Lingering Affects. Fucking Midterms. And Major Fucking Problems.

this chapter will be longer than normal chapters.

small lime. just a Bj and pumping of a dick. (get a life weirdos)

what the fuck is wrong with the author, he keeps making this shit up.


oh, and by the way..... this version of (y/n) just loves getting into trouble~ 

TW have a guess for what though :) TW

it was Monday. tomorrow would be midterms.

you were excited to see how far Nino has progressed. in fact, you were tutoring her right now, but she noticed you seemed to jump on the spot.

"are you alright over there (y/n)? do you still have the sex high?" she asked, you looked at her with a smile.

"no, im just excited to see how far you've come Butterfly. its midterms tomorrow. after all!"

"damn, i was kinda hoping it was the sex high."


" reason."

"Nino, i know it felt good but... im pretty sure you're still soar. and i notice that you do lean on me from time to time to this day. remember, we fucked on Thursday. its been 3 and a half days." you messed with the scarf around her neck. " we were lucky i had a spare scarf to gift you."

"i know."

you sighed and rested your head on her shoulder as she worked.

"i noticed you threw out all of your manga. why's that Butterfly?"

she blushed, but nuzzled her head into yours.

"don't need them anymore considering I've experienced sex. the sensation is kinda burned into my mind."

you hummed in acknowledgement.

"by the way, that answer's wrong, but its very close."

"which one?"


"what did i do wrong?"

"you didn't carry this." you pointed at the paper. " good thing you show your working. makes it easier to explain."

she looked at the paper and followed along as you explained. she noticed how you taught her much more complicated things compared to before, and the was able to understand and apply what you were telling her completely.

it caused her to smile as she knew she got better at the subjects, even English! whilst at first, she was proud when she finished the first English paper you gave her, she wasn't satisfied the next time around, and it was because she wanted to completely shock you. but every time you just gave her a nod, thumbs up or words of praise.

she has yet to shock you, and that's what she's aiming for.

although, she was always happy to hear your words of praise, it made her feel giddy and warm.

"...hey Nino."


"if you don't mind me asking... what do you wanna do? in the future i mean."

"i wanna open a café. im good at cooking and baking so it would make sense." she smiled softly. "i've always wanted to do it."

"i see."

"what about you?"

"truthfully..i have no idea."

she looked at you shocked for a moment.

"really? why not?"

"well.. im kinda set for life. i have enough money to last 17 lifetimes thanks to my parents." you looked down and sighed. " i might have to take over my father's company. thats the normal thing right?"

you grabbed a chair, which you stole from downstairs and placed it next to her.

"everything i think of in terms of work just seems boring to me. i dont think there's much that i'd be happy doing to be honest."

"then we can open the café together if you want? we can be the owners of it. lead it to glory!" she exclaimed.

you chuckled.

"that sounds fun. if you're in it, then anything sounds fun. so count me in."

you gave her a fistbump.

"and if you fail i'll still open the café"

"i wont fail. you're my tutor, its impossible for me to fail."

"you bet. i wont allow you to fail."

the rest of the day was of the two of you talking, you had stopped studying because she was there for a good few hours studying. the both of you had went downstairs to watch as Futaro diligently tutored each quint in separate ways.

'it seems he took my advice.'

none of them spoke to you or Nino as you walked by as they were to busy concentrating but the both of you didn't mind it. you both walked into the kitchen, and Nino grabbed an apron.

"wanna see something funny? i saw it on Amazon and just had to buy it."


she showed you the writing on the apron.

'fuck the cook.'

"why would anyone even make that?" you asked placing a hand over your mouth and shaking your head.

"i have no idea. but you bet im gonna buy it everytime."

"honestly. people can be so strange with the stuff they create."

"true, but it's creative."

"oh you bet!" you opened a cupboard, putting out some bowls.

"you knew this kitchen inside and out dont you?"

"of course i do, i've cooked with you many a times. and i also know you inside out..." you looked up and down her body. "in every way."

"i know that you idiot."

you rolled up your sleeves.

"alright, what we making?"


"weed cookies."

"what- no?!"

"damn it."

"those jokes of yours are so weird."

"you love em."

"fuck you."

"when you're not soar."

"thats a promise?"

