||Chapter 13: Confrontation||

a/n: Me again! This chapter will be in third person POV as all characters will be included here. Please enjoyy!!


Aizawa instructed the attack team to prepare and as the villains attacked at the side of the building, that's where the attack team proceeded. Y/N used her quirk and controlled two boulders from the road, in order to draw out the villains. Todoroki and the Bakugou twins went in and hoped to be able to find the villains.

"Cowards! Get out of here! Show your ugly identities!!" Y/N yelled and she controlled two of the elements, earth and air. Successfully, they were able to attack and take down two villains, assumingly they are the henchmen of the main villain.

Bakugou launched himself upward and later landed right in front of one of the henchmen.

"Tell me where the hell is your boss or else your life will be on the line! Ya hear me?!" Bakugou threatened and the rest of his classmates groaned. Kitsuki rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in disappointment.

"That isn't the way Bakubro, remember you're a hero-in-training not the other way around," Kirishima sighed but Bakugou ignored.

"What. Is. His. NAME?!" Bakugou yelled and the henchman quavered in fear. He tried his best to answer but kept looking at his other partner.

"STOP LOOKING AND FUCKING ANSWER ME!!!" Bakugou kept threatening the henchman and even sent out a small range of explosions.

"Okay, okay! I'll answer!!" the henchman said. Y/N stood beside Bakugou and once the henchman saw, he trembled even more.

"Do you know who I am?" Y/N questioned and the henchman didn't lay eyes on her, Bakugou hit him and the henchman nodded his head.

"Now answer us this, where is Kalliergo located?" Y/N asked, straightforwardly.

"Y/N, is that the name he uses nowadays?" Aizawa asked and Y/N nodded.

"He is a villain after all... Abandoned his post as hero and changed his name," Y/N added and Aizawa took note of it. After interrogating and threatening the henchman to give the young heroes answers, they proceeded to locate the organization's location.

"These two go into prison," Aizawa said, gripping them with his binding cloth and handing the two toward Tsukauchi's team.

"He wouldn't be happy to see you Y/N, he'll see you as a traitor!" the henchman they questioned, yelled, right before the doors of the van closed in front of him.

It didn't affect Y/N in any way but it made her more curious of what happened between her Uncle and Mother in the past. Y/N went inside the company building, it was in good shape, not as terrible as to how the agency looked since Y/N thinks that her Uncle has more grudge against the agency than the company. 

"Why do you think your Uncle didn't blow this one?" Todoroki questioned as he stood beside Y/N and Y/N nervously chuckled.

"According to my Father, my Uncle contributed by hiring a good number of creative people under him as my Uncle loved these kinds of things and my Father appreciated his efforts greatly," Y/N explained, which gave her a thought.

"Earlier I had a flashback where my Father and Uncle were sort of having an argument, it was when that new agency was newly made and I would hear my Uncle complain to my Father, I didn't understand what was happening that time but now that I had the memory, I can safely say that my Uncle was jealous of my Mother, who recruited someone else as her sidekick and not him," Y/N explained while staring at the company.

"That's a safe assumption right? But you still need to confirm and not jump into conclusions," Todoroki said and Y/N agreed with him.

"By the way, after this you should receive a proper tour of the school, you weren't able to have one and I recall hearing from someone that you got lost finding your way to the eatery," Y/N blushed in embarrassment after hearing the last sentence but she hid that embarrassment by chuckling.

"Okay, who will be the one to tour me then?" Y/N asked and a scoff was heard from behind her.

"Todoroki, that's the job of a fucking president, and he's standing right here," Bakugou spat and Y/N groaned in annoyance.

"Every time... Do you have a reputation for ruining people's moods?!" Y/N questioned, irritated. Bakugou arched a brow at her and thought to himself,

*Wasn't she not mad earlier? Why the hell is she treating me like-- WAIT WHY DO I EVEN GIVE A FUCK?!* Bakugou shook the thought and shoved his shoulder against Y/N's arm as he left.

"I hate him," Y/N mumbled, causing Todoroki to chuckle.

"You'll get used to him, don't worry," Todoroki reassured.

"I hope I won't lose my sanity by the end of the year," Y/N retorted and Todoroki only found it funny, Y/N's anger faded and laughed along. The two returned to the agency, where Aizawa was giving instructions.

"Evacuation team, stay here and try to continue the investigation, let us know through this device," Aizawa instructed as he handed the device toward Yaoyorozu.

