||Chapter 20: A "Visit" Home||

~No One's POV~

Y/N couldn't think properly that day, she looked forward to the training but after what happened it was on hold. Y/N needed to see the people from her house and so Aizawa was trying his best for her to be able to go home for now.

Y/N didn't like it but she needed to, she was devastated. 

She lay in her bed thinking what will happen once she's home, will she see her parents? She thought of the outcomes but was interrupted when a knock was made on her door. She didn't bother to open it but instead hummed in reply and the person knocked, came in. It was Yaoyorozu.

"Hey, I came to help you pack some of your things," she said calmly as she came in. Y/N turned around her bed and sat up to see Yaoyorozu.

"That's sweet but I'm all good," Y/N lied as she rubbed the sleepiness off her eyes. Yaoyorozu sat with her.

"Will you visit one day only? Or that depends?" Yaoyorozu questioned and Y/N sighed heavily.

"I dunno... I'm not even sure if my parents are around," Y/N answered and Yaoyorozu sighed as she rubbed Y/N's back for comfort.

~Aizawa's POV~
This is the first time in how long something happened to a student.. The target this time is Y/N, someone I should not let my eyes off of. In all honesty I don't know her well, all I know is that she has a heroic background, specifically her Mother's side and what happened to her now was something not tolerable. Someone targeting her is someone associated with her Mother, a clue her cousin, last time was her uncle... 

I went back to the school and spoke with the Principal about what is happening to Y/N.

"Principal Nezu, am I interrupting anything right now?" I asked as I walked toward his desk.

"Oh, you just came at the right moment, Aizawa," Nezu permitted and I took a seat.

"I would like to ask for permission about a certain event," I said and Nezu only listened.

"Will it be alright if Y/N will be sent home for about one week but she will still continue her studies here," I began and Nezu held his chin with his index and thumb fingers showcasing him thinking about it.

"What's her situation and why the sudden decision?" Nezu asked.

"She's being targeted by her own bloodline.. Not directly her own family but the relatives' side," I explained and Nezu gave me a stern expression.

"Her room was recently trashed and messed up by her cousin, who she completely forgot about,"

"So the cousin could have done that out of hatred and anger," I agreed to his conclusion.

"Since it happened in her room, I fear that she wouldn't be safe alone," I added and Nezu chuckled.

"Well she isn't and I heard she's being trained. Am I not wrong?" Nezu questioned and I simply nodded.

"Hmm, well maybe instead of sending her home for a week, one day will do and for her to get answers," Nezu added.

"That is better, right then but what happens if another event like this happens again?" I asked.

"We will take extra precautions, not only for her but also for the rest of the students and school," Nezu answered while looking out the window.

"Right as those people after her might take drastic measures just to get to her," I added, I soon left the office right after I bowed in thanks. I headed toward the dorms to inform Y/N about Nezu's consent. 

~No One's POV~

The rest of the class prepared to start classes but Y/N couldn't help but stay locked away in her room. She was afraid that once she leaves her room, it might get thrashed again or something worse than being thrashed. Aizawa visited her once he arrived at the dorms.

He slightly knocked but Y/N didn't dare move away from her bed, Aizawa opened the door slowly and once it was fully opened, his expression softened as he saw Y/N's head lowered. He cleared his throat and Y/N's head lifted immediately, evident tears were seen and once Aizawa saw them, his eyes turned to concern and once Y/N saw him she immediately wiped away the tears.

"You can stay here for now but do remember that whenever you need to go home, you can," Aizawa said softly and Y/N nodded her head slowly.

Aizawa later left and Y/N's phone rang...

~Katsuki's POV~

After what happened to... To her, I want nothing to do with it but something else inside me wants to do something but for fuck's sake I want to shut it off. I sat down the couch and I thought to myself "what or who the fuck am I waiting for?? I should be in fucking class right now..." 

The common room was now empty and there my patience got the best of me, I stomped my foot down and stood up, once I did... She came in front of me, right immediately. That even caught me off guard.

I didn't say anything at first and jus observed her entire appearance at this moment. Her eyes looked red... Has she been crying? For hours? 

