
 2 feet would hit the ground, leaving a plane which would take off soon after his feet had made contact with the oh so precious floor. 

'back off to mum and dad i guess. bye Bob, see you back in Greece if i ever return.' the boy would think, the sunglasses comfortably protecting the boy's eyes from the harsh sunlight within the area.

he would smile when he would identify a man at a black car waiting for him, his butler attire shining. the boy would walk over to the butler,  who themselves would smile back.

"welcome back master, i have been expecting your return once your mother made the call." 

"thank you Sebas, lets get moving shall we?"  the boy would say, entering the vehicle as his personal butler would start said vehicle, and they would begin moving to the boy's household.

"so, how has it been since we left for greece?"

"well, ever since you allowed us to have a break, most of the staff had left the mansion, some of them now have children. some of us had decided to stay at the mansion, making sure it stayed in tip-top condition for your inevitable return."

"anything else?"

"well, your weekly 50k payments to Isanari has helped the Uesegi family tremendously. whilst the family is no longer poor, Isanari leads futaro to believe so, hoping it would keep his acedemic standards. your father has also hired him as a work from home member, he runs the logistics for your father's company."

"well that's good, the dad never accepted anything more than 50k from me. im also Glad Futaro actually learned and now has high grades."

"well, you are a natural genius sir,  remember, all the private tutors hired by your parents were eventually learning from you, so due to the fact you taught him directly, it makes sense he kept up his good grades."

"please don't flatter me Sebas, it was the least i could do when Futaro himself was super determined to become better than he used to be. also, for the maids and butlers with family s, construct a children's room, that way they can work whilst their children learn and play."

"i shall notify the architects. and before i forget, we have an important thing to notify you of, Isanari had told us something very interesting about Futaro recently."

"oh? pray tell, what is it?"

"he has a job to tutor 5 girls, but here's the kicker. they are Nakano's children and they are the same age as you."

"get him on call now. i need a word with him."

"already done sir." Sebas would say, the sound of the call echoing within the car. eventually the man would answer, his voice coming from the speaker.

"Mudou, we need a word. i've just been informed you have had child and they are the same age as me. care to explain?"

"right, well, i was going to introduce you years ago, but my ex-wife had divorced me and remarried. she had also then passed away shortly after, im not really much in my daughters lifes anymore sadly, however, i do have the stepfather's number if you wish to talk to them?"

"send it me now, Sebas get the call working. have a good day Mudou."


the call would end, and Sebas would receive a text. he would pull over to impute the number and the call said number, the person picking up later.

"hello? who is this?"

"hold on, Marou? is that you?"

"how do you-?"

"you worked for my father's company years ago, you left to pursue your own company and which my father gave you the money to do so yes?"

"oh i remember! your family moved to greece correct? have you returned to Japan?"

"yes, and ive also been informed you had married! congratulations. but im also sorry as i have also been informed of your wife's unfortunate passing."

"well thank you on both accounts. so, why did you call?"

"your last name is Nakano correct? well, you hired a tutor for your Daughters recently and you just so happened to employ my friend and personal student to tutor them."

"oh i was unaware he was a friend of yours. why do you ask? do you perhaps want to help him?"

"well, i didn't call for that but i would be glad to. anything important i need to know?"

"the worst one you would have to face would be Nino. shes a tsundere. although i have a get feeling you two would get along well. a bit too well. but to be fair, i would be absolutely ecstatic if you did get together."

"and why is that?"

"well, after my wife had passed, i have been stuck at work, and well i mean stuck, i mean i quite literally haven't left the office in 2 months. i have been sleeping on the sofa in my office."

"thats a shame. im guessing thats why i wish for me and your daughter to have a relationship?"

"yes. the rest of them should be fine, just know Miku has a obsession with warlords. and for reference, miku has blue headphones whilst Nino has pink hair with butterfly hair clips in them."

"thanks for the heads up, ill help Futaro starting tomorrow if that sounds good, i've just got back from greece so im gonna rest."

"thats fine. bye bye."

the call would end just as they arrived to the mansion, and the two would leave the car, and the boy would enter, seeing a row of maids and butlers bowing to him. he would greet them, telling them what he expected but also let them know that if they weren't able to complete them on time, it does not matter, as long as it is done before the end of the day. that would eliminate some the staff's worries, as some of them just so happened to be newly hired staff. the staff would split as (y/n) would leave, making his way to the outdoor garden with Sebas behind him.

"sir, may i ask you a question regarding your education? due to the law of japan,  you have to be within education, so with that addressed, what do you want to do? private or public school?" Sebas would ask, looking at the boy who would place a hand on his chin.

"hmm. any idea which one Fu goes to? and if you do then that one."

"we do know, we can get it sorted today as it is 1pm, so school is still in session. i can get you within the school now if i go?"

"i would like that, thanks Sebas. make sure you get something for yourself at the shop whilst you're going. you deserve it." he would say, Sebas would leave the boy alone in the garden as he would water the flowers that were well kept by the staff during his absence. he made a mental note to himself to increase all of their pay.

after that, he would walk around the mansion, helping the staff if there was ever anything that wasn't fully cleaned or they had trouble getting due to height. eventually he would have found himself in his bedroom, booting up his game console and deciding to go for a little nostalgia trip. his gaming session would last for a few hours, before he would get a call from his parents.