"As head of the evacuation I'm giving it to you, Yaoyorozu," Aizawa said and Yaoyorozu accepted the device and kept it. Aizawa and those assigned out on the field rode the van and headed to the location. 




They arrived and the road didn't look familiar to Y/N or to anyone. Aizawa told his class to stay in the van and Tsukauchi and his team arrived. The place didn't look that shady, in fact there was still a bit of light around the place, Tsukauchi took note of the appearance of the place and once he returned his notes inside his coat, he had an idea.

"This isn't similar to the League of Villains hideout, Shie Hassaikai or the Paranormal but it isn't different from the vibes it gives either," Tsukauchi said as he continued to scan the place.

"In the signal of three, we will engage... Three.. Two... ONE!" As soon as Aizawa yelled out "one" him and the class burst in. Unfortunately, no one was in there.

"ARGH FUCK! WE'VE BEEN TRICKED!" Bakugou yelled in frustration as he kicked a piece of furniture out of anger.

"Calm down, they can still be hidden somewhere around here," Kitsuki said but Bakugou only ignored by scoffing.

"Sensei, will you allow us to--" Kitsuki's statement was interrupted when the device beeped on the side of Aizawa, static was heard from the device and when Aizawa held onto it, he tried to fix it in order to hear a clear audio.

"S-Sensei.... Sensei.. Can you hear me?" Yaoyorozu's voice was heard from the device and Aizawa pressed a button.

"Yes, you are clear Yaoyorozu, what is your report?" Aizawa questioned and static was heard once again.

"The location you all are in... Is the wrong one! Me and the rest here dug deeper in our investigation and found out files and records about the agency," Yaoyorozu reported and Aizawa was furious but he needed to get more information and so he let Yaoyorozu to continue.

"Apparently the agency first had two owners, which both had two children, twins to be exact. But as the original owners passed the two children are to carry on the agency--"

"Please stop right there Yaoyorozu-san... I'm begging you," Y/N requested and Aizawa looked at her in shock.

"Y/N-- This is important but.."

"Please Sensei, I don't want to know the hidden truth of my family this way... I've done it before and it didn't help my well-being at all..." Y/N requested yet again and Aizawa sighed in defeat.

"Where is the real location, Yaoyorozu?" Aizawa asked and static was heard yet again.

"... At the basement where the best sidekicks were found, there is a way through a tunnel, once through there is a whole space covered with crystals," Yaoyorozu answered.

"That is where we stopped and didn't go in further," Yaoyorozu ended her report and Aizawa kept the device. Y/N wandered off on her own and looked around. She found the office and once she entered it, she first spotted a small cherry blossom bonsai tree at the corner of the desk. Y/N walked deeper inside and ran her hand through the long desk. She saw drawers and opened each of them. The two drawers had nothing interesting or important to Y/N's eyes and so she proceeded to the third one. Before she could open it someone interrupted her.

"Y/N! Oh there you are!" the voice said, Y/N got startled and accidentally hit her head on the desk.

"Ow! Fuck!" She cursed and Bakugou sighed and leaned on the door frame. Y/N showed herself and scowled at him.

"The fuck are you doing under there? Lost something?" Bakugou asked and Y/N only ignored him and continued looking for clues, Bakugou grunted but Y/N ignored once again.

"THE FUCK?! I FUCKING ASKED YOU A QUESTION! DON'T FUCKING IGNORE ME!!" Bakugou yelled but Y/N sighed in disappointment.

"Isn't it obvious what I'm doing?! I'M OBVIOUSLY LOOKING FOR CLUES!" Y/N yelled out her last sentence, which made Bakugou get irritated.

"Tch," he said and Y/N huffed as she got back to looking for clues. She found a pile of files and dumped it all on the top of the desk.

"What's that?" Bakugou asked and Y/N scanned the whole pile then looked at Bakugou.

"Answers... Answers Bakugou," she said then she began to scatter the whole pile and read them one by one.

"Are there no light switches here?" Bakugou said as he looked for the switches but there were none present. Bakugou came to the desk with his phone and the flashlight was on. He looked at the files from where he stood while Y/N scanned all of them intently.

"This is... this building was supposed to be an addition to the agency... built on the same year but different month as my Uncle--" Y/N couldn't continue, she was too stunned.

"Your Uncle's a psycho," Bakugou noted but Y/N hit him on his arm.

"Shut up, he is still my Uncle but that isn't an excuse either," Y/N said as Bakugou gave her a scowl.

