What? Confusion is setting in..

A/N YOU ALL ARE AWESOME!! 803 reads already?! Sweet! some of you might not realize this but I've only been writing since September. This September. 2013. I am honestly grateful guys really, you have no idea how happy this makes me. Thanks and I hope you like this chapter. ^+^


The three had quickly left the end and were now riding as fast as there horses could carry them back to the budder castle. (Wait, let me explain. Once they had gotten out of the end Herobrine got rid of the mobs and lead the way back up to the surface where Notch used his powers to spawn three horses to ride back. Ok quick explanation done, lets go.) Herobrine was in the front riding as fast as his horse could go and then some. The poor thing was exhausted but kept going.

"Herobrine! Slow down or you're going to kill it!" Steve called trying to catch up to them. Herobrine slowed his horse and turned it around to face Steve.

"Every second counts and I am not losing her again" Herobrine said, eyes burning with determination.

"I know but Notch is carrying her remember? If you go on ahead it does no good if you don't have her" Steve said slowly pulling up beside him. Herobrine sighed and looked down.

"I know but, I'm just worried is all" Herobrine said as he lifted his head to look forward. They were trotting along the side of a lake and Steve got an evil idea.

"You know what I think?" Steve asked with a smirk. Herobrine looked at him confused "I think you need to cool down" Steve said and pushed him off his horse.

Herobrine fell with a yelp into the lake and sank to the bottom in shock. He landed in a pretty deep spot and started to swim to the surface but stopped half way and let himself sink back to the bottom. He had an idea for revenge. Looking out of the water he could see Steve laughing but after a while he stopped laughing and a look of concern crossed his face as Notch stopped behind him holding the bundle Crystal was wrapped in. They seemed to exchange some words before Steve dismounted and walked to the edge of the lake. Herobrine watched and waited until Steve was closer to the edge of the deepest part. He swam underwater, making sure he was deep enough not to be seen and watched as Steve leaned over the side and looked into the water. Herobrine pushed off the bottom of the lake and shot out of the water. He grabbed Steve and pulled him in yelling. Herobrine pulled him down and quickly let go. Steve swam to the surface and gasped when his head broke the surface. He quickly started looking around while treading water.

"Where did he go?" Steve asked still looking around. Notch chuckled as he watched a dark shape swim under Steve. Seconds later Steve was pulled down again. He reappeared in the middle of the lake and, like before, came up gasping. Instead of treading water like before, Steve started swimming like his life depended on it towards the shore. He was almost there when a look of fear crossed his face.

"Notch Help Me!" Steve screamed as he was pulled back towards the center of the lake. He was thrashing and grabbing at anything near him. Notch only chuckled and shook his head.

"You deserve anything that happens to you" Notch said as he watched Steve get pulled under again.

He waited for him to resurface but after several minutes he didn't appear. Notch dismounted and set Crystal on one of the back saddle bags before walking to the edge of the lake. He couldn't see either of them and stepped into the water. He walked out going deeper into the lake until he was waist deep. Something grabbed his feet and he was pulled under moving quickly towards the middle. He thrashed and tried to swim away but the hands holding him didn't let go until they had dragged him to the very center. Quickly, he swam to the surface and sucked in a long breath and looked around. Steve had surfaced some ways away and was laughing until he saw Notch glaring at him, then he quickly started swimming for the shore, Notch right on his heels. Herobrine was still under water but quickly surfaced and swam the opposite way to shore. He got out first and saw Notch grab Steve and pull him under. Steve kicked back to the surface and made for the shore again only to be grabbed again and pulled back. He was laughing as Notch pushed him under again. Steve came back up coughing and treaded water in front of Notch who had a grin on his face. Herobrine rolled his eyes and walked back to the horses dripping wet.

"Are you coming or not?" Herobrine called as Steve floated on his back in the water.

"Just a second!" Notch said and dove under the water. Steve was still floating on his back as Notch swam under him and grabbed him around the waist, dragging him under.

"Honestly, am I the only mature one here?" Herobrine said to himself with a grin before jumping back in.

He swam to where they had gone under and looked around. Notch was holding Steve to the bottom of the lake and Steve was struggling to get free. It looked like he was running out of air because his thrashing started to slow down to the point where he wasn't moving any more. Herobrine swam down quickly and pushed Notch off him. He grabbed Steve and quickly pulled him to the surface. Steve wasn't moving.

"What the nether?! What were you thinking" Herobrine asked as Notch climbed onto the shore. He stared at Steve's body.

"I-I didn't mean-" Notch stampered . Herobrine was trying to empty the water from Steve's lungs and it was working. Gushes of water started coming up but Steve still didn't move. Herobrine was completely ignoring Notch.

"Come on, come on. You've got to wake up" Herobrine muttered as he pressed Steve's chest causing more water to come out. Finally, with a cough Steve started to wake up. He gasped for breath and looked around shocked.

"You ok?" Herobrine asked helping him up. Steve got up shakily and looked at Notch.

"What was that? Its his job to try and kill me not yours!" Steve said finding his strength. He stalked towards Notch and gave him a shove causing him to fall back into the water. "And he saved me! I really would rather not respawn today!"

"Respawn? Since when could you do that?" Herobrine asked looking at Steve.

"Yea, I didn't know you could" Notch said getting out. The look of anger on Steve's face disappeared and was replaced with one of confusion.

"I thought you knew. I mean, how else could I get this power. I don't have any others" Steve said looking at them in confusion. "How else could we still be together after thousands of years"

Herobrine and Notch walked around him as if studying him.

"That does make sense, we all have been around for several thousand years. If you think about it, he is the only one of us that seems to age then go back to a previous age after a while" Herobrine said " And why I cant seem to kill him. He just seems to come back. I thought he just healed"

"In a way I guess I have known. He does show up from time to time and seem younger than the last time" Notch said looking at Steve.

"You know I'm right here right? I can here every word you two say" Steve said throwing his arms up. He watched them as the circled him.

