18. Drop it

"Take every chance, drop every fear."

Peter pulled on his sweater and jogged out of his room, snagging his back pack. "Bye Aunt May!" He called, kissing her cheek and grabbing an apple. "So you're actually going to school today? The old fashioned way?" May remarked in surprise. "Yup! Unless someone is in dire need of saving!" Peter commented cheekily, and May waved a fork at him. "School comes first!" She insisted and Peter quirked an eyebrow. "Right. School before saving lives. Check." He drawled and she just rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean! Now go! And don't be late!"

"Me? Late?"

"Just. Go!"

Peter scrambled into the hallway, fleeing from flying utensils, his spidey sense ringing in his ears. He chuckled as he continued to walk down the hallway, jogging to the stairs. He paused when he saw MJ in the stairwell. MJ.

He always forgot she lived in this building since she was at the library so much. "Um, hey MJ!" He greeted with a little wave, to be met with her making a face and turning away. Oh spades, what did I do now? Thought Peter as his friend started moving faster to get down the stairs.

Then again, this was MJ. He could've done nothing at all and she would be mad at him for it. Although, this could have just easily be because he had missed the last 8 decathalon meetings - at least.

"MJ!" He called after her, running down the stairs. Before he even had a chance to think, he jumped over the railing easily to land right behind her, causing her to spin in surprise at the sound. "How did you do that?" She demanded and his eyes widened in surprise. Had he just done that? He hadn't even felt the shock in his system. "Uh... what do you mean?" He tried to play dumb, taking a bite of his apple nonchalantly. MJ just quirked an eyebrow but didn't ask anymore. "Whatever. Where have you been?" She inquired instead, another question that made Peter cringe.

"You know... working." He coughed, the lie seeming forced even for him. "Riiight." She drawled, looking at him skepitcally. "Are you going to make it to today's meeting at least?"

"For sure! Of course!" He answered quickly and MJ sighed in disappointment. "You just failed." She growled, leaving Peter stunned as they reached the bottom of the stairs. "What?"

MJ turned to look at him with her dark brown eyes full of sarcasm. "There is no meeting today, genius." She spat, pushing the door out into the lobby. Peter face palmed at his own stupidity as he stood in the stairwell. I'm a moron. He reminded himself. She must be furious.

With a groan, Peter pushed into the lobby, seeing that MJ was already gone. He sighed and put in his earbuds instead, listening to Spotify - the Script's new album was just released. He walked down to the subway and caught the bus, wondering where MJ was since she wasn't there.

Finally, he arrived at school. That dreaded place. Walking in, he barely got three feet before basically being tackled into a head lock by Flash Thompson. "Hey! Puny Parker is actually here today!" Flash scoffed, before Peter twisted easily from his grip. Without a word, he kept walking, meeting up with Ned on his way to his locker.

"Flash was waiting for you?" Ned asked in disbelief when Peter explained. "Yup. I think he missed me." Peter smirked, spinning the dial on his locker as people shoved past him on all sides. "Hey, have you seen MJ?" He asked Ned, who shrugged and shook his head. "Nope. You?"

"Uh... yeah... earlier. She's kind of mad at me."

"Well, duh! She's the captain of the decathalon team, and you haven't been there for weeks!"

"I've been busy!"

"She doesn't know why!!!"

Peter sighed, knowing Ned was right.


After first block, with no sign of MJ, Peter was getting worried. He barely paid attention first block as it was - not that he needed to, math came easily to him. Now, in physics, he basically scanned the class, hallway, and outside for any sign of MJ. "Mr. Parker?" The teacher called out. Peter looked at the board for a split second before the correct answer spilled easily from his lips.

At lunch, Peter didn't go for food. He ran for his backpack and dodged out of the school, pulling on his suit that he was still wearing under his sweater. It was official; MJ was not at school. And she never skipped.

Peter swung onto the roof of his school, scanning for any sign of MJ. Any trace of her. Somehow, this must have been his fault. She didn't take the bus for fear of running into him, and now she had been kidnapped - or worse.

Suddenly, Peter's phone rang. MJ!!!

"Hello?" Peter answered before it could get through the second ring. MJ's shaky voice came through. "Peter! I don't know why you were the first one I thought to call but..."

"MJ, what's wrong?!"

"I-I'm in this strange warehouse and..."

"Are you hurt?"

"Let me finish!" She snapped, the MJ fire surging back. "I'm not hurt, but these people think they'll get some ransom from me because my dad used to be a lawyer! They're pretty much idiots. I could totally get away if my hand wasn't cuffed."

"Ok I'll be- get some help!" Peter told her. "Do you know where this warehouse is?"

"Not far from school, I was about a block away, and they only carried me a block - but I was blindfolded."

"Got it. Don't worry."

"I'm not worried." MJ insisted before hanging up, leaving Peter to sigh in frustration. Two blocks away from school. There were about 10 warehouses two blocks from school.

But only 1 was empty.

MJ had been kidnapped, and is kind of mean to Spiderman. Don't worry, more with the Avengers later, but there needs to be some build up and drama in Peter's life too!

School starting on Tuesday. Anyone else want to never get out of bed again?
