Chapter Eleven: Whoops there goes my motivation

Blue sighed and removed the gloves from his boney hands. He cringed seeing that the scars were still visible. Blue squeaked in surprise as the door cracked open, it was Sprinkle.

Sprinkle slowly entered the room, "sorry....I should've knocked."

Blue shook his skull, smiling, "no, no, your perfectly fine. Is something bothering you?"

Sprinkle shook his skull in denial and sat on the bed next to Blue. A worried look was clearly on his face. Blue frowned, "are you sure? You dont seem too fine."

Sprinkle sighed, he probably should be glad Blue was so worried about him, "I'm just worried that's all. What if I just blamed someone who didnt do anything wrong?"

Blue placed a boney hand on Sprinkle's shoulder. Sprinkle jolted in surprise not used to the physical contact. Blue smiled again, "Sprinkle, you shouldn't be worried. You were suspicious thats all, you cant hate on yourself for feeling something natural!"

A smirk tugged at Sprinkle's mouth, making him want to smile. Instead he kept a straight face and sighed, "Yeah I guess so, thanks Blue. That helped."

Sprinkle then got off of the bed and walked out of the door. Blue almost asked him to come back, but fought against it not wanting to cause anything uncomfortable for the child. Blue sighed and went back to examining his messed up hands, "why did I have to come back?"


Dream stood at the edge of the room as he watched the choas take place. They had decided to place bets on who would get the farthest in their search, by now Killer had probably bet 5,000 g. Dream would step in to stop him but it was honestly pointless.

Dream yawned and pulled out his phone, he decided to check the time. He clicked his phone on and saw it was passed midnight. Dream sighed and walked over to Killer.

Killer looked down at him, stopping his bets, "is there something wrong Dreamy?" Dream shook his skull and planted a kiss on Killer's cheek, "its nothing just going to bed, goodnight." Killer returned the response and went back to betting.

Dream exited the room, he internally cursed himself for making that excuse. Really, he just wanted to see someone for some......information.

Dream rounded a corner and stopped at a door. He gently pressed his skull against the door to listen, Blue was mumbling to himself. Dream sighed and knocked on the door, he heard Blue shriek quietly.

Footsteps grew louder as Blue came closer to the door. Blue opened the door and stared at Dream, "Dream? What are you doing here?"

Dream smiled at him, "hi Blue, can I come in? I'd like to talk."

Blue nodded and stepped away to let Dream in. Dream thanked him and stepped into the room. Dream immediately walked over to the can of paint Blue had.

Blue stared at Dream with confusion as he shut the door, "Dream what are you-"

Blue screeched as Dream tipped the can over letting the paint spill onto the shiny tiles. Dream said nothing and watched as the paint sat there. The paint then started to bubble.

A shape formed and rose from the bubbling paint, a figure could be made out. Ink appeared looking tired as ever, he stared at the two, "Blue? Dream? Is there something wrong? It's been a while since I've been summoned this way."

Dream nodded and looked back at Blue, "Yes. There is something wrong. Blue your not the same, please talk to us. I want to know what happened when you were gone."

Blues eyes lit up with fear and he began to slightly tremble. Blue sighed but looked up and nodded. He then began where his story had seemingly ended.


Dust cursed as Killer threw more money on the table, by now everyone in the room was watching. Even Nightmare. Killer smiled at Dust, "your out of luck buddy. Seems that your a little broke."

Dust pulled something out of his jacket pocket and lifted it in the air, "no u." He had lifted an uno reverse card. The two knew what it meant, and it made Killer furious.

Pretty much everyone in the room had groaned at the twos stupidity except for the few brave people that knew how powerful the card was. Those people were Epic, Fresh, Cross, Horror, Incubux, and Noah. Noah grinned as it continued, he walked up to Cross and gripped his arm.

Incubux walked next to Noah and stared as Killer playfully sobbed while pushing 20,000 g over to Dust. Boy was Dream going to be pissed when he found out.

Dust grinned widely but suddenly got an expression of alarm. Killer stared at him with confusion, "you okay there Dust?" Dust quickly dissapeared from the room leaving Killer and the others confused.

