback #1

"Come on Phil!" Herobrine called "We are almost there!"

Herobrine had been hunting for leads to help find his daughter for almost a year now and He wasn't going to give up any time soon. The newest lead was that Sky, Jerome, Deadlox and the rest of the team who took his daughter were in Craftersville celebrating. His informant, Israphel, Had also said that they would be hitting the bars for quite a while. Herobrine was hopping for that because it was already past midnight and it was raining. Phil was having a hard time keeping up because, as we all know, endermen cant go in any type of rain or water. It hurts them.

"We will find her this time!" Herobrine said not waiting for the enderman to  catch up. He was holding on to false hope that he might get her back. He had already had fifty different trails that lead to deadends and he was still holding up hope even though most would say it was a lost cause.

They ran to the edge of the forest bordering the town and stopped. Herobrine turned to look at Phil and saw him under a tree sticking his hand into the rain then pulling it back with a hiss of pain.

"Stay here Phil. You obviously can't come or you will die" Herobrine said being blunt.

With that he went into town. He wandered around for a while looking into every bar and pub he came across but didn't see them. He kept wandering getting more and more down spirited. He was just passing another bar and he had to force himself to look in and even try to keep looking. When he looked in his spirits instantly rose for there sitting at the bar were three of the people he was searching for.

Sky and Jerome had obviously been drinking because sky couldn't stay on his chair and Jerome seemed to think that his mug was magical. With Deadlox though it was harder since his eyes were naturally red. When Herobrine saw them his anger returned. They had destroyed his castle, tried to kill him and taken the only thing that he had loved and cared for. He wanted revenge so bad but he needed the information they had and the only way to get that was if they survived. Herobrine decided to wait outside and follow them rather then cause a scene and barge in. He didn't have to wait long though because before he knew it Jerome and Deadlox came out practically dragging Sky.

"I love you guys" Sky kept saying as they dragged him along.

"We know buddy we know" Jerome would say each time

"You do keep saying it" said Deadlox he wasn't wasted. Apparently he was the chaperone or something.

"I know but you guys are the best" said a very wasted Sky.

They kept walking until Sky tripped and fell on his face. Deadlox and Jerome rushed to his side and tried to help him up but he just brushed them away.

"I can do it" he said trying to stand and falling on his face again.  This went on for a while and although Herobrine would have love nothing more than to laugh at the drunken parade the night was slowly drawing to a close and he still had a mission to do. As quietly as he could, Herobrine jumped down from the building he was on into the alleyway beside it. He listened and waited for them to come close enough before he stepped out.

"He guys" said sky" remember when we greifed Herobrine's castle?"

"Yea but that was about a year ago" said Jerome

"But it was fuuuuuuuuuuuun" he said "Lets do it again!" and he pulled out a block of TNT.

"NO" Deadlox yelled and pulled the TNT away from Sky.

"aw" Sky said looking down in disappointment.

Herobrine's blood was boiling now. How dare they speak of that night like that! They had taken his daughter and destroyed his home and they talked like it was just a harmless prank! He had had enough. Herobrine stepped out of the ally and turned to the drunken group.

"Hello again" he said in his usual evil voice

The reaction was satisfactory for Herobrine. Jerome had fainted when he saw him, Deadlox froze but Sky, again he's drunk, just kept coming.

"Hey Briney" he said as he walked forward "Remember when we blew up your castle about.... How long ago was it Jerome? Jerome?" sky looked at his friend who had fainted "Oh, ok I wont wake you, I think he said it was a year maybe. But do you remember?" Sky had a huge smile on his face and was almost jumping up and down for no other reason than that he was wasted.

"I remember you trying to kill me, blowing up my castle and taking the only thing I ever loved" Herobrine said holding himself back from stabbing Sky with his diamond sword. You have no idea how hard that was.

"Yea I think I remember you saying you had a daughter but that's impossible." Sky said

"How would that be impossible?" Herobrine asked confused

"Who would want to have a kid with you?" was Sky's reply

Herobrine lost it. He grabbed Sky and threw him against a wall. Sky tried to get up but Herobrine punched him and threw him against the wall again. This went on for about three minutes before Herobrine regained control. He looked down at Sky who was covered in blood and bruises.

