||Chapter 14: Disputation||

~Y/N's POV~

I know my Uncle is getting on my nerves but I won't allow him to get to me any further. I'm literally controlling three elements at the same time and I feel my head splitting but I didn't allow that to happen as I'm this close. I immediately did a swoosh then for what it looks like, I look like a comet ready to land to the very earth. My uncle prepared for my landing and wasn't even bothered one bit, I continued but didn't fully land on him but I went close to his face.

"How dare you," I said as I couldn't even stand the very face of him. There were no words but only staring. I heard shuffling behind me but I didn't care.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" My Uncle yelled and the villains behind me didn't complain, I looked at them from the corner of my eye.

"You come with me," my Uncle said, a swarm of petals went around me and I couldn't move, the petals began to move and the next thing I knew was that I was being moved along with them. What I know from my Uncle's quirk is that it's quite similar with my Mother but there is a difference, he can still control them but also he can make them grow. His villain name after all is Kalliergo, which means grow. He can make the petals and the tree itself grow. I'd say his quirk is somehow a use and regrow kind of quirk. I was brought inside another cave, different from the one we came in. Now I know what Yaoyorozu-san meant by crystals... There were literally crystals inside and in the middle is a huge one, almost covering the entire cave. I was still being controlled along with the petals going inside a tunnel.

"Why are you bothering me?" My Uncle began to ask, my eyes averted away from the beauty of the cave but I later rolled them as soon as my Uncle asked.

"Are your parents not around for you to bother them?" His question sounded sarcastic and after that he chuckled.

"Oh right, they aren't around," he began to swoosh the petals violently, causing me to smash into the rock wall. I endured the pain but groaned.

"Where... Are they?!" I demanded, I tried to get out of the petals' grips but it wasn't possible, my Uncle paced back and forth.

"I thought you're happy to see me, my niece," he glared at me and I didn't bother to entertain him any longer.

~Todoroki's POV~
Y/N taken... Villains in the way... Her Uncle is around but I don't know what he's doing to her or going to do to her.

"Bakugou, we need to get to Y/N!" I yelled as the explosions might lower the chance for him to hear me.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO INCLUDE ME DAMMIT! I'M QUITE... OCCUPIED AT THE MOMENT!!" Bakugou yelled back as he was handling fifteen or twenty villains at the same time. I helped by using both my sides. Bakugou continued to fight and so did I but I couldn't focus as my worries continued to rise.

"ASK SOMEONE ELSE GODDAMMIT!" Bakugou added. I scoffed as I tried to get near him. His twin, Kitsuki, came and used her quirk. I went out of the way, focusing on how to get to the other side.

"KAT LEMME HANDLE THAT!" Kitsuki  shouted as she was near his location. I looked forward and to my right, multi tasking with fighting and waiting.

"HELL NO!" Bakugou rejected as he continued to fight but Kitsuki didn't back down.

"GO WITH TODOROKI AND SAVE Y/N! PLEASE!" Kitsuki requested but Bakugou grunted in frustration. I took a glance and saw how calm he looked and a bit of determination too... So what was stopping him?

"WHY?! Why should I if that fucking woman is always cold toward me?!" Bakugou admitted or so I think but it caused Kitsuki to widen her eyes in shock but she knew it wasn't the time for that and so did Bakugou. He no longer entertained the conversation and left. I saw him and so I followed him into the cave.

~Katsuki's POV~

What the fucking hell?! I thought well of what I jus admitted and yes it is true... She's always cold or mad at me.. Was that because of how I treated her? Is she doing that as punishment? To fucking rub it in?! Ah fuck that... I'm here going to "save" her for the sake of Sensei to not punish me or tell on me as if I give a fuck but it's what's s'posed to be done since Cheeks might even break up with me... Oh shit, thoughts about floaty again... DAMMIT! 

What's going on between us? Well we talk and all that shit but it doesn't feel natural on how it used to feel, probably this is jus relationship fear all over again! WHAT THE FUCK?! 

"Bakugou, do you even know the way to the cave?" FUCKING ICY-HOT! RUINING MY THOUGHTS!!

I inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying to forget all the thoughts I was thinking about.

"Seems like you know the way genius," I spat and he led the way, I didn't mind, I didn't have the mood to scowl or yell at this point. I followed Todoroki through the cave but once we got near, something came at us. We immediately acted and fought with whatever that was.

"Dammit! What is this thing?!" I yelled but I kept fighting.

"Gentlemen! Welcome, welcome! I am Kalliergo here to entertain you!" a voice beamed, Todoroki and I exchanged looks but I glared at the bastard who owns the voice.

"We have a special guest joining us today!" the bastard continued, once the person he was referring to appeared right before us, my body moved on it's own.

"Y/N!" I yelled as I launched myself, I cursed at myself internally, mainly because I didn't like myself acting this way..

"Ah ah no Sir!" the bastard finally showed himself, I flew right across the cave as a huge plant came out of nowhere.

"YOU'RE PISSING ME OFF! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I cursed as I got back up to my feet and came at him again. Todoroki, finally became useful and used his fire to burn the plant or his ice to freeze the thing but it kept expanding.

"Hmm, my dear niece, you never told me that such stubborn boys caught your attention, look at them fighting for you," fucking bastard!

