Chapter Thirteen: Surprise, Surprise!

Dream reappeared in the room to find it in choas. Geno was scolding his son, Killer looked like he had been crying for hours, and most of all Nightmare was trying to pierce a tentacle through Epic's skull. It didnt help that his children were cheering him on as Cross tried to stop him.

Dream sighed and walked over to Cross. Cross stared at Dream with pleading eyes. Dream patted Cross on the shoulder, "I'll get him."

Cross nodded thankfully and stepped aside to let Dream get to Nightmare. What Dream did was quite a surpise. He slapped Nightmare.

Nightmare's attention was ripped from Epic to Dream in less than a second, "Dream what the fuck was that!?"

Dream frowned, "it was a slap. Have you not heard of that before? Maybe you're being too immature to realize you've gone brain dead! Nightmare you're acting like a child!"

Cross was trying to apologize to Epic who was glaring at Nightmare. Dream then walked over to Epic. He grabbed his arm and forcefully pulled him off the ground.

Dream's anger was then directed towards Epic, "and dont think you're getting out of this! I know my brother well enough to know he won't attack someone unless they've pissed him off. And you clearly pissed him off! Let me tell you this Epic....if you so dare try and mess up what we have built here I will not hesitate to take action! I'm not going to tolerate this behavior any longer!"

Dream gave Epic one final glare and stomped off to Killer. Killer looked pleased that Dream yelled at someone. Killer watched as Dream started to walk out of the room, "you tired Dreamy?"

Dream didn't look back at him and sighed, "yes Killer....I am obviously tired! I'm going to bed..."

Dream walked away and Killer followed. Ink walked up to Error eating a sandwich. Error looked over at Ink who looked pretty neutral to the situation, "wHeRe WeRe YoU?"

Ink replied with a mouthful of sandwich, "Talking with Blue. I wouldn't go over there though, him and Dust are having a 'moment'"

Error looked confused, "a MoMeNt?"

Ink sighed, "let's just say, you dont want to go over there right now, probably want to wait till tommorrow."

Error looked down at a paper in his hands, "SpEaKiNg Of ToMoRrOw....HeReS oUr GrOuP."

Ink took the paper from Error's hands and looked down at it. He internally sighed seeing who they were paired with. Error chuckled seeing Ink's disappointed face, "wHaT? DiD yOu HoPe FoR a BeTtEr GrOuP? JuSt Be GlAd EpIc WoNt Be WiTh Us!"

Ink giggled at that, but frowned again. Putting their family with both Geno's and Cross's wasn't the best idea either. That was likely to cause some trouble.

Ink handed Error the paper again and began to walk off. Error looked at him and smirked, "wHeRe Ya GoInG tHiS tImE?"

Ink stopped and spinned around on his heel, "I'm going to watch some Dustberry action. Feel free to join me!"

Error sighed and shook his head as Ink dissapeared. He snapped his fingers and appeared at Blue and Dust's door. Ink was already there, his skull was pressed against the door, "awwww. I don't hear anything!"

Error shrugged and walked over to Ink, "tHeY mAy Be QuIeT iN aCtIoN."

Ink shook his head in denial, "nah. I highly doubt that."

Ink then turned the knob on the door. Error hissed at him, "wHaT aRe YoU dOiNg??? ThEy MiGhT sTiLl Be AwAkE!"

Ink waved him off and cracked the door open. Ink squealed silently at what he witnessed. Error looked over at him unamused, "wHaT iS iT?"

Ink waved him over at pointed at something. Error looked inside the room and groaned at Ink's stupidity. Dust and Blue were just sleeping. Dust's arms were wrapped protectively around Blue as if he might get snatched.

Error looked at Ink, who's eyes were glowing with happiness, "I qUeStIoN wHy YoUr LiKe ThIs."

Ink snorted and winked at him, making Error's face turn slightly yellow, "Just let me enjoy emotions while I have them ruru!"

Error mumbled something to himself and continued staring at Ink who was fanboying a little too much. Ink shut the door again while giggling uncontrollably, his phone was in his hands, "I got a picture of them!"

Error sighed and shook his head, "yOu ArE sO pHysChOtIc..."

Ink nodded, "I'll take that as a compliment!"

Ink then grabbed Error's arm and dragged him down the hallway to another room. Error groaned as Ink pressed his skull against the door, "wHo'S rOoM aRe We At NoW?"

