||Chapter 5: Reunion Party Aftermath||

~Ochako's POV~

I didn't know what happened next at the party since I left early with Bakugou, all I knew was Mina and Kirishima are back together and Bakugou's car is really fast. We drove to many places, even stopped by a nearby bar as I wanted to drink more since it was still vacation and I wanted to enjoy it while I still can. Then we crashed home to Bakugou's place as I had too much booze and didn't feel so good. Thank god Bakugou's family wasn't home.

"Ah shit! Ochako, I told you, didn't I?!" Bakugou scolded as he helped and comforted me as I hurled into their toilet. I groaned as I couldn't hurl anything else.

"Ugh this is so gross-" I hurled the last bit in my stomach and sighed in exhaustion, Bakugou flushed the toilet, leaned me next to the bathtub and wiped my mouth to make sure there weren't any traces of vomit left.

"Geez, don't you know any drinking policies? Like, don't mix alcoholic beverages at the same time!?" Bakugou questioned as he paced around to prepare for me to get cleaned.

"I'm really sorry, okay? And how come you know that?" I asked sluggishly.

"I know because it's called being aware before doing so," he answered as he went out of the bathroom and into his room. I held my stomach with one hand and the other was placed on my forehead as I rubbed it.

"Here you'll have to borrow my sister's clothing for now and I don't want you to complain," Bakugou instructed as he tossed me his black shirt.

"God my dress is such a mess," I complained as I tried to stand up but Bakugou prevented me.

"Don't, you might tumble like an idiot if you try," he said and I scoffed. He then lifted me up, bridal style and laid me down on his bed. He didn't say anything else and went back to preparing stuff in the bathroom. I looked at the time on my phone and saw it was nearly twelve midnight and worse, my phone is nearly going to lose battery.

I waited for whatever thing Bakugou was preparing for and while waiting I wondered why I drank too much tonight and why I chose this time of night. My body wanted to sleep but I wanted to stay awake.

"Cheeks, your bath is-" was the last thing I heard before I finally decided to give in and closed my eyes.  Even though I was partially asleep, I could feel hands working around my body and water splashing against my skin. I loved the water, it wasn't too cold nor too hot and it made me fall asleep even more. After the bath, Bakugou put on the clothes he lent me. It was quite big on me but it was still my size and I didn't mind since I found it comforting.

I tried walking toward the bed and with some of Bakugou's assistance I successfully did! I made myself comfortable.

"I'm gonna go shower so jus fall asleep whenever you feel like it," Bakugou said as he entered the bathroom and kept the door a bit to enlighten the room a bit. As I heard the water echo, it made me sleepy and so I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep. 

I had a dream and in that dream it was me when I first arrived at UA in my first year, I met great people and fitted in with them easily. I told them of my goal to be a hero and also why I wanted to become one. I became very close to this boy named Deku and how he was so inspiring. I admired his guts and ambition to become the number one hero. It was to the point that I admired him too much and it felt like I saw it more than admiration but couldn't have the courage to confess. I then met and fought with his childhood friend and also came to befriend him. That friendship got in my way of telling my feelings to Deku and also because he was too occupied to even be talked to. 

"Dreaming now are we?" I flinched to see Bakugou's face so close to mine, I then composed myself and stared at those crimson eyes of his. He shifted his position in order for me to see him better.

"You know how much I love your eyes," I said dreamingly and I heard him chuckle.

"Okay, cheeks that's enough for you, go back to sleep," he said and I think he was apologizing for waking me. I didn't want to sleep again as I might have dreamt of something I didn't want to see and so I hugged Bakugou from behind, then I felt him shuffle again to see me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked with concern and even I myself wasn't too sure why I was feeling this way. I placed my hand over my mouth and the other on my stomach.

"Ochako, tell me what's wrong! You're killing me here!" Bakugou yelled but I could hear the concern in his tone. I finally gave in and leaned toward him while I heavily panted.