"Should we test this? See if he's lying or its a joke?" Herobrine asked pulling out his sword with an evil grin. Steve's eyes grew wide and he backed up.

"Oh no you don't" Herobrine said still grinning as he ran forward. Steve ran the other way.

"Hero! No! WE still need him alive!" Notch said running after them. He lost sight of them for a moment before hearing a scream. He ran into a clearing to see Herobrine sitting on Steve's chest, pinning him down and raising his sword for the kill.

"HEROBRINE! Get off him!" Notch said running over. Herobrine looked back at him crestfallen and got off Steve who sat up and looked at Herobrine warily.

"We'd better get back to the horses" Steve said brushing himself off then stopping suddenly and looked up in shock and realization.

"Crystal" He said and ran back to the lake with the others close behind.

"How the Nether could we have forgotten about her!" Steve said as he ran. The came to the lake and quickly found the horses standing on the opposite side grazing. They ran over and, as Notch caught his horse, they mounted there own.

"How is she?" Herobrine asked trotting over to Notch who was grim faced and staring at the wrapping Crystal was in.

"Its hard to tell with her this small" Notch said putting a hand on her. She started to grow until she was the size of an infant. Her chest was barely rising and her skin was now cold and clammy.

"We don't have much time, we have to get her back now" Notch said pulling out more blankets and wrapping her tightly in them. He climbed onto his horse and held her close.

"Please let me carry her, she is my daughter" Herobrine said reaching out towards Notch. He sighed and handed her to him.

"Be careful, she cant handle bumps real well and the jolting will not help her either." Notch said as Herobrine set off, Steve following close behind. Notch sighed and spurred his horse into action.

*at the budder castle*

"Why aren't they back yet? They should have been back by now" Budder said looking out the window, He had been watching every day since Steve and Notch went out, waiting for them to come back.

"I'm sure they'll be back soon. It does take a while to find a dragon" Nova said "And I'm going to guess they had to go to the end, which is even harder to find."

Budder didn't seem to hear him and kept looking out the window. Something caught his eye and he leaned out trying to get a better look. His eyes widened and he jumped up and ran out of the room. He almost ran Kye on his way out. She walked into the room toward Nova.

"Hey, what was that all about?" She asked and sat next to him. Nova was staring out the window, a smile growing on his face. He was about to answer but Budder did before he could.

"They're back!" Budder yelled running down the hall to the gate. He was running at full speed and came just as the gate opened. The smile he had when he first saw them fell into confusion when he watched them come in... soaking wet.

"Why are you all wet?" Sky asked coming out right behind Budder. He looked even more confused than Budder felt.

"Long story" Notch said and dismounted. It was then that Budder noticed Crystal wasn't with them.

"Where's Crystal?" Budder asked walking forward. Notch dismounted and looked at sky.

"Where's Seto?" He asked as Herobrine and Steve walked over. Herobrine was holding what looked like a bundle. He held it clos to him as if afraid to let it go.

"He's up in his room, why? Where's Crystal" Sky asked but, like before, they brushed past and went into the castle. Steve rushed up one of the staircases and Notch up another. Herobrine stayed waiting holding the bundle protectively. budder walked up to him curiously.

"Where's Crystal? You never did say" Budder said staring at him. Herobrine looked at him then moved the bundle so he could see. Budder gasped when he saw Crystal. She was much paler than before, her skin almost translucent and void of all pigment. Her eyes looked sunken and, all in all, she looked like she was on deaths doorstep.

"What happened? How did this happen?" Budder asked looking back at Herobrine. His eyes were full of hurt and he could see Herobrine's were too.

"We will tell all of you once we get her taken care of" Herobrine said and wrapped the bundle back up. The whole room was waiting silently and it didn't take long before Seto and Steve came back down.

"She needs help" Steve was saying as they came down the stairs.

Seto rushed to Herobrine and carefully took the bundle. He took one look and his face grew serious. Without saying a word he walked quickly to his potion room/ lab. He set the bundle down and started running around the room. Morgan came in and he started giving instructions.

"Morgan, go grab some mushrooms, fermented spiders eye, and a golden carrot. Hurry!" Seto said once she came in.  She located them quickly and gave the ingredients to him. He threw them into his cauldron. Sky walked forward and started unwrapping the bundle before Seto slapped him hand.

"What was that for?" Sky asked rubbing his hand and backing away.

"Don't touch her" was all Seto said before going back to work. Everyone looked at him confused.

He sighed and walked over to the bundle. He unwrapped it and laid out Crystal so she was in full view. It seems impossible but she looked worse than before. Her skin was now an ashen grey color and her hair looked like it was turning brittle and greying. Her lips and nose were starting to bleed and her eyes were still sunken in. Everybody gasped at the specter that used to be there friend.

"What happened? It looks like she's dead" Jerome said looking over Sky's shoulder. Fluffy elbowed him and pointed at Herobrine who was glaring at him.

"Um, sorry" Jerome said and backed out of the room.

"Not dead yet but very close. Morgan! Go get another golden nugget and some sugar cane. If you could find an ender pearl too that would be great but I think I have some here" Seto said and Morgan rushed out of the room. Crystal seemed to be worsening. "It looks like she was poisoned but, since I don't know what type, I am going to try one of the more powerful ones first. If that doesn't work. well, we'll just have to hope it does" Seto stopped suddenly and turned around to face the group. He looked directly at Herobrine before speaking.

"Did she ever come in contact with ender dragon saliva?" He asked in a serious tone. Herobrine's face fell.

"Yes, she did. When the dragon had caught us" Herobrine said looking gravely at Seto who nodded his head and turned back to the cauldron. Morgan came back with the ingredients Seto asked for, even the ender pearl. Seto took the stuff but only put the ender pearl in the brew.

"Everyone out" Seto said not looking back. "except Morgan" everyone started to leave until only Seto, Steve, Morgan, Notch and Herobrine were left.

"I said everyone and that includes you three" Seto said turning around to face them. "I need to be alone for this spell to work"

Steve nodded and walked out with Notch following close behind. Herobrine stayed where he was.

