One Thing In Common.


like, this is very fucking dark at the beginning,

read at your own risk.



This start of the week?

possibly the best and worst.


tutoring doesn't happen today.

AND (y/n) got a call from the head of security that they managed to find someone important.


problem is, they were spotted at the front gates of the bloody mansion.

pleading to be let in, shouting something about 'daughter' and 'sick.'

with a little girl next to him, barely standing.

it actually threw his whole day off in school.

so when it ended, he didn't bother talking to Futaro or the nakano sisters.

instead going straight home as soon as possible.

he entered the mansion, ripping his blazer off and throwing it at the stairs. he also took his sunglasses off and placed them on a table as he walked.

first things first, he walked into the doctor's office. watching the doctors work their magic on the girl.

"sir, we ran a background check after getting the girl, you're gonna wanna see this."

he would be given a clipboard, reading it as a frown would burn onto him. he would give the board back as a doctor would walk up to him.

"we figured out what's wrong, she isn't sick per say. she just hasn't eaten in 6 days, leading to Ketosis. its using her body fat as food. its making her weak and sluggish."

"alert the head maid, we're taking the girl in." (y/n) would say, leaving the room and making his way towards the basement of the house. walking past armed men, yes armed. he would arrive at a door, going through it as a light switch would turn on, a man being tied up to a chair.

"master (y/-"

a fist would slam into the table infront of him.


The staff within the room would jump at the sudden raising voice of the normally calm boy.

"you dont get to call me that anymore. NOT after TRYING to fucking KILL ME 4 YEARS AGO!" (y/n) would shout, taking a seat and resting his elbows on the table and crossing his legs. "which begs the question, why the fuck did you come back here?"

"m-my daughter, she's sick i-i had to!"

"you're not fooling me you worthless piece of shit! you forget we hired professionals doctors to work here. they know their stuff. her body entered ketosis after not eating for 6 full days. and even then, why not go to a hospital? why here specifically?"

the man would flinch.

"did you expect me to feel sorry for you? prey on my morals just to strike me once again? you're lucky you managed to escape my father's grasp when you tried to kill me before. now you wont be as lucky."

the only sound the room would here would be the tapping of (y/n)'s fingers against the mahogany table and the buzzing of the light. (y/n) would look at an armed guard to his right, holding out his hand as if expecting something. the guard would give him something, in which the boy would put it on the table.

"you know what this is yes? the official name is the 'Taurus judge.' but i first encountered it as the executioner from Black ops. this is my own personal weapon. also my favourite. 1 shot could send brain matter flying and cause so much damage that 2 is complete overkill."

the man would look up at (y/n), his eyes desperate.

"your so called 'daughter' isn't yours. one of the staff ran a background check. and we figured out something. her biological parents are dead. so, that means you either killed the parents and kidnapped them, or adopted them at an orphanage. either way you still neglected the girl and deprived her of food. So? were taking her off your hands. permanently."

"you cant!"

"and why not? whats stopping me? you?"

"its the only thing i have left!"

"and why should i care about that? even then, you wont have anything left anymore. and that includes your pathetic, sorry, little life."

"please! you're a good person! your kind! you wont do it!"

(y/n) would grab the gun, standing up and finally processing what the man said, he would chuckle, turning into full blown laughter shortly after, once he would calm down, he would kick the man's chair to the floor harshly, his footsteps echoing within the room. as some of the staff would leave the room, whilst Sebas would watch, a natural; expression engraved on his features.

"good? kind?"

he would rest his finger on the trigger as he walks forward towards the struggling man.

"let me inform you of something that is a common similarity between those of a lavish life."

he would rest a foot on the person's chest, aiming the gun at the person's skull his eyes crazy and boaring into the man's.

"every rich and powerful man or woman are corrupt in some sort of way. i mean, we have a private fucking military. i even had half a mind to have them kill you. but i wanted to kill you myself. so, with your final breath as i rid your life that is akin to a plague on this world, know this." he would say, a crazed smile on his face as he glared at the man. "none of us are good or kind at heart."

"no, NO WAI-"


the smoke of the pistol would trace off the barrel, and (Y/n) would give the gun back to the guard. a feeling of accomplishment filling his core.

"dispose of the body and make sure the girl gets food ASAP. i'm gonna go clean myself off." (y/n) would say, looking down at the body, it missing half its head and the tongue twitching the mans brain matter flung all around the room, coating it in a crimson red hue. he would then look at himself, seeing his blood stained shirt and wiping some of the blood off his cheek with his thumb.

"and get Sophia to wash my clothes..she deals with blood the best."

he would leave afterwards, heading upstairs and entering the baths. a maid would have taken his clothes, presumably to be washed. the blood on the boy would mix with water, but it would be filtered out quickly afterwards, providing the boy clean and fresh hot water for him to soak in.

"i wonder how the puppy's doing. what did we call it again? ah right, Lumos. i haven't seen i since i picked it up last friday." he would lower himself further into the water. "although one thing i do know, is that today never happened."


"hello fu~"

"(y/n)? hey, why do you smell of iron?"