~Katsuki's POV~

Shit! Ochako's burning up. I felt the heat of her body against my cold one, I laid her down gently and tucked her in. Even though she was burning, she felt cold and shivered. After I tucked her in, I immediately searched my cabinet to find a towelette. Once I found one, I ran to the bathroom, soaked it and then went out to place it on Ochako's forehead. She sighed after feeling the coldness of the towelette.

"I'm sorry," she apologized as I was confused. I didn't dwell on her apology and instead I combed her hair.

"I'm sorry that I-- I ruined things for tonight, y-you said that we would have fun but I ruined that," now that she continued her sentence, I understood what she said and made me scoff.

"Cheeks, that's not the problem now and what do you mean "ruin" you didn't ruin anything tonight," I said, trying to make things sound better for her.

"Are you sure? You told me earlier that you wanted to have fun... Right?" she asked and then it really came to me.

"Ah.. Cheeks we can do that some other time, now you need rest and that's more important, plus we still have two weeks left before school starts," I answered, I placed down the towelette then searched to find if there is thermometer in all rooms around my house, luckily I was able to find one and went back to my room.

I ran the thermometer across her forehead and waited for the beeping sound to come, once it did, I checked it and it said 37.5. I sighed in relief as it seemed her temperature had gone a bit after I placed the cold towelette. I went beside her and hugged her for comfort.

"Hey, where is your family again?" she questioned, I stopped hugging her as she turned to face me.

"They're off to Australia for dad's work and so mom thought it would be great for it to be a trip," I explained. I saw her pout her lips and furrowed her brows.

"Then what are you doing here? And not with them?" she asked and I sighed.

"The reunion... duh," I said, rolling my eyes in the process.

"But why didn't I see your sister there then? She could have rode with you," she wouldn't stop and I was getting sleepy. I groaned and yawned but I didn't want to be rude.

"She simply didn't want to go and I didn't want to go to Australia as I had already been there thousands of times," I said with a blank tone, I then shifted away and began to close my eyes.

"But it isn't like you to socialize with us-"

"Ochako, please, I love you and I jus want to fucking sleep already as I had a tiresome day. You should too seeing that you have a damn cold and fever." I spat as I was beginning to lose my patience. She eventually sighed and I felt her turn to the other side, I would normally not care but seeing as I should change and all that shit, I turned around and hugged her again as the two of us finally drifted to sleep.

~No One's POV~

After the party, which ended at exactly 12 midnight, the students cleaned every nook and cranny of the dormitory. 

"Gosh so many bottles of booze," Iida said as he was picking up the glass bottles that were placed on the table, couches and the floor.

"Well what can you say, this is a reunion party and all of us are legally allowed to drink," Yaomomo added as she picked up trash.

"Ever know where Bakugou ran off to?" Todoroki questioned as he swept the floor.

"I saw him leave early... along with you know whooo~" Kaminari said in a sing-song manner and Todoroki didn't understand. Yaoyorozu laughed as she saw his reaction.

"Basically what Kaminari meant was, Bakugou-san went home early," Yaoyorozu said after she finished laughing and Todoroki understood it.

"Hey Kaminari-kun, go on and get home, it's late," Iida reminded. 

Before the clock hit 12 midnight, people started packing up and headed home as their chaperons arrived or they were too tired to continue on. The class officers were the only ones left and some others who wanted to stay and chat or to drink. But it wasn't advisable by the officers as they were the ones responsible for the clean-up.

"Go on Kaminari, you shouldn't even stay longer till one am," Yaoyorozu added and Kaminari kept whimpering until he finally gave in.

"Aww, fine, welp good night! And see yall after two weeks!" Kaminari said his good bye and proceeded out of the dorm. It was now the three officers left.

-1 am-

"Ooh, sorry you two, but I have to head home now," Iida apologized as he dropped the trash bag full of bottles.

"It's alright, Iida, thank you for gathering the bottles," Todoroki thanked and Iida fixed his glasses.