"You to Herobrine" Seto said and started pushing him out the door. Herobrine stopped in the door way.

"She is my daughter, I'm not leaving her" Herobrine said glaring at him. Seto didn't even flinch.

"I need everyone out otherwise the spell might be interrupted and it could kill her" Seto said finally managing to push him out. He slammed the door before Herobrine could walk back in and Herobrine could hear the distinct sound of a bolt being slid into the lock. He sighed and walked down the hall.

"Seto's been in there for five hours. How come he isn't back yet?" Herobrine asked pacing back and forth in the waiting room. Seto had come out only two times in the past five hours. One was to ask Phil to come with him. When Phil had come back out he had a bandage on his arm and wouldn't explain what happened. The other was for Notch and when he came back he said she was looking better. That was three hours age. Most of the others had wandered off to try and get there mind off of it but Budder, Notch and Steve were still there with Herobrine.

"Just calm down Herobrine. I'm sure he'll be out soon enough" Steve said sitting in one of the chairs. He was reading one of the books they had there.

"How can I? She might be dying for all I know" Herobrine said stopping for a moment before starting again.

"I'm sure she's fine. She is in good hands" Notch said. Herobrine stopped again and sat down but started fidgeting with his fingers instead. He had only been sitting for ten minutes when Seto came out. He immediately jumped up and looked at him. He looked worn and tired but had a faint grin on his face.

"She's going to be ok" He said. Herobrine sighed in relief and leaned against the wall.

"Can we see her?" Budder asked. Seto nodded and lead them into the room. She did look much better. Her hair was back to it's original brown, Her skin was less pale, an almost healthy white and she looked peaceful, She was also back to her normal size and still asleep.

"She'll need bed rest for a while but she should wake up either later tonight or tomorrow" Seto said looking over at Morgan who was sitting on one of the chairs in the corner asleep. He smiled.

"It would probably be best if she were moved to an actual bed too" Seto said. Herobrine walked forward, picked her up and walked out of the room.

"We have an extra room she can stay in until she wakes up" Budder said and walked out of the room with them following. He lead them up a staircase and into a huge room. Herobrine walked over and set her gently on the bed and covered her with the blankets.

"Lets give them a moment" Steve said pulling Notch and Budder out of the room.

Herobrine sat by her bed and stared at her, willing her to wake up. He sat that way all through the night and into the next morning. He must have fallen asleep because he woke with a jolt and saw that it was already lunchtime the next morning. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the bed. Crystal was still asleep but had moved in her sleep so that she was laying on her side with a smile on her lips. Herobrine smiled and left to go down stairs. He walked into the dining room and up to the head table like he had always done that. No one seemed surprised by it other than a few recruits.

"How is she?" Sky asked when he sat down. Herobrine rubbed his eyes and looked at him.

"Still asleep" Herobrine replied and put his head down on the table. He lifted his head for a second with a puzzled look on his face and turned toward the door.

"What is it?" Steve asked looking in the same direction Herobrine was. Herobrine looked confused if not a little scared.

"Some one's coming" Herobrine said. Moments later the doors opened and a woman in a black shroud with the hood up walked in. She walked right up to the head table and stopped right in front of Steve and Notch.

"You forgot, didn't you" She said. Steve and Notch wouldn't look up at her.

"We were going to but She was in worse condition than we thought she would be" Steve said.

"Well of course she wouldn't be fine! She was eaten by a dragon for Notches sake!" She said then turned to Notch "No offence or anything"

Notch just stared at her. It took a while for him to respond.  "How did you know we were here?"  She rolled her eyes.

"It wasn't that hard to figure out. Seto's here and he's the best healer in Minecraft" She said and sat down next to Herobrine who was staring at her as if he were thinking.

"Do I know you?" He asked looking at her hood, wanting to take it off but afraid of what was underneath.

"Do you really not recognize me?" She asked, genuine hurt in her voice. She pulled the hood down and Herobrine gasped.

"Briar? Is it really you?" Herobrine asked. she nodded happily and Herobrine hugged her.

"It's been so long! How have you been?" Herobrine asked grinning. Sky stood up at the end of the table.

"Could some one please tell us what's going on?!" He asked looking at them. Herobrine grinned and turned to the rest of them.

"This is Briar" Herobrine said to the table still grinning "Diamonds mother"

The whole table stared at them but Briar seemed unfazed.

"Where is she?" Briar asked looking at Herobrine. His grin fell a bit but he stood up.

"She's upstairs sleeping. She's been through a lot" Herobrine said. Tomy who had been quiet the whole time spoke up.

"No she's not, she's right there" Tomy said and pointed behind Budder. Everyone looked but there wasn't anyone there.

"Tomy, its not nice to say something like that. You'll scare people" Toby scolded looking sternly at Tomy.

"But she is right there!" Tomy said looking at Toby.

"Its not funny Tomy, stop" Toby said still looking at Tomy. Tomy sank back in his chair and didn't say anything else.

"But she was" Tomy muttered. Toby was about to say something back when something caught his eye.

"What's that?" He asked pointing at a floating plate. Everyone looked and it clattered to the floor.

"Sorry, that was me" Morgan said quickly "I wanted to practice" The other kids were stifling laughs as the grownups looked at her with weird faces.

"Ok then" Sky said before turning back to Briar "So how did you find your way here?"

"It was pretty easy actually, I just asked some travelers and they gave me a map with the coordinates here" She said and took a sip of wine from Herobrine's glass.

"How far did you come from?" Jerome asked

"From a small village in the snow biome. You might actually know our leader. Olivia? heard of her?" Briar asked

"She's my sister" Sky said smiling  "How is she by the way?"

"She's fine. Very caught up in her work" Briar said. The kids were stifling laughs again as a platter nest to Deadlox started to hover this time. It went right over his head and landed softly on his headphones. He didn't seem to notice at first until Husky looked over.