"without a doubt."


you got out of the bed, yawning. you looked down, seeing your lack of clothes, minus your undergarments.

you then turned to look at the sleeping Nino.

'i'll never get used to seeing her in lingerie. shes just too damn sexy.'

you walked over, looking at her neck. the marks were still there, but her lip had healed. you kissed her on the forehead and smiled softly.

"good luck today Butterfly."

her eyes fluttered open, and she got a face full of you. she moved her hands to grab your cheeks and then leaned up to kiss you.


"morning sleeping beauty."

she then got out of the bed and also yawned, she looked over at you.

'still in only his underwear.'

the both of you eyed each other's body.

'damn, they look fucking hot.' they both thought to themselves.

"if i wasn't soar i would ride you right now."

"if you didn't have hickeys i would give you some right now."

you both then walked over to the chairs and grabbed your clothes.  you both got dressed into your pajamas and left for the bathroom where you both then brushed your teeth. you had then both left the bathroom and stared at the 5 sleeping people.

"should we wake em?" you asked.

"they look like they need nah."

you looked over to the clock.

"we have more than enough time. its 6:30"

"and we gotta be there by 8:30 right?"


you both looked at each other.

"we have some time to fuck around. they should wake up soon." you told her.

"what we gonna do?"

"lets make some breakfast first."

"well we just brushed our teeth.."

"good point, its like..forbidden to eat for a good hour or so after that."



"wanna have a lapdance or something like that?"

"Nino, are you just perpetually horny or something?"

"no, i'm just in the mood. and we cant fuck due to me being sore...unless you want to do the other hole? or oral sex?"

". first off, we wouldn't even have time considering how long we did it before. second off, i'm still slightly soar."

" a no then."

you sighed.

"lets just go to your room and wait. we need to get into school clothes anyway."


you both walked up the stairs and entered Nino's room. you checked the time. it was 6:45.

"so much time to blow..."

"bad use of words big boy."

"right, you're horny."

"man, i wish there was a way i could relieve this without using my pussy."

she fell down to the bed, making it shake slightly. you yourself did the same.

"there is honestly nothing to do."


"we could study but..."

"yeah no."

you sat up and she did the same.

"i forgot to ask, how are you 'slightly' soar and im still dying over here?"

"i have no idea truthfully. but i have a feeling it's original doing his thing."

"hey (y/n)."


"how soar are you? like you say slightly, but on a scale from 'basically feel nothing' to 'don't touch it hurts.'"

lime starts here btw.

"i dont know..maybe a 'stings slightly but not bad.' or a 'close to feeling nothing'"

"i see. by any chance, are you in the mood?"

"if you mean hard then kinda. it's difficult not to be when you keep going on about sex and stuff like that."


"why do you ask anyway?"

"whilst i might not be able to my pussy, i do have a mouth. it would help 'blow' off some time. and maybe satisfy this craving i have right now."

"i hate the fact you used my own words there."

"do you want a blowjob or not? i didnt give you one before."

"we didn't use oral for anything last time."

"apart from applying the condom."


she stood up, slightly hopping as she did. she then got on her knees infront of you.

"i can see the bulge in your underwear."

"again, you've talked about sex. you've offered me a blowjob and you're literally in prime BJ position. how can i not be getting hard?"

"say, what time is it now?"


"then i would have more than enough time to satisfy you."

"i'll just feel bad that i couldn't do anything to you if anything."

"when im not soar you'll finger me or use your mouth, deal?"

you sat there in silence for a few seconds.


you looked down at her, watching as the girl removed your pajama bottoms before doing the same with your underwear.

"ya'know, i didn't notice the size when we fucked considering it was inside throughout 75% of it. and i gotta say...nice cock bro."

you snorted.

"thanks i guess."

she tapped the tip of your dick with her index finger. she did it to test if you hissed in slight pain.

you didn't.

"so, can you feel how soar you are?" he asked, wrapping her hand around your dick.

"all i can feel is how soft your hand is."

she looked up at you and moved her hand to pump it slightly.

"and now?"

"your hand pumping me."


"it feels good."

"better answer."

she kept eye contact with you.

"so, as you would expect, this is my first blowjob. so i'll be experimenting."

"and that means?"

"i wont just bop up and down like a basic bitch."

"you're going to try and implement your tongue?" 

she winked at you to give you your answer. you just nodded your head at her.

