17. Don't fear difference

"Don't be afraid of being different. Be afraid of being the same as everyone else."

Peter was laying awake in his bed, trying and failing to sleep. He had school the next day. He should've been sleeping. It was the last month of school. Why wasn't he sleeping? Finally, Peter gave in and flipped the blankets off his legs. He climbed out of bed and pulled off his PJ's, grabbing his suit instead. Aunt May was going to kill him if she found out he was going on patrol right after getting back from almost being killed by Loki.

But he was going to do it anyways.

And so, Peter dived out his window and did a flip, sticking to the wall of his apartment building. He spun a web and swung to the next building, which continued on repeat for blocks. That was, until he heard a scream.

Peter dived towards the sound, landing in a dark alley where a girl was swinging a pipe valiantly at three muggers. Peter landed behind her and the thugs instantly froze. "I'm sorry, but I don't allow this kind of shenanigans in my city." Peter spat, and two of the muggers were already running. Quickly, he webbed them to the walls in a cacoon fashion, leaving the last one who suddenly pulled a gun. And this is where I go home with a bullet wound... Before Peter's spidey senses even had a chance to calm down, the girl who was still holding the pipe whacked the guy in the head, dropping him.

After a moment of surprise, Peter webbed him up too. "Thank you for the help, although I was supposed to be saving you-" Peter cut off abruptly as the girl turned around with a deadpan expression. "MJ?!" He said in disbelief, before he could stop himself. MJ raised the pipe onto her shoulder with a menacing glare.

"How do you know my name?" She growled and Spiderman raised his hands in surrender. "I, uh, kn-know your friends P-Peter and Ned... yah."

"So they weren't lying." MJ commented in surprise. "Well then, thanks for saving me, but I don't trust you." She swung the pipe and Peter ducked just in time. "Woah! Hey! I just saved you!" Peter defended, continuing to dodge pipe swings.

"That doesn't mean I'm going to let you swing away!" She told him, letting the heavy pipe fall. "First of all; I don't like you screaming my name in this neighborhood." She explained, blowing a curl out of her face. "Second of all; I can take care of myself!" And she was swinging again.

"Nice seeing you to!" Peter scoffed, spinning a web and getting out of there as quickly as possible. Who knew MJ was so venemous when it came to heroes?

Peter landed on the roof with a sigh. There were plenty of people in New York who didn't like being saved by  someone in tights with a fancy name. They called him a vigilante. Was MJ one of those types of people?

"Uh, I'm guessing this is past your bed time." Peter jumped at the words from behind him, in a voice that still set off his spidey senses. He spun to see Falcon land on the roof and cross his arms. Falcon was probably the only Avenger that still couldn't stand the young 'twerp' - as he called him.

"Yah. Sure. Couldn't sleep. You?" Peter explained curtly, staring ahead again. "Oh, I'm always out at this time. This is what being an Avenger is like. Not some solo noob."

"Last time I checked, you're a fugitive, not an Avenger."

"Only to the public eye."

Shots fired! Peter turned around to glare at Falcon who was glaring back. "Sure, fine, have fun Avenging." Peter sighed, turning away again. Falcon raised an eyebrow but didn't move. "What's got you in such a sour mood? Last time I saw you, you were joking about pasta and smiling. Depressed by your first adrenaline crash?"

"First of all; not my first. And I have a supply of gatorade in the fridge, you guys don't have to worry about me. Second; ... it's nothing. I just saved someone I know and she kind of tried to knock me out with a pipe." Peter sighed again, only to be met with Falcon bursting into laughter. "Du-ude! That. Is. Hilarious!" Falcon laughed, literally doubled over. Peter was glaring at him again. "Seriously, man?"

"It's funny!" He justified, recieving yet another glare from Spidey. "So, what, she doesn't appreciate the whole 'damsel in distress' stereotype?"

"Maybe. Who knows, maybe she's just like everyone else trying to unmask me." Peter suggested bitterly. "That's why you shouldn't do things by yourself." Falcon told him sternly. "Besides, you wouldn't be out for long." He scoffed, and Peter turned to look at him. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh you know, the whole 'thing'. Nothing could knock you out for long with that."

"My spidey sense doesn't work with..."

"Oh, Tony didn't call you yet?" Falcon suddenly realized the kid didn't even know. Peter shook his head and Falcon groaned. He hated explaining things to teenagers. If he was ever a teacher he would probably kill himself - or them.

"Uh, the whole fight with Loki... I don't really know the science behind it but congratulations because now you have a sped up metabolism!"

"Wait, what?"

"Somehow you electrocuted yourself, speeding up your system I guess."

"That's awesome! It explains why my healing factor is so fast and my spidey sense is working fluently now but it also explains why I'm so hungry and...!"

"Ok, slow down there, hot-shot." Falcon scoffed. "Its only for a few weeks." He added, before turning to fly off. "Thanks for telling me!" Peter called after him, his happy-as-a-guppy mentality back. You could practically see his smile past the mask.

Peter stood and rolled his stiff shoulders, prepared to go home and get ready for school. He had no idea that today of all days he should've skipped school...

There's a nice cliffhanger for everyone!!!
Hope you're enjoying the story so far, I'm so happy some people are starting to comment! I've been feeling so lonely!!!

Shoutout to miacameron303!!! Don't worry, lots of fluff in the future!!!