"I know right? I look so fucking pathetic right now," I heard her say, which I didn't expect and I didn't expect to hear her say it or let alone for her to say something so... So unexpected. I mean I heard her say curse words from here and there but her saying it at this time didn't feel... Right?

She sat down on the couch and sighed.

"What are you doing here?" She asked and I only blinked.

"I... I don't have the mood to go to classes.." I said and she sounded like she held back her laughter.

"You don't need to hide the fact that you actually care for me..."  she said, not maintaining eye contact. I groaned and decided to make something in the kitchen. I don't know what but I had the urge to. I made... I couldn't believe what I made.. It was mochi. I used to remember how well she made it with me and how she-- DAMMIT!

My anger caused me to bang the table and it made Y/N flinch.

"You... Okay?" I heard her ask and I couldn't bring myself to look pathetic in front of her. I shook my head and kept my gaze on the table. Thinking about-- Uraraka at this time..?!

"It's... It's none of your business--"

"NO!.. I mean.. No, don't cut me off... I want to.. To be friends with you Bakugou and you practically saw my pathetic self and now that I'm seeing yours.. It's somehow like we're on equal terms.." I could hear the unsureness in her tone as if she was afraid to.. To do whatever she wanted to do with me.. And did she say "be friends" with me? What is this? Pink cheeks era all over again?!

I looked at her with an unsure expression that I couldn't make out of... Since I myself wasn't sure of what I should feel. I jus sighed deeply and got the plate of mochis I made and placed it in front of her, she then gave me a confused expression.

I crossed my arms and arched a brow. Completely forgetting about the little reminisce back there. 

"Let me ask you, why would you want to be friends with me?" I said and I actually watched her melt once she tasted one mochi, she immediately hid her expression and cleared her throat.

"Why not, it's my decision and that's what I want," her answer seemed fake so I pushed another question.

"Are you sure? What if I won't accept since you did something to embarrass me on the first day?" Her eyes suddenly widened and dropped the third mochi and glared at me. Aha I figured.

"Jus stick to whatever shit is goin' on between us.. Classmates, that's it and that's all there is to it," I said.

She lowered her arms, grabbed the plate of mochis and turned to her heel.

"Fine... Who would even want to befriend a jerk like you," her words didn't stab me particularly but it did irritate me... She somehow got back to her feet. Not that I'm fucking proud of her recovery from her ridiculous breakdown...

~Y/N's POV~
I'm really praying to whoever's up there to fix myself... Since I'm starting to think differently about the blonde haired asshole.. But I'll cut him off some slack. His mochis are just so damn good! Though I wonder why when he was making it.. He seemed like he was full of sorrow?.... I MEAN wait! I don't care about him... HELP WAIT NO! I literally asked him to be my friend! The fuck is wrong with me?! UGH!

Anyways, I went back to my room after my I don't know type of conversation with the explosive boy and tried to forget how weak and disappointing I was in front of him. Once I did, I grabbed my phone and saw the time it was past lunch and I saw a number of missed calls... It was from Hori?!

Thinking about it.. I haven't told Hori about how things are going here in UA, let alone talked to him since I got to UA... I'm such a good friend aren't I?!

I called him back.. Well tried at least  but he just didn't seem to have the time to answer.. He is a butler-in-training after all. I dropped my phone and went to tend to my homeworks and tasks but before I did, my phone beeped several times... Why was it doing that?

My phone was clearly off but there were blinking lights on the screen and it creeped me off but something about the beeping piqued my interest and the feeling of being uneasy and creeped out faded. The beeping stopped and I picked up my phone, I opened it only to see that it was normal... Like the weird beeping never happened..

I later sat down on my desk and realized that the beeping was morse code! I'm so grateful I was taught a bit of morse code back then. Once I was done deciphering, which took me an hour, I finally understood the message.

"Come home immediately... And feel free to meet your next doom.. Although it seems you already know him...."

My eyes widened once I read the full message.. What doom? I all of a sudden didn't want to go home.

I looked at the clock on my wall and saw that it was already nearing two in the afternoon... Just how many hours did I waste inside my room? I felt that I was not only alone in my room but also in the entire building. I cuddled myself in my bed and maybe waited for something to happen.

~No One's POV~

As Y/N continued to stay alone in the alliance, time continued to become faster by the minute. Y/N eventually fell asleep and once she did, she began to have nightmares... She fought her way through having a good nap but it seems that something is not allowing her to have a good nap or a good anything.