"OI! SHUT THE FUCK UP AND ACTUALLY FIGHT US, DAMMIT!!" I said as I attempted to get near once again. I dodged the roots coming toward me and used my quirk to get to Y/N.

"U-Uncle... Stop this shit!" I heard Y/N say, she grunted and struggled as she fought the bastard while getting out of his grip.

"Now now! You take on from your Mother's stubbornness ah!" the two fought intensely. 

"Y/N watch out!" I yelled, what the fuck is happening?! But my warning was not able to reach her in time and so she was knocked off by a root.

"Y/N! Todoroki deal with the fucking plant!" I demanded as I launched myself toward Y/N who was falling at a fast pace that I feared I wouldn't be able to reach her.

"My! How dare you call it a plant?! It's a masterpiece!" the bastard came at me and what I think he did, controlled the root and it grabbed my foot, lowering the chance for me to catch Y/N.

"TODOROKI!" I yelled and icy-hot used his ice to create a platform using his ice, he then used his flames to distract the bastard and I used my explosions to get the root off of my leg. I looked for Y/N and hoped she didn't fall completely. I found her as she landed on a floating rock, did she do that? 

"Y/N... Y/N!" I shook and shook her constantly until I saw her eyelids wriggle but before she could wake up an explosion of petals came at us, separating Y/N from me. SHIT!

"TCH! BASTRAD WILL NEVER FUCKING GIVE UP AH?!!?!?!" I yelled in frustration, I looked toward Y/N and water came to her aid, she could still control even at that state... AH SHIT I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND DAMMIT!

"You Sir, do you like my niece?" WHAT THE FUCK?! GIMME A DAMN BREAK OLD GEEZER! I yelled in frustration as I fought with him, Todoroki came and checked Y/N.

~Y/N's POV~

What the hell is happening? The first thing I knew I was being held by a bunch of petals as I think my Uncle is controlling them, which is certain since I remember his quirk, second I get pinned down by the said petals and couldn't get out of it.... but then managed to fight my Uncle, which was a bad idea since he punched me real hard.. I think with a root? Causing me to become slightly unconscious. 

Then there was the third thing... I felt like falling?!?!?!? Which was certain since I didn't have anything to land on after I got punched. But that was the least of my worries.. The biggest one was that I COULD HAVE DIED!! Luckily I still had enough energy for me to control a piece of earth in order for me not to completely plummet to my death. I laid there in defeat but I could hear someone calling my name out.

I felt them come by my side, shaking me. I wriggled my eyes but before I could see who it was, another attack from my Uncle came. I prevented the terrible fall and controlled water but it was weak as I have been punched from side to side like a rag doll being hated on. I heard someone yelling... But that was no "someone" it was Bakugou.

"TCH! BASTRAD WILL NEVER FUCKING GIVE UP AH?!!?!?!" he yelled and continued to yell as my Uncle seemed to be.. ASKING HIM SOME WEIRD ASS QUESTION?!?!?!

I ignored that and pretended I never heard my Uncle ask. I felt something cold beside me and when I peaked it was Todoroki-san.

"T-Todoroki," I said weakly, I felt the water wobble as my energy was starting to get drained. Todoroki-san caught me as soon as the water I was controlling earlier, dispersed.

"I'm s- s-sorry," I managed to say.

"Bakugou! Can you handle things here?" Todoroki-san questioned as I saw Bakugou's scowl, he glanced over to me but then turned away.

"I CAN HANDLE THIS BETTER THAN YOU ICY-HOT!" Bakugou yelled, I kept my stare toward him as I thought that he was the one shaking me... I did think that the shakes were kind of violent but still gentle... WHAT?!

Todoroki-san carried me as he used his ice and made it into platforms. I looked back and watched Bakugou fight with my Uncle, who completely forgot about me, what a relief... or so I thought. Trees sprouted in every corner, blocking Todoroki-san's chances to make an ice platform.


I couldn't fight any longer... Couldn't lift a boulder, couldn't control water or anything, I was too tired and exhausted... I literally met my limit and I'm facing the consequences now. My head is starting to ache and of course the muscles on my hands, fingers and entire arm started to ache. Todoroki-san used his flames to burn the trees while carrying me and continuing to make ice platforms.

"OI I'M YOUR OPPONENT! DON'T INCLUDE THE INNOCENT HERE!" Bakugou yelled as he blasted my Uncle's back but my Uncle was quick as well and used a root to defend himself.

"Tch, a bit idiotic when using plants as your shields, ain't it old geezer?" Bakugou nicknamed and I tried my hardest not to laugh though in the first place if I do laugh, everything will hurt.

Since Bakugou called my Uncle "old geezer" he went rogue and continued to fight Bakugou. Please keep him distracted Bakugou... Please keep him away from me and everyone else. Todoroki-san and I had the chance to escape once again, with no interruption we were able to get out of the cave. We soon met up with the rest and I was being taken care of. Todoroki-san, followed by Midoriya, went into the cave once more. I wanted to help Bakugou out... In all honesty he can be decent when he wants to but it's really irritating when he has a certain schedule or time for his mood... What is he a robot?

Anyway, my head couldn't handle thinking and so I fell asleep wherever place they kept me away from chaos or stress. 


Edited: Oct 30, 2022

Published: Nov 3, 2022 
