Festivals And Games.

its been a few days since Nino and (y/n)'s situation had ended,  and (y/n) was currently getting himself dressed in a Yukata, with the help of Sebas. you see, there was a fireworks festival going on today, it was meant to be the day Futaro got his first paycheck, but it had been delayed for unknown reasons, meaning today was the festival.

the Yukata he was wearing had rose patterns on it. it was his favorite flower and it was also the first flower to grow in the garden, and he took a natural liking to it. for some reason, one of the staff thought it would have been funny to give (y/n) bright red lipstick, but (y/n) accepted it instead stating he looked fabulous and noone shall say otherwise, meaning the staff's joke kinda backfired, but they both had a laugh afterwards. (y/n) didn't take it off ever, deciding to keep it on because why not.

(y/n) was extremely happy for today. not only because its a festival that he uses to remember his grandparents, but also because his parents had come back to Japan to celebrate the festival with him. so after he was done getting dressed, he was led down the stairs by a maid as he could never get down the stairs with the traditional shoes one wears with a Yukata. he saw both of his parents at the door, each of them wearing their own Yukata or a Kimono.

the three of them then began their walk to the festival's location, with his mum and dad commenting on the lipstick the boy was wearing, causing him to chuckle slightly and explain himself.

"oh right, before i forget Sebas was told me you have a crush." his Mum would say, placing a hand on her cheek and smiling at him.

you would blush, and your mum would run her hand through your hair as you walked. she eventually stopped when the 3 of you arrived at the festival. the 3 of you decided to get food, so you walked over to a stall and ordered some Taiyaki for you all to enjoy. your Dad would pay for it and the 3 of you would continue your walk through the area, staying close to each other in order to not lose each other. unfortunately, you stopped on someone's foot on accident, and apologized to them, your parents watching as you bowed in apology.

however, when your name was called, you looked up, seeing Futaro and his sister along with the Nakano's. but your gaze would linger on Nino, who you just so happened to step on. you were stunned, seeing Nino wear her Kimono left you without words, and you mum noticed, smirking to herself as she walked up to you, your dad following behind.


everyone would see the woman behind you, and they themselves would be confused, but when your parents would introduce themselves, everyone minus Futaro and Raiha, as they already knew them, would introduce themselves back. your mum would make her way over to Nino, informing her that she looked absolutely stunning and that she would love to see her more often. afterwards, your mum would go back over to you, whispering in your ear.

"The rumor about girls not wearing anything underneath their Kimono is true ya know."

your face would explode in red as the mental image of Nino wearing nothing underneath entered your brain, and it caused you to lightly shove your mum, playfully may i add, and hide your face. your dad would sigh scolding your mother who would just giggle to herself. for obvious reasons, everyone would be confused on why (y/n) was hiding his face but he would take a deep breath, removing the image from his mind and look back at everyone, smiling at them and closing his eyes.

"why are you wearing lipstick (y/n)?" Nino would inquire, slightly tilting her head to the side as she generally wondered why. after all, it was the first thing she noticed, and not how she caught herself calling him handsome, the lipstick was definitely first.

you would smirk, leaning forward and looking her in the eyes, your hair slightly obscuring your view as you whispered low enough for only the two of you to hear.

"why did you notice it so fast? does it excite you or something~?" you would flirt, watching as her own face would emit a reddish hue and she would shove her hands in your face. deciding to tease a little more, you would kiss the hand blocking your face, said lipstick marking her hand as you would pull your face away. little did you know, both your parents saw what you did, and they looked at each other.

"he got his flirting skills from me." your mum would say proudly, causing your dad to look at her.

"he got his looks from me."

your mum would seem offended by that, but obviously the two were joking. Nino would make absolute sure to hide her hand, but she also took a picture of it to keep for herself because reasons. the group then said it would be a good idea to stick together, and your Mum instantly accepted, her entire goal to help bring you and Nino closer together.

speaking of which, your mum and Nino walked side by side, a little behind the group, but not far enough to the point they could lose them. your dad was in the front, taking glances to the group and making sure they didn't lose anyone. you socialized with everyone whilst you walked and noticed your mum having a chat with Nino.