Y/N kept moving around her bed, the hands on the clock moved faster than light and it was now three in the afternoon. 

Aizawa decided to end classes early and once the last subject was done, Bakugou sprinted his way out of the classroom. Once he arrived at the alliance, a car was mysteriously parked right at the side of the alliance, Bakugou gave it a glare then immediately ran inside the alliance.

He went up the elevator and waited impatiently for the elevator cab to stop. As the cab stopped Bakugou didn't even wait for the elevator doors to fully open and just sprinted out of the elevator. He stopped in his tracks once he was in front of her door.

~Katsuki's POV~

What the actual fuck am I doing?! This is-- This is definitely uncalled for on my end! I am literally not acting myself nowadays and it jus makes me want to explode myself...

That was embarrassing but I definitely felt something odd and that's why I sprinted to action.. God! Why does it sound so fucking stupid?!

Inside the dorm the same weird aura from when I was alone with her that one time, came back and it was unsettling, I faded the thought in my head and proceeded to go up the elevator, waited and once it arrived, I immediately went in and watched the doors close. As the floor approached, I didn't hesitate to wait for it to open completely and sprinted out.

Once I arrived at the front of her door, I hesitated... My heart was pounding fast, I could feel my palms sweat and my breathing wasn't steady... I was jus fucking over thinking this. Fuck this!

"Y/N!" I called after the last knock but I couldn't hear anything from the other side of the room and so I continued to knock again but on the last knock without my patience running thin.. I opened the door only to see Y/N laying down on her floor.. Seemed to be asleep. Since she was asleep, I didn't have any intention to stay any longer.

Once I got a glance of her desk, I saw a piece of paper.. Normally I wouldn't care but since it was wide open, I was able to see the content.

"Next doom"? What did that mean? I saw the message was deciphered.. Morse code then? I quickly took a picture of the piece of paper and left without a trace.
-Time Skip-
~Y/N's POV~

I woke up, laying on my bed, confused. But anyways, I needed to get home.. Even if I don't want to after that odd message. I wasted too much time doing nothing and so I immediately got up and went to have a bath downstairs. I took a glance toward my bedside and saw my bag that was packed.. Right, Yaomomo helped me out and I didn't even thank her... UGH! Dammit but that's the least of my problems, I got clean clothes and headed downstairs. I saw the common room still empty... But it was past 4pm, where were my classmates? Unless they are still training.

I walked toward the bathrooms and when I did, I heard a sound from the kitchen.

"Who's there?!" I exclaimed, only to see Bakugou.. Popping out of the kitchen counter.. How long was he there.. More like, how long was he in here?

"What the hell are you doing there? Hiding like a creep?!" I questioned and he put down his arm from rubbing his head and glared at me.

"I'm not a creep and why would you think I'll do such a thing?! I'm not an idiot," he retorted.

"What are you doing there then?" I emphasized as I questioned. 

"Preparing to make dinner so that those extras won't fucking bother me later... And aren't you s'posed to be on your way home?" Hang on.. how does he know I'm supposed to be home.. Or will go home? I didn't say anything.. Nor did Aizawa-sensei. 

"How do you know that? How do you know that I need to go home?" I asked sternly and I can tell his expression says "oh shit, I got caught.." or something like that.

"To be frank with you, I did see the piece of paper by your desk and read the content.. That's all," wow, he's actually honest. He crossed his arms and glared at me.. Is he testing with me?!

I cleared my throat and proceeded to get my things and walked toward the bathroom but I stopped in my tracks.

"Where are our classmates?" I asked and Bakugou blinked.

"Sensei ended the class early... They should be coming back here," What? Why is it like Bakugou doesn't know a thing?

"I didn't know what happened since I left the classroom earlier than everyone," I had an uneasy feeling about what could have happened to my classmates.. That was then I heard a car honking outside. What piqued my interest was that... The car was familiar.

"Do you know who's driving the car?" I heard Bakugou ask, I went to the front window, unsure of who was inside the car, anxiety rushed through my veins.

