I Think I've Been Here Recently.

'god...i need to work out more....'

Futaro panted as he carried your unconscious body, going as quick as he could towards your mansion.

in fact, he an past the apartment complex the quints lied at, and they were all outside. they ran after Futaro when he went by.

Yotsuba, being the fastest, caught up to Futaro.

"is he okay!?"

yes it was a dumb question.

"whatever you do... don't let.... Nino look at his fingers.....his right pinky specifically. " he gasped out.

Yotsuba looked down to your hands and gagged when she noticed.

"take him...will you? i'm gonna pass out..."

the two swapped so Yotsuba was carrying him and she dashed of, leaving the 5 gasping messes in the dust.

Futaro stopped running and gasped for air.

'holy shit.'

he then took out his phone, going straight to Sebas' contact.


'damn it...where could the master be?' Sebas thought to himself, watching as Bruce ordered the staff around in a calm manner.

his son, Hanzo, was messing about on his phone, staring at his cousins contact in sadness.

to their surprise, the radio on a security's guards radio emit throughout the room.

"WE GOT HIM! (Y/N)'S BACK, BUT HE NEEDS IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION!" the voice blasted over the radio.

to nobody's surprise, a bunch of staff members shot past the room and brought (y/n) straight to the infirmary

obviously they graciously thanked Yotsuba for bringing him to them as quick as she could.


it was dark.

you weren't dead, you knew that.

..you weren't dead right?

there was a high chance you were now that you thought about it.

it was silent.

until it wasn't.

i want to see Nino.

it started off weak, low and quiet. but once it started...

I want to see Nino.

it didn't stop.

I want to see Nino.

it slowly progressed to be louder, much more desperate even.

i want to see Nino.

it began to overwhelm you.


all of your senses but your hearing was significantly lowered.


it began to be heard over and over.

ノ Wム刀イ イの 丂乇乇 刀ノ刀の.

░I░ ░W░ ░A░ ░N░ ░T░ ░T░ ░O░ ░S░ ░E░ ░E░ ░N░ ░I░ ░N░ ░O░ ░.░


I̛_̴̨̱̲̻̥͈͔̪͙̯͇͇͗̒́̊ͥ̐ͣ̑ͮ̍̀ͬ́ W̷̴̧̢̰̮̼̙̪̦͚͔̹̖͙͍̣͆̀ͧͧ͂ͥ̆̌̿̿̈́̒ͤ́ͪ͑ͤ̑̾͛͗̊͟͢͟͢͡͞ͅA̵̵̡̡̨̢͇͔̱̟͓̰̰̥͈̘͎̲͇ͧ̆̌͐̉̇ͬ͆͗ͯ̅ͦ̍͗͐ͫ̇͛̎̚͘̚͞ͅN̂_T̢͚̽͒̄̉__̢̬̔̅̑͑͡_̴̮̺̥̳͕̣̮̅͗ͣ͌̂̅ͫ̀̈́̈̑ͤ̅̿͒ T̿ͪŎ̵̶̝̹̺̈̿ͅ S̸̴̶̪͚̟̦̠̼͇̙̓͐ͥ̀̊͋ͪ̚_͎̝̀Ě͉͓̙̽_̤̠̭̗͚̬̱̠͕̬̞͔ͫ̍ͬ̏͂̈́̓̀̎̿ͪ̑̐̊̕̚͟͜͡͞͞E̢̞̱ͤ͆̍͐ͫͮ͜͞͡ͅ N̰̠ͦͩI͊N̴̸̩̫̮͎͗̈́̉̏ͥ͡͠_̷̐ͭ͗͞͡_̣͓͛ͯ̈ͧͅƠ̛̤̙̭̱̹̩̣̟ͨ̍́ͯ̔̑̀ͬͤ̋̄͜ͅ.̴̡̛̛̗̹͙̬̼̙̱̰̝̰͋̂̑̌ͦͨ̓̔ͣ͑̌ͯ̑͋͊͋̌̇̌̽͘͢͢

sometimes it was clear of what was being heard.

other times not as much.

sometime it was spread out to sound like 5 different words.

sometimes it was glitched so you couldn't even understand.

although what you knew for a fact was one thing.

who....who was Nino?

your best guess is this.

right now, due to being on the verge of death and possibly slipping, your brain is slowly dying which is in turn removing your memories.

however, when, or if, you wake up, all of them would be back, almost like this whole thing never happened.

due to how your mind was focused on nothing but those words alone, you could accurately guess she was your significant other.

' i want to get out of here.' would be the only other thought you could possibly have right now.

you were beginning to lose feeling off your body.

you were beginning to space out within the endless void.

