||Chapter 22: Drinks and Spin the Bottle||

~No One's POV~
Y/N decided to have dinner inside her room as she didn't want to be alone the whole day and so Hori stayed with her. The two had nonstop conversations and Hori missed her so much that he didn't want her to leave at all.

It was selfish but Hori couldn't help but beg her to stay and Y/N stayed silent as she didn't want to keep his hopes up. Y/N finished dinner and Hori even offered for him to stay with her for company but Y/N felt uncomfortable but she also wanted company tonight after all the weird things that's happened to her and to her room both in UA and in her own home.

Hori stayed in her day bed but deep down inside, Y/N wanted him beside her but that's way beyond their boundaries. Well she wanted to test it anyways.

"Hori.. " she said as Hori was preparing his bed, he turned around and waited for Y/N to continue.

"Can you.. Can you stay beside me?" Y/N asked and on cue Hori's face shot a bright red and Y/N couldn't help but chuckle. Hori stood near the door, he was about to go out before Y/N stopped him.

"Isn't that against... Against boundaries? Professionally and well it all depends on you," Y/N's heart seemed to melt as her expression softened. Y/N pat the space beside her softly but Hori looked at himself and Y/N understood.

"Okay okay, get changed first then, do make sure to come back," Y/N chimed and once Hori closed the door slowly behind him and he could no longer be seen, a shadow went over his face but he soon changed his expression once he walked the halls. As he did, he heard Sebastian's voice echo inside a room by the end of the hall near the start of the stairs. Hori couldn't help but eavesdrop as he seemed to be talking to someone...

"But Master... The young sir isn't capable to meet her... What?! What game is he talking about?! I didn't order him to do so-- Ah yes, apologies my dear Master.. I will update you soon," and with that Sebastian's voice is no longer heard, Hori immediately left before Sebastian can reach him and catch him eavesdropping. Hori went back to his quarters but before he entered his room, someone spoke.

"Sleeping early?" suddenly Hori flinched and turned around to see Sebastian with his innocent grin.

"A-Ah well yes, need to wake up early to start work," Hori cleared his throat in order to not be obvious. Sebastian inhaled and removed his gloves.

"Hmm... Not sleeping in your room tonight?" Hori's eyes widened but he didn't push to be obvious.

"See Y/N and I are going to have a sleepover.. Hopefully Mia wouldn't find that weird and scold me," he said and Sebastian chuckled.

"There's nothing wrong with that but be sure to have boundaries," Sebastian reminded him and Hori left right after he finished changing. And once he went back up the stairs, he thought to himself if he should tell Y/N what he discovered or not but after what happened to her, he decided to keep it to himself first, he also needed to get the full story and who Sebastian was talking to.

~Y/N's POV~

I was starting to get worried when Hori was taking long but knowing him it was fine since something unexpected would usually happen to him, my thoughts dispersed once the door to my room opened and he came in. Although the way he came in was like he was looking out to someone and made sure that no one was following him.

"You alright?" I asked and he immediately shot a look at me and cleared his throat.

"O-Oh hahaha, no no all good," he said as he walked toward me. He stopped in his tracks as he was about to go on top of my bed.

"Are you sure sure this is alright?" He asked as I was just about to assure him.

He looked at me nervously and I couldn't help but smile softly. I pulled him in gently even though I felt him hold back a bit but he couldn't stop looking at me, his nervousness soon faded and got on top of my bed.

~Hori's POV~

WHAT IN THE WORLD IS SHE DOING?! This is against a lot of things! But since she was so genuine about it.. I couldn't help but say yes. BUT... This is new and first... Could she possibly know that I like her?? I'm hoping that I'm good enough in keeping it low when it comes to that.

"Why do you feel so shy? I'm just me... We've been close since kids," she says that so calmly! Think of my well-being here! I sigh... If only it were to be easy to declare feelings... Yes we've been close since kids but it's different to how we are now! I'm actually grateful that she and I are still close.

"Mmm, it's coz I feel like I'm not invited in doing this and I feel like I'm invading.." She chuckled at what I said.

"Really now? Anyways jus lay down whenever you feel like it, I need to sleep since I'll be back to school by morning," I frowned as she lay down and faced away from me. She really needed to go that early?

I found her bed really comfortable as I didn't have this kind of bed back in my room and so I lay down and decided which way to face... I ended up facing her.

"Can't you leave after lunch?" I asked softly and she chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I don't really intend to stay that long here," her tone saddened after her chuckle. I sighed and once I did, she shifted and turned to face me... Fuck!

She looked at my face but once I saw hers it wasn't that clear as the only light in her room was her lampshade. Her eyes gleamed and I found it attractive...

"Hori.. Promise me to continue to support me in whatever is happening right now, I don't care if your away from me but I will be relieved to know that someone like you is holding me even if your not with me," she said and I didn't know why she was saying such things but I understand that she's going through something or she's in the middle of a difficult situation.

"I promise," I simply said and she suddenly shifted even closer and hugged me. I hugged her back and she just practically curled herself into a half ball while hugging me so her knees were pushed against my chest and her head was under my chin. The position was quite uncomfortable but I could tell she needed this... Like she was going to be hurt at anytime and she just needed someone to hold her.

