Trouble Before The Exam.

"why...are you  STILL HERE?"

"why not?"

you looked at the girl who was scrolling through the phone.


"then just get out." she said nonchalantly.

you shoved your head in the water to hide your blush at her words.  but you took a deep breath shortly afterwards. you looked at her, smiling slightly at her beauty. after that, you sighed stretching your arms as you desperately wait for her to leave.

but she never did, and you were there for a good 10 minutes sat in silence as you looked at her. she was completely ignorant to your gaze, knowing exactly what you wanted her to do but she just decided not to because it was fun to see you so flustered.

after all, its normally the other way around, with you doing the flirting and teasing with her recoiling backwards, so it was a fresh change of pace for her and she quite frankly enjoyed seeing you so embarrassed.

so as you lay there, waiting for her to leave, you made the realization she wouldn't leave until she was satisfied with whatever she was doing. you glared at her, trying to figure out just what exactly she wanted to gain from doing this. your only logical guess was the fact she wanted to see you embarrassed, and you had another guess, although a much more lewd one of wanting to see you naked.

you ruled out the second one right after you thought it, a you had a feeling she would be way to flustered to even attempt that scheme if she did ever think of it and even try to see it through. so there you were, staring at your girlfriend who was on her phone, whilst half of your face was submerged into the water, waiting for her to leave so you could leave the bath.

but again, it was clear she was not leaving, so you decided to take matters into your own hands. you sighed mentally counting to 3 as you prepared yourself.

Nino, who managed to catch a glimpse at you mouthing to yourself, raised an eyebrow, but her eyes widened and she turned away when you stood up, your entire body in view if she wished to peak.

"im getting out now." you said, feeling a small smirk overtake you as you saw Nino look away frm you, her hands over her face as a large blush erupted over her face.

you got out of the bath, pulling the plug so the water could leave the bath as you grabbed a towel, wrapping it around your waist and then proceeding. to dry your hair with the towel. you knew you had to dry yourself off here as well, as you didn't want Futaro and the other sisters to see you wearing nothing but a towel, but it was awkward as Nino was in here with you.

however, you huffed, proceeding to dry yourself as your eyes never felt Nino's hidden face. you caught her snatching a glimpse at you, and you proceeded to tease her about it the second she did it, although you yourself were blushing heavily as you did so.

only after your relentless teasing did she leave, which allowed you to dry yourself in peace. and for that yo u were glad, putting on your clothes after drying and then leaving the room, being met by the 5 sisters and Futaro, with Nino staring at the floor blushing hard, although there was a ghost of a smile on her lips, something you did manage to see. you sat down at the table were the 4 sisters and futaro were playing a game about life, and just like before, Futaro was flat broke, although he was starting to make up some money within the game  as he managed to create a successful business due to his hard work ethic...huh, how fitting of him.

anyway, you sat down next to him, watching the game progress, and my god did it go slowy, for some reason, Futaro was just getting super lucky spaces, and it made Futaro rich. sadly Miku got super unlucky ad was poor. but little did they know, Futaro was slipping her some money without anyone knowing, but you were able to catch it. 

you walked over to Nino when the game got boring, and she avoided eye contact with a passion until you lightly grabbed her chin and forced her to look at you. she was blushing hard as you did that, and you kissed her on the lips when noone was looking.

"some more payback." you said as you pulled back, smiling at her.

she pouted at you, hitting you playfully as you leaned on her shoulder. she was on her phone, but the embarrassment hasn't faded completely yet, but it has seemed to diminish slightly. you watched her type away on her phone, her messaging her friends as you rest your head on her shoulders

eventually, the both of you turned to watch the game that was going on. turned out Futaro was now the richest out of everyone in the game yet he was single still, something he took pride in for some reason. the rest were doing well-ish, minus Miku who was still dirt poor but was just barely getting by thanks to the help of Futaro.

suddenly, the buzzer thing went off, and everyone looked at each other confused. Ichika stood up, walking over to it and sorting it out. she had a mini conversation with them, one that was unheard to the rest of you. you looked at Nino, who looked back at you and the both of you shrugged your shoulders.

after that, it went back to normal for around 5 minutes. as someone had knocked on the door, causing all of you but Ichika to shoot up. you, deciding if it was someone bad you would be able to handle it, walked up to the door, opening it slowly.

you were definitely not expecting one of your staff members to appear holding some clothing for you.

