6. When stars shine...

"Stars can't shine without darkness."

So, Peter realized this was bad just in time, thanks to the sense in his head. He launched away from the wall just before Cap crashed through, and bolted for the door. Now, Spiderman was no coward, don't get him wrong. But he wasn't a complete moron either. He needed a plan if he was going to take down almost the whole of the Avengers on his own, as they were being controled by the lunatic Loki.

And the perfect place to plan happened to only be a few blocks away; thanks to Cap's apartment being on the fringe of Brooklyn backing onto Peter's own hometown Queens.

Spiderman launched through the air, mind and heart racing in tandem as he shot webs for his escape. Looked like Loki managed to turn all the Avengers, and would've turned him had he not gotten out soon enough. So it was Loki and the time stone, but how did he have hold on it if it wasn't in his staff? Maybe he had some kind of connection to the thing? He sighed, his brain still reeling from the days events and starting to pound with information. He really just wanted to crash and take a break for once.

Also, for once, his wishes were granted as 'the perfect place to plan' came into view. Ned's apartment.

Ned lived with his parents on the nicer side of town, and didn't let on in school that he had quite the reputation backing his name. Of course, his work-aholic (A/N oh stars, I failed that I know it) parents were never home, so Peter didn't mind swinging in as Spidey.

He didn't go to Ned's apartment very often, but it was a great place to dodge the inevitable inquiry from Aunt May.

Peter braced himself against the wall and let out a few breaths. He seemed to have lost the Avengers, but contemplated doing a few confusing loops just in case. In the end, he was wiped, so he just pulled the window open instead and crawled in, shutting it behind him.

"Ned?" He whisper/yelled into the spacious condo. As a response, he heard snoring from Ned's room.

Only then did Peter realize it was after midnight.

He sank against the wall as sudden guilt hit him in his injured chest. No doubt his aunt was still awake, pacing and worried. He was so dead. And he so deserved it.

"I'll talk to Ned in the morning." He told himself, standing slowly. "I have to smooth things over with May before I get myself killed tomorrow." He sighed, and opened the window again, crawling out and closing it like he was never there.

Peter swung across town to his dingy neighborhood - though it was still better than some others in Queens. He landed lightly on his building and crawled in the still-open window.

Oh man, I'm so getting chewed out. He braced himself as he closed the window. I'm as good as dead. He thought as he pulled off his mask slowly. The Avengers won't get a chance to kill me if my Aunt does it first. He realized with a pit of dread accumulating in his stomach as he walked to the hallway. She was about to yell at him, forbid him from all kinds of heroism, and probably march over there and take down Stark - controlled or not controlled. At least he was ready, he had braced himself, he was ready to die...

He stepped out into the hallway and saw his Aunt straight away. Her hair was a mess and there was dark shadows under her sad eyes illuminating her despair. She looked at him, and took him in for a second, before the silence crumpled under her heavy sob.

"Peter!" She sobbed, running to him. Peter had been expecting all sort of retaliation, but not this.

This was so much worse.

She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him so tight he could feel his battling-to-heal ribs scraping against each other painfully. She ran her hands through his hair as she cried against his shoulder.

"I-I s-s-saw on the n-news about the A-Avengers or w-whatever they're called and th-they were fighting y-you and I-I saw you get shot! You got sh-shot Peter! And th-then C-Cap was there an-and I heard... I heard you..." She hiccuped trailing off into a fresh wave of tears.

"I thought I lost you, Peter." She whispered, balling her fists on his back as she hugged him. "I can't lose you... I can't!"

"May, you won't lose me, I'm not..."

She pulled away from him abruptly. "How can you say that? You've been missing for over a day, skipping class, risking your life, do you know you've been gone for over 24 hours? You missed an entire day of school! Ned and I have been worried sick! How can you just brush off that you're going to fine when you're obviously. Not. Fine!?" With her last word she put a hand flat on his chest to groud herself. She didn't think it would cause him pain and knock him back.

"P-Peter!" She yelped as he staggered. "It's fine, it's just healing." He insisted, rebounding quickly. May felt her frustration and disbelief build up like a volcano. "Just healing? And what exactly is 'just healing'?"

"So, I got hurt, a litte. But it's not bad, honestly! But I do have to go right now because you know the Avengers? Yeah, well, I didn't really fix that whole situation yet and I need Ned to help me come up with a plan. Love you Aunt May!" Peter grabbed his mask and ran for the window, but this time May was fast enough to grab his shoulder and spin him around.

"Peter." She breathed, her expression cold as ice. And just as quickly as an ice cube in the sauna, she melted, hugging him again. "You can't leave angry again, I won't allow it." She insisted, and he hugged her back fiercely.

"Please be careful. Please, please come home."

"I will."

Them feelz in the last part of the chapter! Honestly, May has been through to much, poor bean. Welp, time to make my smol beans hurt! No, I'm not cruel, this will all come to some fantastic conclusion that will NOT end in Peter's death. Hopefully. Sometimes my mind completely derails.

Anywho, is anyone reading this? Psh, I don't care anymore, I'm just writing this because its overflowing in my brain so I'm just like YOLO why not?

Also I had a YOLO moment today and finally had a legit long conversation with an adorable guy I have a crush on so yay me!

Anyways invisible readers, stay incognito or whatever but I hope you're enjoying my book! If you like it, please comment! If not, please leave because we don't have any hatin' beans down here.





SAVE THE BEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