"I will keep these papers... safely, handing it over to Aizawa-sensei is safe but not to the police," Y/N added, then she sighed in half relief.

"Why were you looking for me?" Y/N asked and Bakugou scoffed.

"I wasn't looking for you, they were not me," Bakugou emphasized but Y/N half believed that as she chuckled.

"What? You think it's a joke?!" Bakugou asked and Y/N snorted, trying her best not to burst into laughter but the more she looked at his angered expression the more she wanted to laugh.

"Heh, you were jus like how the rest were... when they first met me or when they were getting "use" to me," Y/N's e/c eyes widened in shock as she didn't expect him to take that so calmly. Y/N blinked in confusion and Bakugou only stared at her.

"What? What's wrong?" Bakugou asked and Y/N realized she was staring at him, so she shook away his question and went back to reading the files. Bakugou scoffed and cleared his throat, waiting for Y/N to say something. Bakugou sighed in disappointment then growled in irritation as Y/N was at it again, ignoring him.

" It's just... It's-- It's because... How did you take that so lightly? I mean I literally laughed at you and then you took it... calmly.. I just got shocked,"
Y/N answered, without maintaining eye contact with him.

"Ohhh, I see. Well I won't deny what I said, you did remind me of the idiots back then so I didn't have a violent reaction... I would but those extras.. Their positivity is jus fucking contagious." Bakugou said, Y/N only let him speak, she chuckled softly when he was done and her impression of him was sort of changing, slowly that is. Shortly after a bit of silence, the two left the abandoned office and returned to the main part of the abandoned place.

"Where were you Y/N? And Bakugou didn't I ask you to find her and bring her back once you did?" Aizawa said in a somehow disappointed tone. He sighed it out since he was relieved to know two of his students were okay.

"I apologize, Sensei, me and Bakugou sort of got distracted, but we did find clues at the office back there," Y/N apologized and white lied a bit as that wasn't the full story but it wasn't needed as Bakugou might get in trouble. Bakugou stood at the back of the crowd and watched Y/N explain.

"What were your findings then?" Aizawa asked and Y/N brought out the pile of files she found and dropped it on the nearby table.

"That's a stupid move.. Leaving these in an abandoned building plus leaving this much!" Kaminari noted as he examined the stack of files.

"It was stupid but we can thank them for being idiots as they left these important and helpful info," Y/N added, she scattered the files for all her classmates to read as well as for Aizawa to read. Y/N pointed at the important texts and Aizawa read all of them.

"Great find, will hand these over--"

"No, please don't hand it over to them, I'm trusting these to you Sensei please do," Y/N requested and Aizawa understood and accepted.

"Let's go back to the agency and check out the basement once again," Aizawa instructed and the rest of the class agreed.

"Hm, Kirishima what'd you think happened in there?" Kaminari asked curiously and Sero snickered and said,

"Maybe something that made the two flustered--"

"Cut it out, please be smart enough and remember that he has a girlfriend!" Kirishima emphasized as he scolded the two, Sero and Kaminari looked at each other and frowned.

"Right, thinking about it and remembering... It's no longer fun teasing Bakubro with other girls," Kaminari sighed and so did Sero. Kirishima frowned a bit but also sighed.

"Well instead of doing that, you should stick to being proud of him," Kirishima added. Aizawa called on his students and they all went inside the van. The ride back was silent and no one spoke a word. Once they came back to the agency it was empty.

Aizawa met with Yaoyorozy as she went outside the company to meet with everyone.

"Where are the people inside the agency?" Aizawa asked.

"We are all in the company for now as the agency isn't safe," Yaoyorozu answered and Aizawa sighed in relief.

"We will begin now, we won't waste time," Aizawa said and Yaoyorozu gave a nod.

"How is Y/N-san holding on?" Yaoyorozu questioned in concern.

"She's doing better, she really is determined and she isn't focusing on personal matters," Todoroki answered as he walked toward them, Yaoyorozu's eyes gleamed in joy as she gave a smile. Aizawa later went to the agency, leaving the two to talk.

"So what did you find in the building?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Important files about the building we went in, Y/N found the files inside an office," Todoroki said.

"Well I won't waste any more time, I'll go back inside the company with everyone else," Yaoyorozu said.

"You never wasted any of my time Momo, hoping everyone is safe in there," Todoroki said as he smiled and left. Yaoyorozu was left speechless but couldn't help but chuckle and smile. 




Aizawa came out of the agency and told everyone to come inside with him. They want this to be solved and get to the bottom of it as soon as possible, especially Y/N.