Nino also blushed at something your mum said, but it faded shortly afterwards, and Nino had actually looked at you afterwards. mauling over your mother's words. eventually, you all reached the roof of a building, turns out Nino rented it out for the festival so here they were. Raiha was tired from walking, and your Mum held her whilst you all waited for the fireworks to go off.

you all waited patiently, but you were the only one who didn't talk to anyone. instead opting to stare out into the night sky, your mind in a daze. your hand was holding something and it was open. you looked down at it, smiling at the picture within. you would look back up at the sky, seemingly talking to yourself and Nino would notice. your mum would grab Nino's arm and motion for her to stand next to her, which she did.

she explained that every year since your grandparents passed away, you set off fireworks to remember the memory of them, and she told Nino that without fail, you talked to the heart locket within your hand as if talking to them directly, telling them all about the year since they last talked as you once told your parents you felt connected with them during the festival and only then. you would always end it off with a kiss to the picture within, which the both watched you do. 

Nino had realized that in a sense the both of you are alike within the current situation, considering the sisters use this festival to remember their late mother.

you looked at the stars, and you saw you could make out the constellation of two faces smiling at you, and a smile would infect you. you closed your eyes, breathing in the cold yet soothing air and placed the locket within your Yukata. shortly after, the firework show had begun, and everyone moved to the ledge where you were. obviously, there were rails to stop people from falling off so each and everyone lined up next to each other. your mum and dad would stand side by side to your left, whilst Nino would stand directly to your right.

the Nakano sisters would link hands, and Futaro would watch behind everyone, as he was the only one to not join the line. but that ended when you grabbed his arm, pulling him and making him stand on your left, wrapping an arm around him as you both watched the fireworks together. unknown to you, Nino had begun watching you, seeing how your face was brightly lit up by the fireworks. once again, your mother's words from earlier ran through her head.

'my son likes you, you know that right? and from what i see, i think you like him as well.'

hesitantly, her hand would begin to move on its own, grabbing your stationary right hand and gaining your attention. you would look at Nino, but notice her looking at the fireworks, a blush that you would be unable to identify due to the fireworks. you would smile, holding her hand back and accidentally causing your hands to interlock with each others, as your fingers weaved through the gaps between one's fingers. she looked back at you, seeing you smile at her before looking back at the firework display, the game doing the same as she held your hand a little tighter.

you lost track on how long you both were holding hands, as even after the fireworks the both of you still stayed interlocked, staying at the night sky. some noticed, but didn't say anything as by this point everyone was involved in operation Twilight, even your parents! they were told what it was by Ichika, and they were all for it. without you knowing, your Mum snagged a picture of the both of you, and admittedly the picture was beautiful, the both of you standing side by side, hands interlocked with the Night sky as the backdrop, the moon also being visible as stars littered the sky. it seemed even the world itself was rooting for you.

Your Dad had half a mind to cry at such a stunning scene, but kept it in as he didn't want to ruin the art infront of him. with you and Nino, both of your hearts were imploding, but somehow none of you were embarrassed and it just felt right to stay interlocked with each other.

"the moon is beautiful, isn't it?" you would say, knowing what you were saying with full knowledge of the responses.

"i could die happy." she would respond, which would shock you as it is the most popular response to that question, and if he remembers correctly, that means...

the both of you would look at each other, and she would inform you that she knew exactly what she was saying, and you would smile. feeling as if something was about to happen, your Mum would usher everyone of the roof, much to the confusion of everyone else as she would close the door behind her, leaving only the two of you there. you would chuckle, as the both of you watched your mum make everyone leave, but the both of you would glance back at each other.

"you need to remove that lipstick."

"why's that?"

"you said the reason why to me before." she would say, confusing you for a second, before your mind would linger back to what you told her when you put lipstick on her.

"because they make them more kissable?" you would say, watching as her own smile brightened tenfold, and the both of you inched closer and closer before your lips connected.

there was perfect timing as well, as two more fireworks shot into the sky as your lips connected. when you both pulled back, a remnant of the lipstick you have on would be seen on her lips and she would place a free hand on your lips, wiping the lipstick away and placing it on her own lips. you would chuckle, once again connecting your lips before pulling away again.

"i think this is my favorite moment at this festival" she would say, and you would agree wholeheartedly. 

the both of you then left the roof, coming face to face with everyone else and your mother would notice the minuscule remnant of the lipstick, covering her hand with her mouth and smiling at the both of you, definitely proud of you and her. she would then walk over to you two, getting infront of you.

"when do i get  grandchildren?"