"then im eager to see what you got."

she smiled at you.

'those were just the right words..'

she moved her eyes to look at your dick, and moved closer to it. she still slowly pumped you with one hand, but began running her tongue from the base all the way up to the crown.

"woah. THATS a new sensation."

"im glad to know im having a pleasing affect."

"oh shut it Butterfly. of course you are."

you breathing became labored.

"why am i panting? im not even doing anything?" you said outloud as she continued her work.

you closed your eyes, falling backwards onto the bed.

she began to pump quicker and moved her head to the crown, where she swirled her tongue along the tip of your dick.

you moved an arm to your forehead.

she looked at you and grinned, licking her lips before devouring you into her mouth. you sat back up to look at her, a majority of it was gone, hidden from view and taken into her mouth.

she gagged.

but she eventually stopped.

'her soft palate is getting used to my size. the more she does this the less gag reflex she would have..i wonder if she knew that? i would take about a month to completely remove it..Desensitization.'

you moved both of her hands to the portion of your dick that wasn't in her mouth and pumped you as she ran her tongue in a circular motion around the length inside her mouth. she began bopping up and down alongside this circular motion of her tongue.

your hand moved to the back of her head, but you didn't push her down and force the rest of your dick inside, you allowed the girl to go at her own pace. she looked up at you as she sucked, creating a very lewd image for you to see.

"l-let me saw it on the hub?" you panted out.

she just gave you a thumbs up with one of her hands before putting it back onto your dick and pumping it.

you felt good.

her mouth was just..woah.

in fact, you felt like your release was approaching within a few minutes time.

 she moved her head to the side and pushed herself down, your bugle being shown through her cheek. she licked all the way from the base to the tip as she did so. after a few seconds she stopped, and seemingly took a deep breath.

"you alright Nino?" you asked her, wondering why she stopped.

she removed her hands and put them between your legs before pushing herself down, enveloping the entire thing into her mouth.

she gagged some more.

it stopped again.

she continued to bop up and some more,once again using her tongue whilst doing so.

"H-hey, N-NI? im close..."

she looked at you after hearing you call her by a new nickname. she sped up, and your hand began to slightly dig into her head.

"f-fucking hell Ni!"

shortly after, you exploded into her mouth, she didn't move until you were finished and when she did she looked at you.

lime ended.

"w-what do you do-?"


"wow. okay then." you panted but regained control of your breathing. "you were good by the way...really good."

"why thank you."

she stood up, smirking proudly.

"i gotta brush my teeth again, be right back."

she left the room, leaving you alone.

'wow..well, i've gotta one up her once its my turn.' you looked at your left hand, balling it into a fist. 'it would only be fair.'

you stood up, and walked over to your school clothes before putting them on. Nino returned shortly after and did the same.

"so, Ni huh? thats a new one."

"it was short and sweet."

"it was just because i was to good for you to say my full name."


"by the way, its 7:30."

"fucking hell really?"


"huh, that felt much quicker than it was."

"to me, it wasn't long enough."

"oh sorry for not lasting!" you said, putting your hands on your hips.

"no- i mean because we were on a time crutch! otherwise i'd probably still be there!"

you shook your head.

"are the rest up yet?"


"should we just leave and hope they get by in time?"

"yeah. i've already tried to wake them up anyway."

"right. lets go."


you and Nino sat down in your chairs. you both looked around the classroom, some were talking to others, some were seemingly praying whilst others were shaking in their boots. Nino had begun shaking until you grasped her hand.

"you've got this. i trust in you."

she smiled and grabbed your hand.


the teacher entered the classroom.

"alright everyone. 5 minutes until we start. so listen up. many of you are nervous, i get that. but you can't use that as an excuse  this time. if any of you struggle in your exams dont be afraid to tell me when we have finished them, i'll help you learn."

he then made a gesture, one imitating a phone.

"not only that, but all of you, for some reason, know my phone number. if anyone has trouble doing self study or homework give me a call and i'll make a google teams meeting for everyone to join if they want. im a teacher, not a torturer. im here to help you guys learn and grow so you can become those with high paying jobs and good lifestyles. now i know it seems like torture, trust me i get it, i was a kid as well."

he wrote how long the exams would be on his backboard.