"Um, dude. Why do you have a plate of sandwiches on you head?" Husky asked. Deadlox reached up and took it off.

"I have no idea, I guess its an in style" He said and set it back down but stared at them in confusion.

Another platter started to rise but Notch saw it this time. He grabbed it and set it back down.

"Ok Morgan, I think you can stop practicing now" Seto said looking at her. She looked down trying to hide a laugh. He voice was shaking when she replied.

"Ok, I'll try to stop" She said and looked up just in time to see another one rise next to Seto. It floated in front of him and dropped right when he saw it. He jumped back in surprise.

"Ok, what's really going on?" Jerome asked looking around. The kids couldn't hold it anymore and started laughing. All except Tomy who was still pouting in his chair.

"I told you" He mumbled and got up. He ran to the other side of the table and stopped in front of Briar.

"She's right behind you" He said. He smiled and he ran back to his side of the table. Briar looked at Herobrine who was just as confused as she was.

"What was he talking about? I thought you said she was upstairs sleeping" Briar said confused. Steve started to get up but yelped when something sharp stabbed his leg. He looked down but only saw a small trickle of blood come from his ankle.

"What the-" He started but soon felt another pain in his other foot. Another line of blood started seeping out from the cut. Notch looked down but only saw the blood.

"What did you do?" Notch asked Steve.

"Nothing! I was just sitting here when something cut me" Steve replied. The kids were stifling laughs again.

"Well, something must have happened. You don't just randomly start bleeding" Notch said.

Herobrine felt something on the back of his neck and reached to brush it away. It left before his hand could touch it though. He ignored it.

"can we go see Crystal now?" Budder asked looking at Sky.

"You'll have to ask Seto" Sky replied. Budder looked at Seto pleadingly.

"Crystal?" Briar asked looking at Herobrine.

"That's what Steve called her and what they know her by" Herobrine explained.

"I guess it would be fine" Seto said And stood up. As they all were walking back to the room Morgan pulled Budder aside.

"She is going to kill you for that" She said. Budder looked at her in confusion.

"What do you mean?" He asked

"That was her you idiot! She was doing all that not me" Morgan said. "I hope she had time to bet back"

"What do you mean it was her? How did you know?" Budder asked.

"She whispered it in my ear, along with some of the others I think. I'm not sure about Tomy though because I couldn't see her" Morgan said

"Well duh, she was invisible." Fluffy said joining the conversation. He said it so normally they started laughing.

"Ok, ok, Quiet down we're here" Morgan shushed them. The grownups didn't notice them.

"This is her room" Herobrine said pushing the door open. They walked in and saw Crystal still wrapped tightly in the blankets, seemingly fast asleep. Briar walked forward and stood by the bed. She looked back at Herobrine with tears in her eyes. He walked forward and gently put his arm around her shoulder.

"She's beautiful, If only we could have raised her" Briar said and started to cry into Herobrine's shoulder. Crystal opened her eyes and looked at her. She carefully looked up at them and smiled. they didn't notice at first. Steve was the first though.

"How you feeling?" Steve asked walking up next to Herobrine and looked at Crystal. Crystal buried her head under the covers.

"Go away, I don't want to talk to you" she said although it was muffled under the covers. Steve stepped back into the crowd. Herobrine walked forward and put a hand on the covers, gently taking them off.

"You coming out?" He asked amused. Crystal stuck her head out again.

"I guess if I have to" She said with an exaggerated sigh but smiling and slid out from under the blankets. She stood up and looked at Briar who was staring at her. Briar walked up to Crystal and stood in front of her.

"Do you recognize me?" Briar asked looking at Crystal with tears in her eyes. Crystal looked up blankly of a moment.

"I'm sorry, I cant say that I do" Crystal said softly. Briar hugged her suddenly and started crying again.

"I'm your mother" Briar said to Crystal still crying. Crystal hugged back. They didn't let go of each other for a while. It was Crystal who finally let go. She had tears in her eyes.

"Why did you leave me?" She asked looking at Briar.

"I would never have willingly left you. It was your uncle and our village who made me. Steve had wanted to take you from me and the rest of the village had wanted you gone in every meaning of the word. After I went to the nether and gave you to your father the other villagers came and searched the house looking for you. They dragged me out and threatened to set the house on fire if I didn't tell them where you were. I told them I had taken you far away but they didn't believe me. They thought I had hidden you somewhere in the house and burned it down" Briar said starting to tear up. She quickly wiped them away and continued. "I left the village and built a new house farther away. several days later Steve came back this time with Notch. They said" she choked up for a moment. She recovered moments later and continued "They said you had died. That Herobrine hadn't taken you in and that you were taken by another person and killed. I wept for days after that."

Everybody had heard the tale and were now looking at Steve and Notch. The y looked uncomfortable with everybody glaring at them.

"You'd better start explaining" Deadlox said crossing his arms. Steve looked at Notch and pushed him forward.

"You explain" Steve said. Notch sighed and looked back at the crowd.

"There was a valid reason why we did what we did" Notch said " We found out several years before about a prophecy that one of us would have a child that would either be used to destroy the world or she would help regain it. We thought the prophecy wouldn't come true until much later. We were wrong. At first we thought it was another in the prophecy but then Steve found out about Crystal from one of the villagers in a village he was visiting. He came right to me and we devised a plan. she was supposed to stay with Herobrine but Steve here got jealous and wanted her for himself. The  reason Enderlox kidnapped you was because he and another being we haven't figured out yet were going to use you to take over the world. They had also heard the prophecy and about you. We believed it was for the best." he finished. They still didn't look impressed.

"How does that justify lying to her and the rest of us" Kermit asked.

"How would you have reacted the first time you met her and we told you she was Herobrine's daughter?" Steve asked. They looked at the ground and said nothing. "Little Frog, didn't you say 'any child of Herobrine was evil'?"

Little Frog stared at the ground and wouldn't look up.

"That was before we knew about Crystal" He said after a moment.

