Chapter Eighteen: Stationed with Who!?

Outer's cheek had been bandaged, apparently Geno had fractured his cheek bone. Right now he was eyeing Color, the one whom he had summoned. Color stood still, smirking. Outer spoke, "I want you to accompany Killer's group."

Color's smirk turned into a grin, "and why is that sir?" Outer gave him a look, "I'm sure you know why." Color nodded, "yeah I've got it. What happens if we find him? By that I mean the suspect?" Outer sighed, "why don't you just let the group do the dirty work and get the information. Yes?" Color nodded.

Outer smirked, "good. Now you may leave. Don't disappoint me Color, you know what happens if you do." Color nodded and walked towards the door. Shino gasped and quickly ran away, not wanting to be seen by Color.

Color shut the door behind him and smirked, "you think your a smart little girl Shino. Let's see what happens when someone challenges that."


Killer cursed, his phone in hand. Dream glanced over at him, "what's wrong Killer?" Killer frowned and placed his phone on the coffee table, "damn Color is coming with us!"

Dream sighed and sat next to Killer, "what happened between you two anyway? It seems as if you were friends before." Killer looked over at Dream, "it's pretty complicated....." Dream smiled, "I've got time."

Killer sighed, "you dont give up do you?" Dream shook his skull in denial. Killer smirked but then frowned after being deep in thought, "well let's just say when I needed him to be my friend the most he took off and gave no shits about me or my feelings. He's a back stabbing little bitch."

Dream patted his shoulder, "Killer, I'm sorry you had to go through that, it must've been painful." Killer frowned and looked towards the ground, "yeah, it was."


Cross shoved a spoon full of cereal in his mouth. Nightmare stared at him, "why are you eating cereal Cross?" Cross stared at him, continuing to eat cereal, "breakfast." Nightmare rolled his cyan eye light and crossed his arms.

Cross gave him a look, "what's got you so cross?" Nightmare glared at him, "did you intentionally make a pun just to annoy me?" Cross smiled evily at him and continued eating his cereal. Nightmare groaned, "how the hell did I end up with you?" Cross shrugged, "your doing not mine!"

A ghost child snickered, "this is your form of arguing? I was expecting knives or some crap." Nightmare stared tiredly at the space next to Cross. Cross looked blankly at Chara, "that's called fighting, not arguing. There's a difference." Chara stuck his tounge out at Cross, "whatever smartass!" Cross rolled his eyelights and continued eating his cereal.

Nightmare and Chara decided it would be fun to stare darkly at eachother. Cross looked back and forth between the two, finding it amusing. Chara suddenly screeched, "Cross!!! He made me think something bad!" Cross gave Chara a look, "you probably deserved it."

Chara grew a frown on his face, "your not helping me here! You should be mad at the octopus over there!" Cross smirked, "and who said I would help you? Last time I checked you still hated me." Chara whined, "Crossssssss! I didn't mean itttt! Just help me!" Cross sighed, "Chara your old enough to fight your own battles."

Nightmare grinned as they continued to bicker. Finally Cross won and Chara was forced to leave Nightmare alone. Chara huffed and crossed his arms, "you two are just assholes." Before Cross or Nightmare could say anything he disspeared.

Nightmare leaned against the wall, "what a brat." Cross frowned, "he's normally not like that, guess he just wanted to cause trouble..."


A knock came from the door stopping their conversations. Graident walked over and the door flew open. Ink smiled at them, "its time to go! The investigation isn't going to solve itself!" Ink then ran off. Gradient groaned and flung a bag over his shoulder, "why do we have to do this shit again?"

Moonlight smirked and walked past him, "I would watch that language of yours. That Fresh guy, your uncle right? He doesn't like language too well." Graident sighed, "don't remind me..."

Goth turned around to face Palette. Palette looked at Goth, "are you sure its the best idea to bring me with you? I mean Mr. Outer might-" Goth smiled softly at him, "trust me, you'll be fine." Palette sighed and followed after Goth, "hey Goth um.....I don't have any clothes of my own." Goth stared forward, "we can always get Ink to make you some!"

Palette smiled and ran to catch up with Goth. A child with mismatched eyes suddenly appeared infront of him, "oooooh! Your Palette aren't you? Those injuries must hurt! I'm Sprinkle by the way!" Palette took a step back, "uh hi?" An arm draped around his shoulder, "I wouldn't bother him Sprinkle, he's been through a lot!" Palette looked over to see Raven who was smiling at him.

Goth stared at the three of them, "what's going on here?" Raven removed his arm from around Palette and stared at Goth, "don't worry bro, we're not trying to steal him or nothing. Just a proper introduction!" Goth shot Raven a look. Raven laughed and walked off, followed by Sprinkle.

Palette shrunk back a little. Desire stared at him boredom. Deciding not to waste his time Desire walked off. Goth stared at Desire as he walked towards Palette, "I wonder what his problem is." Palette sighed, "he's never really liked me much, I accidentally spilt tea on him when we first met." Goth snorted. Palette frowned, "what? It's not funny! That was precious tea spilt!" Goth had burst into hysterical laughter.

Killer rubbed his eyesocket, examining the two. Dream walked up beside him, "ah to be young, I miss those days...." Killer smirked, "it'll be fine. Maybe..." Dream looked at him with a worried expression, "Color won't be a problem Killer. I promise!"

Killer smiled at him and yawned, "I don't understand why we can't teleport there. It's not like it would take too much energy." Dream pointed at the bags he and Killer were holding, "luggage. So much luggage."

Ink patted Blue on the shoulder, "well we'll see you around friend! You've got the paint right?" Blue nodded, "yes Ink I have the paint." Ink smiled, "great! Well we shouldn't have a problem then, unless Dust gets out of hand." Dust glared at Ink, "what's that supposed mean!?"

Ink shrugged and dissapeared. Dust sighed, "glad he's not coming with us." Blue giggled, "why do you say that?" Dust looked over at him, "I'm sure you know."

Dream and Killer walked over to them. Killer smirked, "stuck with you two? I'll be wishing that suspect a good life in hell!" Dream lightly hit Killer's arm. Dust rolled his eyelights, "if anyone's having a good life in hell its you." Killer's smirk grew wider, "might ask the god of death for free tickets." Blue face palmed as Dream sighed.

Nightmare's tentacles curled as him and Cross approached Ink. Ink was looked around mumbling, "Graident......Moonlight.....that's everyone.....wait...." Ink's attention snapped to Nightmare, "oh! There you two are! Thought I'd have to go looking again!"

Nightmare gave him a look, "do you know if Outer will be out here soon?" Ink shook his skull in denial, "after what happened between him and Geno earlier pretty sure Outer will be a no show." Nightmare groaned, "great."

The two then walked onto the plane. Ink looked around, "well that's everyone!" Ink walked onto the plane, seeing as his bags were already on the plane. Ink took a seat next to Error who was sewing. Error looked over at him, adjusting his glasses, "wHaT nOw?" Ink shrugged, "I suppose we just wait."

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