Chapter Twelve: Crying helps. See? I'm crying!

Blue took a deep breath before he spoke. The thought of him saying the words that would be told scared him. He was scared someone might hear.....Dust might hear.

Tears spilled from Blue's eyesockets as he drew in a breath, "I'm sorry.." X smiled a sinister smile disappearing with Blue.

Blue's vision began to blur as he continued bleeding. Was this death? Was this what it felt like to die?

Blue felt himself be set on a hard surface. Something sharp was injected into his neck. Blue felt a small pain and everything went dark.

Blue awoke in a strange room, it was pure white. Was he still at the lab? Where was Dust?

Blue tried to sit up only to realize he was strapped down. Blue struggled to free himself, no luck. Blue felt a presence enter the room, X. X was wearing a silky white lab coat, he smiled at Blue, "I hope you enjoyed your rest little one. I do say you surprised me."

Blue frowned, "where am I? Where are my friends?"

X shushed him, "questions are for later little one."

X moved to a computer that sat on a desk that was in the room. He typed something in and pulled up a photograph, it was a photograph of Blue. Blue tried to see what it said.

X smiled to himself, at least his plan had succeeded. X turned back to Blue who was clearly trying to see what the computer said. X sat in a metal chair and grabbed a clipboard, "your friends think your dead. I'm sure your lover has gone rampid by now."

Blue frowned again, all he could think of was poor little Sprinkle. X looked at him, "I shall answer your questions now little one, then we begin."

Blue's mind was full of questions, he couldn't possibly ask them all! Blue inhaled and started with questions, "where am I?"

"Your in my personal lab. The one your friends were at was an abandoned safe hold for Cross."

"What do you have to do with Cross?"

"I was Cross's....well guardian you can say."

"Why does Cross hate you so much?"

"Cross was very head strong, he blamed me for many of his problems. Especially when his little human friend died."

"Will I see my friends again?"

"That all depends on you little one."

"What are you going to do to me?"

"I am going to train you. I assumed you had the most ability to cooperate with me."

"Will I end up like Cross? By that I mean, hating you?"

"That, once again, is all on you. It all depends on how you take this in, Cross didn't think too well of this experiment."

Blue sighed and laid his head back on the metal bed, "that's all my questions."

X smirked and wrote something down on the paper he had attached to the clipboard, "for being curious you didn't ask much."

Blue didn't reply to him, he needed time to think. X stood and began to exit the room. X stopped and turned around, "I am Lord XGaster, you may call me Gaster."

X-Gaster exited the room, leaving Blue in a confused state. Blue didn't understand why Gaster was being kind to him. Wasn't Gaster just his enemy?

Blue sighed again and tried to undo the straps on his wrists. He felt another presence enter the room, but it wasn't Gaster.

Blue stared as a lizard type monster entered the room. They wore big round glasses and also wore a lab coat. The lizard monster approached Blue with a key, they began to unlock his straps.

After being freed from the straps Blue rubbed his wrists, the lizard monster looked up at him, "Lord XGaster requests your presence in the weapons room."

Blue nodded and hopped down from the metal bed. The lizard monster exited the room, Blue followed them. The lizard monster turned many corners, Blue wondered how they memorized this.

The lizard monster entered a room, Gaster was in there. Blue entered behind them. The lizard monster bowed towards Gaster, Gaster smiled, "thank you Alphys, you may exit."

Alphys stood straight and exited the room, Blue stared as she did. Gaster's attention then turned to Blue, "now, I shall train you little one."


10 years later....

Blue panted as he dodged more bones. Turn after turn he dodged them, anything to please Gaster. Blue almost grinned when the blasters appeared, he was going to get past them this time.

Bright beams shot at him, Blue teleported onto one of the blasters. Blue summoned a sharp tipped bone and stabbed it through the head of the blaster, making it break apart. Blue continued to do that until all the blasters were gone. He then teleported back to the ground, waiting on Gaster's next move.

Nothing came, Blue stood waiting for Gaster to speak, to tell him that he did well. Gaster sighed and broke his clipboard in half, "well done little one, you have exceeded my expectations. Now I shall set you free."