"Exactly my point. you wouldn't have given her a chance. you probably would have killed her" Steve said and walked forward. "You might be right too, if she were left in the nether with Herobrine she might have turned evil but since I had taken her she turned out good"

"You never know what could happen. She was changing me before you took her" Herobrine growled slowly advancing towards Steve. He pulled out his sword before he reached Steve. everyone backed away from them as Steve pulled out his. They were about to start fighting when Crystal stepped between them.

"No. No fighting" She said glaring at both of them. Herobrine put his sword down and Steve's slowly followed.

Everyone was silent. Crystal started to walk back over to Herobrine and Briar but collapsed onto her knees with a gasp.

"Crystal, are you ok?" Seto asked kneeling next to her. She nodded and tried to stand but ended up falling again. Herobrine rushed forward and helped her back to the bed. She sat down and looked around. Everyone was staring at her.

"What? Why are you staring?" She asked looking around. None of them would meet her eyes. Her gaze fell on Budder. He was the only one who didn't look away but she wished he had. His face had a look of pure horror.

"Your eyes" He said. She tried to get up but Herobrine held her down.

"What? What's wrong with my eyes?" She asked trying to stand up again. Herobrine pushed her back down and knelt in front of her.

"Diamond, they're glowing" He said trying make it sound good.

"W-what do you mean there glowing?!" She said and tried t stand one more time and this time Herobrine let her stand. She rushed into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. It was true, her eyes were glowing a light blue around the outside. Her pupils weren't there anymore either. She stood there in shock looking in the mirror, barely noticing Herobrine come in and stand nest to her.

"It's a lot to take in" He said. She didn't respond. She blinked her eyes a bit and the glowing faded until her eyes were back to normal. She looked at him in the mirror.

"Is this permanent? Are my eyes always going to be glowing randomly?" She asked. he shook his head.

"It might be, it might not. I don't really know but whatever happens you will still be you" He said. She walked back out of the room and went back to the bed and laydown, pulling the blankets over her head.

"Lets leave her alone" she heard Seto say and the sound of shuffling feet out the door. Soon she looked out again to see Briar, Herobrine, Steve and Notch still in her room. She pulled the blankets back over her head and waited for the sound of them leaving. She never heard it and looked out again at them. This time she didn't pull the covers back over her head again but just lay there staring at them. No one talked, they just stared at each other until Crystal felt her eyes drooping and fell asleep curled under the blankets. Briar was the first too leave, followed by Steve and Notch with Herobrine coming last. The others were already down in the hall waiting for them.

"What was that all about?" They heard Budder ask Seto when they waked in.

"It must have been a side effect from the potion I gave her" He said " Probably the ender blood in it"

Briar stopped and stared at him in shock from the door way before annoyance crossed her face and she marched up to him.

"You gave her ender blood!?  Why would you do something like that? Don't you know how potent that is?" Briar asked getting angrier and angrier as she went on. Seto backed up in surprise but a stern look crossed his and he stepped forward again.

"She had been exposed to ender dragon saliva. How else was I supposed to counter it?" He asked sternly. They glared at each other, neither wanting to look away first. Seto eventually relented and turned back to the group who was staring at them in confusion.

"What's wrong with ender blood" Jonas asked looking offended.

"Nothing, unless you drink it. In which case, you night die a horrible, painful death. Depending on the source." Briar said then glared at Seto again "And this idiot gave it to Diamond thinking it would counter the ender dragon saliva which is even more potent that the blood."

the whole group was staring at them now. Kye broke it though by asking a question that was in the back of everyone's mind.

"Back in the room you said you had thought the prophecy was about someone else, who was the other person?" She asked looking at Notch and Steve.

"I had a daughter who we thought was the one in the prophecy. We left her with her mother but she went missing. We haven't found any sign of her since but we believe she is in the sky kingdom somewhere." Notch said

"How did she go missing? And why do you think she's in my kingdom?" Sky asked

"Her mother died in a house fire but we never found the girl and her mother raised her here. She would be about 13 now if she's still here" Notch said concentrating. Kye was staring at him in shock.

'how did you know? Is this some kind of joke? Some sick joke?" Kye asked stepping forward. "How did you know about my mom's death?" She walked right up to Notch and glared at him. he stared back in shock.

"What was her name?" He asked looking back at her with concern.

"Amaranth" Kye replied glaring at Notch. He stared at her in shock again.

"Kyleline?" He asked. Her stance turned guarded and she backed up.

"Only my mother called me that" She said backing up. Notch stepped toward her.

"Not only your mother, your father too" He said. Her face turned to shock.

"D-dad?" Kye choked out stepping forward. Notch nodded, tears welling in his eyes. Kye launched herself at him and they hugged for a long time, both crying.

"I've been looking for you for so long" Notch said, not letting go. "Where have you been?"

"One of the neighbors was watching me when the house caught fire. When they saw they took me to the castle for safe keeping but never came back for me. I was taken in by the head guard and have been helping them since I was five" Kye choked out "I always wondered when someone would come for me"

Sky was looking embarrassed. He looked over and saw everyone staring at him.

"What? I didn't know!" He said putting his hands up in defense.

"It doesn't matter, they're back together" Steve said. he looked out the window and saw the sun was setting. "I'm going to be d. Night" and he walked out of the hall. Slowly everyone else said goodnight and walked to there rooms. Kye leaning on Notches shoulder.

"Who am I bunking with?" Briar asked looking slyly at Herobrine. He smiled and grabbed her around the waist.

"I guess with me" He said and smiled down at her.

"Save it for later you two!" Steve scolded, whacking Herobrine in the back of the head on the way by. Herobrine glared at him but led  Briar to his bedroom.

Crystal woke in the middle of the night to the sound of her stomach gurgling. She moaned as she stood up. She almost fell back onto the bed but steadied herself and opened the door. Looking out to make sure there wasn't anyone outside she snuck out and tried to find her way to the kitchen only to remember, she didn't know where she was. She wandered aimlessly and finally found the door that looked like it was the kitchen. She walked in and found herself in the dining hall. She looked around trying to remember where the waiters and kitchen staff would come in when she heard a voice behind her.