"I will not kill you if you tell me one thing" he said" where is my daughter?"

"I-I don't know" sky said trying to get away but was too weak to get up and run.

"Then who was on the team with you?" Herobrine asked putting his sword to Sky's neck

"hold on I'm trying to think" said Sky " ok so there was husky, Kermit, Jerome, me, and Deadlox. I think there was someone else too but I cant remember who."

"Who was it" said Herobrine pushing on the sword harder until a small drop of blood showed where the point had broken the skin.

"I'm trying to remember just hold on" said Sky full of fear.

"Think faster" said Herobrine

"It was Steve!" said Sky with a cry of pain as Herobrine pushed the sword against his neck harder. The thin stream of blood was much bigger now and still growing." we asked him for help finding the castle because we heard he knew!"

"How did he know?" asked Herobrine

"I don't know he just did!" Sky replied

"I'm done with you then"  said Herobrine, He removed his sword from Sky's neck. Sky looked relieved for only a second before he saw Herobrine raise the sword and prepared for the death blow that was going to come. That was, until he heard a cry from behind Herobrine. Coming up the street behind Herobrine was a group of four people all in iron armor. While Herobrine had been beating up Sky Deadlox had gone back to where they had been staying and told the others with them what had happened. They had quickly put there armor on and went out prepared for the fight to come. It hadn't taken long for them to find Herobrine and Sky again. They had stayed in practically the same place.

Herobrine whipped around when he heard them and prepared for the fight. When he saw how many there were though he ran. Three of the four ran after Herobrine while one stayed behind and gave Sky a healing potion..

"This looks really bad" said the guy in armor

"Yea, it hurts like hell" said Sky as he drank the potion "And this tastes horrible" he winced a bit when he drank it.

"Well it is a healing potion. Most stuff good for you doesn't taste good" said the guy again

"I know Seto but cant you make it taste like something a little better? Like pie or budder?" asked Sky getting up.

"Sorry that would defuse the effect too much." said Seto grabbing the still unconscious Bacca "Help me drag Jerome back"

"Ok" said sky and he picked up his legs and they started taking him back to where they were staying.

Herobrine was jumping from rooftop to rooftop trying to lose the last two pursuers. He had nocked one, which was apparently the frog, out in an ally. He heard one coming up close behind and did a quick turn kick when he thought the person was close enough. Herobrine was lucky because the kick connected with his pursuer knocking off his helmet. It was the Mudkip and the kick nocked him off the roof into a small fountain below. One more to lose and he was home free.

Herobrine jumped off the roof and could see the forest only three houses down. He made a break for it but was stopped when he heard a bow string tighten.

"Stop and turn around slowly" he heard a voice say behind him. It was Deadlox.

Herobrine turned around and saw there were actually two people behind him. Deadlox was holding the bow and the other was holding and enchanted iron sword.

"What?" asked Herobrine in a mocking tone" did  I do something wrong?"

"Yes, you came here" said the one holding the sword. Herobrine recognized the voice.

"YOU!" he said and launched himself at the man. The man sidestepped and brought his sword around to try and hit Herobrine but was too slow. Herobrine had already gotten up and was swinging his diamonds obsidian sword at his attacker.

"How did you know where my castle was?" Herobrine asked

"I am a traveler. I wander in both realms and explore. I came across it once and marked it on my map." Replied the man

"Why did you rally with these humans then? If you knew where my castle was why didn't you destroy it yourself?" Herobrine asked blocking a swing that would have cut his shoulder.

"Because that wouldn't have been a very brotherly thing now would it?" asked the man dodging a swing to his legs.

"No, but when have you ever been brotherly to me Steve? You or Notch?" Herobrine said anger now flaring in his eyes making them glow blinding white.

"Well I was being brotherly then. I had just come to say happy birthday to your daughter" Steve said swinging a brutal hit to Herobrine. It connected.

Herobrine had froze at the mention of his daughters birthday. It seemed so long ago too. He hadn't been fast enough when he saw the blow coming toward him. It hit his head and threw him back toward the forest. that was the last thing he remembered before he blacked out.

Steve knew about his daughter.


A/N wow that went farther off course than I thought it would. I had literally written this chapter down and this wasn't what I was expecting to happen. Hope you still liked it though. until next time