She eventually fell asleep and her arms wrapped around my neck slowly fell down to my chest, her breathing was slow and soft, my chin eventually rested on top of her head and I fell asleep as well.

~No One's POV~

The next day arrived and Y/N shot up immediately. Hori was still beside her, asleep and Y/N couldn't help but felt relieved. She stretched and got up her bed, she went inside her bathroom and washed up, once she woke up, Hori was groaning and shifting in bed and Y/N decided to cuddle with him once more. Half asleep and half awake, Hori held onto Y/N's face and slowly Hori placed a kiss on her lip but Y/N didn't stay for long and flinched from the action he did.

Hori woke up from this and sat up immediately.

"I-I'm so s-sorry! I didn't-- I didn't mean to do such a thing," Hori apologized and Y/N was too stunned from what happened that she couldn't find her voice. She just blinked and pressed her fingers against her lips. She pursed her lips into a thin line and looked at Hori, Y/N's face turned red and she immediately stood up from her bed to hide her flustered and flushed expression.

"I- No, i-it's fine..." Y/N managed to say, Hori stood up and walked toward her, he stopped two spaces away from her and Y/N managed to face him.

Y/N's hands were placed onto her heart and she slid it down to hug her stomach, she gazed toward the floor but took a glance from Hori, she saw his messy hair and still sleepy eyes... He looked.. He looked different like this and she somehow liked it.

Hori caught her staring and so she stopped and looked at the ground again.

~Hori's POV~

I didn't intend to do that.. I swear! But it felt great even if it was just a small peck.. On her lips! Her lips felt soft and a bit wet... WHY AM I FANTISIZING ABOUT HER LIPS?!?!?! UGH!

She was facing me but she didn't look at me, she looked shy but after I kissed her she looked confused.

"I'm.. I'm sorry for startling you, I didn't mean to--"

"Do you like me, Hori?" Her question cut me off and caught me off guard. I didn't say anything but I've been mustering up courage when a time like this happens but I just couldn't seem to tell her or let alone have a clue what to say!

I was about to say something but someone knocked on the door and I shouldn't be seen! And so I went into the bathroom and Y/N knew and once I was out of sight, she opened the door.

"Where is that bratty brother of mine?!" It was my sister!

"Why would you ask me? I just woke up and ready to eat breakfast and maybe he's in the gardens as usual," Y/N answered, I was half relieved with her answer once the two of them left, i rushed out of her room and did stop by in the gardens.

~Y/N's POV~

I tried to shake away what happened earlier but it was unforgettable... THAT WAS LITERALLY MY FIRST KISS!!! But since it was Hori who stole it... I- I don't completely feel upset by that fact as I knew him my entire life and I would expect that something may have happened between us... Maybe even in his side and I was just too careless to notice.

I ate breakfast having that thought in my head and remembering what I asked him earlier and why he didn't give me an immediate answer, although I was thinking it was because someone interrupted and he didn't want to be caught... Still I want to know what his answer is before it's too late for him.

I finished breakfast and prepared to leave. I walked past the gardens and I saw Hori, sitting in one of the benches, looking so peacefully. I had the courage to walk up to him and sit beside him but speaking to him was on another level.

I waited for him to initiate the conversation and I hope he won't take that long.

After a not so long pause, he spoke,

"I hope when you go back, you'll remember to message me," he said and I hummed as a reply.

"Well hoping nothing unexpected will happen to me," I replied and he shifted to see me fully.

"Y/N..." I noticed that his no longer calling me by the name he used to call me so I felt uneasy and he noticed.

"Mage.. Please what happened earlier, I hope it won't cause any awkwardness or anything between us and I hope you'll only find that well.. Well as an idiotic move I made since I was half asleep," there wasn't any happiness or joy in his tone but concern.. To be honest I didn't know what to feel about what he said.

"Did you like it though?" What was I trying to pull?! I saw him flinch for a while and yet again got caught off guard... He was cute that way... TAT

"I-I u-uh well... Uhm.. I'd say one thing with all the courage I mustered up.. Your lips are incredibly soft!" I let out a hearty laugh as he exclaimed that out loud, he got shy and I slowed down my laughter.

"I- well hahaha, that was pretty much my first kiss.. And I'm ever so giddy inside that it was from you," I tried to muster all the courage and boldness just to say words such as that. I could feel my face brighten up as he literally complimented my lips! Though question is will I ever receive a proper kiss?

I too have been questioning another thing in my mind... Is it just me or Bakugou's been acting weird? I mean I literally did ask him to be my friend.. And that was greatly childish! What am I five back at nursery?! But seriously though, after the short training days I had with him I just had to feel well close with him... I did see him pathetic and so did he but that was the least of my problems.

"Mage... You came here to look for answers correct?" Hori's voice brought me back to reality and I nodded my head in agreement. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, seems like he's preparing himself to say something important.

"Last night when I was heading towards my room, I heard Sebastian again, talking to someone," Hori said and my brows knitted with curiosity.

"What did he say?" I asked and Hori was deep in thought, trying to remember Sebastian's words that night.