"konichiwa!" he would say, placing the phone next to his ear.

"konichiwa. have you made it home?"

"yup! Sebas is getting me enrolled into Fu's school so i can meet him again, the staff have kept this mansion spotless as well."

"thats good, just call us if you ever need anything okay? we can get back as soon as possible."

"will do. goodbye."

"bye bye."

'well then, now what? i need to eat, scout out the surrounding school area and check to see if the staff are happy with their conditions.'

he would spend the rest of the day doing just that until Sebas got back home, carrying a school uniform in one hand and a school bag in the other. Sebas told the boy what classes he was in, and what they consisted of, and (y/n) by this point have been in bed, getting ready to fall asleep.

"sebas, i request that i walk to school. dont want people to befriend me due to money. also, can i show off? mock them a bit to get them fired up?"

"firstly, that is fine, but we must have one person surveying you whilst you walk. secondly, you have permission to do what you wish, we can not dictate your actions."

(y/n) would nod his head, his eyes slowly closing as he would feel the jet lag begin to overtake him.


a pair of eyes would slowly open as some of the sun's rays would peer into the bedroom, the window open along with the curtains. he would check the clock next to his bed, it read a strangely comforting 6:45, which gives him 2 hours until school starts. so he would use that time to get prepared for the day, eating some delicious food made by the chefs and getting dressed into his school uniform. he would go round the mansion with the 30 minutes spare before he decided to walk to school. making sure everything was accessible to the staff and that there wasn't anything he was forgetting. turns out there was! he forgot to ask the chefs to make some food for school! but at the same time, he didn't want to burden them, so instead he headed into the kitchen and made himself the food, making sure it was as neatly wrapped as it could possibly be. he would then store said object into his bag, checking the contents of said bag, seeing everything he would need for the day. 

he would then  head to the entrance of the mansion, grabbing his sunglasses he was so used to wearing during his time in greece. a man wearing a black suit and tie would walk up to him, an earpiece on his person.

"really? im just walking to school, i don't need someone from men in black." the boy would say, chuckling. he would open the door and leave, the man following behind him and making sure nothing would happen to the boy as he would walk to his new school.

eventually he would make it, and the man would have stayed back so he wasn't seen, as the boy did say he wanted to keep the whole 'im rich' thing secret. the boy would have entered the building, heading to the staff room and finding his teacher. just like the day before, he was informed of his classes and timetable. the teacher would then head to the classroom with the boy in tow after the bell had started to signal homeroom. the teacher would tell hi mto stay outside, which he would.

"settle down. before we start homeroom, i have an announcement. we are getting another transfer student."


"i hope its a cute chick!"

"hey! you already got the 5 nakanos! its our turn! we need a handsome man."

"is that the 6th transfer in like a week?"

"i said settle down! now then, why dont you come in and introduce yourself?"

everyone would look at the front, minus 1,  as a boy would walk into the classroom and write his name onto the blackboard behind him.

"my name is (l/n) (y/n), but call me by my first name. its a pleasure to meet all of you."

"go sit down now, any seat you can see."

(y/n) would walk forward scanning his classmates as he walked past

'she's defo a bitch.' he would think, walking past a girl who never bothered to look at him and would huff in annoyance. 

'meanwhile hes a creep.' looking at a boy who would seem to be staring at a girl further down the class shamelessly.

eventually, he would reach the back, taking a glance at a girl who hasn't looked at him since his introduction, looking through her phone as if she was bored. 'found you. which one are you though?' he would notice the luscious pink hair afterwards, 'ah, Nino.'

speaking of which, the girl would finally look up from her phone, looking at the boy who would casually take off his sunglasses and look at her. a hand would keep her head up, hher blue eyes bore into (y/n)'s. the boy would slightly lean forward towards you.

"i like you. you're interesting. like a mystery just waiting to be cracked. mind if i take this seat?"

"go for it i don't care."

so he would take the seat, keeping an eye on Nino throughout most of the lesson and noting how she never payed attention, even when the teacher had asked the class a question that nobody knew. (Y/n) would have stoop up, making his way to the front and figuring it out easily, and Nino would take her eyes off her phone to watch and listen at (y/n).

"you guys are all dumb. this is basic elementary! like seriously? at this rate all of you should just go home and pray to god, no wait scratch that, even he wont help your stupidity.  you might as well give up on your dreams! in my opinion, those who cant figure this shit out is dumb and ugly. noone can not know this. all of you are hopeless so i suggest you step it up." 

the teacher would almost scold him, but stop when he would notice a fire burning in the eyes of almost everyone within the classroom.  it seems (y/n) has lit a desire to best him in academics within the classroom. he would sit back down in his seat and Nino would cast him a side glance

'well that was cool. it reminds me of Yotsuba's cartoons that she watches.' she would think, deciding that maybe school would begin to get a little bit better with (y/n) now in it. although he would almost never get off her phone, but she did sometimes just to see what (y/n) was doing, noting how we was once more wearing his sunglasses in class and was seemingly not listening in class, spinning a pencil in his hand instead of jotting notes.

'now then, i'm curious, just how far can this butterfly's wings go?'


2343. yes he made a fanfic for this fandom.

yes he likes this fandom.

and to be fair, why else would you read this unless you did as well?


bye bye.
