
"alright, what's got you so down Butterfly?"

your hand weaved through her hair as you brushed it.

"you of all people don't get moody, like at all."

she looked over her shoulder at you.

"don't get me wrong, everyone can get moody. but you normally don't."

she sighed and looked down.

"it's just...everything that's happened."

your movements slowed down slightly.

"it's all happened to fast. i never really got the chance to recover mentally."

"and right now, you're in the process of it?"

"i think so...yeah."

you gently smiled ta her.

"i'll be with you every step of the way."

she seemingly sighed in content.

you moved to the side and placed her butterfly ribbon into her hair.

"there. as beautiful as always."


she stood up out of the chair and lightly stretched.

"how are you adapting?" she asked.


"i mean, you did lose a finger on both hand."

you hummed and looked down at your hand.

"honestly, it was easy. it was only the pinky, if it was any other finger it would be harder to get used to."

as if to emphasis your point, you picked up a pencil and spun it around your hand effortlessly.

she nodded her head and gave you a small, kind smile.

"alright, next question."

"let me guess, how am i going to tell school i lost them?"

"i doubt they would accept a 'bad cold' took your fingers."

you laughed.

"i just have to say i had an accident."

she grabbed her school bag, and you did the same.

"so, what did i miss since being gone?"

"not much, although we do have a camping trip coming up soon."

"wonderful. camping."

"what? not like camping or something?"

"it's boring a majority of the time."

you both left Nino's room and headed down the stairs.

the other quints were waiting.

they all looked at you in confusion.

"when did you get here?" Miku asked.

"last night."

they all let out a small 'oh' at the revelation.

"wait, last night?"

"yeah. Nino let me in."

the quints looked at Nino with a small smirk.

"what? a lady does what a lady wants."

they seemed to drop it after that as you all left for school.

you ran into Futaro along the way ad engaged in casual conversation.


"(y/n)! it's been a while, you feeling any better now?"

a few minutes after you made it into class, your classmates bombarded you with questions.

"yes i'm fine thanks for asking."

"what happened to your hands!?"

"i had a minor accident."


you nodded your head and took out your notebook and pen.

questions like those two were continuously fired at you from different people, and each time you responded with the same answer.

Nino would be watching from the sidelines, completely at awe of your patience of answering the same questions again and again.

although you would be lying if you said you weren't a little annoyed by the never ending questioning, you understood it was just your classmates being worried for your health.

you were glad when the saving grace of the bell rung and everyone had to return to their seats.

the teacher did ask the same questions however and an irk mark formed on your forehead.

luckily for you, the teacher only asked them once before beginning the lesson.

'thank the goddamn lord.'

then you realized it was science.

'fantastic, my least favourite subject.'

at least it wasn't a practical with Bunsen burners.

you could swear those things would explode with how old they looking.

they literally look like they will fail within a second.

and due to your completely rational, small or not, fear of uncontrolled fire, you did not like using them.

stuff like Bonfire's and campfires are fine, as long as your not to close, but if you are ever in control of the fire, such as Bunsen burners, you hate it.

although the only exception would be those firework sprinkler things, even if you do lean back slightly.

oh right, not only that, but the smell...

oh that god forsaken smell..

it reeks.

it makes you feel slightly sick actually.

you remembered asking the teacher if you could leave the room because the smell had infected the room when there was a practical with Bunsen burners.

you spent most of the lesson outside in the hallway, sticking your head out a window to keep in-taking fresh air.

other teachers who didn't have a class thought you were either skipping or got sent out the room, but thy were quickly corrected by you.

after that day, the teacher always told you when a practical with Bunsen burners was going to happen so you could leave the room.

anyway what was happening again?

ah yes, science class.

electrons, neutrons, protons all that bullshit.

no wait, that's chemistry.

still science though.

you were doing Biology right now.

so plant and animal cells.

infections and diseases.

sexual reproduction.

when that specific topic came into play for the lesson, you and Nino shot a glance to each other with small smiles.

and due to being at the back of class, noone noticed!


even know you would knew all this shit, you still made notes.

Nino leaned over to you.