'im tired...i want to close my eyes...'

were they already closed? i mean, it was itch black.

that and you couldn't even move your eyelids.

at this point, you were numb.

you couldn't speak.

you couldn't think anymore.

the only thing you could hear was the fact that you wanted to see Nino.

"if you die on me then i'm going to release a fake search history."

who's voice was that?

it wasn't feminine.

"....that means get up...idiot."

it was familiar though.

for some reason, with what little sense you required... you felt guilt.

not guilt over this situation specifically but..

guilt over a situation from a long...long time ago.

tou knew exactly what you were feeling guilty over.

for once, the words changed.

i want to tell him im sorry.

you noticed a minuscule white light begin to make it's way into your vision.

you were able to regain control of your thoughts.

'two things here. im either 1, dying right now. or 2, walking up.'

you 'narrowed' your eyes.

'or the original is forcing me to his world.'

you had no idea.

what you did know was the fact you were now at your mansion gates.

you walked into your mansion's yard, there was noone around.

you noticed how everything seemed so..lifeless. hell, even the colour was drained.

even though it was empty, everything was still thriving.

the flowers you could see were blooming.

you walked over to the flowers and moved your hand towards them.

your hand phased through them.

you deadpanned.

'obvious cliche.'

you stood up and entered the mansion.

once more, it was empty.

you went straight to the infirmary.

you noticed how your right pinky suddenly disappeared.

you then looked down towards your left one, it was gone.

'right.. that happened.'

you opened the door to the infirmary.

it was empty.

it was also colourless.

'am i just here alone?' you thought. 'thats kinda boring....better than  dead though.'

you left the infirmary,

you hummed as you strolled around the premises.

'it's all so rab...and grey.'

no matter where you looked, everything was colourless. you even left the mansion and went to the quints apartment.

it was also empty and grey.

it seemed this entire...world? was grey and empty.

it made you incredibly lonely.

you did notice the sun was black for some reason.

it unnerved you greatly.

it was the only difference from the gray that infested the world.

the sun didn't emit an heat though, so you began to think that instead of a sun, it was just an endless void.

hell, maybe it was where you came from before you landed wherever here is.

you continued walking around the city.

you heard a voice behind you and turned around.

your yeys dilated.

it was him.

the guy who kidnapped you twice.

why was he here?

he didn't seem to notice you yet.

you smirked, and you finger twitched.

you noticed a metal pipe on the floor and walked over to it, picking it up.

"where the fuck am i? god damn it. that god damn fucking kid!"

you slowly walked up to him, before raising the bar above his head.

"i've got you once again fuckface."

he turned around only to be hit by the pipe right in the brain.

he died then and there, leaving you alone once more.

"...that was anticlimactic."

you stared over his corpse and sighed, walking away from his body.

"for some reason, i don't feel angry anymore."


"can you even hear me right now?"

the boy sighed, holding his phone in his hand. he stared at a specific picture and balled his fist.

"i'll take that as a no."

he moved his hand to your own, cautiously grabbing it , making sure not to hurt you.

"i wonder what my sister would think, seeing you like this?"

he huffed and looked away, slightly pouting.

"she would be very upset seeing her cousin like this!"

the pout he had obtained dropped.

"good thing she's in Greece with aunt and uncle..."

Hanzo looked down towards you. you seemed calm during your unconscious state, which did impress him.

he could only dream about how badly you were tortured due to the amount of bandages on you.

he noticed you slightly twitch and groan.

one of your eyes fluttered.

were you waking up? or were you having a nightmare of some sort?

''no he can't be waking up, that'll be way to quick. especially after the amount of wounds he has." he said to himself, looking down at his lap.

"yeah well fuck these wounds."

he was surprised to hear your voice, and he looked up and watched you sit up.

"ah! no, you lay back down mister!"

"shut up Hanzo, you ain't my mum or my girlfriend."

you moved a hand to your forehead.

"i noticed they amputated my right pinky."

you just chuckled.




"sorry for what?"

he seemed confused, and you turned to look at him.

"i remember."

his confusion skyrocketed for a second, before his eyes widened slightly."

"oh...well it wasn't your fault (y/-"

"stop. it was entirely my fault." you looked down. "please dont try and tell me otherwise."


you sighed and stretched your arms, flinching whilst doing so.



"piss off, you were named after a video game character."

you both softly chuckled.

"how long was i out?"

"a few hours."

"don't bullshit me."

"a week and a half."

"better, but still unbelievable."

"well it's the truth. you should still be asleep right now."

you looked over towards him again.

"strange question."


"my gut is telling me that a butterfly slept in my bed."

