||Chapter 6: A Surprise Celebration||

~Y/N's POV~

As I was inside my room, I stared at the ceiling and started to think why was Hori like that, why was he acting weird? That afternoon I only stayed inside my room and didn't come out. I read books, studied a bit and used my laptop to check out the UA website. I continued on until I heard a slight knock, I got up from my bed and answered the door. I saw it was my Father.

"Oh hey Father, aren't you busy?" I questioned as he only gave me a chuckle.

"Am I not allowed to see my daughter?" he questioned back and I went outside to hug him, I ushered him inside my room and he sat on my daybed and I went to the edge of my bed.

"So what will you feel once you go to school?" he began and it interested me.

"Well nervousness will obviously be present as it's my first time going to an actual school," I chirped as I close eyed smile in the end.

"Yes, that is expected but what do you think about meeting new people and maybe having the chance to make friends?" my Father continued and I placed my index finger on my chin and thought.

"I'd rather let them come near me than I go near them and see what happens," I answered and my Father accepted my answer.

"Best of luck sweetie, ah and your uniform and hero license will arrive in three days time," my Father said as he gave me a head pat and walked to leave my room.

"Wait, was that all you wanted to tell me?" I questioned as he stopped in his tracks. He looked back at me and gave me a smile.

"I'm waiting for the exciting part and for you to tell me your stories," my Father said as he turned to his heel and walked out. I sighed and laid in bed with my arms stretched widely. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through the pictures I had with Hori. I decided to speak with him. And so I got out of my bed and went out of my room. I ran through the hallways but stopped when I accidentally bumped into Sebastian.

"Oof!" I said as my head hit his back, he turned to see me and I saw that same irritating smile he always puts on when seeing me.

"Oh, good afternoon young miss, what brings you with running around the halls?" he questioned after greeting me.

"I was only doing that because I was going to visit Hori," I answered with a stiff tone.

"Ah, another matter, your Father told me that you will be having dinner in your room tonight," Sebastian said, clearly ignoring the subject about me visiting Hori. I knit my eyebrows together after I was told about me eating dinner inside my room. Now Father's acting weird too.

"Why didn't he tell me himself? He was literally in my room ten minutes ago," I said as I crossed my arms.

"What's going on, Sebastian?" I questioned sternly and Sebastian looked stern toward me as well.

"I'm sorry young miss but I can't tell you more and Hori has already gone to work as his break is over," Sebastian told me as he left and went down the stairs. I stood there, speechless and confused, my arms fell and I scoffed, stomping back to my room.

-Time Skip-

As I was told, dinner did come to me and I usually thought and was used to, that I would come to dinner, but not today! For some absolute reason that I don't know. I stayed at my desk as I watched Sebastian bring in my dinner on the usual tray he pushes when it's breakfast sick day or when I'm just too lazy to go down and eat (which is almost everyday... especially when my Mother isn't around). 

"Here is your dinner young miss, it's fish filet, mashed potato and French string beans with a side of cherry tomatoes and grape juice, enjoy your dinner young miss," Sebastian said as he bowed and left me with my dinner. 

I stared at the plate in front of me, took the grape juice and began gulping it down as if I was drinking booze. After I drank the juice, I gently slammed the container and sighed. I then looked at my surroundings then back to my food and decided to push the cart away and laid down in bed until I fell asleep.

~Yaoyorozu's POV~

After my conversation with Todoroki-san, we cleaned up our mess on the couch and coffee table and checked to see if there were other things we missed when we were cleaning the common room. When we did, I heard my limo outside of the dorm and needed to go, but I didn't want to leave, especially I didn't want to leave Todoroki-san alone.

"A-Ano..." I paused as I didn't expect myself to stutter so much, I hope he didn't notice. I cleared my throat and patted my chest in order to calm my heart that's beating so fast.

"My ride is there and I don't want to leave you alone," I said sternly and I heard him chuckle softly, which confused me.

"That-- is exactly what professional means, what you did earlier was a different you," he said as he approached me and it made me calm down.

"Okay okay, I know what you mean. Anyways, I wanted to offer you a ride home," I said as I remembered my real intention.

"Sure, and why was it "wanted" instead of "want"?" he agreed but then questioned again.

"Do I need to answer? Can't we just get going?" I questioned as I chuckled. I looked around the room once again, to see if we missed anything but I smiled as the room was spotless.

"Aren't we going?" I heard him say, I nodded my head and followed him outside. Once we walked outside I saw the limo but something was not right, this wasn't the usual limo I ride on.

"Wait, what?" I questioned as my brows furrowed.

"What's wrong?" Todoroki-san asked behind me. I continued walking but then paused as the limo door opened. I waited anxiously as I held my breath, once the person fully came out, my whole body calmed down.

"Otou-san!" I exclaimed as I ran toward him but I paused as I saw his serious demeanor.

"Momo, you are no longer five and I can't believe you did that in front of someone," he said, causing my smile to fade.

"Good evening, Sir Yaoyorozu," Todoroki-san greeted beside me, I tensed but also smiled as he was brave.