They went deeper inside the agency as Aizawa led them. 

"Sensei... Will this be fixed after we take it down?" Bakugou asked and Aizawa sighed.

"We received a permit from Tsukauchi to do so, and additionally the owner isn't around," Aizawa answered and Y/N grunted.

"Mhm but the owner's daughter is around," Y/N retorted and emphasized.

"For the record, we won't have a choice Y/N, take it down or not we will still take it down since that bastard is in here!" Bakugou's voice rose and Y/N scoffed.

"That bastard is my Uncle, dammit!" Y/N huffed, Aizawa got in the way and erased their quirks.

"Honestly, this is just like first year all over again! Stop making me use my quirk," Aizawa scolded. They were near the entrance, they stopped before entering.

"Bakugou use your quirk," Aizawa instructed Kitsuki, for a second Bakugou was excited to use his quirk but that faded when Kitsuki was instructed instead of him.

Kitsuki sent out two explosions and it was sent out until the end of the basement. Inside the tunnel some crystals shook, resulting in tiny bits of crystals to fall.

Aizawa went in front of Kitsuki and began to go down the stairs into the basement. The students followed.

"This is where we found that note and the other employees of this agency," Aizawa recalled.

"Sensei, that must be the door Yaoyorozu-san said about," Midoriya mentioned and Aizawa walked toward the door. The door seemed to be sealed tightly and so Y/N came forward.

"Let me handle it, Sensei," Y/N volunteered. She looked up to the ceiling and sighed in sorrow as she had a plan to destroy part of the agency.

"I'm sorry, Mother," Y/N mumbled, she huffed then raised up both her arms slowly as two small sized rocks started to float beside her. She then moved her arms rapidly as the two rocks began to fly directly toward the door, denting and creating an opening in the process. Aizawa and some others from her class were impressed.

"Let's go," Aizawa instructed and the lot of them started running toward the door but once they entered a horde of villains, possibly under Kalliergo, were in the way.

"You think this was easy eh, heroes?" one villain questioned as he cackled afterwards. 

"Tch, it's villains! What are the lot of you waiting for?!" Bakugou yelled as he began to launch himself and exploded a number of villains out of the bridge. Todoroki joined the chaos and summoned an ice cliff plus used his fire to scare or possibly burn some villains, Midoriya used his black whip to pull villains out and his wind pressure to blow them away, Y/N used the rocks and the elements accessible for her to control such as water, air and earth. She used air to lift the villains out, she used water to drown them and earth to lose some of their footing but if she crumbles everything she can simply restore them. When there were villains using or attempting to use their quirk, Aizawa would use his quirk to erase them.

"Unfair! The youngins have a pro hero with 'em!" a villain said, fashioning a little tantrum like a toddler.

"Don't be affected!! It's jus one pro and we're a thousand!" another villain said, who also hit that villain.

The heroes were near the entrance to the cave as they were in the middle of the bridge. Not until something interrupted their road to success.

"WHAT IS ALL THIS RUCKUS?! WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT CHAOS?!?!" A voice beamed across the cave. The villains immediately cheered and cackled while the heroes were tense but prepared.

Footsteps echoed loudly but soon sounded normal as the person revealed himself, laughing to himself even.

"Oh my god, that was a good laugh, I love these caves!" the person said to himself.

"HEY! IDIOTS! LET ME THROUGH!!!" the person boomed and some villains cowardly jumped down the bridge.

Y/N knew who the person was and so she controlled a huge piece of the bridge and asked everyone to get on top of it.

"HELLO UNCLE!!!" Y/N yelled, some from her class were against it but Y/N ignored it.

"MISSED YOUR NIECE?! ACTUALLY I'M YOUR ONLY ONE!" Y/N shouted, she moved the piece of earth with the use of her controlling the wind and flew over the villains toward Kalliergo.

"MY NAME IS KALLIERGO! I DON'T REMEMBER HAVING A NIECE!!" Kalliergo yelled, Y/N fumed with anger, causing fire from the very beneath, to come to her side.

"YOU. DON'T. REMEMBER?!" Y/N's voice changed as she was beyond furious, the rest of her classmates and Aizawa backed away. Y/N floated off the piece of earth but assured everyone earlier that it won't fall. At this point, Y/N is doing something dangerous as she hasn't controlled/manipulated three elements at the same time, she's able as she is really determined and due to adrenaline she is coping with her limit or is in the absence of not knowing what her limit is.

To be continued..


