Chapter Twenty Two: A New Arrival

Ink dragged Color into the living area, "you stay here. I'll have Geno watch you until I get back got it?" Color didn't respond, he just kept staring at the wall. Ink sighed but walked away without saying anything. Color heard a few murmurs before Geno appeared. Geno crossed his arms and stared at him, "you must've messed up big time for Dream to threaten you, it's basically impossible." Color didn't respond, he had taken interest in the wall.

Geno fell silent, guessing Color wasn't going to answer anything. Shino soon came skipping into the room, a bottle of water in her hand. She stopped abruptly seeing Color. Color noticed her eyelight get smaller in surpise. He smirked, she wasn't expecting him this early.

Shino quickly broke out of her trance and gave the bottle to Geno who opened it for her. She then fled the room. Color's smirk grew wider. Geno stared at him with suspicion. Color looked away and frowned, causing attention now wouldn't be good. Geno leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, his eyelight not leaving Color.

Ink appeared in the room again, he whispered something to Geno. Geno disappeared with a snap. Ink stared at Color, his eyelights changing everytime he blinked. Ink seemed to be in a mental debate with himself, his foot rapidly tapped the ground as he stared. Ink suddenly sighed, "I guess I could just leave Cross with you. I mean hes got that huge knife!" Ink walked out of the room calling out for Cross.

Color leaned back in the seat, this was all so stupid, they were all so oblivious. He heard a groan and voices. Ink appeared again, in his hand was a giant paintbrush. The tip of the brush was lathered with purple paint. Ink splashed some on him and snapped. Purple chains wrapped around Color disabling him from moving. Ink smiled, "there! Now you can't move! I wouldn't try teleporting either those chains don't come off easily."

Color looked down, it's not like he needed to escape at the moment. Ink soon left the room, leaving him in silence. Color stared down at the floor, waiting. Soon the house went silent, no more murmurs from anyone. There was an occasional yell from upstairs but he was alone, just like he wanted.

Something sharp pressed against his chest, a bone. Color looked to see Shino, her expression neutral. Color smiled, "surprised to see me?" Shino frowned, "don't give me that. Tell me what you know." Color chuckled, "I know a lot of things little girl, be more specific." Shino grew an angry expression, "tell me what you want with Killer. If you don't I will kill you, no one would suspect me and you know that."

Color's grin grew wider, "It wouldn't matter if you killed me. I'm already one step ahead of you Shino, and you hate it." The bone pressed further, cutting into his clothes, "tell me now. Or I might as well hand you over to Dream and his brother, I'm sure Dream would love that."

Color sighed, "always trying to get your way out of violence. You should know better Shino." Shino's grip on the bone became tighter, "why is Killer so afraid of you? What did you do to him?"

Color's flames wavered, "oh it's simple. Hes not scared, just playing an act." Shino glared at him, "what do you mean? What's he acting for?" Color laughed, "so many questions! Do you ever get tired of asking?" Shino was ready to say something but stepped away and dissipated the bone.

Goth appeared in the room looking confused, "Shino? What are you doing in here? Come on, I dont think you should be around him." Goth held out his hand and Shino grabbed it. She looked back at Color as they walked away. Color smiled, "your answer will come to you from whom you least expect it."

Shino wanted to ask him what he meant but she had already been led to the staircase. What did Color mean by that? Who would she least expect to know that information? Of course it couldnt be just anyone.

Damn Color, why'd he have to say something so complicated which could take days to figure out. She didn't have days to do this!

Shino let go of Goth's hand and disappeared into her temporary room. She sat on the bed and sighed who should she talk to? She couldn't go and see Outer someone would notice her missing before she had the chance to see him. Killer probably wouldn't talk, hes too stubborn for that. So who else would Color give such information to?

Shino pressed her forehead against her palms and groaned. Then it hit her, she knew who she had to talk to. It didn't matter if they didn't know Color they would at least give her some direction of who would know. Shino jumped down from the bed and ran out the door.


Incubux stared at the mug in his hands, his hand was clasped tightly around it. Noah stared away from the childs book, "what are you holding it so tight for? Any tighter you'll break it!" Incubux frowned, "somethings wrong. I can feel it." Noah snorted, "yeah okay, keep telling yourself that."

Incubux glared at him, "I'm being serious Noah! Something is wrong!" Noah sighed and placed the book down, "alright, if something is wrong you've gotta know what it is right?" Incubux sighed, "no...I don't know what it is." Noah shrugged, "well then nothings wrong!"

Incubux hushed him, "listen do you hear that?" Noah blinked, "hear what?" Incubux smiled and stood, "exactly! It's silent! Our siblings are here theres no way they'd be silent. Especially Ying." Noah groaned and placed his book down, "this better be worth it."

Noah followed after Incubux as he walked up the stairs. Incubux looked around and narrowed his eyelights. Noah sighed, "see theres nothing! Lets just go ba-" Incubux placed his hand on Noah's mouth preventing him from talking. Noah huffed and tried to lower Incubux's hand. Incubux just tightly grabbed Noah's arm and dragged him down the hallway to a door.

Incubux pressed his skull against the door. "What are you doing!? We'll get caught!" Noah hissed at him in a whisper. Incubux gave him a glare, "we'll only get caught if you keep talking!" Noah huffed and crossed his arms, glaring at Incubux who was listening intently.

Incubux's eyelights suddenly became smaller in surprise, "okay so I know one of them is that weird new kid but I don't know the other." Noah gave him a look, "no way. How is there someone in there you don't know?" Noah pressed his skull against the door and soon shared the same look as Incubux, "whoa, who do you think it is?"

Incubux frowned, "what part of 'I dont know them' do you not understand?" Noah just shrugged. Incubux sighed, "should I open the door?" Noah gasped, "what are you? Crazy!? Of course not!" Incubux grabbed the handle, "I want to know who it is." Noah grabbed his arm and tried pulling it away, "curiosity killed the cat! Curiosity killed the cat! Curiosity killed the cat remember!?"

Incubux shoved him away, "I happen to be a skeleton, not a cat." Incubux then turned the handle and the door creaked open. Noah had his hands over his eyes mumbling to himself. Incubux stood in shock staring at the two skeletons who were staring back at him in return.

Noah lifted one of his hands to see who was in the room. Noah gasped, "is that Shi-"

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