"And who are you?" my Father questioned sternly.

"Todoroki Shoto," Todoroki-san greeted with a blank expression.

"Todoroki? As in Endeavor's son?" my Father added and I could tell Todoroki-san's tense expression.

"Yes," he answered.

"And are you my daughter's other?" That question struck us both.

"He and I are friends, otou-san," I answered sternly.

"And I would like to offer him a ride home," I added as I walked toward the limo and went inside. I sat comfortably at the end of the limo and Todoroki-san sat diagonally at my left.

"Are you okay?" Todoroki-san questioned with concern in his tone and I assured him by giving him a smile.

"Yes, it's just that... Uhm--" my words were gone as I felt his warm hand placed on top of mine.

"It's okay if you don't answer my question, I understand," he said and gave me a smile. My Father went inside the limo and the atmosphere going home was tense, silent and cold. I only looked around and Todoroki-san fell asleep.

The ride going to Todoroki-san's place was quite short and as always I liked seeing Todoroki-san's peaceful home. I went out of the limo to say my goodbye.

"Thanks for today, Todoroki-san," I said softly as he and I hugged.

"Call me Shoto, we're friends now right?" he said, my eyes widened after he requested for me to call him by his first name.

"We've always been. I'll see you after two weeks, Shoto!" I waved my hand as good bye and went inside the limo, I saw him wave his hand as well, turned to his heel and walked toward his house.

Inside the limo the atmosphere was tense again and silent and I knew why.

"I'm sorry otou-san for finishing things at school this late," I apologized as I held onto the hem of my dress.

"I'm not mad, Momo. I understand that you need this fun before classes start and I also know that you are no longer a child," my Father explained as it lifted my spirits up and we continued to ride home.

~Y/N's POV~

Apparently this is what happened. 

I slept almost the whole night and didn't even bother to eat or change or even shower! How gross... I felt gross the next day! And then yes, the next day came and it was a Saturday. I immediately got out of bed, took a shower and raced down the stairs as I felt my stomach growl at me.

And then there I noticed, where was everyone? The mansion wasn't this silent.. Like ever, I mean there were times it was, like when my Mother isn't around or when my Father is busy in his office, but when that happens the mansion should be bursting with busy maids and butlers. But not this time.

I looked around to see if I could question anyone but unfortunately no one was there. I looked around again and heard someone's heels tap the very cold marble floor. I waited to see who it was and I saw Sebastian. I silently wished it was Hori as I haven't seen him after that breakfast incident. I greeted Sebastian with my usual scowl, as I never smiled up to him, I did when I was younger but not anymore.

"Good morning miss, slept well I assume?" he asked after greeting me.

"Quite, anyways, where is everyone? Saturdays aren't this quiet and Mother should be home or that's what I think," I said.

"And don't even think about scheming something, Sebastian," I added sternly, causing him to chuckle as if I was joking.

"Oh now now, follow me," he said, wiping a tear off his eye right after laughing wholeheartedly. I glared at him but followed him nonetheless. He stopped in front of the garden doors and gestured to open the door. I was hesitant at first but once I heard merrily laughter and conversations, my hesitation faded and I immediately opened the door with excitement.

I saw a crowd of people, decorations, tables, food and basically what looked like a celebration, but what were we celebrating?

I saw my Mother in the crowd and I approached her.

"Mother what is this all about?" I questioned and she looked at me with a big smile.

"Oh hello sweetie! Good sleep I suppose?" she questioned and I nodded my head but pushed my earlier question.

"This is a celebration for your first day at school dear! It's to celebrate that you're finally going to school to train and not just any school, it was the school where pros studied and trained!" she answered. I didn't know what to feel exactly, but deep down I should feel excited and thrilled as this celebration was put up just for me, to celebrate that I'm finally going to school.

Though, for some reason, it didn't feel right, like I don't feel like celebrating since I didn't understand the point of celebrating. Sure, I'm going to a really popular school but it's because I'm going there as a third year student... I would feel more excited if I went there as a first year, like how everyone else started as.

I swatted the negativity and smiled for my Mother as she went through a lot just to set this up and so I found myself a table and grabbed food and ate, since I was really really hungry.

As I continued to eat, I looked around the people who were enjoying this celebration more than I. I found familiar pros here and there but I don't think they're in the top ten or those below the ten but my eyes deceived me when I saw red feathers... OH- OHHH... Crap! No way. I almost choked on my food when he was there, right there amongst the crowd, the No.3 wing hero: Hawks! Is in my party right now!!!

The crowd roared and my parents approached him so casually.

"Ah pleasure to see you here Hawks," my Mother greeted and my Father shook hands with him. HOW could they be so-- casual?! 

"Yes, I'm glad I could stop by, I would never miss out on a party," the No.3 chuckled.

"Sorry the other pros couldn't make it, they're pretty busy," he continued and my Mother dismissed his apology.

"No worries, no worries," she said.

"Ah and where is the newly enrolled youngin?" I knew Hawks was referring to me so I hid myself from the crowd... but the no.3 hero could see right through me and his looks were just unadmirable... WAIT WHAT?!