"do we even need to make notes on sexual reproduction? i mean we've already had a practical~" she whispered into your ear.

you looked at her and gave her a knowing look before shaking your head with a small, barely audible chuckle.

she lightly giggled herself before getting back to work. huh?

?tell her around a month ago that she would actively be studying and had a boyfriend and she would probably tell you to kill yourself.

but, here she is.

a month later doing exactly that and having exactly that.

and it was because (y/n) appeared and made her study.

like even if she didn't want to, (y/n) always made her do it somehow.

she remembered when he called her dumb as a way of teasing her.

she did not take that lightly and instantly got to work on the paper given to her that day.

still got 0, but hey, it's the thought counts right!?.....right?

and she remembered the first time she got something right.

it stuck out to her for one major reason.

well two actually.

the first was the large feeling of accomplishment.

the second was the way (y/n) expressed his proud feeling.

he lightly hit her on the head with the paper, causing a small 'umph' sound to emit from Nino.

and then when she took the paper, he lightly pet her head.

at that time, she obviously smacked his hand away and quietly yelled at him.

he had just smirked and bent down towards her slightly, trying to tease her to look at her score.

and then when she did read it and found out she got something right, and feeling the urge to do more.

the urge to wipe that dumb smirk of your face by acing something you gave her.

that was probably when she got serious with studying.

and it worked well! 

she can even understand what the fuck the teacher was saying now!

although she does show you her notes from time to time just to make sure.

she was definitely grateful.

after all, it was because of you that she would be able to do what she wanted in life.

she can't deny that Futaro tried to help though...

oh right, she's beginning to warm up to him a bit more.

he can still infuriate the shit outta her, but his presence is now...bearable.

it was probably because he was the rock that kept her together when (y/n) got kidnapped.

every other quint was depressed, but Futaro always encouraged them.

he even stopped his study lessons and basically replaced them with emotional counseling instead.

she will remember what she told him a day after (y/n) got kidnapped.

"don't you give up, because he would never! believe in (y/n) to get out! injured or not, he will get out, and it will be because of you and you alone!"

she acquired a new found respect for him that day.

and he was right.

(y/n) did get out.

and he did tell her.

"you were the one thing that kept me going. if i didn't have you, i would have given up. truthfully."

she was touched by those words.

they brought her to tears.

it took (y/n) a long time to comfort her when she burst into tears.

"hey, Ni?"

she snapped out of her thoughts and looked at you.


"you look cute when your daydreaming."

"i-" she didn't respond.

she couldn't.

you caught her off guard.

for some reason, she didn't expect it.

she should have! but she didn't.

she blushed.

you were still looking at her, your head resting on your balled fist with a small, loving smile.

she looked away, trying to suppress the burning of her cheeks.

that compliment should not have affected her as much as it did.

"can you two stop flirting back there?"

the class erupted into laughter, with the teacher looking at the two of you.

he sighed.

"honestly, you do it all the time."

you both looked at the teacher and apologized.

"whatever, it don't matter, you'll do it again anyway tomorrow. you always do."

he then got back to the lesson, leaving both you and Nino silent as the class died down with the laughter.

you felt someone nudge your shoulder.

you looked to your right, seeing  your classmate.

"i think the teacher is jealous of you two because he's still single."



"detention for you!"


"and write me a 600 word essay on why i'm the best teacher!"

"sir, that's impossible! you have no good qualities!"

the teacher's mouth gaped in shock and offense.

"how DARE you. i have good qualities!"

"list one then!"

" good looking!"

"in your dreams!"

the teacher sulked in the corner.

"you right..."

if there was one thing bearable about science.

it was definitely the teacher you had.


"well, this is unfair." Nino said, folding her arms.

"why's that?" her friend asked.

"(y/n)'s playing against us."

she caught you smirking at her, holding a dodgeball in your hand.

"he's going to annihilate me with his ball."

snickers emit around her.

she didn't care.

from the other side of the hall, you stared at her.

"i'm going to pound her with this ball."