"MUM!" you would shout, your face red as a tomato. Nino's face would somehow be redder than yours.

the group then began to go home, as the festival was finishing up and most people would have went home by this point. sadly, the new couple would have to separate hands as they both went different directions,  but your dad would notice trying to come up with a plan to get you to stay together a little while longer, however, he wouldn't be able to think of anything quick enough as the group has split off, with you and your parents walking home whilst the nakano's and the Uesugi's would be together. your mum would send you a picture, it being the one she took earlier.


its been a few days since that day. unfortunately, (y/n) parents went back to greece, but not before his mother smothered him to death. ever since the festival, Nino and (y/n) have been going out. when their at school they keep it a secret they keep it a secret though.

which leads to now,  with the Nakano's and Futaro around his house. it was a surprise visit, so whilst (y/n) was gearing up to play airsoft with his staff, they hopped around. he invited them to join, and they did, with (Y/n) helping them gear up and running them through the basics.and how to reload the guns they were using. a game started shortly after.

the game mode was called Assault. one attacking time attempt to capture 2 objects with a maximum of 60 lives or until 30 minutes was over. (y/n)'s team was getting molly whooped. it consisted of his friends and some staff members, but with 1 life left after (y/n) got pinged and headed to respawn, everyone was wondering what to do for the last life. thats when (Y/n) walked through into his teams spawn.

"hm? noone went?"

the staff would explain they don't know who should have the last life, something (Y/n)'s friends agreed on. so with 3 minutes left on the clock with 1 objective left, (Y/n) decided to do something irrational. he took off as much gear as he could, putting the weapon he used down and dropped his magazines, only carrying a pistol on his person. he would grab an earphone, placing it into his air and taking his phone out his zipped pocket,  putting on a song that would fit what he was about to do.

he would motion for one of the staff to get something for him, and they did, coming back with a lightsaber toy for the boy to attack to his hip. at this point confusion was sat an all time high, and when (y/n) told them to look at the school, he slid his foot back, taking a deep breath.

'run fast, hit fast, win fast.' (y/n) would think to himself, bursting out of spawn at full speed, sliding past a corner and shooting 3 shots that hit the two people posted around the corner. they would raise their hand in the air, walking back to their teams spawn. (y/n) would feel invigorated, he was the last one alive for his team, and it filled him with excitement that loss or defeat was literally in his hands.

he would quickly run through a mock building, pre-firing any corner he came across. eventually, he had to run down an open lane, but he was able to grab a barrel whilst running, crouching down and being lucky that the pellets were all fired above him. eventually he dove into another building. knowing all his exists were being monitored, he decided to use the only exit one would have to be insane to use.

the window.

he took a deep breath, lunging through the window and shooting as many as he could before hitting the floor, successfully taking out 80% of the defense on the objective. (y/n) would be able to eliminate the last few by playing patient, even if he didn't have time as no doubt the enemy team has respawned and are making their own way towards the objective.so when the last few were killed, he jumped over,  contesting the zone into overtime. a referee would count down how long until he capped, so now he just needed to hold on until that point, although he only had a pistol, greatly limiting his attack potency.

that was proven correct when he was put under fire, the enemy team pushing forward to contest the point (y/n) was able to keep them off the point until he needed 3 seconds, but when a ref shouted 'Contesting!' he leaped out from his current cover, unintentionally slamming his head onto a barrel on his left. he didn't allow that to deter him however, as he spotted and snuck up on the enemy, tapping them with his lightsaber and declaring them dead.

that meant the countdown was back on, but unfortunately for the underdog, he was hit in the back, meaning Victory for the defending team. he sighed in defeat, but both times praised him on his efforts. and Nino had given his a kiss on the cheek without anyone knowing. due to the fact airsoft was now over all the staff put the gear back, and (y/n) and his friends were sitting down at a table, with a medical staff checking (y/n)'s head for any damage whilst he drank tea with everyone else. when the staff told him he was good to go, he thanked them as they went of back to the doctors room of the mansion.

Myu had also made an entrance, and you placed her on your lap and messed with hair like he was annoying older brother, however, Myu was fine with it, as (y/n)'s hand was soft and gentle. everyone was watching this, and all of them minus Nino was convinced he did something to his head, but Nino knew he seemed so happy go lucky was because she kissed him, and she might have given him another when they were walking to the table they were at now, and this was because they were a little behind the rest, so Nino decided to exploit that opportunity.

'you know, i'll be honest, i think i could get hooked to his lips.' she would think to yourself, placing a finger on her own lips.


3054. my oh my, so many relationships coming through.

also, one of the stories are actually, close to being finished.

god day.
