||Chapter 23: Confused||

~No One's POV~

That night ended with a bang and it all happened so quickly. First Y/N experienced a tough event, encountering her Uncle once again, her cousin and knowing the truth about Sebastian. Then that matter with Hori, who physically showed his love for her but Y/N still thinks it's missing something or isn't real, since she wants it coming from his own mouth and not actions. And with all that, it caused her to have a headache once she came back home to the alliance. Then Mina decided to have a hangout bonding with everyone and knowing her, it had to be something with drinking and well involving couples.

And then that surprising and shocking moment with Bakugou which was all too good to be true but that depended on Y/N's opinion and thought about the whole thing happening all at once.

Morning came and Bakugou immediately woke up before Y/N did as he didn't want to get in tangled with her again on the personal side as it was always and will be professional, that's his thought and goal. He whipped up his simple breakfast and went to start his training routine. Bakugou hesitated, stared back at the alliance and remembered the night he had before, he looked toward the forest and kept a straight face and began to jog.

~Y/N's POV~

What in the fucking world happened last night?!

I swore I was resting perfectly when I came home to the alliance as I had a day of stress once again then once I was okay... Mina decided to have a bonding moment with all of us but knowing her there would be whatever thing teenage couples do and of course it's drinking!

AH and holy shit my tolerance it had to be weak now didn't it?! And now... I'm in someone else's bed?! Not only "someone" it particularly and oddly smelled like burnt caramel... HOLY SHIT JUS WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?!

I immediately got out of the bed but then cold air brushed against my... AM NAKED?!?!? Oh god.. NO!

I grabbed the sheets and looked for my clothes, I quickly put them on and grabbed my things and went out of that room.. I needed answers.

~Katsuki's POV~
Great, what was I thinking?! Or in this case I wasn't, all thanks to raccoon bitch coming up with a fucking ridiculous rule to make everyone throw their guts up along with some shitty truth or dare, why the hell does she like doing that shit?!

Fuck! Now I'm back to the confused state and my feelings being fucked up! Dammit!!!

I took a break and sat down on a rock facing the view of the sun rising. I looked beyond the horizon and thought about what happened... Do I really.. Have feelings for her?

~No One's POV~
That morning the students made their own breakfasts, Y/N came down from the elevator and stomped her way to the common room.

"Has anyone seen--" before she could continue, Yaoyorozu cut in.

"Sorry to interrupt, Y/N but Aizawa-sensei wants to see you," Yaoyorozu said and Y/N's anger dissolved quickly.

"Why does he want to see me?" Y/N questioned.

"Well he came by yesterday and checked on you but he let you rest and he told us that once you're okay, come see him," Yaoyorozu answered and Y/N didn't hesitate, she appreciated Yaoyorozu by telling her and nodded then walked toward the door and left.

*Well it seems the matter with Bakugou will have to wait.. Dammit* Y/N thought to herself as she started walking towards the school building.

On his way back, Bakugou looked down, a shadow was upon his face from his bangs covering his eyes, his body drenched in sweat and didn't remove his gaze from the ground. He continued to walk not until someone bumped into him.

"Hey watch it idiot--"
"Watch it dipshit--"

The two parties said, Bakugou stood up and helped Y/N up but she refused his help and got up on her own.

"I was looking for you.. Explain yourself to me once I'm done with an errand," Y/N said, as she was about to leave, Bakugou firmly grabbed her wrist and forced her to look at him.

"I can explain now," Bakugou said sternly and seriously. Y/N didn't give in and firmly got out of Bakugou's grip.

"This errand is important.. Aizawa-sensei wants to see me," Y/N said and left without letting Bakugou say anything else. He left as well but with a gloomy expression, he was angered but he didn't feel like getting angry, in fact his emotions were jumbled up at this point.

Y/N arrived at the school grounds and walked inside the halls towards the teacher's lounge, she knocked at the large door and waited for someone to answer. Luckily it was Aizawa.

"Ah Y/N, perfect, I was expecting you,"

Aizawa said as he let her in.