Ink shushed him, "hush, their talking! Oh and we've entered the world of Krème!"


Dream sat on the the bed with his face in his hands. Killer kneeled infront of him trying to comfort Dream. Dream huffed and looked at Killer, "why does everyone have to hate eachother Killer? Why do they have to be so mean!"

Killer gave Dream a small smile, "Dreamy....the world's just like that. Theres nothing you can do about it, it's just regular nature for someone to act like that."

Dream sighed and hugged himself. Killer knew he was overly upset because of that small motion. Killer stood and sat next to Dream on the bed, "Don't look so down Dream. It's not something you should tear yourself apart over."

Dream gave Killer a weak smile, he then leaned on Killer's shoulder. Killer's arm instinctively wrapped around Dream's shoulder. A flash of light came from the door, then a curse.

Dream sat up straight to hear muffled voices. Killer internally sighed wishing that light didn't interrupt them. Dream stared trying to hear the voices.

".....Shit! I had my flash on!"

".....bAd IdEa InK!"

"...Shut up Error!"


"Oh and what are you going to do about it!?"

".....sLeEpInG oN tHe CoUcH tOnIgHt!"

"......fair point, we gotta blast before they come out!"

They were already too late. Killer had opened the door and was staring down at the two who were sitting in the floor. Ink smiled guiltily at Killer, "hiya Kills! Ummmm..............I've got some chocolate want some?"

Killer frowned at Ink, Error had already dissapeared, "what were you doing?"

Ink's guilty smile never left his face. He began to twirl his thumbs, "oh....nothing....nothing important!"

Before Killer could answer Ink dissapeared. Dream walked over to him and rested his hand on Killer's shoulder. Dream looked up at Killer with confusion, Killer just shrugged.

Ink reappeared in a room, Error was sitting on a couch knitting. Ink sighed and flopped on the bed. Error looked up, adjusted his glasses, then looked back down to continue knitting, "wHo ArE yOu GoInG tO aTtAcK nOw?"

Ink looked up, his eyes had changed shapes. Ink gasped and jumped off the bed, "I completely forgot about them!"

Error looked at the panicking Ink, "wHo DiD yOu FoRgEt AbOuT?"

Ink quickly kissed Error's cheek and ran out the door, "I forgot Crossmare!"

Error sighed and looked back down at his square. His face was tinted a light yellow. Error smirked to himself and continued knitting.

Ink on the other hand was heading to the Crossmare quarters as he called it. Ink pulled out his phone, he made sure that his flash wasn't on this time. If he got caught by Nightmare that would be his death.

Ink stopped at a door and pressed his skull against it. He listened but didn't anything, he turned the knob to find it was locked. Ink groaned and reached into his pocket.

Ink pulled out a paper clip and straightened it out. Ink then inserted the paper clip into the door. He began to twist and turn it until he heard a click. Sadly, instead of a successful breaking and entering Ink was lifted from the ground.

Ink frowned upon seeing the black tentacle wrapped around his waist. Ink was turned around to face his captor. It was the goopy octopus himself, Nightmare, and his little oreo.

Nightmare was glaring at him and his words came out in a hiss, "what were you doing Ink?"

Ink prayed that he wouldn't die and responded, " was uh looking for something! Yeah I was looking for something!"

Cross sighed and shook his head in disappointment, "Ink your a terrible liar..."

Ink shrugged only to be squeezed tighter. Ink gulped remembering how he was in this situation before and didn't leave all in tacked. Cross whispered something to Nightmare.

Nightmare looked down at him with a confused expression, "why should I?"

Cross smiled at him, "Please? For me? I let you do whatever you want!"

Nightmare thought about Cross's bargain and smirked. He then dropped Ink. He gave one final glare before disappearing with Cross into their room.

Ink giggled, "I probably should go, don't want to witness them...." Ink didn't want to finish his sentence, especially since a younger skeleton was staring at him.

Ink stood and brushed himself off. He then looked at the skeleton, "Hey kid it's late you should y'know scurry away or something."

The skeleton shook his head and smiled at Ink, "sorry sir but I'm on night patrol!" The skeleton tipped his hat and walked past Ink.

Ink shrugged and teleported back to his own room. Ink smirked seeing that Error had fell asleep on the couch. He leaned over and gave Error a kiss. Error's face lit up yellow making Ink giggle.

Ink then walked over to the bed and flopped onto it. He sighed into the covers and fell into a dreamless sleep.

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