"that just sounds sexual." a classmate to your right responded. 

chuckles emit around you.

you didn't care.

welcome to PE.

a game of dodgeball between two classes.

although the classes were split into two.

so half of the other class was on your team and so on so forth.

so every team had an equal amount of girls and boys on their own team.

oh and Yotsuba's here!

she's on Nino's team.

"don't worry Nino, i got this!"

"no. no you don't. (y/n) is going to kill you."

"have a little faith..."


"i'll still try my best."

Nino nodded her head at her and looked back at you.

although her vision was now blocked by some guy.

"don't worry, i'll protect you Nino."

he looked at her and gave her a flirtatious smile.


from across the room, you took a deep breath.

"change of plans. murder the stick man."

your team looked at you in slight horror.

were you jealous?

hell yeah!

only you could be flirty with Nino-

'oh my, i sound like some sort of yandere.'

you placed a finger under your chin.

'she would defo be into that though.'

after a while of waiting, you heard the whistle.

the whistle that started the match.

the boy infront of Nino smirked.

"alright, lets do th-"

a ball went rocketing into his chest at alarming speeds, knocking the wind out of him.

everyone looked down at the boy in shock before looking at who threw the ball.

it was you obviously.

"how'd that feel? for me it was liberating." you said, smirking slightly and folding your arms.

'.......i think i just got wet.' Nino thought. 'that was fucking hot.'

you opened your hand and placed it to your right, practically asking for a ball.

your teammate bowed and gave it to you.

"carry us, oh wise one."

"be my meat shields then."

you heard someone mutter to themselves.

"cocky bitch."

"oh and i'm just joking. have fun everybody~!" you clasped your hands onto the ball, an innocent smile on your face.

'after seeing what you just did, i don't think fun is an option.' the entire opposing team thought.

and so begun the hell that was the match.

you didn't have the balls often, but that was because you kept relegating to those who haven't thrown yet.

it was clear your team was currently losing.

all because Yotsuba was very good at physical sport.

although if she thrown one at you, you always jumped or did the splits to dodge.

it actual caught her off guard.

"didn't you know i was flexible?"

you stood up with out using your hands,  and tilted your head to the side.

Nino had a small smirk on her face.

"i did not know that!

"on the topic of flexibility, i know full well that Nino's flexible, but what about you?" you told and asked Yotsuba.

Nino hid her blush as she caught you casting a glance at her, a stupid grin on your face.

Yotsuba threw a ball at you, and you sidestepped it.

although when you noticed it was going to hit a poor sod in the face, you caught the ball and gave it to them.

"be careful Yotsuba, you almost hit someone in the face!"


the boy quickly told her it was okay before throwing the ball and hitting someone.

he did a slight hop before being hit on the foot.


"hey, you got one out. don't sweat it."

he looked at you with a smile before leaving the court.

you kept an eye on everything at once.

where the balls were, how your teammates were dodging or throwing.

where the opposing team was, how many balls they had, how close they were to he middle.

although you kept a distinct number in your head.


Nino threw a ball and hit someone on the leg.


that's right.

you were counting your girlfriend's eliminations!

you still had one because you didn't throw a single ball apart from the first one yet.

you maybe  be asking, why are you counting it though?

why not?

wasn't like you were doing that much.

you noticed how quick your team's numbers dwindled.

there was 8.

then 6

then 5

then 3

then 2



'now isn't this a predicament?'

you placed your hands on your hips, picking up a dodgeball.

the other team had the rest of them

'they have 4 balls. i have fun.'

you looked at the team.

9 of them.

Nino and Yotsuba was among them.

Yotsuba had kept Nino in the game from catching the balls aimed at her.

which means you had the pleasure of getting her out yourself.

you noticed how Yotsuba took a deep breathe and narrowed her eyes at you.

"want me to go easy or full power?"

"use everything you've go-"

the ball went flying past her head, barely missing.

instead, it hit someone in the side

"..oops i missed."

she gulped.

' i've made a mistake.'

one of Yotsuba's teammates threw the ball at you, and you easily caught it.

you responded kindly by hitting them with the ball, although lightly.

you quickly eliminated 5 of them, meaning only 4 remained.

you were intentionally avoiding Nino and Yotsuba right now.