"what i've done is picked a job with so much risk reward that i jeopardize my reputation when i teach." he then turned to te class. "if someone fails, i fail simple as that. i dont want anyone to fail, but if someone does it means they didn't tell me that how i was teaching didn't work for them. i used to be a private tutor, i know individual learning rates. i trust that all of you try your best, because that's all you can do. dont worry about the result, just worry about if you're doing everything you can. and remember, you have 3 whole days.'

he placed his hands on the 'podium'

"it would be a mystery if all of your lessons just randomly showed up on your google classroom wouldn't it? make sure to check it from time to time." he said, giving a very clear hint.

"infront of all of you are you're firsts tests. im sure you know what we do with em when we start. name, date yada yada. this test is 2 hours long. your time starts..."







"that didn't seem so bad!" you said aloud walking back home after 3 long days of midterms. "i wonder how the others did."

you were walking alone by this point, but like always you had two staff members following you along the walk. you had no idea they were there as you had been to occupied thinking about Nino.

more specifically, you were having a 'fantasy' where she aced all her exams. sure, it would be a far cry from the truth but as long as she passes or gets close to passing then everything should be fine.

the staff members were watching you diligently until a noise was heard behind them, they took their eyes off you to see the source of the noise, watching as a black feline stared at them for a few seconds.

'fucking cat.'

they turned around to watch you again and-

"he's gone."

"what do you mean he's gone?"

"he's not here anymore."

"maybe he turned a corner."

they walked forward a few steps, peering around the corners.

"no..he's not here.  what about your side?"

"gone. no trace of him."

they looked at each other again.

"we should get back, if we're correct then this is bad."


the staff members began their sprint back to the mansion, unknowingly passing the group of 6.

"hey, wasn't that y/n)'s staff?"

"yeah, they seemed in a hurry."

Nino watched them run off.

"i have a bad feeling."

Futaro glared at the pair.

"..something's wrong."

he began to run after them.

the quints watched as he did before they did as well.

"hey! wait up!"


you opened your eyes.

' head..'

you went to move your hands yet you couldn't. you looked up, seeing them bound by chains.

'...fuck...what is it with me and horrible circumstances'

you looked down, your feet had been spared of the chains, yet you couldn't stand due to the positions of your arms. you began trembling.

'im shaking?'

a part of you felt like it's been in this same situation before.'ve never been kidnapped so it didn't make sense.

'who would kidnap me and why? maybe ransom money. a stalker perhaps?' you pondered.

you froze when you felt a knife glide along your throat. you slowly looked up, coming face to face with a man you've never seen before.

"we meet again (y/n)."

you glared at him.

"i have no idea who you are."

"on the contrair, you very much do." he looked down at you, his amused smirk fading. "..i see... so you have forgotten me."

"what do you want?"

"it used to be money...but now it's just to see you suffer."

"what did i even do to you?"

"you ruined my life you brat! i was so close to being rich! but you....oh if i didn't get you......"

you raised an eyebrow.

'get me? the hell does that mean?'

you went to speak, but stopped when the knife was placed inside your mouth.

"what can i do...i could cut your flesh from your mouth.. maybe gauge out an eyeball.."

your binded hands trembled.

"maybe i could cut off your fingers.. remove your many ways to make you suffer......this time...i wont be stopped..."

for some reason, you feared this man. your entire body wanted nothing more than to get away from him.

"i'll starve you...deprave you of food and water.. i wonder if you'll die from starvation, dehydration, or blood loss first...."

you couldn't even glare at him anymore. your breathing was labored, as if panicking.

"oh? scared are we? wonderful..."

'whats going on, why do i fear him so much? why am i panicking!? WHATS GOING ON!?'

the knife suddenly slashed your cheek, causing blood to spill. you didn't emit a sound.

'this man.. he can not learn of Nino.' you thought to yourself, knowing full well he would kill her infront of you if he did. 'dont say a word to him. dont even make a sound.'

the man seemed unamused by your lack of reaction. he narrowed his eyes before sending his knife scrapping down your leg.


one of your eyes closed as you resisted the urge to hiss in pain.

"really? nothing? so boring kid! scream! 'Mommy! Daddy!' give me those! it's what you did last time."

 your eyes widened.

'last time? the fuck does he mean last time?'

"hm...then again, it might not even be the same kid." you heard him say to himself. "if i've been taught one thing, its that the universe's constant is change after all!"

you watched as your blood dripped off the knife. he noticed.