"So I've been told, what did you need from me?" Y/N asked and Aizawa offered her something to eat.

"How was your visit home, what were your findings?" Aizawa went straight to the point.

"It was all too fast.. Our head butler is apparently working for my Uncle and he's also my cousin's butler/caretaker. I caught him red handed while speaking on the phone with my Uncle and I had an encounter with my cousin yet again," Y/N answered and Aizawa took the information calmly.

"Well did he do anything to you?" Aizawa asked and Y/N simply shook her head. Aizawa sighed heavily, opened his PC and showed Y/N the odd message he received.

"Seems odd doesn't it?" Aizawa said and Y/N didn't take her eyes off of the message, she intently read it to understand.

"... That's-- That's from my Uncle... H-How did he get to you?!" Y/N asked in terror and Aizawa knew it.

"Y/N.. He's threatening me because he knows something," Aizawa simply said even though the truth will hurt.

"What does he know.. Do I know?" Her question struck him but he didn't let his emotions get the best of him.

"Y/N, your Mother and I were in the same class, she studied to be the best hero... Since she was with me, her brother was too and the two would always be in competition with each other," Aizawa explained, Y/N was confused but she didn't say anything not until Aizawa was finished.

"Since he knows that, he'll use that to get to me since I knew your Mother and also because of that, I need to keep an eye on you more than usual, the school will be taking extra precautions," Aizawa continued.

"Does this mean I'm not allowed to be in the field?" Y/N asked.

"No, you are allowed since you aren't alone," Aizawa answered and Y/N smiled with content. 

"Now I'm sorry your hearing all this from me but since it's from my side I might as well explain, I needed to keep my eye on you ever since you introduced yourself.. I didn't even notice you or your mother at that time and now that she's..." Aizawa's eyes closed in regret but Y/N placed her hand on his shoulder.

"That's why we will get her back and get this over with," Y/N encouraged.

"Thank you for telling me Aizawa-sensei, it was better to do so rather than to see me struggle," Y/N said and Aizawa smiled and nodded his head.

"How do you plan on saving your mother?" Aizawa asked and Y/N smiled widely.

"I plan on using my cousin against his Father and against my Uncle," Y/N answered, after her chat with Aizawa, she went back to the alliance. Apparently no one was around but she wasn't bothered by that, they must have had plans and they didn't involve her since she was experiencing too much.

She grabbed a canned drink and when she was about to turn around someone hit her...

She was back in her room, a bit dazed from the sudden hit she took earlier. She looked around and saw no one but when she blinked, it was Yuno!

"Yuno?!" she exclaimed and Yuno smiled eye to eye but Y/N struggled.

"Ay! Where are my manners," Yuno said as he untied the tie around her wrists.

"Sorry for that cousin, that was terrible of me... I just want to talk," Yuno said as friendly as possible, Y/N felt uncomfortable, she did expect him to meet her this soon.

"Ah yes, I know what you're thinking, "I thought we'll meet later" or "What are you doing here?!" Something like that right?" Yuno said as he glided through her room. Y/N didn't say a word as she was still processing.

"Look... I know this all sudden but I'm getting impatient.. Dad's treating me like a lost puppy and it's getting on my nerves! I don't need a butler to do shit for me!" Yuno suddenly said and it made Y/N flinch, Yuno saw that and lowered himself toward her.

"... Yuno, am I seeing that you're tired of Uncle jus like how I am?" Y/N asked and Yuno looked at both her eyes from side to side before he slowly nodded his head. Y/N slowly reached out to his face, touched it, pulled his head towards her and the two rested on each other's foreheads.

"I... can't believe Mother hid you away from me... I can't believe.." Y/N said softly as she sniffled.

"We could have been... We could've had fun together but why... Why did my Mother do this to me?" Y/N asked as her breathing started to become heavy.

"See? See how much of a monster your Mother is... She kept me and Father away from you, your only close bloodline, and on top of that she's hiding stuff from you, her own daughter" Yuno said as he pulled away slowly. Y/N's tears continued to flow and she quickly wiped them away. 

