Chapter Nineteen: Long Plane Rides

The plane was chaos. Cross was having a mental breakdown, Geno was so fed up with Reaper he almost stabbed him with a fork, and Ink was very close to slapping anyone who dared to even look at him. Needless to say, it wasn't very pleasant for anyone.

Nightmare would've done something but he got stuck with trying to calm Cross down. Shino kicked her legs back and forth wondering how they were going to survive without killing eachother. Raven, who was still staring intently at the warning label, poked Goth who was infront of him, "hey Goth, can you do something? Y'know about all this?"

Goth whipped around to face him, annoyance laced his voice as he spoke, "trust me Raven, if I could I would." Palette chimed in with his normal cheery attitude, "don't worry! If they get all their anger towards eachother out now there will be no more anger once we settle in!" Raven sighed and leaned back in his seat, "yeah well good luck with that, the people around you are physcotic demons. Theres nothing to stop this chaos."

Moonlight slumped in his seat across from them, "is there a way to just shut off the plane? I would like that at this very moment." Graident looked away from his magazine to give Moonlight a scolding look, "that would kill us you idiot." Moonlight shrugged, "my point exactly!" Graident sighed and looked behind him at Incubux, "do you have anything to help put someone to sleep? Maybe pills or something?"

Incubux reached into his pocket and handed a bottle to Graident, "I snagged this from dad's bag thinking itd be funny to see mom suffer but y'know, haven't really gotten a result I liked." Graident thanked him and unscrewed the cap. He grabbed a pill and chucked it at Nightmare. Nightmare swiftly caught it and turned to glare at Graident. Graident just gave him a thumbs up. Nightmare rolled his eyelight and forced Cross to eat the pill. In a couple of minutes Cross was dead asleep.

Nightmare then reached one of his tentacles over to Ink. It wrapped around Ink's waist and hoisted him up out of his seat. Ink squirmed around trying to come free, "hey! Let me go!" Error watched silently as Nightmare threw Ink into the back of the plane. That sudden action made the plane go silent. Nightmare leaned back in his seat and continued reading his book in peace.

Raven looked at Palette who looked to be disturbed, "and that's how you fix madness in this place." Palette turned around and stared at Raven, "but he just threw Mr. Ink into another part of the plane! For absolutely no reason!" Raven sighed and leaned back, "exactly and now we may live in peace." Goth rolled his eyelight and continued to stare forward.

Noah squirmed in his seat next to Incubux. Incubux, finally fed up with it, stared menacingly at his younger brother, "what are you doing!?" Noah stopped moving and looked at Incubux, "I'm trying to get comfortable! I didn't get any sleep!" Incubux groaned, "even after no sleep your more hyper than Ying on sugar." Noah gasped, "I'm not that hyper. Let's face it at least I'm not bouncing around trying to destroy stuff!"

Moonlight sighed and looked at them, "would you two shut up!? Dad just got the chaos over with and now you two are going to start it again!" Incubux crossed his arms, "so?" Moonlight grew an angry expression, "so shut up!" Incubux shrunk back while mumbling incoherent curses under his breath. Graident made a little noise as if he found it amusing and flipped the page of his magazine to view the pictures of different kinds of aircraft.


"What do you think he keeps looking back here for?" Desire whispered to Sprinkle. He was talking about Killer who, as he stated, would occasionally look back to where they were sitting. Sprinkle looked over at Desire and whispered back, "it's that guy with the flames coming out of his skull. I wouldn't blame Killer for being so wary either. Just look at that guys expression he's up to something." The two looked over at Color. He was staring coldly at the seat infront of him.

Desire quickly looked away, "oh yeah he's definitely up to something." Sprinkle looked like he was deep in thought, "yeah but what could he be up to?" Desire shrugged, "I'm not a detective so I wouldn't know." Sprinkle sighed, "I just hope he won't cause trouble, that would be bad." Desire snickered in response.

Sprinkle pulled his knees to his chest, "I hope this 'investigation' doesn't take long." Desire hummed in agreement, "I also hope I won't be forced back in school." Sprinkle looked over at Desire, "you go to school!?" Desire seemed surprised by the question, "uh yeah, you don't?" Sprinkle shook his skull in denial, "no, I was always pretty isolated until this." Desire sighed, "must be nice. School is the worst."

Sprinkle shrugged, "hey I can't say anything, but it can't be that bad can it?" Desire frowned, "trust me, if your me it's bad." Sprinkle gulped, "yikes."

Dream looked at Killer with worry, "Killer please, you're starting to worry me." Killer sighed and looked at Dream, "sorry...I can't help it I guess." Dream weakly smiled at Killer, "it's going to be fine Killer, I promise." Killer frowned, "I wish I could rely on that promise..." Dream paused, unsure of what to say. Killer finally spoke to break the silence, "I'm sorry I'm dragging you into this mess." Dream looked at him, "don't be! I'm more than happy to help you with this!"

Killer sighed, "I guess I should be glad you're caring for me just doesn't feel right." Dream smiled, "look it's going to be okay there's nothing to worry about!" Killer smiled at him in return, confused by the way he was feeling.

Blue kept flipping a map around, confused by it, "I don't understand! Why this so confusing?" Dust looked over at the map he was using, "do you even know how to use a map like that?" Blue gave him a look, "of course I do! Why else would I be looking at it?" Dust shrugged, "I'm just saying cause it's upside down right now." Blue looked at the map and blushed with embarrassment, "I knew that..." Dust smirked and went back to playing on his phone.

Blue huffed, "where are we supposed to be going again?" Dust shrugged, "wherever Horror and Lust live forgot the name of the town." Blue sighed, "I guess we'll just find out when we get there..." Dust leaned back in his seat, "I wouldn't worry about it, it's not like it matters anyway." Blue lowered the map and set in his lap, "I guess you're right."


Shino placed her chin on her hand as she stared out of the window. Ink had made it back to his seat but didn't dare make any noise. She sighed and closed her eyes, "what are you up to Color?"

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