"what? wanna taste it? fucking werido."

he grabbed your mouth and forced you to open up, allowing the blood to drip into your mouth. he then yanked your head upwards.

"hm?..a neck with no cuts? thats not right at all... i could have sworn i.... nevermind!"

he let go off your head, instead opting to kick you in the head.your head recoiled back and slammed into the wall. you could feel some blood run down your nape.

'i noticed the chains seem old and rusty. it might be hard but with enough pulling, i might be able to break free from the wall.' you would look at the man. 'he just cant be here when i try.'

"you glaring at me kid? that's a first. normally you looked at me like i was gonna kill you....then again i was close." he kneeled down to your position. pointing the knife straight at your eyeball. "do it again and you'll lose your sight, ya hear me?"

you looked away from the man.

"better than nothing i guess." he said smirking at you.

he still run his knife along your cheek for a few seconds, drawing blood.  he moved away shortly afterwards.

'Sebas, i trust you're smart enough to remember.' you thought to yourself. ' i didn't get that implant for nothing.'


Futaro and the others finally made it to the mansion, just from outside the gate alone they could see the staff were panicking. the gate opened and they all headed inside.

as they got closer to the front door, they watches all the staff run inside, leaving the outside completely deserted. they all walked towards the front door, but they were unable to enter when a bunch of men wearing suits or what seems to be body armour sprinted out the door towards some vehicles at the other side of the garden. a canine also followed along suit.

"we don't stop until we find him, got it?!"


Nino and the others watched as the men entered their vehicles and drove off before turning to the front door and headgear inside.

"Touya, try and track his phone! time is a luxury we don't have so get on it now!"

"what about his implant sir!?"

"get that checked as well!"


the group of 6 watches as Sebas shouted commands at the staff, who each got to work completing the task they were given. the group walked up to Sebas.

"Sebas, whats going on?" ichika asked.

Sebas turned to look at them. a hard glare on his face that unnerved them all.

"with me." he said, beginning to walk away. "i'll tell you along the way."

they followed  after him watching as he entered a large room with seemingly hundreds of staff.

"i'm not picking up a tracker."

"damn, he might not be in range."

"Zoey, go check to see if your signal  is intact,"


"Simon, keep checking for that damn tracker, inform me the second you get something."


"Kazuma, what about his implant?"

"nothing so far so, i believe our signal is down."


Sebas turned to look at the group of 6.

"(Y/n), we believe anyway, has been kidnapped."

"he's what!?"

"i trust i don't need to repeat myself."

"how will you find him?!" Nino asked, clearly panicking.

"we have countermeasures for stuff like this."

"Sebas! we have bad news, our signal box is broken, we wont be able to get the tracker."

"then get it fixed!"

"it'll take at least four days-"


Sebas slammed his fist on the table.

"Y-yes sir!"

"get me on line with his family, this is a situation we cannot repeat!"


"..what do you mean..repeat?" Futaro asked, allowing his mind to speak freely.

Sebas looked at him before sighing.

"this is not the first time Lord (Y/n) has been kidnapped."

"when..was he first kidnapped?"

"he was a young boy, his family had went on holiday to Italy if i remember correctly. during that time, his Aunt and (y/n) had went out for a walk due to (y/n)'s curious nature at his age of 4."

Sebas moved over to a monitor, peering over a staff member's shoulder and watched the screen.


"during the walk, the two were attacked. unfortunately, his aunt didn't make it out alive and he was kidnapped. he was gone for 5 days. we were lucky to find him when we did. we has starved and dehydrated. another day and he'd be dead. he was traumatized from the experience, he was not the same boy anymore."

he walked back over to the group.

"until one day. a few months after moving back  to Japan, (y/n) had turned back to normal, as if nothing ever happened to him. and that's when we found out that-"

"his brain suppressed the memory of it. locked it away to be forgotten"

they all would turn to the new voice, seeing a tall man, being followed by someone that had a resemblance to (Y/n)

"master Bruce."

"just call me Bruce Sebas, i feel like im Batman otherwise."

Bruce would look down towards the group of 6.

"are these his friends?"