"you have one fucking psychic gut."

"so Nino was sleeping in my bed for a week and a half?"


you glared at him.

"you better not have tried anything you little shit."

"i may look like you slightly, but i'm not going to advance on your girlfriend. you'd kill me."

"damn right."

"for reference, she's here. more specifically, in your bedroom."

"ya'know what i've noticed?"


"Sebas hasn't-"

"hello sir."


you jumped, almost failing off the bed but was caught by Hanzo, you hissed in pain as he had to grab your hands.

"i'll admit, this time thats my fault."

"YA THINK!?" you sit up

"how are you feeling sir?"

"is alive acceptable? because im not physically okay."

Hanzo looked at the both of you and left the room.

"i'll get your girlfriend for you."

you nodded your head at him as thanks.

you then glared at Sebas.

"care to explain?"

"about what sir?"

"the fact you basically did fuck all regrading my goddamn tracker?"

"we tried sir, but we weren't able to access it's location, the signal was broken."

the man bowed to you.

"we are deeply sorry about that sir."

you huffed and turned away. your voice becoming low and quiet.

"i almost gave up ya'know.."

he didn't hear you, but you looked back at him.

"at least im here now."

you slightly chuckled, waiting patiently for Nino.

she opened the door a few seconds later, and she stared straight at you.

her lips were quivering.

"good morning dear."

she walked over and grit her teeth, she had small tears in her eyes.

"dont 'good morning' me asshole..."

you chuckled once more and opened your arms.

"get over here and give me a hug ya big softie."

she slowly walked over before carefully, yet quickly, wrapping her arms around you.

"ah...your hugs are so nice and comforting."

you tightly wrapped your arms around her, ignoring your pain.

"i missed you. i wanted to do nothing but see you."

you looked at Sebas, clearly getting what you wanted across. he nodded and left the room leaving the two of you alone.

you relaxed and pulled her closer, meaning a leg had to rest on the bed to avoid falling onto you.

it was silent, but the silence was comfortable, allowing the both of you to enjoy each other's embrace.

"you smell like strawberries."

"i've been comfort eating them for the past week."

"understandable really."

after the embrace, you got out of the medical bed, much to the protest of both your mind, body and Nino.

'why oh why am i getting out of the bed?'

"(y/n), get back in the bed. your hurt."

"i have no idea why i got out Nino."

"then get back in!"


she narrowed her eyes at you and raised a hand.

"you wouldn't slap a poor injured boy would you?" you asked.


"oh right, you very much would."

"if they deserve it that is."

"still not going in the bed."

"i'm going to murder you."



"so. hello there uncle."

"hey dipshit."

"i am OFFENDED."


you rolled your eyes, and he smiled at you.

"how ya doing sportsy?"

"better than....12 days ago?"

"yeah no shit."

"but in actuality, i'm alright. i'm still hurting obviously, but it's not as bad as i thought it would be."

the man sat down infront of you.

"seeing you in bandages gives me bad memories."

your smile faded and you looked away for a second.

"yeah.....im sorry about that by the way."


"i remember everything. and don't try and convince me it wasn't my fault."
you leaned back, sighing in pain.

"the best thing i can do is accept the fact it was my fault and live with it."

Bruce balled his fist before relinquishing it.

"anyway, why are you out of the medical bed?"

"god you sound just like Nino."

"speaking of, where is she? i thought she would be with you all the time."

"she was."


"she's sleeping right now. turns out she didn't sleep well."

"im sure none of us did."

he looked at you for a few seconds, but his eyes drifted towards your hands.

"how's it feel?"

"how's what feel?"

"with your hands. i mean, you have lost both of your pinkys after all."

"it's not that bad to be honest." you moved a hand infront of your face, seeing the white bandage around where you pinky used to be. "it feels like i've lost nothing at all."

you continued to stare at it before lowering it from your face, once again coming face to face with your uncle.

"right now, all i care about is how Nino and everyone else is doing."

"not even about yourself?"

"not really i'll be honest."

you hummed and stood up, slightly flinching as you placed your hands on your bandaged leg.

"im off to bed."

he watched as you began to leave him, but he noticed how it wasn't towards the infirmary.

"where ya going?" 

"to my bed?"

he looked at you as if you were insane.

"1. isn't Nino in your bed and 2, aren't you injured? shouldn't you get in a medical bed?"

you laughed and looked over your shoulder.

"medical beds are for pussies and besides, me and Nino are a thing, it aint that strange that we sleep together."

"hm..good point."

"exactly, now bye."

you left the room, making your way towards the stairs and slowly going up them.

it fucking hurt to do basically anything, but you were just pretty good at hiding it.