"I wanted to come and play a game with you... But I was already so tired of Father's orders that I decided to rebel against him... Although it does not mean I'm completely rebelling against him, I still want to get your Mother for him as a form of revenge since she kept us away from you!" Yuno roared but the more Y/N thought about it, the less she thought that Yuno was good.

"Are your intentions good, Yuno? Why not let's get my Mother together... In fact, I desperately want answers from her by all means necessary... She hid things from me as well and I bet her excuse would be "for your protection" as all parents' excuses are," Y/N's tone was bitter at the end.

"And also because you and Uncle need proper justice, but what Uncle is doing is not doing anyone good even for him, as he didn't even receive any word from my Mother... She said she would rather die than tell him the truth.." Y/N smacked her lips and sighed.

"Soo are you simply asking for a team up?" Yuno childishly asked as he glided over to her shoulder.

"I am... But you need to behave," Y/N's conversation with Yuno ended as he heard company has arrived. She looked at her phone and saw unread messages from... From Bakugou?!

Why was he messaging her?

~Y/N's POV~

Why is Bakugou messaging me and what for?! What does he want from me?

I opened my phone to see three messages from him, I read them all and didn't know what to say. 


Hey Y/N.. Would you like a ride with me? To idk... Chill? since you've been through shit


OI, it's rude to leave a person hanging you know! Be grateful that I'm even talking to you in chat

where I normally don't! And normally wouldn't dare talking!



I kept my phone, didn't know what to say and was confused... Why is he treating me like that if he was the one who asked me out... Wait, asked me out?! Was he asking me out? Yes of course to have a ride dumbass! But why?! JUST WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED?!?!

Ugh, I need answers even for this?! Well of course for some clarifications. I went out of my room and went downstairs to grab a snack and a drink. And as I did, I saw Bakugou, chilling and leaning his body behind the counter. I got out of the elevator and walked toward the kitchen slowly.

I remembered bits and pieces of what happened last night... I remember being drunk.. Getting cooped in.. In his.. Bed... OH GOD?!

I immediately realized and walked toward him but first got what I came there for and then confront him.

I opened the can and took a gulp.

"What happened last night?" I asked straightforwardly and Bakugou gave me an uncomfortable look, something like "am sorry what?"

"What?" he asked but he didn't see my eye to eye immediately but kind of dramatically?

"I said... What happened last night?" My tone, impatient.

"Oh... Last night, well it was a ridiculous night, Mina asked everyone to play a shitty game that'll make us drunk either way and with you having a weak ass tolerance, you got drunk with jus two fucking sips.. well gulps since your hand kept slipping, klutz much?" Bakugou explained in one go and I was disgusted that I could've dropped the can in my hand.

"I-- What.. Okay but what happened after that? Like after the drunk fest.." I was getting uneasy after seeing his ridiculous smirk that I would love to slap off.


"No!! Oh my god?!?!" I exclaimed as I paced back and forth around the whole common area then finally sat down on the couch with my hands covering my face.

"We were drunk and it was a fucking dare..." Bakugou said and that didn't make things any better!! I groaned and was so mad at myself.

"Let's jus make it like this.. We completely forget all about that shitty stuff that happened last night and go back to how it was originally," It was like he was going to say something after that but I didn't wait and I didn't care. He had a point... That, whatever happened last night, was all because we were drunk and nothing else... SURE what the fuck am I doing?! I need to... Damn this.

I'll just end up hurting myself thinking that last night was nothing and I think Bakugou's just confused... His reasoning might even hurt him either or he has a reason for that.. I don't know and what did happen to not caring about the guy?! Damn, my head hurts just thinking about this. I grabbed my snacks and drink and didn't say another word and left Bakugou.


a/n: heyy y'all after this chapter the next one will be on hold as Wattpad will be down for two hours but I will still be working on it and won't stop! Tenkyuu for the understanding xoxo^^ 