"What are you doing up? I thought you needed to sleep" She turned to see MU standing behind her.

"I-I got hungry" She said and backed up startled. She calmed a bit when she saw who it was.

"Well, the kitchen is right around the corner. Follow me" MU said and walked out the door, a bat up in the rafters gave a squeak and flew down after him. They walked down the hall to another door and MU pushed it open. She walked in after him and looked around. She had grabbed some bread and a potato when MU came back.

"I need to talk to you about something" He said. Crystal turned to look at him confused.

"About what?" She asked sitting down on one of the counters.

"About the things hunting you" He said. He crossed his arms and looked at her. She waited for him to say more and took a bite of the bread.

"One of them is the wither" He said and Crystal almost spit the bread out. She swallowed and stared at him in awe.

"How do you know? Wait, the wither?" She asked, still stunned.

"The head wither, I still have some connections with him though I wish I didn't." MU said. She backed away from him terrified.

"Don't worry, I don't change anymore" MU said sensing her discomfort. "But our minds are still connected, in a way. I can sense what he wants and sometimes glimpse what he's seeing and I can bet he can sense my feelings and see what I see"

"So, the boss wither wants me, why? I wont willingly help them take over the world" Crystal said crossing her arms.

"I know that, they know that but what they have planned is much worse" MU said gravely. Crystal waited for him to continue. When he didn't she jumped down from the counter and walked to the other side of the kitchen.

"What do they have planned?" She asked when he didn't respond.

"They want to take your powers. There were three of them working together but I can't tell who the other one is. He doesn't seem as powerful but he is familiar in some ways" MU said.

Crystal looked at him confused then realized something. "If you two share memories and sights wouldn't he know I was here, and about Kye?" She asked. MU went still and Crystal could tell he was thinking.

"Your right, he will know" He turned and ran out the door towards the bed chambers with crystal following right behind.

"What are you doing?" She asked catching up to him. He didn't slow but just kept going.

"We have to warn the others, I didn't realize it but he was listening the whole conversation. He's coming right now!" MU ran up to a door and knocked. "SKY! We have a problem!" He called through the door. Minutes later Sky opened it sleepy eyed.

"What is it universe?" Sky asked rubbing sleep from his eyes

"The wither is coming. Its on it's way here right now with an army of mobs" MU said. Sky immediately looked wide awake and closed the door. MU rushed to the next door and repeated this with Husky, Kermit, Deadlox and Jerome while Crystal stood in the hall watching in confusion. They gathered outside and started planning.

"Universe, how did you know this?" Jerome asked before anyone said anything else.

"The wither and I are still connected from when I was turned into WitherMU remember?" MU said "I can usually tell when he's listening in but wasn't able to until he left and I saw him gathering reinforcements coming this way."

"Is he listening now?" Sky asked. MU shook his head.

"He is not, he's too busy with his forces" MU responded.

"We should tell the others. That way the kids can get to safety while we fight" Jerome said. He walked down the hall and opened the first door he stopped in front of. It was Fluffy's room.

"Dad!?" Fluffy shouted. Jerome shut the door and turned back to the group with a mask of horror on his face.

"On second thought, lets not." He said walking back stunned.

"Who was it?" Deadlox asked smiling. Jerome shot his a glare.

"Guess" Jerome said. Deadlox's smile faded and he ran to the room.

"I wouldn't!" Jerome called but Deadlox opened the door anyways.

"HOLY #$%@ DAD!!" Quartz screamed and threw a lamp at him. Deadlox shut the door and stared at it in horror.

"I-I" Deadlox stuttered and walked back to the group. Sky laughed at his face and Deadlox turned red.

"What would you do if you saw your son doing that!?" Deadlox screamed at Sky. He stopped laughing.

"Your face was priceless though" Sky said trying not to laugh again. Deadlox glared at him.

Crystal was still watching on confused. She decided she was just going to go back to bed. Walking back she felt something watching her and turned to see the squid king standing in the middle of the hall right behind her.

"Hey squid king, why are you here? I thought you would be back with your family" Crystal asked smiling at him. He didn't return it. The only thing he did was pull out his sword and advance towards her.

"I came for you" He said and pointed the sword at her. Her smile faded and turned to one of fear. She turned around and started running down the hall. The squid king, being a squid, wasn't as fast but ran after her anyways.

"You wont escape me!" He said "My master will be pleased" He called after her.

Crystal ran faster until she came to her room. She shut the door and locked it. Once she was done she turned around and sank to the floor with her back pressed against the door. She let out the sigh she didn't realize she was holding and put her head back against the door. She slowed her breath after a while and listened for any sound from outside. When she didn't hear anything she got up and walked over to her bed and sat down. All she could do was wait, or could she? She got back up and walked over to the door again. If the grown ups were going to fight for her she should be in on it. It was her they wanted. She opened the door and slipped out after looking around and not seeing anyone.

Where should I go? she thought. She walked along the corridor until she heard some one walking towards her. She hid in the shadows and waited for them to pass.

"We have to find her. Otherwise we're all in trouble" One of them said. Crystal didn't recognize the voice but it sounded weird. Like it wasn't quite human. It had a slight hiss to it only a creeper had.

"Well, it shouldn't be that hard. She will think she's safe here but no one is ever safe from that family" Another voice she didn't recognize said. This one also had a hiss to it but this hiss sounded like a spider.

"Wait, she's near" A third voice said. This one sounded completely human but Crystal knew it couldn't be. Not with the company it was keeping.

"How would you know? Your only human" The spider voice said. There was a sound of fighting that stopped abruptly.

"Still doubt me?" The human voice asked. The was a muffled reply from the spider and Crystal heard it get up.

"The wither gave us these bodies because it trusted us to get the job done and that's what we're going to do. Any questions before we start?" The human voice asked.