"indeed sir, one of them is Master (y/n)'s girlfriend however."

he would nod his head, satisfied with Sebas' answer

"it's nice to meet you, im (y/n)'s uncle. this is my son, Hanzo."

the boy would walk forward standing next to his father.

"hello there everyone."

"Sebas, i need to to do something for me."


"get online, if memory serves correct then the man who kidnapped him before was released a few months back."

"you dont think?"

"oh i do."

"if thats the case then we really need to find him ASAP."



' hurts.' you thought to yourself. 'but..don't satisfy them. don't make a sound.'

you slowly opened your eyes from the seering pain. you were littered in cuts. you could feel the blood oozing out from said cuts and caking you from head to toe.

' me.'

your throat was soar from lack of sustenance, you were tired as the man didn't let you sleep, stabbing you in the hand everytime you were about to fall asleep.  you felt weak, you were losing the ability to feel your hands.

your legs were worse than the majority of your body. they were subjected to the most cuts, you would be lucky if your cuts weren't infected. the man was infront of you, casually eating.

"you want some? well too bad."

normally, you would glare at him, but you just couldn't, you could barely keep yourself from passing out at this moment of time. you didn't want to show him how close you were to passing out.

otherwise this time, he'll cut a finger off.

although, it wasn't like it wasn't close to being done, as your left pinky was practically falling off your goddamn hand. you felt sick everytime you even looked up, as you would just see your dangling pinky, holding on by a shred of skin.

so you were practically forced to stare at the man or the floor. and if you looked at the floor, you just saw blood.

'i'm gonna need to amputate my pinky.' you thought to yourself. ''

you felt like you were going to breakdown, but you grit your teeth and took a deep breath.

'be strong. ignore it. this will be over soon..'

"so kid, let me tell you know how fucked you are."

you looked at him.

"you and i will be here for the rest of your life! granted, it will only be a few days, but still! the rest of your life."

he noticed you staring.

"honestly, do you just not speak? say something, do something. you're making this boring." he walked over to you, kicking your stomach. he then firmly planted it into said stomach and pushed down. "have i not broken your ribs yet?"

he had broken a few, and you were struggling to keep quiet, you had to say something, you just had to.


"hm? he finally speaks!" he said, kneeling down to you. "what was that?"

"g-go fuck y-yourself."

"i decline." he said kicking you on the top of your head.

your head recoiled downwards, and you then struggled to raise your head. your breathing was labored.

"you need a drink?" he asked you yanking your head up. he grabbed a bottle of water and opened the bottle and poured the entire content on you, making sure the water ran over your hands and not even close to your mouth.

that means your dangling pinky had stung to high heaven. it also soaked all of your wounds, already adding to your excruciating pain. 

you were so very close to screaming due to the pain, but a quick bite of your lips stopped that.

'Sebas...hurry up! please!'

the man moved away afterwards, laughing to himself. he sat back down on the chair and took another sip of the drink he had himself. he began whistling to himself, it echoing around the room.

speaking of, you decided to look around in order to know your surroundings.

'window's barred, that's all i can make out with this light.' you noticed that the man had a lamp, that was practically the only light in this room.

you couldn't focus that much, especially as all your pain receptors suddenly flared up even more.

"where you looking?"

you looked at your leg, watching as the man dug the knife into said leg. he then grabbed your head and slammed it into the wall, blood cascaded down your face. dripping over your eye and limiting your vision.

the man left afterward, telling you that he would be going out for a while.

you waited a few seconds just to make sure he did leave ,before taking a deep breath. you yanked your hands forward trying to break yourself from the wall.

you heard the chains struggle, and realized that there is actually a chance you would be able to break free. 

 the chains screamed in agony as you persisted, but yourself was also in pure agony due to your wounds.


you had to stop when you heard the door open, and you acted like you did nothing. the man walked through, holding a bag. he put it down and took the contents out.

some food.

some water.

a lighter.

a pack of cigarettes.

some alcohol.

that was it, lucky for you there wasnt anything that could be used to cause you harm minus the lighter.

but he wouldn't use that, because from what you've seen, the man is a heavy smoker. so he wouldn't waste his precious lighter fluid.

you felt your eyes grow heavy. your head slumped as you began to fade into unconsciousness.










"oh? falling asleep are we?"

the man walked over, brandishing his knife. he went over and grabbed your pinky.