Blue stared at him, why set him free? He had nowhere else to go. Gaster smiled and motioned Blue to follow him, "come little one, you shall receive your reward."

Blue followed Gaster down the hallways, by now he had memorized the twists and winds. Gaster brought him to a room, in the room were two things. A syringe which had a strange glowing blue liquid in it, and a tiny black box with a blinking green light.

The first thing Gaster picked up was the tiny black box, as well as a knife. Gaster cut a hole in Blues hand, "this is a tracker little one. I will always know where you are, do not be afraid I do not wish to interfere with your plans."

Gaster then bandaged his hand. Gaster picked up the syringe with the blue liquid in it, "these are your memories before you came here, you have done well little one. I will not forget you."

Blue was injected with the syringe. Once again everything went black.

Blue woke up in a pile of leaves. Memories filled his head, he began crying. He cried because he felt stupid for agreeing with that horrid monster. He cried because he spent years away from those whom he loved, training. He cried because he knew it wasn't his fault but he still blamed himself for everything that happened.

Blue finally stood and wiped his tears away, he had someone to see.

Ink and Dream stood dumbfounded as Blue finished. Blue's story was just as confusing to them as it had been to him. Blue summoned a sharp tipped bone and stabbed it into his hand, he seemed unaffected by it.

On the other hand, Ink and Dream both shrieked at Blues sudden action. Blue dug out the tiny black box from his hand and dropped it to the floor. Blue then crushed it with his foot.

Blue sighed, tears formed on the brim of his eye sockets, "I-I shouldn't of come back, I just endangered you all by being here and I did nothing! You were all better off without me!"

Before Ink or Dream could say anything, somone else did, "you really think that?"

Blue gasped and whipped around to face Dust, his expression was one of worry. Ink nudged Dream and whispered something to him. Dream nodded and the two dissapeared.

Blue stood, staring at Dust, "Dust...I..."

Dust's expression didn't change, "Blue...I could barely live without you...are you regretting this?"

Tears had found their way down Blue's cheeks. Dust quickly embraced him in a hug and the two slowly sank to the floor. Blue cried into Dust's chest, "Dust....I'm sorry! I-I don't regret it...I couldn't........I'm sorry!"

Dust gently rubbed circles on Blue's back as the smaller continued crying, "Blue...theres nothing to be sorry about, it's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself for everything."

Blue's sobs only continued. He hiccuped and began speaking again, his words were muffled by Dust's shirt, "I-I could've left sooner....I could've stopped him from taking my memory, but I d-didn't! I was stupid! I stayed! I could've-"

Dust had stopped him from saying anymore, hearing Blue sobbing hurt him. Dust lifted Blue's skull so they could look eachother in the eyes. Blue's glassy eyes stared into Dust's worried ones.

Dust looked at the blue tears running down Blue's face, he sighed, "Blue....I don't blame you for staying, yes I wish you didn't but if you chose to leave he could've killed you! Then I would have to live my miserable life without you. Do you know how fucked up that would make me?"

Blue sniffed and looked down, "you have Sprinkle...."

Dust snorted and made Blue look at him again, "sure I love the kid but he's not you. I almost went insane after X took you, I struggled everyday to get by because I couldn't say I had you. I was so fucking broken without you Blue, and I'd rather get killed by some stupid bastard looking for powerful people than live my life without seeing your face at least one more time."

Blue began to cry again, his grip on Dust tightened, "I'm sorry....I'm so, so sorry..."

Dust stroked his skull, "Blue...stop apologizing theres no reason to, you've done nothing wrong."

Blue looked at Dust again, his lip trembling. Dust leaned down and kissed him, Blue kissed back. Blue was surprised by how much he longed this feeling.

They stayed like that for a couple of seconds before they pulled away, to catch their breath. Blue buried his face into Dust's chest, "I've missed you so much..."

Dust held Blue tighter than before, "you have no idea how much I longed for you Blue..."

Blue smiled into Dust's shirt, his face lightly glowing blue, "I love you Dust..."

Dust leaned and rested his skull on top of Blue's, "I love you too my little blueberry...."

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