"He said..." Hori explained to me everything and it boiled my curiosity to the highest peek but I couldn't just interrogate Sebastian out of the blue let alone have a conversation with him out of the blue! This'll be harder than I thought.

~No One's POV~

Y/N was taking unexpectedly long and it was weekend so Bakugou and the other students with him that day did their own business. Bakugou asked Kitsuki to train with him, not directly but thing is Bakugou asked.

"What's going on with you now?" Kitsuki chimed as they were having a jog.

"I don't know... Everything in here's fucked up," Bakugou said as he pointed towards his chest and Kitsuki chuckled.

"Your just confused that's all, you'll get your answers soon enough," Kitsuki said on a positive note.

"Enough jogging let's battle," Bakugou demanded and Kitsuki almost tripped at his demand but she didn't refuse. Bakugou fought her to the death but Kitsuki was unbothered, she was used to this after all and she knew Bakugou was feeling something and so he was just simply lashing it out on her.

"Geez, if your going to use me as your lash out person, do tell me in advance!" Kitsuki exclaimed as she breathed out an exhausted sigh, Bakugou huffed and only looked at her.

"Who said I was lashing out?!" Bakugou yelled and Kitsuki gave him a "are you serious?!" look.

"Clearly you are... Jus talk with Y/N when she gets back--"

"Don't you get it?! I fucking suck at talking, honestly your my sister you of all people should fucking know that!" Bakugou spat and Kitsuki didn't say another word. Their training continued with blowing punches, combat and sometimes with the help of quirks. Once they got back to the dorms, Bakugou didn't bother washing up and went straight up to his room.

~Katsuki's POV~

Do I want this to be over with?! I-

I wiped my face with my hand and slid it down to my chin. I can't believe I'm dealing with shit like this all over again! And to add, I haven't even recovered!! How the hell?!

I lay down in my bed in defeat and jus as I was about to close my eyes, some idiot knocked on my door.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!!? WHO?!" I yelled but I didn't get up from my bed.

"Bakubro! Y/N's back!!" Shitty Hair... Who I told about this confusing feeling I have, came in shouting with a stupid smile on his face. Oh the urge to strangle him.

My anger then faded once his reminder came back to me... So what if she's back? I wasn't even waiting for her in the first place...

"Hey what's up?" shitty hair's voice slapped me back to reality.

"Jus got back from training and so what if she's back?" I said, going back to the topic.

"Huh? Oh well Kit told me to go see you and say that Y/N's here," I arched a brow.

"Why? I wasn't waiting for her," I said, can't believe that my mouth uttered out a lie.

"Nah, Kit says otherwise," damn her, she can really look through me like I'm glass. I sighed and went out of my room. Once I got out of the elevator I saw her there sitting on the couch.

"HEYYY EVERYONEE!! SINCE Y/N'S BACK WE SHOULD CELEBRATE!!" Stupid racoon bitch... Here she goes again. And I swear to god if she gets me involved I'll--

"We'll be drinking and playing a little game called spin the bottle," fuck this, I'm out.

~Y/N's POV~

I arrived in front of the alliance and didn't hesitate to take a pause and admire it. I straightly went inside and I could feel my body about to betray me at any moment. Once I stumbled, Mina and Yaomomo immediately went to my side.

"Girl! You must be so exhausted! What happened back at home?" Mina exclaimed, the rest of my classmates had their eyes on me but I didn't focus on them as I focused on the aching pain my head was experiencing. That's when I remembered my conversation with my Uncle and my cousin earlier before I left. Mina sat me down on the couch and Yaomomo brought me some tea to calm my senses, not just any tea but it was the one I like so much. I tried to smile at Yaomomo but she already knew what I was trying to do. I took a sip and it calmed the very soul of mine.

"We'll let you rest Y/N but after.. Will it be okay for you to join us on our hangout night?" Mina asked with gleaming eyes, I looked at her and I knew I should be cautious but still I agreed. 

"It's just a hangout while playing a game with a twist!" Mina added, she must have seen the wary in my eyes. Later, I saw Bakugou pass by behind the couch, he ignored me.. Why is it like I'm expecting him to say something?! I don't care.. He basically ignores me and the rest of us almost everyday so why do I feel like I wanted him to say something or at least notice me?!

"Hey Bakuhoe, you should join later and not be a wuss!" Mina exclaimed and immediately Bakugou's head spun toward her direction.

"Shut up racoon bitch! I'm not gonna join coz you know you'll all go to me and ask to clean up your shit or even come to me to get you out of your drunken state! As fucking usual!" Bakugou yelled, I didn't have time to fully understand what was going on as the pain in my head continued and so I went up to the elevator toward my room. I was wishing no one noticed me leave but of course once I did.. A set of menacing eyes were glued onto me.


a/n: I am here to apologize with updating this one this late! T T school just finished lots of things happened already and I wasn't able to find the time to write. Please know that I am not making this apology up... Now that I'm on school break I will write more and will hopefully finish chapters fasters but I cannot guarantee since I still have other things to do other than to just write. 

I won't waste any more of your time y'all, I thank all of you for your patience, understanding and support.