"say goodbye to this then."

he slashed it off with little to no effort.

you shot back up, awake, your blood oozed out, drenching the floor and your head. at least it wasn't attached through one line of skin like it was before. 

"how the hell are you still not screaming or anything kid?" he asked, showing you you're discarded pinky. " you just lost this."

you stared at your pinky due to the man who forced you to look at it. you felt sick as you saw  him wiggle your pinky infront of your face. you looked away from the man when he let go of you.

once more, adrenaline was pumped into your body, forcing you to stay awake for another few minute until it wears off.

you were glad you had it, otherwise your ring finger would be next.

you have partially accepted the fact you were absolutely horrified.

and a small part of you partially accepted your fate if you weren't saved in time.


this was bad.

you don't know how long you had left.

luckily, he hasn't taken your other fingers off, but he did go for your other pinky. meaning that it was hanging on from the skin of it's teeth like your other before it was cut off.

you were barely awake, but through sheer will alone were you able to stay awake.  

you didn't want to lose another finger.

that and if you lose any more blood you might be in a very bad situation.

through you're extremely slow calculations, you've estimated that you've lost 14% of your blood volume.

anything higher than that and you could have organ damage, or go into shock, or have deviations on your vital signs.

and the most obvious one...

you could die.

the amount of cuts on your body were astronomical. you have stopped bleeding where your pinky was cut off luckily, no doubt that caused a majority of your blood loss.

how long have you been here?

hell, you dont know anymore.

 has it been 2 days?

you thought it might have.

which means , if you're right, you were in big trouble.

you had one more day until you die of dehydration.

if you were going to escape, it had to be now.

you had given up on getting rescued at this point.

you were feeling incredibly weak, but you were strong enough, or so you hoped, of breaking through the chains that had been nothing but weakened over the last two days. and you prayed you could.

you didn't want to die.

you wanted to see Nino.

you felt tears prick your eyes.

you see, whenever the man left,  you allowed your emotions to take control. often crying for a few minutes before trying to break free.

you were so close to doing it, so very close until he came back.

you shook your head and removed your tears.

'dont show emotions. he'll be happy if i do.' your head dropped. 'just kill me already...wait what? no!'

were...were you giving up?

'i want to see Nino.' you balled your firsts. ' i dont want to die.'

bad idea considering your finger.

you regretted it immediately. 

you leaned back, resting your head on the wall. the man walked over to you.

"oh? what's this?" he stared straight at your eyes.

"you've lost your shine! your eyes are dead......perfect! i'll give you a reward!"

he kicked in your stomach.

'reward my ass.'

he twisted his foot into your stomach before removing it.

"..still silent." you heard him mutter to yourself.

your eyes began closing, but you shook it off. he pat your head.

"good boy. dont fall asleep otherwise i'll remove your other pinky..... not like it can stay there anyway.."

he grabbed your hair and forced your head into a wall.


and again.

and again.

he only stopped when he noticed the bottle of water on the floor. he walked over to it, and did the same thing with the water he always did.

'it stings. it hurts.'

the man grit his teeth and sat down at your lack of reaction. the only sound in the room was your labored breathing, it was music to his ears.

"hey kid, do you remember me yet?"

you slowly looked up at him, it was clear through your eyes alone.

"let me tell you then."

he rested his head on the table.

"i kidnapped you in the past. and i murdered your aunt infront of you! oh it was so much fun!"

your eyes widened slightly.


'where is auntie?' you asked the man infront of you

'she' longer with us.'

you hugged him.

'im sorry uncle.'

'dont worry, it wasn't your fault.'

it wasn't your fault? what did he mean by that?


"best part was, it was all your fault!"

from deep within your mind, something had started to claw through your brain, as a new memory flooded your mind.


"Mommy! Daddy! help me!"

"oh  my god kid SHUT UP! i will fucking kill you!"

you cried, but you were shut up when you were kicked in the head.


you trembled more.

'w-what..what is this?' you thought. 'a suppressed memory?'

as the memories ran through your mind, one replayed over and over.

her death.

it was your fault.

your fault.

your fault.

your fault.

your fault.

your fault.

your fault.

your fault.


' i want Nino.'


it was day 3. 

it was now or never.

'im going to kill going to avenge auntie.'

you put all of your power into pulling your hands forward.