My Mother asked for me to come to them and Hawks just.kept.looking.at.ME!! Ugh.

"You know the no.3 very well, yes?" why would she ask that as if she never gave birth to me? Of course I knew him! Especially idolized him!!

"I believe she does, I saw the many Hawks merchandise she has," I'm pretty sure he's lying.. Because I don't have merch at all, sure he's my idol but I never got tempted to buy.

"No I don't have any merch and yes I know him well, Mother," I said bitterly.

"Hey now, what's with the attitude? And come on, I'll join you with eating since I saw you alone," Hawks said and I really wanted to squeal but I'm no longer thirteen so I need to be more careful... THOUGH HOW?! If Mr. Bird-Brain asked to eat with me?! Whew calm down, calm down.

"Sure, why not," I said casually and walked toward the table I was at earlier. He left and grabbed food and I went in and finished my food.

"Oh, finished already?" I heard him say.

"Yeah, anyways, what do you want?" I went straight on.

"Whoa, is there something wrong?" he asked and I sighed but before I answered, I saw Hori behind Hawks, holding a notebook and pen with his jaw dropped. I chuckled and Hawks looked confused and turned around. It was clear who was the Hawks fan here.

"Ah, hello young sir," Hawks greeted and I couldn't help but chuckle at how dumbfounded Hori was.

'H-Hi, can you sign my hand.. I-I mean my notebook," I laughed real loud at what he said and he noticed me.

"Hi, Mage," he said and my laughter stopped.

"Mage?" Hawks questioned and I looked back at Hori then to Hawks.

"I won't answer and also don't laugh, just sign the fan's notebook," I didn't want to make things worse for the both of us, I mean he didn't even do anything wrong but then why am I being unfair to him? I even saw his uneasy expression on his face. 

Hawks signed the notebook and he thanked Hawks and left but didn't say anything else to me. I deserved it.

"Was that why you aren't enjoying your celebration?" Hawks questioned, I didn't look at him and just nodded.

"Well, you can leave and talk to him, also I need to attend to fans," I scoffed at him, why did he have to waste his time and sit with me? When a mob of crazy fans are waiting for him and are maybe mad at me right now. I left with no hesitation and went to see if he was at our favorite spot. Thankfully, he was there.

"Why are you here if you technically hate me right now?" I asked as I approached him from behind. I didn't expect him to say anything or turn to see me but he did.

"I don't hate you and I'm not mad... I'm just upset," he said with an upset expression, I sighed and I couldn't find the right words.

"Hori, tell me something I don't know, right now," I didn't expect me to say that but I did and I can't undo it.

"What do you mean?" NO YOU NEED TO ANSWER ME Straightforwardly! UGH!

"You've been acting weird, Hori and I was worried it might be because of me not being able to be here all the time," I said, despite me being angered.

"It is that, Mage. And because of it, I didn't know how to approach you or maybe even... ask you to stay and just be homeschooled like before," he admitted, which caused me to widen my eyes in shock and in all honesty I was expecting him to say something else, but I didn't exactly know what I wanted him to say.

"Hori, you know it isn't my choice and if it was I won't back down from it because you know how important this is--"

"Then why aren't you happy? Why aren't you smiling?" he asked, interrupting me. And I knew he had a point.

"I- It's because-- No, it's stupid," I said, hanging my head low. My head lifted again as I felt his hand placed on my shoulder and couldn't help but tell the truth.

"I'm not happy because I don't feel excited. I'm going there as a third year and not as a first year like how everyone else started," I admitted and sighed as I was ashamed of lying to Hori.

"I see, but don't base it off that, base it off that you are finally going to school and train to be a hero," he said, shaking my arms gently while he smiled and eventually I smiled as well.

"Think of the positives and if the students there won't welcome you then don't mind, you have to focus and make your family proud," he said and I really had the urge to hug him but then another urge came, I didn't want to push it so I went in and hugged him instead.

"Thank you, thank you so so much, I really don't know what I'll do without you, Hori," I said as I hugged him tightly, as if my very life would be gone if I didn't hug him. Our little moment was interrupted when my Mother came to see me.

"Hello, Hori," my Mother softly greeted and Hori returned the greeting by giving her a smile, she then smiled at me and I looked at Hori once more before he returned to the party.

"Hi, Mother," I said as I sat down on a bench near a sakura tree.

"My Sakura, I have a little present for you and I want you to keep it dear and safe," my Mother said as she pulled out a little pink box with a white transparent bow tied around it. I gasped seeing how beautiful the box looked but I gasped even more once I saw the content of the box.

"Oh that's so beautiful, Mother, thank you, I love it," inside the box was a small sakura headpiece jewelry, I took it out and admired its shine.

"Please, take care of that, that was given to me by your grandmother and then those before her," my Mother placed her hand on my shoulder and I nodded.

"Well let's get celebrating shall we?" she asked and I stood up from the bench and followed her to the celebration and excitement.


Edited: September 9,2022

Published: Oct 11, 2022