Horror walked over to Killer, "you have any idea where he went?" Killer shrugged and looked back down at the gold. Dust happened to leave the uno card there, Killer grabbed it and shoved it in his pocket. Horror looked at him with confusion, Killer looked at Horror and squinted noticing a crumb on him, "did you fucking eat my bread again Horror!?"


Error began glitching as Fresh messed with him more. Geno couldn't stop laughing at the two, causing Error to hate both of them with a passion. Error growled as Fresh's boney finger came closer, "dOnT tOuCh Me YoU sTuPiD 90s AbOmInAtIoN!"

Fresh smiled, "I ain't touching u broski!"

Paperjam walked over to them, mostly because he had been denied by every group in the room except this one. Paperjam stared as his uncle continued to torment his father, "may I ask why?"

No one decided to answer him, even Fresh, which was a surprise since Fresh normally talked to him. Paperjam groaned and walked off, wondering why everyone seemed to hate him.

Graident on the other hand was engaged in a deep conversation with Goth, they were talking about art. Somehow Goth took quite an interest in it, especially since Gradient had much knowledge in it. Graident sighed, "sorry if I'm being annoying....its just I dont really get to talk like this at home..."

Goth gave Graident a soft, sympathetic smile, "its perfectly fine Gradient, I understand how you feel. If you wish to, you may keep talking."

Graident smiled and continued to ramble. Goth nodded to his words pretending he understood what Graident was speaking of. Goth saw Raven walk over to him.

Raven had a sly grin on his face, he walked to Goth and nudged him with his shoulder. Goth's attention snapped away from Graident to his younger brother, "Raven? You better have a good reason for this if your interrupting my conversation."

Raven nodded, "dont worry Goth! I just ya know.....spotted that guy that made you blush earlier. What's his name? Palette?"

Goth frowned as his face heated up by the mention of the name. He internally cursed at himself for feeling this way. Raven had a look on his face that made Goth shudder. The only other person he had seen make that face was Reaper.

Raven began to walk off, "I'll just y' him over if you want!"

Goth shook his skull in denial violently, "No! Do not do that! Anything but that!"

Raven laughed and walked off over to Palette. To Goths demise Raven began talking and pointed over to him. Graident chuckled, "that's funny. How your brother teases you like that."

Goth frowned as Palette nodded and began to walk in his direction, "trust me. Its horrible!"

Palette stopped in front of Goth, he still wore that adorable little smile that would make Goth's soul skip a beat. Palette looked at Goth, "you requested my presence?"

Goth's face turned a deep purple as Palette spoke. Goth tried to hide his face in his scarf. Palette became worried, "oh no! Your face is all purple, are you sick? Do you need medicine? I can get you medicine!"

Raven had burst into hysterical laughter as Palette continued to worry. Goth glared at him and tried to convince Palette he was fine. At this point, the whole room was staring at the situation taking place.

Reaper had taken notice to what was going on and sipped on his coffee. Geno on the hand.....well let's just say Raven would regret what he had done. Geno walked over to the laughing Raven and back handed him.

Raven rubbed the back of his skull as Geno grew even more furious, "why'd you do that!? Embrassing your brother like that! You better be glad we're in a room with a bunch of people!" Raven began apologizing as Geno scolded him.

Palette had finally been convinced that Goth wasn't sick and was watching Raven get scolded. Goth sighed and began go walk off. Palette looked at him with confusion, "where are you going?"

Goth looked at Palette, "I'm just going to my room. I'm tired..."

Palette was quickly at Goths side, his starry eyes shining, "well then I'll accompany you! In case you fall asleep on the way!"

Goth weakly smiled, "thanks Palette...."

Palette smiled brightly at him, "of course Goth! Anything for a friend!"

Goth felt a pang in his soul at the word friend......such a deadly word. Goth wished it didn't exist at that moment. Though he was glad Palette at least thought of him like that.

Palette smiled and continued walking. Mabey he could live with Goth just being his friend. Just maybe.

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