Bodies? How did the wither give them bodies? Crystal thought. She remembered she was still visible and quickly turned invisible just as the trio came around the corner.

"She's close" the human sounding one said. Crystal couldn't make out there faces because it was dark but she could see they all looked human and they all were wearing armor, probably to look like guards. They passed by her without noticing and went straight to her room. Seizing her chance, Crystal ran the other way down the corridor, still invisible, and started for one of the doors at the end.

what should I do? I don't know where anyone else is! the thought hit Crystal like an arrow. She didn't know her way around or where she was exactly in the castle.

"She's not here!" She heard the shout from the creeper voice come from her room and started running faster down the hall. Apparently the others had heard it too because they rounded the corner just a Crystal was and she had do press herself against the wall to keep from being ran over.

"What was that?" Deadlox asked when they were in the hall. The three figures appeared coming out of Crystals room and stopped when they saw the group.

"Who are you an what are you doing?" Sky asked stepping forward. The leader of the others stepped forward and faced him.

"We were just checking on the girl. Seto's orders" He said sounding official. Seto stepped out from the back of the group.

"I never ordered for that" He said, hands flaming and eyes glowing. The leader steeped back involuntarily but then a wicked smile crossed his face. It was void of any emotions besides hatred and joy in the fight that was about to happen. He let out a menacing laugh and pulled out his stolen sword. The others pulled out there swords and took defensive stances.

"Where's the girl?" He asked.

"She's not in there?" Jerome asked surprised.

"NO YOU FOOL! Why else would we be asking!" The creeper voice asked letting out a hiss right after. Jerome backed up but kept his stance.

"We don't know then" MU said smiling beneath his helmet. The battle commenced and they soon found out what exactly they were up against. The creeper blew up the ground around them making pitfalls and, if they got to close, blowing dents into there armor. His attacks were smaller than a regular creepers though because of his now human body. Kermit killed him. The spider was a cave spider and managed to bite Kermit and Husky, who were now doubled over in pain on the ground slowly fading, before being taken out by Deadlox. The human sounding on was the worst though. He was an enderman in a human body and still had his powers to teleport. His eyes were still the same enderman style eyes and the bright pink color. Instinctively none of them looked into them making it harder to battle him. He was able to get MU, Seto and Jerome to the ground unconscious before facing the last two, Deadlox and Sky.

"Stand down" Sky said pointing his sword at the lone survivor. The hybrid smiled again.

"Never" He said and launched himself at Sky. He sliced Sky's arm then teleported before sky could even swing his sword back. He reappeared behind Deadlox and stabbed him from behind. Deadlox fell forward into a pool of his own blood. The ender hybrid disappeared again.

"NO!" Sky shouted and looked around for the ender hybrid.

He didn't have to wait long though. The hybrid appeared behind him, about to stab him from behind like Deadlox but that's what Sky was expecting. Driven by rage he plunged the sword behind him into the hybrid and heard the successful sound of metal piercing flesh. He twisted the sword and pulled it out while he turned around. The hybrid was on his knees coughing up purple blood. He looked up at Sky with hate burning in his eyes. Sky brought the sword down on his head and it was over. Sky rushed over to Deadlox and found a faint pulse and quickly started to bind the wound. He then moved to Kermit and Husky who were writhing in pain. He didn't have any milk though so he could only watch as the poison over took them. It finally stopped when they were at the verge of death and Sky carefully lay them in a way that was more comfortable looking than sprawled out on the floor. Seto and Jerome started to wake up and the sound of foot falls was coming down the corridor towards them.

"Sir, what happened?" One of the guards asked when they rounded the corner. Sky stood up and turned to them. He was covered in blood, both his own and the others.

"Double the guards and help me get these three to the med wing" Sky said to the head guard as he picked up Deadlox's unconscious body. Three of the other guards picked up MU, Husky and Kermit and they all started there long journey to the medical wing.

"What about Crystal?" Seto asked catching up to Sky. He turned to the guards who weren't carrying anything.

"Go wake the others and tell them to meet us in the meeting room. Now" e said and they scattered. A few stayed with as an escort and they made it to the wing with no incident. Sky carefully set Deadlox on one of the cots and started to walk out the door only to be stopped by one of the doctors.

"You cant leave. You are just as wounded as the others" She said pointing to the rest who were being taken care of by the other doctors.

"I'm fine. I have something really important to do right now" Sky said trying to push his way out the door. The doctor stopped him and dragged him over to a cot making him sit down.

"Really? Who's blood is that then?" She asked gesturing to his blood soaked clothing. He shrugged and tried to stand up again.

"It's not mine" He said. she pushed him back down and started wiping the blood off.

"This is a really nasty scratch you have here" She said and showed him his arm where the ender hybrid had cut him. She put some rubbing alcohol on it and he winced before she started bandaging it.

"Can I leave now?" He asked ten minutes later. Jerome and Seto had been released and were in the meeting room explaining what had happened. MU was still nocked out and lying Between Deadlox and Kermit. The nurse sighed.

"I guess you can now, but don't move that arm!" She had to shout the last part because Sky was already sprinting down the hallway towards the meeting room. He passed more guards on the way there and saw the patrols had been doubled. Good. He burst through the doors and everyone turned to look at him.

"How much have you explained so far?" Sky asked Seto who was standing at the front of the table.

"Just about the wither coming so far. I've left the rest for you" Seto said sitting down.  Sky walked to the other end of the table and faced everyone.

"As Seto has already explained, the Wither is coming for Crystal and is on his way here right now"
 Sky said. He let that sink in before continuing and thought about how to fraise his next words. "We went to guard her room and were attacked by three hybrids who had come to take Crystal. They had just come out of her room when we met them. She hadn't been in there which means she is somewhere in the castle" He stopped again to let that sink in. Herobrine stood up suddenly and made everyone jump. He looked pissed. He was about to say something when a scream came from outside the doors. Everyone rushed to the doors and Burst out them to see a blood trail leading down the hall.

"Diamond!" Herobrine cried and rushed down the hall following the blood trail. He disappeared around the corner with the others following close behind.