"ah dont worry about it! i just hurt myself and it bled onto my shirt! we washed it yesterday so the smell should be gone soon. So i'll be fine. hey, do we have a tutoring lesson today?"

Futaro would raise an eyebrow, but decide not to linger on it, instead deciding to answer (y/n)'s question.

"we do. straight after school. also if you got blood on that shirt wear a different one. aint that hard man."

"okay~ hey, mind if i ask you a question fu?"

"what is it? and take those damn sunglasses off its gonna rain today!"

"from now on for tutoring, could i take Nino? like, for good?" he would ask, looking up at the cloudy sky and estimating how long it would take until it would room. he gives it around 4 hours at most.

Futaro would stop walking, snapping his neck to look at (y/n) who would have glanced down at his friend.

" in love or something? like, that's....WAY to quick." Futaro would ask, watching as (y/n) would lightly chuckle running a finger along his cheek with a light blush. "you are aren't you!"

(y/n) would nod his head slightly as the pair would begin walking once more. eventually, Futaro would take a right tun instead of walking straight, confusing (y/n).

"you wanna see her right? well come on. i walk with them anyway."



"we gonna walk now or what?"

"give it 5 seconds."

all of them would be surprised when (y/n) would punch futaro in the back of the head.

"you didn't have to run off!"

"Oh? well fuck you! now lets go!"

the group of 7 would begin walking, although (y/n) would notice that Nino was slightly behind, and slow down to walk next to her.

"Ni? everything okay?"

"i forgot to put on my makeup." she would respond.

(y/n) would look forward, placing a hand on her shoulder and a finger on his lips. he would go into his bag, pulling out some makeup.

"why do you have makeup?"

"my mum taught me everything about it. even got me to lean how to put it on. i just carry one around at all times for some reason. want me to put some on you quickly?" (Y/n) would whisper, slowing to a halt as Nino would do the same, raising an eyebrow at him.


(y/n) would spot a chair, moving it and having the girl sit down. he would grab the materials starting to get to work and leaving the girl speechless as he effortlessly and confidently applied the product.


"quiet, im applying the lipstick now."

Nino would close her lips, allowing the boy to run the lipstick along them before putting the kit away. she would stand up shortly after looking at the mirror which would be provided by none other than the boy infront of her she would have given it back afterwards, fairly shocked at how good it looked.

"for reference Ni, i'm a firm believer of natural beauty." he would say taking a glance at her. "i didn't actually put make up on you, only the lipstick, yet you just thought you looked beautiful right?

(y/n) would run his hand over her cheek, then showing her his hand, which had nothing on it.

"your lips are the only thing thats different. and it makes them" he would say, causing the girl to blush before lightly hitting him. "so you understand what that means right? you, Nino nakano, are a natural beauty."

the girl, who at this point would be beet red, would run off. leaving (y/n) alone. he would chuckle, thinking about how teasing people is incredibly fun. he would also check his pocket, feeling the familiar gun within and begin walking to school once more. this time incredibly behind the rest.


"so, what we learning today?"



the two boys would look at each other, noting their difference of subjects. but it wouldn't matter, as (Y/n) was giving Nino private lessons. Futaro would whisper in his ear.

"if i hear moaning im coming to investigate."

(y/n) would hold back the urge to punch him, instead giving him a smile behind his sunglasses.

"you hearing it will be the extent of your experience." he would respond, walking away from the group and grabbing Nino's arm, forcing her up the stairs away from the kitchen.

"my cookies.."

"i'll get them whilst you set up!" (y/n) would say, shoving her into her room an shutting the door before heading downstairs and grabbing the cookies. he would open the door, watching as Nino would have her pen and paper set out at her desk although he could tell she didnt want to.

"i never asked, but why do you smell of iron?"

she would look at him, watching as he would just put a finger to his lips, creeping her out by his answer.

"..o..kay never ask that again. got it."

(y/n) would give her a question sheet, grabbing a chair and sitting next to her, going over what the questions mean and how to answer with, with Nino creating notes or mock answers for (y/n) to observe and critique. all and all, the tutoring itself was pretty good, (y/n) and Nino feeling as if they did a good job. which was strange for Nino, as she actually enjoyed being in (Y/n)'s company. she chalked it up to the fact he's patient and when presented with a challenge, either crush it or breaks it down slowly to overcome it.

"next tutor we will be going over English." (Y/n) would say, handing the girl all the marked papers with a smile on his face.

he would leave the room soon after, heading downstairs and watching Futaro this his lesson with Miku and yotsuba. hold on, where are the others? he would ponder over that specific question for a while but would leave it alone when Futaro had called his name, exclaiming thy were leaving. so the boy's would, both heading towards Futaro's.

"hey Fu, why did only 2 of the girls show up to your lesson>? there was 4 last time."

"hm? oh, well to be honest before you showed up none of them did. i managed to convince Miku yesterday by using her love for warlords" he would explain, opening the door as (y/n) would nod his head, turning away to walk back home. he would give his friend a slight wave, which Futaro would return.


"sir, we have a minor problem with the girl."


"she isn't integrating well due to fear. i believe it would be a good idea for you to meet her."