'im going to choke him, watch as he suffocates.'

the chains croaked, before shattering from the wall. you still had the chains around you're wrists, it was long enough to choke someone. you grinned.

'i-im free?' you let out a smile laugh. 'i- i did it! i-'

the door opened and you quickly shot into the shadows. your eyes were like those of a hawk as you waited.

you saw a figure enter the room, it was clearly the man who kidnapped you. he turned the lamp on.

"huh? where'd the kid go-"

you jumped up and wrapped the chain around his neck, you then yanked your hands backwards. the man dropped te bag and moved his hands to the chain.


the man slammed his back into a wall, causing you to gasp, but you didn't relent. if anything, you just got even more aggressive.

he fell down to the floor, and you lay ontop of him, laughing. the man resisted, and clawed at your injured arms, but you didn't relent.

you were full of pure rage.

eventually, his resistance failed and he fell down dead. you got off him, removing the chain from his neck and turned around. you walked over to the table ,opening a bottle of water, although struggling and downing the entire thing. you dropped the battle when you were finished.

you spotted the knife and picked it up. you walked back over to the corpse before stabbing it over and over and over.

you were already covered in blood due to your wounds.

you left the corpse and walked into another room, looking around. you spotted your phone and picked it up. your hands were too shaky to input your password. you slowly moved it and put it n your pocket. but you saw the time.


'i gotta get a new school uniform. but first.... i need to get medical attention. i gotta get out of here.'

you walked over to the front door and opened it, although with difficulty. you looked around your surroundings.

"i'm closer to the quints than the mansion." you whispered to yourself. you took a step forward before almost falling over, leaning on the wall. you landed on your pinky finger.

you hissed and groaned.

you slowly walked along the wall, making your way towards your intended destination.

the chains rattled with every step.


the room was quiet.

the quints and Futaro sat down in the living room.

it was the first time Nino would be down here willingly.

it was the first time Futaro didn't try and get them to study.

it was just..silent.

it was clear they were to busy worrying over (y/n) and his situation.

Nino was staring at her phone, more specifically (y/n)'s contact. she stared at one message.

'i love you Butterfly.'

she felt tears begin to crawl along her eyes. she lowered her head and put her phone down.

Yotsuba was staring at the quint group-chat that also had Sebas in it.

they didn't know much about what Sebas and the others were doing, but they had a large feeling they were going strong in their search.

but all of them couldn't deny the fact they were slowly giving up hope.

Nino's phone went off. she went to check it, but it was just her friend from school.

she almost broke-down when it wasn't (y/n). she covered her head in her hands.

she wanted to see him again.

the other 4 who weren't on their phones had clasped their hands in a prayer gesture

 all 4 made a silent prayer before opening their eyes and sighing.

'day 3, if the kidnapper hasn't given (y/n) any drinks then...he'll die by tomorrow most likely.' Futaro balled his fist. 'dont die (y/n)..please.'

he looked over at Nino. he then looked down for a second.

he stood up, much to everyone's confusion and left the apartment, leaving the 5 quints staring at the door.

"why did he leave?"

"i dont know Ichika."

Futaro entered the lift and went to the ground floor. he left the complex and looked to his left and right.

he closed his eyes and sighed.

'follow you gut Futaro.'

he took a left turn and continued walking.


you couldn't tell how close you were. your vision was rapidly failing, and all your strength was practically gone.

it was a miracle you were still walking.

your cuts stung, and your hanging pinky made you feel sick as you had a constant view of it.

you too a look at your left hand, staring at it.

'i wont grow another, i need to stop staring and concentrate.'

your knees buckled, and you feel to the ground. your pain increased when you hit the floor.

"ah! F-fuck!"

you couldn't push yourself up no matter who hard you tried. you opted to crawl instead.

that didn't last long, as you could no longer move your arms.

' im so close..'

your breathing slowed. your senses were failing.

the last thing you heard was a name being called, but you couldn't make out who's.

"holy shit..."

you closed your eyes as someone approached, fading into unconsciousness.

"fuck, phone!" 

the person looked down to your hands before feeling the urge to vomit.

"jesus...what happened to you..." the person shook their head, before opening their phone and texting someone. 

the person picked you up, not at all minding the small amount of blood dripping on them.

"come on (y/n), stay strong, Futaro's gonna save ya."



it's all going wrong for him isnt it?