Yotsuba had kept her ball, opting to throw it at you when you went to pick up a ball.

but you always dodged it by sidestepping or using the ball to reflect it away from you.

'okay, honest question, how the fuck is (y/n) so good at dodgeball?' Nino thought to herself.

although Yotsuba physically asked him.

"i play dodgeball with my staff pretty often."

those unaware of your rich lifestyle were confused when the word 'staff' left your mouth.

"anyway, let's finish this up yeah?"


you threw a ball, hitting the last two teammates of Nino and Yotsuba, making it a 2v1.

didn't help that they just stood next to each other so you could get a double kill.

Yotsuba and Nino were smart, being on the other side from each other.

"can i call a truce?" Nino asked you.

you looked at her, giving her a closed-eyed smile.


your left eye slightly opened.

"i'll go easy on you though."

'FUCKING STOP. STOP. YOU SOUND HOT JUST STOP.' she thought to herself, mentally attacking you.

Yotsuba took a step backwards.

"don't worry Nino, we will win this!"

"oh really? pray tell how will you?"

"i just gotta hit you? how else would i win?"


you shook your head, sighing to yourself.

you looked up at Yotsuba, reeling your arm back before absolutely thundercunting the ball towards her.

it hit her straight in the stomach.


the ball rolled back to you, and you picked it up.

you then looked at you, casually throwing the ball up and down over and over again.

Yotsuba left the court and began to cheer on Nino.

you stared at her, just...waiting.

waiting for what exactly?

well, for her to throw the ball at you.

you wanted to see how fast she would throw it at you.

and how hard.

your team was confused on why you just sat there.

you even began humming to herself.

"come on then Butterfly. hit me."

she lightly glared at you.

"come on! hit me."

and so she did.

she threw the ball at you and you sidestepped it,

'damn.' she thought to yourself.

you watched the ball sail past you before hitting the floor.

you then turned and looked at her.

"....yeah, it's over."

you casually threw the ball at her.

it hit her right in the tit.

you almost laughed at the fact it hit her there.

she didn't seem all to impressed, but you caught the smallest of smirks and a wink.


"i heard you had PE today." Futaro said, eating his food from across you.

"indeed i did i had dodgeball."

"im guessing you won?"

"of course i did."

Nino looked at at you with a annoyed expression.

she lightly hit your thigh, and you chuckled.

you moved your hand down and grabbed her hand.

she, seemingly reluctantly although ti was clearly a facade, grabbed your hand back and interlocked your fingers.

lunch, and the rest of the school day, shot by.

probably because there was just absolutely nothing exciting just like most school days.

although there was a craze about the camping trip that will happen within like 2 weeks.

when you got home, you informed Sebas of everything about the trip.

after he asked you if you wanted to participate, you said yes after finding out Nino was going.

oh right, you had also...forgiven Sebas for his mass amount of stupidity regarding your flowers.

in fact, you made him water the new seeds you planted every day.

for the last week.

not only that, but you forced him to restore the anger room.

like, everything.

you made him clean the floor, replace the broken equipment with new less broken ones for you to destroy one day.

right now, you were playing a game of chess with your cousin Hanzo who came around to visit.


"can you fuck off?" he said, moving his king into a safe position.

"tempting offer, but Nino is busy right now so no. and even then, you came to visit me."

"shut up."

he took your pawn.

"i had that piece covered mate." you took his pawn with your own.

"and so did i!" he used his rook to claim y our pawn.

"....uh i...had that piece covered too..."


you took his rook with your knight.

he moved his queen one space to the right, going to C3.

you moved your rook to A1


"oh my god."

he moved, once again, his king to a safe spot.

you picked up your queen and moved it.

"and that's checkmate."

"i actually despise you."

"i love you to Hanzo."

you offered your hand and he shook it.

"you should probably head back home. it's 7."

he sighed, stood up and left.

you walked with him until he made it to the car.

you waved him off before heading inside and getting in bed.

"i wonder how this camping trip will go."


i wonder how long this story will be?
