Chapter Twenty Six: The Deal

Shino looked at him a spark of curiosity in her eye, "go on."

Color crossed his arms, "simple, I want you to come with me. I could use someone like you y'know. With the proper training you'd be unstoppable. Unlike you, I know what you're capable of." Shino scoffed, "as if. You really think I came all this way just to give in?"

Color smirked, "it would be for the best and you know it." Shino huffed, "no. I'm not joining your stupid little 'gang'. Whether or not it's for the best I'd be abandoning everything." Color snickered, "oh but Shino by staying here you'd just be endangering them more." Shino growled, "by going you would have an open window to harm them. For the last time I am not going!"

Color's hands fell to his side, "how about a deal then." Shino looked at him again her interest had been caught, "a deal?" Color nodded, "if you come with me I won't harm any of them, if I do you have a free pass to kill me."

Shino smirked, "you really must want me if you're willing to risk your own life." Color shrugged, "not really, theres plenty more beings in the world that can satisfy my bloodlust." Shino scrunched her face in disgust, the thought of it was unsettling.

Color soon lifted a hand and held it out towards her, "well is it a deal?" Shino hesitated would she be doing the right thing by sealing the deal? Shino stared at Color's hand. The way it wavered as he held it out made her uneasy. For a moment she wanted turn around and run from him.

Though she decided that wasn't going to solve anything. She held out her own hand and shook his, "it's a deal."

Color smiled, he had finally won. Shino sighed knowing that she had one hell of a ride ahead of her. Color then opened a portal, the other side wasn't visable. He jumped through leaving Shino standing alone. Shino gulped, there was no going back now. She looked over at the house and slowly smiled, "I'm sorry." Shino held her breath and jumped into the portal. The portal then closed leaving nothing but darkness.


Cross shot up and looked around. He then rubbed his eyes and threw the covers off of him, "I swore I heard someone scream..." Cross looked around and frowned seeing that Nightmare wasn't in the room. Chara soon appeared next to him with a delighted look on his face, "something happened! Your octopus man left awhile ago, you're kinda late waking up."

Cross glanced at Chara before looking away and slipping a shirt on, "do you know who screamed?" Chara shrugged, "nope! But I bet it was that skeleton with that horrible looking gash, he seemed so frantic." Cross soon looked confused, "Geno? That doesn't make any sense..." Chara continued to ramble as Cross walked out of the room to investigate.

Cross rounded a corner and soon ran into Error who looked to be extremely angry. Cross stopped and looked over at him, "what's got you so pissed??" Error glared up at Cross but didn't say anything. Cross stood still before he continued walking.

At some point he ended up in the kitchen where Nightmare and Reaper were. Nightmare was standing in the corner, his tentacles waving behind him as he stared at Reaper who looked to be alseep. He was face down on the table a cup of coffee sitting next to him.

Cross walked over to Nightmare while continuing to examine Reaper's sorry state, "so care to explain what the hell happened here?" Nightmare sighed with irritation quite annoyed he'd have to explain it again, "the three year old went missing. Geno freaked out and left. Reaper well I actually don't know what Reaper did I got here and he was already asleep."

Cross gasped not sure of how to process it, "oh my everyone else alright?" Nightmare crossed his arms, "yes. Though the asshole with the flames coming out of him is gone too." Cross frowned, "that's insane, though why did Reaper decide to fall asleep now?" Nightmare groaned the questions were starting to annoy him, "a way to cope with stress I'm guessing. Since the coffee couldn't do its job he just fell asleep."

Cross sighed, "this is terrible.." Chara appeared near him and cackled, "terrible? This is my type of entertainment!" Cross shot a glare towards Chara before staring at the ground. All he could think about was Shino, how terrified she must be.

Ink suddenly stomped in throwing several papers on the ground, "damn useless!" Cross looked at him and then at the papers, "what's so useless about them?" Ink huffed and grabbed his paintbrush all while ignoring Cross, "guess I just have to do all the work by myself!" Cross was about to ask Ink another question but Ink had already jumped through a portal.

Cross sighed and picked the papers up off the ground. Most of the papers were poorly drawn sketches that had been scribbled over. Cross then looked over in the direction of the doorway. He noticed someone there before they darted off.

Cross sighed again and stood up deciding not to worry about it. He then walked over to the living area where Ink's purple chains laid on the floor broken. This was all just so terrible.

A door opened letting light run into the dark and ominous room. They stepped into the room and quietly shut the door. Softly, they walked to their bed side. A tattered red scarf was neatly draped on the bed frame. They pulled back the covers and crawled into bed. Soon enough the tears started falling. They lifted a hand and covered their mouth to muffle thier cries.

They had woken up from a horrible nightmare, only to find out it was real.


Yayy the book is over now.

Thanks for reading I'm glad you liked the story enough to read it until the end :)