'almost at my room. almost in bed where i can relax, cuddle with my girlfriend and get rid of this god forsaken pain right now.'

you frowned as you made your way towards your room.

'these damn bandages are in the way though. if only i could remove them for bleeding sake.'

you sighed.

'i do need them though, as much as i hate to acknowledge it.'

you stood infront of your bedroom door and slowly opened it. from the inside, you could see Nino's pink hair on the bed, and when you moved closer you saw the girl herself softly breathing. she was asleep obviously.

you moved over to her and sat down on the bed opposite her before lying down slowly.

'ahhh....thats fucking perfect.'

you looked over towards the girl. softly smiling as she got closer to you, as if through instinct and cautiously embraced you, opting to rest her head right next to yours.

you wanted to turn to the side to embrace her, but doing so would make you rest on your side, which would make it hurt to high heaven, so you were stuck laying face up and on your back.

your body responded to her embrace and sinked into it, getting so incredibly relaxed that any sort of pain you had was just gone now.

you closed your eyes, slightly hissing in pain as she moved closer and accidentally caused a stinging sensation. she seemed to hear the slight hiss whilst asleep, and recoiled away slightly.

you were pleasantly surprised that even when she was asleep, she seemed to prioritize your well-being over her comfort. you just smiled and moved a hand to weave through her hair.

she moved back closer to you, once again snuggling up to you but avoiding the spot she touched which made you feel pain. you kept your hand on her head and continued messing with her hair.

you sighed in contempt, looking down towards your unoccupied hand.

'...it seems so strange only having 4 fingers now.'

you then hummed.

'no doubt everyone has their results from their midterms now. i wonder what she got?' you thought, looking over towards Nino. you only just realized that you were practically half naked due to 70% of your body being occupied with bandages.

the reason you only now realized was because you were warm earlier so you didn't notice, and now you could feel Nino's hands on your body.

you did have some shorts on as the parts of your leg near your pelvis were untouched. it seemed the man had some shred of respect to not get to close to the waist. anyway, that was basically everything you were wearing, minus underwear for obvious reason.

you closed your eyes, tilting your head to the side so it was resting on Nino's. her tail tickled you and it caused you to lightly chuckle.

you looked up, closing your eyes and allowing yourself to be overtaken into a deep sleep.. a long, peaceful and definitely needed sleep.


'shit. what day is it again?' you thought, waking up. you grabbed your phone which was on your left, and checked the day.

'...saturday huh?'

you sat up, slightly groaning in pain as you did so.

'these god forsaken wounds...' you grit your teeth. 'why can't original just heal me like he did with my memories!?'

you looked towards where Nino was, but you realized she was gone. you went to get out of bed, but the doors opened.

"you stay in bed fuck boy."

you looked over, seeing Nino carrying a small tray.

"thats a new one."

"shut it pinecone."

"thats not a new one."

you got back in the bed per her request, but sat up still. she grabbed a chair.

"you already know where this is going."

"is it your food at least?"

she grinned at you.

"you like eating my food that much?"

you just rolled your eyes.

"prefer you more."

"you perverted bastard."

"what? don't tell me it's not the same for you."

"well i haven't had your cooking yet so-"

"oh yes you have. i made you breakfast remember?"

seh thought for a moment before nodding her head.

"oh yeah. i did...it was very nice by the way."

you looked at her. she sighed.

"okay yes fine i feel the same way."

"now whose the pervert?"

"the both of us."


yo watched as she placed a spoon into the soup.

"soup? damn it."

"what? you dont like it or something"

"i like it, i just wanted something more...flashy i guess?"

"this is soup because your injured. im not having you eat a whole English breakfast."

"boooo. such a shame."

"do you want me to peg you?"

"yeah no, i'll be the one sticking something in. only me."


you opened your mouth so she could feed you. you had a clear expression of happiness on your face when your taste buds managed to get the soup.

"man, i love your cooking."

she softly smiled.

"im glad. i put alot of effort into this."

you yourself smiled back at her.

"full of love."

"very much so."

"it's the ingredient i taste the most."

the door opened. and your cousin walked in.

"ew, love and affection."

"shut up prick." you laughed at him.

he walked over to your side, handing you something. you looked at it and pat his head.

"aww~ my little cousin got super worried that he made a get well soon card!' you pat his head again.

"fuck off!" he backed away, slightly blushing.

he left the room afterward, and you placed the card to the side.

"alright, where were we?"

"i was feeding you like you were a little baby."

you just smirked.

"give me milkies."

"oh my fucking god."


by the way.

he's started university now.

and yes, its currently 4am.