"master, we have heard of your sleepover...again... and brought over some pajamas and new clothes for you to wear tomorrow."

you took the clothes, and the man bowed before leaving, you blinking in confusion on just how they were aware of your sleepover. you were unaware that Sebas was in the quintuplets groupchat and he was informed through there. you closed the door, walking over to the sofa and sitting on it whilst staring at the clothes in your hand, still blinking rapidly in confusion.

the clothes were taken off you, but your brain hadn't processed it until your chin was raised, and you got a faceful of Nino, something that you gladly accepted. she grabbed your hand, your clothing in the other as she lead you up stairs to her room, making sure to glare at the 5 downstairs as if giving them a warning.

the 4 sisters looked away, whilst Futaro was just in confusion at the glare, but felt like he shouldn't try to find out what it was about, as the sister's reaction was definitely guilt as hell. anyway, Nino took you into her room, dropping your clothes over her chair but throwing the pajamas on her bed. she looked at you, opening her bedroom door and giving you a kiss on the cheek.

"get changed." was all she said as she left. and for some reason, you felt physically threatened by her words.

you took your clothes off and replaced them with your pajamas, taking your sunglasses off for the first time in a while and placing them on Nino's desk. you smiled as you noticed some worksheets that you gave her to do in her own time halfway completed, with noticeably fresh ink on the most recent answers. you went over them, smiling wide before moving away from them.

you knocked on the bedroom door, alerting Nino that you were finished changing. she entered the room, her eyes widening slightly as she has seen your eyes, which was rare even for her to see. you smiled at her, noticing she herself was also in her pajamas. no doubt she got changed in one of her sisters rooms. 

she looked up and down, as if inspecting your pajamas before nodding her head, grabbing your shoulders and forcing you down to the bed, in which she then rested her head on the crook of your neck, embracing you.

you closed your eyes, one hand on the back of her head as the other was firmly placed around her waist, as if pulling her further into your neck. her warm breath was making itself known on your skin, and so was her hair, tickling your hand and your neck at the same time, although it was a comfortable tickle....if that makes sense.

but that didn't matter, as her warm breathing was akin to a lullaby, making you feel tired as your thumb unconsciously began to  move in a circular motion on her head, which also made Nino feel tired. she somehow managed to snuggle closer to you as the both of you feel into a peaceful sleep.



the boy got out of the bed, blushing hard. he slapped his cheeks and shook his head, leaving the room and heading downstairs, trying his damned hardest not to think about what just happened. he stared at the floor, wondering just what he could possibly do in this situation.

"you're up?"

he turned around, watching (y/n) walk down the stairs.

"(y/n) i need your help!"


"Miku was sleeping with me!"


(y/n) stopped all motor functions, dropping the item in his hand as he stared at Futaro.

"well, what i mean is she appeared in the bed  and when i woke up she was there!"

(y/n)'s gaze didn't break, his brain still processing the information he was just given by his best friend. the two just stared at each other, (y/n) still trying to understand and absorb what he just heard emit from his friends mouth, and when he did, he picked his phone back up sitting down on the sofa where Futaro was and placing his hand on his shoulder.


Futaro didn't have time to respond as (y/n) began shaking him aggressively.

"did you use protection? how did this happen? am i going to be an uncle!? TELL ME!"

"i..think you misunderstand! we didn't have sex, just slept next to each other."


"i dont know! when i woke up she was just there!"

(y/n) stopped shaking him, placing a hand on his face and sighing in disbelief.

"im going back to bed." you said, standing up and walking away, but you were grabbed by the ankle.

"wait (y/n)! i need your help to make en excuse!"

"it seems my ears have stopped working, maybe a nice rest would fix that."


"oh no, i can't hear anything, what a shame."

you managed to escape his grasp, and continue walking. however, Futaro grabbed your ankle again, causing you to fall over. your eyes widened as you watched your face near the stairs before slamming your head onto it. your last thoughts were of Nino as you lost consciousness the second you hit it.

"(y/n)? (Y/N)!?"

Futaro quickly stood up, running to your side as he saw the blood run down your face. your eyes were closed, and you were clearly knocked unconscious the second your head hit the stair. Futaro quickly picked you up and panicked hard. he looked up the stairs when he heard something, and saw Nino standing there, a shocked expression on her face, the expression faded to a harsh glare as she basically jumped down the stairs, ripping you out of Futaro arm's and yelling at him. she immediately messaged the groupchat, making sure to ping Sebas over and over whilst doing so. by this point, the rest of the sisters would have arrived on the scene, seeing an unconscious (y/n) and a panicking Nino rapidly spamming the groupchat.

"whats going on!?"

"THIS FUCKER TRIPPED (Y/N) AND HE SLAMMED HIS HEAD ON THE STAIRS!" Nino yelled, rightfully pissed at the situation.

she took a quick glance at (y/n) before entering the kitchen and grabbing a frying pan, walking back out and walking towards Futaro, holding it high. however, Miku and Ichika came to Futaro's rescue, holding Nino back as the two other sisters checked on (Y/n) unconscious form. somehow, he still looked peaceful when blood was running down his face. Itsuki went and got some bandages and wrapped them around his head to stop the blood for the time-being.


a pair of eyes would open, a hand placed on their head as they sat up. they looked around, seeing the not so familiar area within their vision.

