12. The difference

"The difference between winning and losing is most often not quitting."
~Walt Disney

Peter ducked a blast from Iron Man himself and rolled across the field, almost getting caught by Hawkeye in the process. The whole fight Peter had been resisting his Spidey senses, and even his other enhanced senses. Now, he took a deep breath and focused.

The battle raging around him seemed to slow as he dodged a tranq dart and arrow in the same move. He landed a solid punch to Captain America's jaw and webbed him and Falcon together. However, Peter's Spidey sense still didn't work on one person.

Iron Man shot Peter in the back and he hit the grass painfully. Shooting a web at Wanda, he hit her ankle but she cut the web before he could shock her.

"You think you can beat me? Why don't you just give up?!" Loki yelled over the heat of the battle. "I'm not much of a quitter." Peter admitted, flipping and letting War Machine and Ant-Man smash together. Natasha kicked him the back of the legs and he rolled away from her, webbing her shoulder and managing to shock her.

Nat collapsed, but Vision was heading her way to re-establish control. Peter noticed the Avenger's movements were jerky and uncoordinated. Like he had suspected before, Loki was having trouble controlling them all at once. Peter thought it might be because he had to control them through Vision, rather than having full control of the stone.

Knocking Peter from his thoughts was Cap with a solid hit to his back. "Ah!" Peter yelped, quickly jumping over War Machine only to get picked up by Iron Man who shot into the ait.

"No, no, no!" Peter writhed in his grip, memories from meeting the Vulture flashing through his brain along with fear. He punched Tony's suit before his brain clicked to remember his webbing. He turned best he could as shot the webbing right at the arc reactor, shocking it with all he had.

Suddenly, Iron Man seized mid-air, his eyes blinking out. And they began to plummet. Peter quickly decided this was worse. How could he engage Tony's parachute? Peter didn't know - nor had he thought to refill his. Welp, he was dead.

Peter quickly webbed a parachute to Tony's back, but when it caught it knocked Peter off. "Oooh, no!" He flailed through the air, spotting the tree almost a second too late. He shot a web, caught a branch, and tried not to cry out as the landing sprained his shoulders.

Rolling across the grass, he bounced to his feet to see Loki and the Avengers running towards him. Peter knew his cartrage was low, and he didn't know how much was left in him either. He couldn't keep this up much longer.

He did, however, suddenly have a plan.

A stupid, reckless plan that probably wouldn't work but instead doom the entire human race. But hey, it was a plan!

"You want control, Loki?" Peter huffed, raising his hands slightly. "I can't fight anymore, I'm yours." The Avengers stopped running and Loki grinned. "I knew I would break you." Chuckled the asgardian. Peter glared at him. "You did it."

Vision stepped forward and placed a hand on Peter's chest, looking at him with yellow eyes. Peter felt the effects immediately, as control of his body slipped from his grasp. But not control of his mind.

Peter found himself in some sort of mind palace, it looked somewhat like the pictures of asgard he had seen in the museum and Avengers tower. He heard the protests immediately, and knew the other Avengers were there.

However, shutting them out, Peter focused on his senses and found who he was looking for. He was going to end this.


Loki laughed hysterically, he had done it! Tony Stark floated down on a web parachute, unconscious, but Vision quickly fixed Loki's lack of control on the billionare. "T-they're all mine!" He exclaimed hysterically. He grinned and raised his arms, letting his army march in front of him. Now to rule the world.


Peter crept through the halls, wincing when Natasha kicked the wall and it rang through his head, torture on his focused senses. Finally, he found the room. In the center of the throne room, Loki sat cross legged, eyes closed. When Peter stepped through the threshold, his head snapped up.

"Still you resist me. Even here." Loki sighed, looking unimpressed. "I will let you keep your identity a secret - see how generous I am? You can be happy here, living a stupid little life while I live out my dreams. Can't we agree on that?" Suddenly the world around Peter shifted to reveal Midtown High.

"Holy...!" Peter yelped as he saw Ned waving from the front doors. He shook his head and spun back to Loki. "I'm not going to let you take over the world." He insisted and Loki smirked.

"How are you going to stop me? I'm in your head; you can't do anything to me without hurting yourself." He explained and Peter rolled his shoulders. "I'm not afraid." He muttered, before launching forward. Loki just sighed and caught him in the air with some twisted version of the force. "I control you now, there's literally nothing you can do." Loki laughed, hysterically happy about his 'win'. Peter returned the smirk under the mask.

"I'm sure I can work around that." He reasoned, shooting a web. It hit Loki in the chest and the asgardian prince looked up at Peter with lidded eyes. "Really? A little web?" He chuckled. "What are you going to do, cacoon me?" He sighed. "Something original would be..." he reached to removed the web and Peter engaged the shock.

Peter felt the electricity rachet through him, but he fell from Loki's control as he writhed under the electricity. "Get. Out. Of. My. Head!" Peter screamed, upping the voltage as much as he could before everything went black.

I really hope I didn't kill him. There is a possibility. Let's see, shall we?