"Yes, thank you Iida and have a safe trip home and a good sleep," Yaoyorozu added as Iida waved his good bye and headed off.

~Yaomomo's POV~

It was awkward. Just staying in one whole empty room with the most popular boy in our school was awkward. I know I have already interacted with Todoroki-san, it was just not to the point it became personal as it was always professional. I swatted away the thought and continued to work the best I can.

"Yaoyorozu," that was until he mentioned my name, causing me to almost drop the bottle out of my hands and gladly I quickly caught it before it smashed to the ground.

"Um, yes?" I said as I continued to work and waited for him.

"Have you ever tasted something else besides wine?" Todoroki-san questioned, I dropped my work and composed myself before I answered.

"U-Um no, it's because I'm not fond of other alcoholic beverages and what brought up this question?" I answered then questioned him back, which caused him to flinch at my sudden reaction.

"Ah, nothing, I was just simply curious," he said and went back to sweeping. Nothing else happened after that, which made me regret my sudden reaction and now it felt awkward all over again.

"I can carry the bottles trash bag outside, once you're done gathering them," I didn't notice Todoroki-san was talking to me and so I asked him to repeat what he said.

"Ah sure sure that would be helpful," I said with a smile after him repeating what he said. 

"Um, Todoroki-san, would you care to have some tea after we're finished here?" I asked and then he looked at me as he gave me a small smile.

"Sure, that would be nice. After all, your tea is always the best," that made my heart flutter and caused me to smile dreamingly at him. I immediately turned away as he noticed and went to finish the last bit of mess across the common room.

After twenty minutes or so, I went into the kitchen to prepare the hot water for the tea. While I was preparing, I heard Todoroki-san come in and heard him open the fridge.

"We still have some snacks left," I said as I turned around to see him search for something he could eat.

"Something like cold soba, would be nice," he said as he did not avert his eyes away from the fridge. I chuckled and continued to pull out my tea box and looked for a nice and tasty tea for a time like this while I waited for the water to boil.

"You know, you could have asked me to use my left side for the water," I heard Todoroki-san say as he was now in front of me, I realized his joke and I started to laugh.

"I'm serious," he said in his usual blank tone but I continued to laugh nonetheless and I heard him chuckle along.

"That's thoughtful of you but you do know we have an appliance for that," I said after laughing and Todoroki-san only nodded. The hot water was finished and I began to pour the water on the first mug and then on to the next, Todoroki-san only watched me do so. Once the tea was finished we went back to the living room and tried to have a conversation.

"What do you think will happen this third year of ours, Todoroki-san?" I questioned to start the conversation. Todoroki-san lowered his mug and placed it down the table in front of us.

"Well as Sensei said there will be more subjects and more training, but what I would really expect is that the training would be more harder and intense," Todoroki-san answered as he picked up the bowl of soba and began eating. I tried to think of other topics to bring up but thinking stressed me out.

"Is there something wrong? Do you need to lay back down?" I heard Todoroki-san say with concern in his tone. I chuckled as I realized he did the same thing when we were at the practical test.

"A-Ah n-no haha, I was just thinking about what else to talk about but all I thought of were professional and-" I was cut off when he placed his bowl down and looked at me.

"Why does it have to be professional? Why can't we have a casual conversation as friends outside of class and school?" Todoroki-san questioned that made my mouth escape a small gasp as I saw his eyes glisten with sincerity.

"... I wonder too, why is it difficult for us to have a normal conversation," I said as I looked down.

"Is it because... We don't see each other as friends? And only--" I didn't let him continue as my finger trailed down his lower lip, his expression changed and responded by placing a small kiss on my lips. After we parted, I tucked my hair behind my ear and hid my expression.

"Let's try to be friends, Yaomomo," Todoroki-san stated, which caused me to look back at him and see his genuine smile. It caused me to smile back and agree with his decision.


Edited: August 25,2022

Published: Oct 10,2022