"what...happened?" you asked yourself, trying to remember, but your memory was hazy. " i?"

you looked to your left, seeing 6 people enter the room, one physically beaten up slightly. you only recognized one of them.


everyone looked at you, shock evident in their faces as they walked or ran up to you. you were being embraced tightly yet carefully by one of them. you hugged the person back, but looked at the other 5 in confusion. the person pulled away, remnants of tears on her face.

"are you okay (y/n)?"

"as fine as i can be Nino..but i have to ask." you pointed at the 5. "just who are they?"

everyone's eyes widened at this and they all looked at each other. one of them walked up to you."

(y/n), its me, Futaro. stop joking around."

"im...sorry, but i dont remember you at all." you exclaimed, shaking your head slightly to somehow emphasis your point.

you looked at Nino, pointing at her.

"she is the only person here i recognize.  you four seem familiar, but its because you look like Nino. im guessing you are all sisters?"

"quints to be exact."

you nodded before moving your head down as you frowned, mentally berating yourself over forgetting them. you balled your fists, the blanket being caught within your grip. the 6 noticed your expression. and a hand landed on your balled fist. you noticed it was Nino's and opened your hand and grabbed hers, your frown being displaced by a slightly sad yet happy look.

'what make me forget them? what friend am i if i forget them so easily?'

you were there for a while, but your expression turned to one of determination as you forced yourself to get out of the bed, much to your body's dismay and your friends shock. you looked at them, bowing and apologizing for forgetting them and vowing that you would remember them again if it was the last thing you did. you stood straight up after that, stumbling slightly as your head panged in pain. but before you fell, you were caught by Nino.

you thanked her before standing up yourself taking a deep breath and taking a few steps forward. after that, you left the room, although everyone told you not to you came face to face with an old man who told you his name was Sebas and he as the head butler of the mansion. you were confused, but he gave you a rundown of your life before you lost the memories. he took you to your room per your request and you searched it looking for anything that could help you remember. it was unsuccessful however, but you did read soem post it notes on the desk. the rest you knew were for Nino as it either had her name or was clearly directed at her, but one of them you didn't recognize. it said 'midterms' then the specific date.

you opened a draw on the desk, seeing a notebook of some sorts. you opened it, realizing it was a diary.

'in case anything stupid happens, read this (looking at you memory loss, suck it bitch)'

it seems you made this prior in order to counteract something like this happening, but why? well, better safe than sorry i guess. you began reading the dairy, it stating everything that has happened since you met Futaro all the way up to now,  but it never helped  you remember, instead, you just visualized those moments and grit your teeth when you didn't remember, throwing the book across the room in annoyance.  you took the gun out from your jacket, only knowing it was there as it was told in the diary, and put it on the desk. you sat down, holding your head with your hand as you groaned. luckily the sunglasses weren't on you otherwise they would have broke.

your expression turned to one of irritation as you stood up, leaving the room and walking through the mansion, getting lost along the way but you were guided in the right direction when you saw a maid. they led you to your friends and all of them saw your angered expression, and it took them back slightly, after al, this was the first time they saw you look angry. the maid left soon after dropping you off, and you bowed at them.

"im sorry, i still can't remember any of you but Nino."

Futaro would look down, clearly guilty as he would ball his fist.

"dont apologize damn isn't your fault."

he stood up, walking over to you and placing his hands on (y/n)'s shoulders.

"im going to help, its the least i could do."

you looked at him in confusion, but he suddenly started dragging you, the quints following as he took you around hundreds of places outside the mansion, but every attempt was a fail. the last destination was the quints apartment, and you looked around trying to remember anything.

you eventually made it to the stairs, looking down and seeing remnants of blood.

"hey theres bloo-" you stopped as something flashed in your mind, it was hazy, but you were able to tell it was a memory. did you fall and hit your head on the stairs? that explains the blood stain and the bandages, but how does he remember Nino if he did? shouldn't he have lost everything?

the rest had slightly hopeful gazes as t hey saw you stare at the blood stain with familiarity, but you held your head in pain and stepped away from it. however, you just couldn't take your gaze off of the stain as the hazy memory replayed over and over, yet it never got clearer

'what if i experience the same event directly, would i remember?' you thought to yourself, fully prepared to hit your head on the stairs full force to test it. 'either way, i have to get my memory back.'


3057. what? expected everything to be always happy go lucky? keep dreaming.