"I need to start getting ready... That car is.. Apparently for me," I said as I left him immediately before he said anything else. I got in the baths and relaxed for a while. I closed my eyes and once I did.. I felt alone, cold and frightened of whatever will happen when I get to the exciting part. I didn't stay that long in the bath but it felt soo relaxing to my senses and body though I really needed to go and so I hopped out and got dressed, then made my way out to see Bakugou once again.

"I got word from shitty hair that some went home and some are training.. Home not here but-- but yeah you get what I mean," he said and I chuckled.

"Thanks, anyway.. This is where I leave to get answers," I said while walking and apparently he followed behind. I went out of the dorm but stopped in my tracks as I saw the person waiting for me.. It was Hori!

"Horii!!!" I exclaimed as I ran toward him and threw my arms around him as the tears couldn't be kept in much longer.

"Hey hey, it's okay, you're going home now," he said in comfort and I couldn't help but chuckle and sniffle. He took my bag and opened the door for me. I looked around to see Bakugou, staring deeply toward me. He had no expression but it seemed to me there was a bit of sadness.. I turned away and went in the car without anything else to say.

The trip back home was oddly relieving, I had Hori with me and I had loads to tell him. The car was practically bursting with our laughter and conversations, apologies to the driver.

My anxiety and worries easily faded once I dived into having a conversation with Hori.

"I'm so sorry for not messaging you," I said and he swatted it away with a scoff.

"Nahh, I know how busy you are and from your stories it was pretty tough from the very beginning, I myself have been pretty busy too," he added.

"Yeah? Has Sebastian been hard on you?" I asked and afterward I chuckled.

"Well to say the least, he's a pretty decent teacher not gonna lie," Hori said and it piqued my interest.

"Really? Don't you think he's a bit well.. Odd?" I said and Hori furrowed his brows at me.

"Why do you think that? Has he been giving off odd vibes for you?" He asked back and this won't be going anywhere. And so I sighed and got to the point.

"Thing is once I grew older and grew old on Sebastian's acts.. I observe him and he just seems to be.. Up to something?? I don't know," I said as I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

"Well... I won't blame you there.. Last time I heard him speaking to someone on the phone and the voice on the other end didn't sound like the lady or the master and so I ended up eavesdropping," Hori explained and it made me curious.

"When was that exactly?" I asked, to further get details that maybe useful.

"Uh before I came to pick you up actually... After I tried to call you.." Hori answered and my eyes widened in shock. I grabbed my phone and checked the time details on when I wrote the deciphered message I decoded hours ago.

"Why? What's wrong?" Hori asked with concern and curiosity

"I received an odd message from my phone hours ago.. Specifically after when I received the missed calls from you," I said as I saw the time details and connected it to what Hori told me... Could it be that the message was from whoever Sebastian was talking to?? That thought sent chills down my spine.

"Uh huh... And?" Hori was seeking more and so I satisfied them.

"And from what you told me and from when I received that odd message it somehow connects.." I said.

"What was the message?" I showed Hori what I deciphered and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and anger.

"What doom?" he asked and I shrugged in fear, also remembering what happened to my room earlier today.

"Another crazy thing.. My room was trashed by my one and only cousin..." I said and Hori's tone rose.

"What?! You have a cousin??" I was confused that even Hori didn't know.

"Well yes, apparently.. My uncle and him were indeed hidden in the shadows once my Mother practically shut them away," I said and Hori was now stuttering.

"Wait, hold on, you have to give me full context here, I'm getting confused," he said and I sighed.

"So do I, I might mix things up and that's why I decided to come home.. To clarify things about my family.. Apparently they have secrets hidden from me," I said and just in time, I could see my home from where the vehicle stood.

"And speaking of.. I want my answers immediately," I said.

"Might as well interrogate Sebastian for drastic measures," I added as the car stopped and I looked around to see the odd man standing in front of the entrance with his usual smile that I find until this day very unsettling and odd.


a/n: heyyy there!! I apologizee as deep as the Pacific Ocean for uploading this soo late than my usual uploading sched T T. Lots of things got in the way (ehem school) and I couldn't find the time to finish this chapter djszdssj hopefully once school ends and break starts my update sched wont be messed up nymore T^T

Anwss enuf of me and pleasee do enjoy this chapter and the next one will arrive soon^^   
