4. Those who were seen dancing

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who couldn't hear the music."

Peter felt like Vulture had dropped a parking garage on him all over again, and that made him panic. That searing weight on his chest, doubled on his back, and that darkness surrounding him. It was to much, way to much, he had to fight it, he wasn't there again he...

The building collapses in on him. It's so heavy, so heavy and it forces him to the ground- something hard and rough and uncomfortable smashes onto his back, and then more of it. The breath is forced out of his lungs as the rubble piles up, each additional weight more painful and more heavy and more miserable than the last...

Get out of there!

He can't breathe. He can't breathe. It's too tight. He can't feel anything but pain. Everything is so dark- he can't see anything, and he can't move and he's all alone- he's going to die here-

He tries to take a breath, but it comes out as a pained wheeze. He's choking on dust and smoke. He struggles, tries to shift, but his limbs are aching and useless and it's all useless-

No one will find him- everything useless- he's helpless, defenseless-

Peter chokes. He sobs and wails-

"Help! Please!! Help- anybody-"

The darkness is devouring him whole, swallowing him up and choking him in thick shadow. He sobs and strains under the rubble. It doesn't even budge.

He's all alone. He can't breathe. He's going to die. He's going to die and he can't- he can't breathe, he can't, he still has school tomorrow-

The Vulture's coming to finish him off, now- the metal's so hard and cold and-

"Let go of me-!!" Peter screams, his voice hoarse and broken.

"Woah, calm down!" Clint yelped, grabbing the heroes wrists. Peter opened his eyes to find himself still looking through the lenses of his mask. They had respected his identity, and left it mostly on. His chest, however, was exposed with thick bandages wrapped around it winding over his shoulder wound as well. Someone had only peeled down the top half of his suit, which was bunched around his waist.

Looking around, Peter saw that he was in some run-down apartment, with Clint standing over him. "He's awake!" Said archer called, and the rest of the Avengers rushed in, Cap first and foremost. "How are you feeling? Are you still in pain?" Like crap. Yeah, lots. Peter wanted to say, but Cap looked so concerned he couldn't bring himself to tell the truth.

"Uh, better and not as much." He tried instead, and the relief on the much-older man's face did make him feel better. "You weren't kidding about healing fast, kid. Its only been about an hour and you're almost as good as new." Falcon explained. "Thanks to Cap's recently developed first aid skills and Rhodey and Clint's help, they managed to patch you up." He finished, and Spiderman nodded in appreciation. "T-thanks. All of you." He managed to sit up, when Wanda put a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you, who knows what we would have done if you hadn't stopped us."

"About that, what exaclty would you have done?" Peter couldn't help but ask, and a dark look passed over the team. "From what we managed to patch together, we were mind controlled. And by someone very powerful if they managed to get Wanda as well." Nat explained. "And we think it might be that someone possibly corrupted Vision's mind stone." Scott added, and Peter's eyes widened, that really was serious. "Also, he still has Tony." Rhodey sighed, and Peter felt his body quiver in shock.

"No..." He muttered, before looking at them with new determination. "We have to go after him." He grunted, standing painfully and doing his best not to fall as he slowly yanked the top half of his suit on. ""We'? 'We' is not happening." Sam growled, putting a hand on Peter's uninjured shoulder. "You can barely stand." Even Cap relented. "You should stay behind."

Peter sighed, knowing they were right. "Fine, but if anything happens, call me." He crossed his arms while the rest of the Avengers nodded in approval. Inside, his mind was whirring.

If you believed it would take more than Cap's shield to pin our Spidey down, you were right. Unfortunately, our Spidey may just fine himself face to face with 'more than Cap's shield' in the near future.

Welp. That was short. Short and sweet, right? No, ok. Excuse me while I go cry in a corner.


ok, peace