"DAD!" Crystals cry came from farther down the hallway and Herobrine rushed towards the sound. He rounded the corner and saw the squid king turning in circles, bodies of guards piled around him. He didn't notice them.

"Come out you little brat" He said turning again "When I find you your going to pay. you cant hide forever!"

"You'll never get me Squid face!" Crystal's voice came from behind one of the pillars. The squid king rushed it but came out on the other side of it looking confused.

"Where did you go?" he snarled looking around again.

"You'll never find me calamari!" Crystal taunted. Herobrine's blood was boiling but he smiled at this.

 "She is so your daughter" Briar whispered in his ear. Herobrine nodded as the squid king yelped and a line of blue blood started flowing from a cut on his upper arm.

The squid whipped his sword around but it didn't connect with anything. Herobrine turned invisible and ran at the squid. He got only a few blocks away before the squid swung again and hit Crystal. She yelped in pain as the blade sliced her and fell to the floor, red blood pooling out of the wound. The squids face lit up with victory.

"I've got you now" The squid said raising his sword to swing again. She tried to back up out of the way but the blood trail betrayed her. "Where's daddy now?" The squid king mocked starting to bring the sword down on her. It stopped half way down and Herobrine became visible again. He had anger and hatred burning in his white, now turning red, eyes.

"Right here" Herobrine said and kicked the squid in the chest sending him back into a pillar. He was terrified and tried get away but Herobrine was quicker. He ran over to him and grabbed his throat, pulling him off the ground and his feet and pressed him against the pillar.

"No one touches my daughter" Herobrine said stabbing the squid in the heart. The light slowly faded from the dying creatures eyes and Herobrine dropped the body.

The whole room was silent and watching him as he turned around. Crystal was still invisible but the pool of blood around her was darkening in color and size as he ran over. Herobrine put a hand on her and she became visible again. The squid had reopened the old wound on her stomach and it was bleeding worse than before. She was unconscious on the ground, the blood slowly working its way out. Herobrine ripped part of his shirt off and started binding her wound, trying to keep her from bleeding out and picked her up. He started running to the hospital wing as fast as he could and burst through the doors to the stunned faces of the doctors and nurses who immediately took her and put her on a stretcher and wheeled her away. Herobrine stood in the doorway as if frozen as the others came in behind him. Briar set a hand on his shoulder but he brushed it off and walked out of the wing towards the main gate. Briar started to follow but Steve stopped her, staring after Herobrine as he went.

"He needs some time alone" Steve said still watching Herobrine. Briar nodded and walked back into the hospital wing. MU, Kermit and Husky were awake now and Deadlox was looking much better than he had when he came in. His stomach and back had been stitched up and none of his organs had been skewered.

"How is he?" Sky asked one of the doctors who wasn't operating on Crystal.

"Much better, no vital damage and he should wake up a little later. He's going to have to stay here for a while before he can leave though" The doctor said and rushed off.

"Who's going to tell the kids?" Jerome asked. The were still sleeping in there rooms, none of the parents wanting to scare them.

"In the morning. It's been a long night" Sky said and started to walk out of the room.

"What about Crystal? Has everyone forgotten the -" MU started but Kermit clamped a hand over his mouth.

"No need to scare everyone right away" Kermit said taking his hand off MU's mouth. He glared at Kermit.

"Ok, what are we going to do about her?" MU said being as vague as possible.

"I'll set guards outside to keep watch and we can take turns watching her through the night if that makes you feel better" Sky said "I've already doubled the patrols and tripled the guards" And he walked out the door.

"What's wrong with Crystal" A small voice asked and they turned to see Tomy and the rest of the kids standing right outside looking in.

"She just wasn't feeling well" Toby said picking Tomy up "You need to get back to bed though"  and Toby carried Tomy back to his room. They waited until they were sure Toby and Tomy were out of earshot before continuing the conversation.

"What really happened? And don't lie, we heard the screams" Morgan asked looking all of them in the eyes.

"Our security has ben breached. A squid and three hybrids got into the castle and were looking for Crystal. We confronted the hybrids while Crystal was probably running from the squid." Sky said

"How did they get in?" Budder asked, Sky wasn't able to reply because one of the recruits ran in panting and an arrow sticking out of his arm.

"Sir, there's an army right outside the gates" The recruit said still panting.

"Friend or enemy?" Sky asked even though he already knew the answer.

"Enemy, the army is made up of mobs and they're being lead by the Wither" The recruit said.

"Gather the others, we attack at dawn" Sky said

"No one's attacking me" Dawn said trying to lighten the mood

"Dawn, now is not the time" Sky said turning to her then back to the recruits "Gather as many willing to fight in the courtyard and keep watch on the mobs. They shouldn't be able to get in but bring all the people unable to fight into the castle just in case" The recruit nodded and ran back out.

Sky turned to the group wit ha grave look on his face. "We're going to war"


A/N OK sorry if this wasn't twice as long as the longest chapter before it, that would have been, like, twenty pages at least. Ok that's an over exaggeration, more like 14 pages but still, I wanted to get this up today. remember, leave a vote, comment and recommend this to your uncle. That reminds me! The random shout out! I forgot last chapter so I'm going to have three different people. First on is @luna6012 for being so awesome and having a cool profile pic. Check her out! She doesn't have many followers yet but is pretty cool. Next would be @MC_Nation_Tim who is also awesome and also doesn't have any stories up yet. (Remember, this is completely random) Last, but not least! Is The one, the only *Drumroll*  @The_Empire! So that was the shout out, go check them out!

Ok, I'll add one more who has some books that are great. Anyone who wants to read a really good Minecraft story go check out @luckystar215. She has some really great books and I bet she would love to have more followers. Along with the rest of them too! So, the next  chapter will have the battle scene and then I'm planning on one or two more chapters then I'm going to put up the new book two days after or the night I finish. It depends on my mood and my patience. anyways.\

SEE YA Foxes! ^+^