"bring her here then." (y/n) would say, spinning on his chair to face the servant at his door. the person would nod, leaving and going to retrieve the girl. whilst the boy waits, he would put some music on, hearing the familiar sound of one of the songs the boy's lives. admittedly, the song itself sounds depressing through the lyrics, but he loves it due to the beat and how it feels the person singing is speaking to you directly. he would hum the tune to himself, swinging his feet as he would relax himself, his head staring up at the ceiling.

'wont wake up this time.' he would think to himself, in time with the person singing the tune. it would last for a few minutes, before a knock on his door would alert the boy, who would have allowed entry for those outside it.

"we brought her sir."

he would look over, seeing the girl wearing a maid outfit.

"i said we're taking her in, not making her a maid." he would sigh, standing up and walking over to the girl, who would recoil. "i'm not going to hurt you."

the girl would slightly look up at the boy, watching as he would take his sunglasses off, allowing the girl to see his eyes.

"hello. my name is (y/n). may i know yours?"

"M-Myu.." the girl would timidly reply, looking down at the ground and grasping her outfit.

sensing her discomfort, (y/n) would stand up, walking over to his desk and grabbing an object that, when he was a child, always brightened up his day. he would then go back over to the child, offering her the object. she would hesitantly accept, and (y/n) would pat her head softly. causing the girl to begin to grow more comfortable within the mansion and also begin to grow a connection to (y/n)

"look after it for me okay? i used to use that whenever i felt uncomfortable. so why don't you use it when you're uncomfortable?" (Y/n) would propose looking at Myu and giving her a closed eyed smile. she would nod her head giving (y/n) a quick hug before  leaving, butler in tow.

'nice girl. a shame the world makes people like that suffer so often.' he would think to himself standing up and closing the door before heading to his bed and laying down in it. 'ill be honest, so far, Japan has been fairly boring if i think about it. i mean sure, i reconnected with Fu, fell in love with Ni, rescued a stray puppy, killed that man and saved the girl. but those last 3 ain't a average Tuesday. i wish for more day to day thrills!'

he would roll over onto his side, staring out the window, noting how the sun would be setting.

'but in the same breath, i think maybe this could be the best possible outcome. a unchanging routine with minimum risks. full of love and good laughs. and no doubt Ni and the other quints will provide alot of fun to my school life. Futaro is a low chance as he's a study freak, but at the same time, he seems to let that persona go around me. he seems'

his eyes would begin to feel heavy as he would tuck himself into the bed, his consciousness slipping. 

'one thing i do know for certain? sleeping alone is...boring. i hope one day...Ni could be laying here...' his last thoughts before he would shift into a peaceful slumber. Sebas would enter the room, closing the curtains slowly to not wake (y/n) and turning the desk-lamp off before leaving and closing the door, praying for his master's dreams to be peaceful and comforting.


"master? it's time to wake up." a maid would enter the boy's room, heading over to the bed and seeing (y/n) with flushed cheeks and fairly quick breathing. curiously, the maid would rest her hand on the boy's forehead, recoiling away when it would be proven to be abnormally hot. she would leave the room, closing the door and heading straight to Sebas to inform him of the news. 

the staff would have called the school, making them aware of his absence. Sebas would have called Futaro directly by using (Y/n)'s phone also informing him, and Futaro would thank the butler, informing them he will come round after school to see him. before they would hang up though, Sebas would inform Futaro of a crucial detail.

"just be aware Mister Uesugi, when Master (y/n) is ill, he...acts like a baby."


"he becomes very... let me make this easier for me to explain, ever seen Kaguya-sama love is war?"


"remember when Kaguya was sick?"

"also yes."

"well he acts like that. like to a tea. so just be aware."

"basically, bring Nino. got it."


"he's in love with her. and i remember that when Kaguya was sick she was very clingy."

"....i'll inform the staff of this development, get it done Futaro."

"yes sir Sebas!  Wingman mode has been activated!"

the call would end afterwards, and Sebas would peer through (y/n)'s door, noting how the boy was still sleeping. he would once again close the door, placing a sign near the door to inform any and all staff that would near the bedroom of the current situation, that being the illness.

a few hours later the boy would wake up, tossing and turning in his bed trying to make himself comfortable, but he would notice it was impossible when he would notice he feels like shit. so instead he would groan, raising a hand and putting it on his head.

"what..time is it man?" he would say to himself, looking to his right and reading the time. it was 12:30.

his thoughts would be cut in half when none other than Myu and a maid would enter the room. the maid would place a damp washcloth on the boy's forehead. Myu would, although struggling, give (y/n) a drink of water, he would smile and take it, taking a sip before placing it on the bedside table. the two of them would leave, meaning (Y/n) would once more be by himself.

'they forgot to give me food...' he would think to himself, chuckling at the staff's mistakes before coughing and groaning. 'then again, im not hungry...'

'man, i hate being sick.'


3194. yes 3 in a row. shoot me. i had the idea for the beginning like 2 days ago and had to put it down before i forgot. and that lead to THIS ENTIRE CHAPTER. don't worry, my RWBY draft has been updated since like yesterday.
