High school

A/N I have nothing to say until the end so please read. Some very important stuff will happen. :D And yes I can be very evil in my stories. Sorry for the broken hearts but now on with the story!!!


"Crystal! Time to get up!" someone yelled from downstairs

Crystal rolled over in her bed and looked at the clock on the bed side table. The time in the clock was 6:30.

"oh crap" said Crystal throwing the covers off her and jumping form the bed.

She ran over to her closet and grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of jeans and ran to the bathroom to change. When she came out she had on an orange shirt and her jeans. Running down stairs she grabbed her green sweatshirt and threw that on top. As she was struggling to get her shoes on her dad walked in.

"great to see your finally up" he said " It would be a shame if you missed your first day of high school"

"Yea, what a shame" said crystal " Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"I did. You just rolled over and went back to sleep."

"Ok. well, I have to go now or I'm going to be late" she said and grabbed her backpack as she ran out the door.

The walk to school was a short one if you lived in town but Crystal and her dad lived on the outskirts. They had just moved there. before they had just moved around from place to place never really staying in one place long. Crystal used to be homeschooled by her dad but since they moved here he had promised that they would stay here for longer than any other place and had immediately put her into the high school. Sure she was exited about it but she was also scared. She didn't know anyone and wasn't sure what to expect. It was her first day of school anyway.

On the way to school she had to walk through the forest next to her house. It was like all the other forests but it always felt creepy walking through it. She always felt like she was being watched and whenever she turned around to see if she was being followed she wouldn't see anything.

She was about half way through the forest when she herd a hiss behind her. Quickly she spun around and saw a creeper head poking up over the side of the hill. Of course she started running away right when she saw it. She didn't have a sword so what would you do? She ran the rest of the way to school and got there right when the bell rang.

When she went in she walked straight to the office to get her schedule. Her first class was History of Minecraft. great. A class she was actually looking forward to. It was in room 23 on the first floor. She headed down to the room and walked in.

She walked in right as the teacher got done taking attendance.

"And who are you?" asked the teacher as she walked in.

"My name is Crystal. Is this the history class?" she asked

"Yes, You may take a seat next Budderkid over there" said the teacher pointing to a guy wearing a golden sweatshirt with a creeper head on it.

"Hello" Crystal said to Budderkid.

"Hey" was all he said back.

"Now, does anyone know anything about the history of Minecraft?" said the teacher.

No one raised there hand

"No?" said the teacher with false surprise laced in his voice. "well Minecraft was started by-" and he started to explain how Minecraft came to be what it was today. Crystal Looked around the room to see who her classmates were. One girl had on a purple checkered hoodie and headphones. Another guy was wearing a tux shirt and had a really fuzzy face that looked like some type of animal. Dog maybe? There was also a girl and guy who looked alike. They both had green eyes, blue skin and yellow on there heads.. The girl wore a red shirt and blue jeans while the boy wore a green shirt with blue jeans. other than there clothes they looked like they were exact replicas of each other. The last guy looked like he was part frog because he had green skin and big eyes. The only thing that made him look human was his grey shirt and white pants

""Crystal?" asked the teacher again.

"Sorry could you repeat the question?" asked crystal blushing a little.

"Yes, I asked who is the most known person in Minecraft besides Notch?" asked the teacher

"I'm not sure. there are so many." replied Crystal. All her classmates were looking at her and she had a feeling to watch what she said.

"Well, If you were listening you would know that it would be Notch's brother Steve" said the teacher

"I never knew that" said Crystal to herself. She was surprised about that.

"What about the second most known person in Minecraft?" asked the teacher speaking to Budderkid

"That would be Herobrine" he said

"Very good. Now class you have a paper on the history of Minecraft due next week. It must be one page long and hit all the main things you find important in history." said the teacher as the bell rang.

They all walked out of the classroom. Crystal was the last one out.

"Crystal" said the teacher calling her back

"Yes?" she asked

"I know all the other students here and there parents either by looking at them or knowing their parents. I cant guess who yours is though. You look familiar and I know if you are willing to tell me I will realize it right away. Who are your parents?" asked the teacher as Crystal just stood there

"Well, I never knew my mom but my dad is Steve." she said looking at the teacher straight in the eyes

"Ah so your dad's name is Steve. How nice. Did he change his name to be more like Steve we were talking about in class?" he asked

"No he IS the Steve we were talking about" Crystal replied

"I highly doubt that. Now really who is your parent"

"my dad's name is Steve. How many times do I have to say it. I need to go now Its getting dark and I have a long way to go to get home" and with that she turned and started to leave.

"Wait. give this to your father. the school is having an open house tomorrow for the students and there parents. Please come, it will be a great time and a chance to get to know people more" said the teacher and with that Crystal started for home.\

When she was almost home she heard the moaning of zombies close by. She was almost home! she could see the lights in the near distance. All she had to do was run and she could probably make it in time. She started to sprint and was almost at her house when she heard the sound of an arrow coming at her. she quickly dove to the left and saw the arrow imbedded the wood next to the door. She was so close! she started toward the door again but like before was unable to get any closer. This time a zombie had come around the side of the house. Crystal did the only thing she could think to do. She screamed

"DAAAD!!" she screamed and started to run.

she ran and ran and ran. She ran until she found a cave and went in. It was a small cave and seemed a good place to hide. she went in and found that it was much bigger on the inside. there was a long, winding hallway going forward. Crystal couldn't see what was at the end but the place had a eerily familiar feel to it. As she went down the corridor, it was much bigger than a hallway, she started to feel like she had been here before. Finally she got to the end and stared in amazement at what lie before her.

It was a nether portal. and it was lit.

She had no idea why this place was so familiar but she was too creeped out and scared to even notice. She ran back the way she came until she got to the entrance where she stopped and looked out trying to see if there were any zombies of creepers out there but the only mob she saw was an enderman. He started to turn toward her but she ducked back inside before it was fully turned toward her. She stayed in the cave until she was sure it was daylight out. When she peaked out to check she saw that the sun was just starting to rise and a figure was walking toward her. unsure if it was a zombie or not she shrunk backing into the cave until she heard a voice she recognized calling her name.

"CRYSTAL" she heard waiting for a second to make sure she actually heard it.

"CRYSTAL" she heard again. Someone was calling her name. She looked out and saw that the figure was wearing all Iron armor and holding a Diamond sword. It was her Steve.

"Dad!" she said running out of the cave toward him.

"Oh I've never been so glad to see you!" she sobbed into his shoulder.

"Shh, Its ok sweetie. Your alright nothing will hurt you. I'm hear" said Steve trying to comport his daughter. Once she calmed down a bit they headed home unaware that they were being watched by a green eyed enderman the whole time.


A/N Hey thanks for all the reads and also I will be updating every 2-3 days from now on so

 See Ya!
